Why do we have to stand in all these lines?...a TR by DM w/lots of PIX...Completed!

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she did not send one to me. :mad: not that I have anything of Christmas in my siggie anymore.
but still it would have been nice. :sad1:


I just read your wrap-up and I'm so sorry to see the trip come to an end. I had almost as much fun reading along as you had living it! Thanks so much for sharing, and I hope you have a very happy new year!
I too am just thinking of you and wanted to leave a happy message for you to come back to! Miss ya DM! See ya real soon!!!!!:hug:
I was saying a prayer for you this morning... Did you feel it? :goodvibes

I hope everything went smoothly and you're already wishing you were DISing with us. We miss you!!! :hug:
Hey all. I'm back but only for a few minutes. I really don't feel up to sitting in front of my computer. It's not exactly the most comfortable place to be.

Anyway, my surgery went fine. I did have some issues in the recovery room coming off the general anesthesia. Here's what I remember:

Nurse: DawnMaree wake up. Your surgery is over.

Me: What? OW! What time is it?

Nurse: It's 20 to 2.

Me: Ow. Ow. Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. OWWWW!!!!!

Nurse: Breathe through your nose so the medicine can work.

Me: (hyperventilating) Ow ow ow ow ow ow. Oooooooohh. I hurt. Please help me.

It then gets blurry from there. I remember the nurses yelling at me to breathe through my nose, asking me what my pain scale was, which was always a 10 (the worst). I could hear my name being discussed. Then the next thing I know it's 2½ hours later and they are waking me up again, stilling telling me to breathe through my nose.

My parents were at the hospital with me. Rob was home with the kids. I planned it this way as the kids were getting shuffled for the next few days and I wanted them at home with their dad for their own comfort.

My parents were really worried as I guess normal time in Recovery is 1-1½ hours and I was in there for 3 hours. I finally made it to my room around 5 pm. My parents visited for a few minutes and then went home. I passed out again.

About 7 pm a liquid dinner came. I painfully rose the bed to a sitting position and everything started to get fuzzy. I felt nauseous. There were a couple of nurses in the room and I said, "Help, I'm going to vomit." They looked at me and ran over. They lowered my bed and put the blood pressure cuff on. Another nurse ran to get a cold washcloth. I guess my blood pressure dropped dramatically. I was a bit delirious at that point.

So, instead of getting up to walk like I was supposed to that evening, they waited until nearly noon on Thursday. I ate nothing. No way. Everything made me nauseous even to look at. They had me on a morphine PCA but that really did not help at all with the pain. I found out later that it was at a lower dose than normal because of my issues in the recovery room. Great.

Oh yeah. Rob came up with Brookie Wednesday night and she immediately started crying when she saw me. She was scared by the way I looked with my oxygen on and my pale face. I tried not to cry until they left, only 10 minutes later.

I finally did a lap around the floor around 3:30 pm Thursday evening and even took a shower sitting down. Rob brought all the kids up Thursday evening and everyone was happy to see me and I, of course, was ecstatic to see my beautiful kids. Even Brookie had a smile on her face. I was no longer scary looking.

Friday morning I told my doctor that I wanted to go home and go to my own bed. She agreed that I was probably best for me. My parents came to get me and I as soon as I hit my bed I was out for hours.

Yesterday I woke up okay and even went next door to my parents' home for a couple hours with the kids. At 10 am, my eyes started closing on me and I asked them to watch the kids while I napped. I went home and promptly passed out for 3 hours. I couldn't believe it.

Anywho, I am completely wiped out and now all my chest muscles hurt from overcompensating due to lack of abdominal muscles. I'm exhausted and am just going to do some laundry today and relax.

I want to thank everyone for all their well wishes and prayers. It has meant so much to me! :grouphug:

And a special thanks goes out to Puggymom who sent me flowers and a balloon! I was so surprised and touched. I think I cried a bit. My family was really surprised. See? I proved that I do have REAL friends on the DIS, not just virtual ones! Thank you Mo, the flowers are still beautiful in my dining room! :goodvibes

I hope to be on more in the next couple of days but I do have so much to do around here. I miss you all!!!!!
DM! Your back! I havent read your post yet! Just wanted to say we missed you and thought of you often..:hug: going back now,,,,, Carrie
OH Boy, :sad1: I`m so sorry you had such a hard time. I got a litle teary about Brookie.,,I`m glad you have lots of help with the kids. Take all the time you need to rest.
We`ll need you back to your old self for our weekly drunk fest nites! Its been really quiet around here anyway... Take care,,,,Carrie :flower3:
here's a hug hoping you feel better soon! :hug: take it easy.....laundry can wait. you need to feel better before you do any housework. that's what rob is there for! :laughing: seriously.......i know you feel like you've done nothing but sleep but you need to get yourself better before you worry about housework. much love to you!!!! :goodvibes
I agree. Laundry is not as important as you sleeping right now. :laundy: Take it easy, and I'm glad to see you here for a few minutes. :grouphug:
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