Why a Gay Board


Earning My Ears
Apr 2, 2006
Why do we need a site just for gays?

If we are going to have boards based on sexual preferences I want one for guys who like big chested blonde women.

Why do gays need to be treated different?
Unfortunately, even in this day and age, being gay is not just about sexual orientation. Gay and lesbian people are still discriminated in society, both in the real world, and even hints of discrimination in Disney itself. It is for this reason this board exists.

The board actually has two main uses. One is as the name says; “Gay and Lesbian’s at Disney.” Here things can be discussed about how GLTB people go about visiting Disney World and feeling the most comfortable. To me, this was an important issue because my son will be traveling to Disney with his two dads, and after hearing about the levels of discrimination in Florida, I was a little concerned. Other issues such as Gay Days, or where a gay couple could fit in on Pleasure Island can come up. Even such a small thing as getting one bed instead of two despite have two same-sex names on the reservation can be an issue in our community.

The second use of this board is as a second community board. On the officially community board there is about 4 threads in the past week that are about gay issues, and they all have resulted in a small group of people fighting about if it is okay or not to be gay. While we can all try to fight the good fight, it isn’t something you want to have to deal with every time one has something to say. If I was going to talk about gay adoption, commitment ceremonies, or even something as trivial as Brokeback Mountain I would rather do it here where I could get responses that don’t include the lines “gay people don’t deserve children, or weddings, or…. ummm…. cowboys?”

This being said, if that is all this board talked about it would be a sad place. Like most other boards we will still post a joke, or anything to keep the fun and uplifting atmosphere. This board also doesn’t just have GLTB people, it has a large number of awesome straight people that are open-minded and supportive. If this world was a truly equal and non-discriminatory place this board would not be necessary, but until that day we have this board to help us out.

Hope that answers your question!

xcountryusa said:
Why do we need a site just for gays?

If we are going to have boards based on sexual preferences I want one for guys who like big chested blonde women.

Why do gays need to be treated different?

Hmmm a history of exactly 1 posting, and this one is it.
Because gay people have different concerns when they travel. This is a place for gay people to come and ask questions about their upcoming trips where they can feel comfortable asking them.

And you are right... Why DO gay people need to be treated diffently? Why can't gay people be treated like everyone else? Why can't they serve openly in the military? Why can't they get married to the person they love? Why can't they adopt children? Why can't they hold hands in public without worrying about being harrased or beaten or killed? Why can't they visit their partners in the hospital?
True North said:
Unfortunately, even in this day and age, being gay is not just about sexual orientation. Gay and lesbian people are still discriminated in society, both in the real world, and even hints of discrimination in Disney itself. It is for this reason this board exists.

The board actually has two main uses. One is as the name says; “Gay and Lesbian’s at Disney.” Here things can be discussed about how GLTB people go about visiting Disney World and feeling the most comfortable. To me, this was an important issue because my son will be traveling to Disney with his two dads, and after hearing about the levels of discrimination in Florida, I was a little concerned. Other issues such as Gay Days, or where a gay couple could fit in on Pleasure Island can come up. Even such a small thing as getting one bed instead of two despite have two same-sex names on the reservation can be an issue in our community.

The second use of this board is as a second community board. On the officially community board there is about 4 threads in the past week that are about gay issues, and they all have resulted in a small group of people fighting about if it is okay or not to be gay. While we can all try to fight the good fight, it isn’t something you want to have to deal with every time one has something to say. If I was going to talk about gay adoption, commitment ceremonies, or even something as trivial as Brokeback Mountain I would rather do it here where I could get responses that don’t include the lines “gay people don’t deserve children, or weddings, or…. ummm…. cowboys?”

This being said, if that is all this board talked about it would be a sad place. Like most other boards we will still post a joke, or anything to keep the fun and uplifting atmosphere. This board also doesn’t just have GLTB people, it has a large number of awesome straight people that are open-minded and supportive. If this world was a truly equal and non-discriminatory place this board would not be necessary, but until that day we have this board to help us out.

Hope that answers your question!


Very nicely stated! :)
True North said:
being gay is not just about sexual orientation.

If being gay is not about sexual preferences then what is it about?

You can not be treated the same when you look to be treated different. I don't see a board on here for redheads or one for fat men or one for wifes cheating on husbands at Disney.
True North said:
This board also doesn’t just have GLTB people, it has a large number of awesome straight people that are open-minded and supportive. If this world was a truly equal and non-discriminatory place this board would not be necessary, but until that day we have this board to help us out.

Very well said. I think I can speak for the vast majority of the gay community and say that I truly look forward to the day that boards such as this never exist. However, until that day comes, I'm happy to participate in them as much as I do any other board as well.

And welcome to the DIS! Hope you enjoy posting here and on any/all of the other boards this site has to offer.
xcountryusa said:
If being gay is not about sexual preferences then what is it about?
Being gay is also about being a member of the discriminated against minority. As I said before I wish it wasn’t this way, but it is. This is the main focus of the majority of the threads, and not our actual sexual preference. You will notice that the topics I mentioned above make the majority of threads, while you will not find any threads along the lines of “What same-sex person do you find hot?”

xcountryusa said:
You can not be treated the same when you look to be treated different.
Interesting statement, but I don’t think it correctly interprets the need or reason for this board. This board does not look for the GLTB community to be treated differently from any other groups. As I have said, you really will find a lot of people that use this board or not gay at all. (See the thread named “Cool Straight People” for example.) While gay people want to be treated equally, one must face the fact that inequality exists already. For decades gay people hid in the background and did not openly admit they were gay. Clearly this did not lead to equality. The reason for human rights organizations and specialty rights organizations is to create the equality we are hunting for. Minority rights can only exist in a democracy when they are accepted by the majority. It is through boards like this that the majority and minority can interact in a safe and positive environment.

I don’t know you, and I don’t know why you are asking these questions. If you are looking for a serious answer I hope you find what I am saying useful. Even if not, this thread has already had over 100 people view it. If I can help just one person understand the issues we face and the reason we are hunting for equality then this board has helped our cause.

xcountryusa said:
I don't see a board on here for redheads or one for fat men or one for wifes cheating on husbands at Disney.
Your right, but you will see a board for people that travel with adults only or on solo trips, a board about traveling with children, a board for people that own a part of the DVC, or even boards about people that like to cook, garden and create graphics. People are welcome to go onto any boards that interest them. I am not hidden away on the Gay board, as someone that will travel with a 2 year old I will also visit the Family Board to get tips and ideas. If there were enough people interested and they had enough to talk about I am sure the DIS would make a redhead board. The “Gay and Lesbian’s at Disney” board doesn’t segregate the GLTB community; it is just another wonderful part of the DIS community.
I am new here, but does this board get trolls on occasion?

I agree with True North's post, as well.
Very well said True North....You are handling these questions much better than I could have.
Hi WillYoungFan, and welcome to the DIS!

Sure, this board gets trolls, but our dear moderator has once said, it is not our job to call them out. The poster asked what I consider a valid question, so I thought I would try to give the best answer I could. Even if the OP doesn’t care about the answer there could be someone who does. This question was asked on other boards when this one was opened, so I thought I would share my views to anyone interested in hearing it.

(Also, DS is watching a Marie-Kate and Ashley Olsen movie, so I need to keep myself busy. :) )
True North said:
Unfortunately, even in this day and age, being gay is not just about sexual orientation. Gay and lesbian people are still discriminated in society, both in the real world, and even hints of discrimination in Disney itself. It is for this reason this board exists.

The board actually has two main uses. One is as the name says; “Gay and Lesbian’s at Disney.” Here things can be discussed about how GLTB people go about visiting Disney World and feeling the most comfortable. To me, this was an important issue because my son will be traveling to Disney with his two dads, and after hearing about the levels of discrimination in Florida, I was a little concerned. Other issues such as Gay Days, or where a gay couple could fit in on Pleasure Island can come up. Even such a small thing as getting one bed instead of two despite have two same-sex names on the reservation can be an issue in our community.

The second use of this board is as a second community board. On the officially community board there is about 4 threads in the past week that are about gay issues, and they all have resulted in a small group of people fighting about if it is okay or not to be gay. While we can all try to fight the good fight, it isn’t something you want to have to deal with every time one has something to say. If I was going to talk about gay adoption, commitment ceremonies, or even something as trivial as Brokeback Mountain I would rather do it here where I could get responses that don’t include the lines “gay people don’t deserve children, or weddings, or…. ummm…. cowboys?”

This being said, if that is all this board talked about it would be a sad place. Like most other boards we will still post a joke, or anything to keep the fun and uplifting atmosphere. This board also doesn’t just have GLTB people, it has a large number of awesome straight people that are open-minded and supportive. If this world was a truly equal and non-discriminatory place this board would not be necessary, but until that day we have this board to help us out.

Hope that answers your question!


Very well said True North.

Im thinking the OP is just trying to :stir: JMO.
This is kind of strange, but I read this thread today because the title caught my eye and annoyed me a bit....then I got this email from a friend about 20 minutes ago:

I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a *** everyday

I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.

I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual

I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled

We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.

I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my
partner of twenty-seven years into the room.

I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me.

I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating
high school. It was simply too much to bear.

We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.

I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.

I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed,
and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.

I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.

I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.

I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.

I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.

I am the woman who died when the EMTs stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.

I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didnt have to always deal with society hating me.

I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but
because they closed their doors to my kind.

I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.

I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends im a lesbian, because they
constantly make fun of them.

I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because
two straight men wanted to "teach me a lesson"

This is why there is a gay board....because these things happen every day in our society.

Connection with people who go through the same things you do and the support of people who don't go through it, but who are aware of it and wish it would change for the better is an important thing. Where better than a community like the DIS to have a board to make that connection. :teeth:
Steph - thank you so much for sharing that email with us, it's a powerful message that expresses what so many have to deal with. I hope it opens some eyes and hearts.
Well. a CSP chiming in. When someone asks why, I ask why not? I see this board as a place that a group of people with common interests and life situations can post about their love of all things Disney with out having to worry that they will be chastised for being something other than straight, white, female, pooh sized, an exchanger, or whatever flavor of the day is in the top spot on the CB or the Resort Board or the Cruise Board, etc. This should be a safe place, period.

Noah said it best.

I also want to add, that if the OP came here looking to P people off, and cause a fight, he or she came to the wrong board. The regulars here don't rise to the bait, they don't need to, and I for one am glad of that. Civility is often overlooked and under used on the internet. Many posters on other threads on this HUGE site could learn a lesson or 2 from the many here. I have never met any of these people, but I would rather traipse around the world with them than most of the Cheerleaders, Maelstromers, Lizards, etc.
Sorry for the trivial question...What does GLTB stand for? I'm pretty sure I know the GL part(obvious given the board's title).Just couldn't get the TB? Thanks.


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