Why, My Little Guppy Has Groupies! - A Dec. 2013 TR *Completed

I've spent the last week reading your report and I am enjoying it immensely! We were there this week in 2010 and yes it was really cold that year! Good crowds though. We are going again this year (it's my bday week) and you now have me terrified of the crowds! Especially for MVMCP on the 4th which is how we will be spending my actual birthday.

In any case I'm looking forward to the rest of your report. I feel like I was there with your family and I can't wait to find out how the rest of our trip went ;). I hope you do one for the trip that came after this. I can't wait to see how Landon is growing!

Also what kind of camera were you using?

Welcome! Thank you so much for reading! All 50,000 pages of it.:lmao: I can be very long-winded, so I do apologize for all the really long updates. It's hard for me to find stopping points.

I think this past year was a flux as far as crowds go. There wasn't the normal week between Thanksgiving and December, so a lot of holiday crowds stuck around. I'm sure your trip won't be nearly as chaotic. And, if MVMCP is crowded, just take a step back and don't let the craziness get to you. It's better to be squished between people at Disney than stuck taking out the trash at home. At least, that's what I tell myself. :goodvibes

I am planning on writing a trip report for May, simply because it was a really special trip for my family, and the three of us experienced a lot of Disney firsts. I just have to wrap up this thing first! Easier said than done, as it's proving to be.

Oh gosh, our camera is a Sony a330. My husband bought it for some photography classes he took in college, and now it's kind of become our family camera. I know for a fact we don't use it to its fullest potential. Shameful...

Like the person above me, I just read your TR over the past week, and I love it! You guys seem like such a nice normal family with a super cute kiddo! The last update was priceless :goodvibes Hope for another update soon and curious to know how your May trip went too if you ever get to that one :thumbsup2

Thanks so much for joining! I appreciate you reading along. It still comes as a surprise to me when people choose to read about my family's crazy antics.:rotfl2:

Our May trip was amazing and wonderful, and someday I'll post a report about it. Hopefully sometimes before my husband gets back home.:rotfl:

Happy Birthday! :cheer2:

Thank you! I saw this on my birthday, but I was down with a cold, so too tired to reply. But I appreciated it!

Alicia! I was so excited when I saw your FB post!! What a surprise! Are you at POP?!!! Happy, Happy Birthday!!!

Thanks, Marcie! I know you know how important Disney can be in bringing up someone's mood and making them forget about reality for a short while. It was definitely the pick me-up I needed after 5 weeks away from Alex.
And, no, my mother completely surprised me with where we stayed. It was fantastic!
It was down all morning! :sad1::sad2:

Talk about luck....I was even kid-less and hoping to single rider it multiple times. :rotfl2:
Sorry for your luck. That really stinks. :headache:

Thank you.

And :eek:. The idea of an 8 month old with his own ice cream made me scared there for a minute. :lmao: You should have seen what he did with a spoon full of frozen yogurt the other day.
It was everywhere! The lady behind the counter was GLARING at me.:rotfl2:
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Just part of being a parent.

Always makes you feel great when you walk in somewhere and you know they hate to see you come in and can't wait for you and your kid to leave.
That was a pretty cute update on Landon's excursion to AoA! :goodvibes

And I have to agree with him that AoA is a really cool and fun place. Topping it off with Mickey Bars is the perfect way to go!
That was a pretty cute update on Landon's excursion to AoA! :goodvibes

And I have to agree with him that AoA is a really cool and fun place. Topping it off with Mickey Bars is the perfect way to go!

Thank you! It was a fun update to write.

Isn't AoA great? Disney did really well by that resort. I'm working on convincing DH to stay there in a few years. I think any kid would have a field day roaming around that place.
Happy Labor Day weekend! Hope everyone is having a nice long weekend, enjoying the summer weather one last time. With Alex gone and a teething toddler, mine's been pretty mellow. And I figured while the little guy is taking a nap I'd push out a quick update. I see the finish line for the trip report up ahead, and I'm excited to start wrapping it up soon, if only to get started on my two next trips!

Speaking of...my August birthday vacation was certainly memorable. I can safely say I experienced several firsts and if ever there was a need to keep a sunny disposition, it was then. If anyone's ever seen a National Lampoon movie, my stay at Disney kind of followed that pattern. A hilariously unfortunate trip.

However, I don't regret going at all and still catch myself wishing I were back on Main Street, so not too many complaints here. I'll save the details of everything for that future trip report.

Saturday, December 7th, 2013:

Well, the second most dreaded day of any Disney trip had come upon us.

Our last full Disney day.


This trip was the longest any of us had ever spent at Walt Disney World, and it depressed us all to think that this incredible time was almost over. Alex and I had that end of trip urgency. Where you think about all the million things you have yet to do and the dozen or so sights you want to see just once more before you leave.

I don't know about anybody else, but we develop this mentality where we have to do EVERYTHING on our last day.

See all the shows.

Ride all the rides.

Eat all the food.

Obviously, we don't actually accomplish these tasks, but we feel like we should.

For that morning, my group was headed back to the Magic Kingdom, only Alex insisted we try out the bus system. Here he is entertaining the baby while we waited for a MK bus to show up.


One of our friends had told Alex on numerous occasions that the best thing about staying at Pop was the easy transportation to the MK. And unlike the All Stars or even the deluxes, Pop had its own bus so it wasn't as packed as other locations. So Alex really wanted to test it out for himself, so on Disney Transportation we went.

After a MK bus arrived and we made the trip to the front of the park, I had to admit.

Taking a bus was nice.

Really nice.

Alex, my mom, and I all agreed that driving to Epcot, DHS, and AK was still preferable. But for MK, skipping that 20 minute trek from the trams to the monorail or the ferry was great. It was a million times nicer to be dropped right off in front of the security checkpoints.

Everyone liked that route so much, that I don't think we've ever driven to MK during regular park hours since.

The reason we were at the Magic Kingdom that morning was because a certain husband of mine was itching to see the hoopla and shenanigans that went into the Christmas Day Parade show.

You see, that was being filmed on Main Street that morning.

With Neil Patrick Harris as the host.

Remember him?

Guy needed to be taken a peg or two down, in my mother's opinion.

Frequented 50's for lunch.

Roamed around his home, Animal Kingdom Lodge, during breakfast time.


Why not make the NPH sighting an even 4 times in one week? :rotfl:

Alex would be lying if he said he didn't seriously consider showing up to MK at 5:00 a.m. to get a spot on Main Street. Throughout the week he kept throwing out one of those nonchalant, :Look at Landon, he'd totally get a tv cameo. A bespeckled baby in Mickey ears? Come on!"

And I'm pretty sure if Landon had slept better for us that week, my husband probably would have packed his patience and went to the taping. But after 7 days of little sleep, he would rather spend his Disney time in the parks with his family.

Didn't stop us from being one of those crazy park guests trying to maneuver around that place, though.

The whole shooting setup was kind of crazy to witness.

The minute you walked into the park, there were Cast Members - management level - Cast Members set up in two long lines along the sidewalks. They basically created a wall of people directing guests away from Main Street.

Nobody was getting ANYWHERE. And for every twenty Cast Members, there was a security guard roaming around.

It was intense.


When we got near Main Street, my mom got a good chuckle in when she saw the minimal crowds on the sidewalks.

"That's sneaky."


She just shook her head. "Look at how light the crowds are in there. They are only about 3 or 4 people deep. Some poor fool is going to watch that show and think that's how all parades are going to be."

She had a point.

Compared to the MVMCP parade, there were about half as many people standing around.

A little creative marketing on Disney's part.

And hey, look at that:


Overnight, Disney had blown up one of their shop windows with even more Christmas decorations. Because those definitely weren't there two nights ago during the party.

I wondered why they only put those up for the taping. I mean, I get why they put them up in the first place, but why not keep them out all season? Why was it only for the filming?

Anyone have any guesses?

Since no one could go down Main Street, Disney had opened up the back pathway behind the shops for guests to walk through.

It was another Disney first. Seeing the backside of the Magic Kingdom.

My mom made another valid observation:
"I sure hope this wasn't anybody's first time visiting today. Otherwise, this would kind of be a letdown."

Yeah. Not quite the view of Cinderella's Castle they'd been intending to get.

But you can't blame Disney for that. They've got to film that parade at some point...

We were dumped in Tomorrowland and had to decide where to go from there.


The park was already packed. I mean, Stitch had a 30 minute wait!


My group wanted to do something slow and calm, anything to get us away from the madness of the heavy crowds, and I believe it was Alex who suggested we go on a new ride, one that was empty.

Emptier than Stitch, at least.

We were going on:


The Peoplemover!

If you can believe this, not a single one us had been on it before.

Were we excited?


Apparently not.


Well, Alex was.

But he's like a kid. He's always smiling, so he doesn't count.

Obviously, Landon realized he needed to keep up this theme of sleeping through all the attractions we took him on and promptly passed out in his dad's lap.

Our vehicle began moving away from the loading station and the mood in the car began to change.

Smiles started breaking out.

Especially whenever we took a turn.

You really get whipped around during those turns. A little element of a coaster hidden in the PeopleMover.

My mother, more than anyone, got a kick out of them, since she was facing away from the track and had no idea when she was going to be whipped around.

If I had to put money down on what attraction she liked best, I think I'd say this was it.

For me, seeing the park from a different perspective was immensely cool.


Hello, Speedway drivers!

My favorite part was seeing the prototype city of Epcot. If I'd known that was part of the attraction, I'd have gone on the PeopleMover a lot sooner!

When the ride was over, all three of us unanimously agreed the PeopleMover was a new favorite attraction in the MK. It had the right mix of speed and interesting sights to make it something we could go on repeatedly. Because the great thing about certain scenes was that they were dependent on guests.

Catching glimpses of the Space Mountain gift shop or the open area of Tomorrowland, you're always going to see something new.

Personally, that's something I love.

My group wound our way through the crowds and discovered that they were allowing people to cut through the hub to get from one land to another.

That was perfect, because all of us were getting hungry, and our food restaurant in mind was across the park.

The castle still had stages set up from the previous day's concerts.


Our lunch destination was the reliable Pecos Bills.

We're not very adventurous, my group. If we are hungry and don't want to spend an hour debating which new quick service location to try, all three of us just gravitate over to Pecos.

Creatures of habit, I suppose.

Along the way, we saw the first parade filming group lining up:


Those poor, poor souls.

They were all decked out in sweaters and scarves and all sorts of cold weather gear. And, as evidenced by my tank top in earlier pictures, we were dealing with 80 degree temps that day.

I can't imagine being out in the FL sun with that kind of layering on.

All for entertainment...

(And in case anyone was curious, that group followed the opening dance number by NPH on the show.)

It turned out that our decision on Pecos Bill seemed to resonant with all 50 million park guests that Saturday. The restaurant was filled to the brim, and rather than create a huge blockage at the ordering counter, I folded up the stroller and took it and baby to a very recently vacated table.

And by very recently, I mean I stalked a dad throwing away his garbage back to his table and laid stake to it while the mom and son were packing up their things.

No shame when in Disney. No shame.


It took about a hundred years, but my mom and Alex did eventually get our food and find their way to me. Of course, it involved 3 missed calls to my phone and me yelling across the seating area, "HEY! ALEX! OVER HERE! YOO-HOO! ALEX, ALE- psssht, ZELDA! ZELDA!"

One wonderful thing about having someone in your party with an insanely unique name- they hear it right away and nobody else mistakes the shout for themselves.

I can safely say I've never had anybody else turn around at my mother's name.

Sorry, Mom.

All of us ordered the taco salad, and I sat and held Landon while my mom and Alex ate theirs. We didn't want to wake Landon, who'd fallen asleep on me again, so I just bided my time. When my mother had finished hers up, she took over baby duty, and I got up to go put toppings on my salad.

There was a minute or two where things got harried, because in the time we'd arrived and me going to the toppings bar, Pecos rolled out their new seating system. Where you order your food and get everything together, then your whole group gets directed towards an open table.

The Cast Member standing guard at the tables was trying not to let me through, and I had to go through the long process of explaining that I was already seated and just needed to get back, then had to listen to them lecture me on not returning to the main room.

Blah, blah, blah, so it went for a minute or two until finally I gave one of those, "Look, I'm not going to apologize for taking care of a baby instead of sticking with my group. Especially when you weren't even out here ten minutes ago." And Alex turned around to show the Cast Member that I really was with an already seated family. The worker let me through, and I went about my business of eating.

I completely get the new ordering system, and personally, it has to be better than wandering around looking for an open table. A lot of people are trying hold trays, hold their kids' hands, and trying not to trip on feet or chairs. So I get it. But that wasn't the best first impression I could have.

Just saying.

Throughout our meal, outside on the streets of Frontierland, we could see through the windows all the floats and characters going past on their way to Main Street.

That was pretty cool.

It was your standard characters and floats, so nothing extraordinary, but you couldn't beat the view. Not having to deal with the filming madness while still getting an impromptu parade...you weren't hearing us complain.

However, the crowds were just getting worse rather than thinning out now that peak park hours were upon us and a lot of the filming guests were taking breaks for lunch. It was becoming nothing short of a madhouse in MK, and I asked Alex if he'd had enough.

He agreed that it wasn't worth our time sticking around any longer, so that left us with the decision of where to go next.

The choice was an easy one...

Up Next: Don't Hide Them From Me, Disney!
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I'm definitely shocked that none of you had ever been on the Peoplemover before. But, I am very glad that you all enjoyed it. It's one of my favorites, too!

Just reading about the crowds during lunch made me sweat a little. I understand what Disney was trying to do with the seating and all, but I can't believe you had such a hard time trying to get back to the toppings bar...geez!

I can't wait to hear where you headed to next!

And I too, am super sad that it's your last full day.

Are you going to be writing on report on your Birthday trip? I sure hope so!;)

My mother’s favorite trees on property.

:rotfl2: I have to say - that's a first! Love it! :good vibes

I had no idea you went to MK during the parade taping. As cool as it must be to actually see the parade, I think I'd much rather watch it on TV. Of course, another NPH sighting wouldn't be that bad.

Lunch sounds like a nightmare. No fun at all. I get the whole crowd control thing, but come on!

I don't blame you for giving up and going to another park. I mean, 30 minutes for Stich? :faint:

They should definitely leave up the storefront decorations. Hmmmm - wonder why they don't?
Haha, yes, I think that's a common thing with Disney trips regardless of how long. How to do everything again in just one day.

I completely agree. Busing to MK just makes so much sense now that the buses bypass the TTC. A world of difference.

Just have to say that I am SO glad I avoided MK on that day. I thought about it, but... no.

I swear every time I ride the Peoplemover (and it's a lot) I ALWAYS comment (either out loud of internally) about how slow it feels. Until... it speeds up. Every single time.

I was wondering about the Pecos Bill setting scenario. I just assumed it was on all day. But your experience is just so odd. Once you get a table are you never allowed to vacate it briefly to get toppings, or the washroom? Just odd.
Can't believe how busy MK was, how disappointing. Glad you finally got on the Peoplemover, I love it too! I also love the trees in Tomorrowland :thumbsup2

I love how they still put all the people in cold weather outfits, we all know it's not sweater weather in Florida :rotfl2:
Wow. It looks and sounds so crazy busy there that day! It does seem like they had it organized as well as possible though.
I adore the People Mover! Glad you all liked it too.
Hmm yeah, that CM at Pecos... sure you're just trying to do your job, but a lecture isn't what I came here for, thanks anyway!
WOW! Sounds so busy to be there that day but how cool!!! I swear, I dream of going to Disney in December again... Got it planned in my head, just got to get it out on paper...

I love PECOS BILLS!! It is our go-to place at the MK!

Don't worry, you are definitely not the only one who had never been on The People Mover.. I'm sure I have before... Just not as an adult & with my boys!
Speaking of….my August birthday vacation was certainly memorable. I can safely say I experienced several firsts and if ever there was a need to keep a sunny disposition, it was then. If anyone’s ever seen a National Lampoon movie, my stay at Disney kind of followed that pattern. A hilariously unfortunate trip.
Well, if nothing else, it should be a memorable trip with stories to tell. I'm sorry it might have had its less desirable moments, but I'm glad you at least got some time to enjoy the parks and celebrate your birthday.

I don’t know about anybody else, but we develop this mentality where we have to do EVERYTHING on our last day.
Um... yeah. I know exactly what you mean!

Alex, my mom, and I all agreed that driving to Epcot, DHS, and AK was still preferable. But for MK, skipping that 20 minute trek from the trams to the monorail or the ferry was great. It was a million times nicer to be dropped right off in front of the security checkpoints.
I've got to admit, I love the bus service to MK. But with our behemoth of a double stroller... eh, I'll drive. :confused3

“Look at how light the crowds are in there. They are only about 3 or 4 people deep. Some poor fool is going to watch that show and think that’s how all parades are going to be.”

Overnight, Disney had blown up one of their shop windows with even more Christmas decorations. Because those definitely weren’t there two nights ago during the party.

I wondered why they only put those up for the taping. I mean, I get why they put them up in the first place, but why not keep them out all season? Why was it only for the filming?

Anyone have any guesses?
I have no idea why, but we noticed that when we were there for the parade weekend a few years ago. We walked into the park Friday morning and the garland across Main Street was gone and Santa's bag exploded on the awnings.

My mom made another valid observation:

“I sure hope this wasn’t anybody’s first time visiting today. Otherwise, this would kind of be a letdown.”
Yeah. As a Disney nut, I think going backstage is kind of cool. But as a novice, that would totally ruin the experience.

If you can believe this, not a single one us had been on it before.
:eek: :crazy2: What???

I'm glad that you all ended up enjoying it. It might not be the most thrilling ride around, but it is just something different, and fun.

I can safely say I’ve never had anybody else turn around at my mother’s name.

Sorry, Mom.
:lmao: Well, that certainly helps in a crowd. :thumbsup2

The Cast Member standing guard at the tables was trying not to let me through, and I had to go through the long process of explaining that I was already seated and just needed to get back, then had to listen to them lecture me on not returning to the main room.
What? Really? I mean do they expect nobody to ever forget something and have to go back? Did they think you brought your own taco salad and were just trying to steal an air conditioned seat?

Yeah, I get the need to kind of do crowd control with the seating, but I'd have been pretty frustrated if I were you. :sad2:

Not having to deal with the filming madness while still getting an impromptu parade….you weren’t hearing us complain.
Well, there you go Alex. You got your parade and you didn't have to get there at 5 am. :thumbsup2
Hey, it's our arrival day! :goodvibes

Wow, that's crazy to see the MK on parade taping day! :scared1:

I can't believe you hadn't been on the Peoplemover. Love it! :love: It's especially fun at night with all the Tomorrowland lights on! :thumbsup2

I had a similar thing happen in June, like your Pecos Bill thing. Lauren and I were seated in the indoor Cantina seating in Mexico while the girls napped in their strollers (Hacienda at night, but Cantina during day) and I went out to get us some chips and guac and they didn't want to let me back inside (no one had been policing it when we went in). I'm like, "My friend and my baby are in there, I'm going in!" They did let me in, but weren't too eager to do so. :sad2:

Sorry your recent trip was a National Lampoon version. Glad you had fun anyway, though, and looking forward to hearing about it.
I'm definitely shocked that none of you had ever been on the Peoplemover before. But, I am very glad that you all enjoyed it. It's one of my favorites, too!

Just reading about the crowds during lunch made me sweat a little. I understand what Disney was trying to do with the seating and all, but I can't believe you had such a hard time trying to get back to the toppings bar...geez!

I can't wait to hear where you headed to next!

And I too, am super sad that it's your last full day.

Are you going to be writing on report on your Birthday trip? I sure hope so!;)

It's kind of crazy to think we waited that long to ride the Peoplemover, but I guess better late than never. Now that we know how fun it is, we'll definitely be going on it more often.

I do plan on writing one. I just have to get through this one and May's first. :lmao:

:rotfl2: I have to say - that's a first! Love it! :good vibes

I had no idea you went to MK during the parade taping. As cool as it must be to actually see the parade, I think I'd much rather watch it on TV. Of course, another NPH sighting wouldn't be that bad.

Lunch sounds like a nightmare. No fun at all. I get the whole crowd control thing, but come on!

I don't blame you for giving up and going to another park. I mean, 30 minutes for Stich? :faint:

They should definitely leave up the storefront decorations. Hmmmm - wonder why they don't?

I thought all those presents in front of the shop windows were really cool! And now that they can't do the garlands on Main Street, Disney should definitely keep those up all season long.

I guess I should have said that palm trees are my mom's favorite tree, and she just thinks those are extra cool, because they close up at night.

Haha, yes, I think that's a common thing with Disney trips regardless of how long. How to do everything again in just one day.

I completely agree. Busing to MK just makes so much sense now that the buses bypass the TTC. A world of difference.

Just have to say that I am SO glad I avoided MK on that day. I thought about it, but... no.

I swear every time I ride the Peoplemover (and it's a lot) I ALWAYS comment (either out loud of internally) about how slow it feels. Until... it speeds up. Every single time.

I was wondering about the Pecos Bill setting scenario. I just assumed it was on all day. But your experience is just so odd. Once you get a table are you never allowed to vacate it briefly to get toppings, or the washroom? Just odd.

I wasn't thrilled about going to MK that day, but sometimes you gotta do what someone else in your party wants.:confused3

Whenever I looked at Peoplemover, I thought it moved so slow, so that's what drew me away from it. I'm glad I was wrong!

Can't believe how busy MK was, how disappointing. Glad you finally got on the Peoplemover, I love it too! I also love the trees in Tomorrowland :thumbsup2

I love how they still put all the people in cold weather outfits, we all know it's not sweater weather in Florida :rotfl2:

It's definitely silly to dress all those people in cold weather clothes. Especially when they show shots of the crowds and everyone's in shorts and tshirts.:lmao:

I can now see why the Peoplemover is a popular ride among DISers. It was a lot of fun!

Wow. It looks and sounds so crazy busy there that day! It does seem like they had it organized as well as possible though.
I adore the People Mover! Glad you all liked it too.
Hmm yeah, that CM at Pecos... sure you're just trying to do your job, but a lecture isn't what I came here for, thanks anyway!

The Peoplemover is great. It was one of those rides that I got off saying, "I can't believe I've been missing that all these years!" Won't be making that mistake anymore.

WOW! Sounds so busy to be there that day but how cool!!! I swear, I dream of going to Disney in December again... Got it planned in my head, just got to get it out on paper...

I love PECOS BILLS!! It is our go-to place at the MK!

Don't worry, you are definitely not the only one who had never been on The People Mover.. I'm sure I have before... Just not as an adult & with my boys!

December is such a nice time to visit Disney. But I almost feel like I need a second trip throughout the year, because I spend so much time focusing on the holiday stuff that I overlook the regular Disney goodies.

You should definitely take Landen and Lawson on the Peoplemover! It's a lot of fun and actually has a good speed to it. Plus, they get to go inside Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, and even see the Buzz meet and greet if he's out. I think they'd like it.
Well, if nothing else, it should be a memorable trip with stories to tell. I'm sorry it might have had its less desirable moments, but I'm glad you at least got some time to enjoy the parks and celebrate your birthday.

Yep. You'll never hear me complaining about being at Disney, but that was definitely a trip I wish could have gone differently.:rotfl2:

I've got to admit, I love the bus service to MK. But with our behemoth of a double stroller... eh, I'll drive. :confused3

You could just be like everyone else that takes the bus and lay it against total stranger's legs and feet.:rolleyes2
I'm still grateful we only have our one single stroller. That alone causes enough grief.

I'm glad that you all ended up enjoying it. It might not be the most thrilling ride around, but it is just something different, and fun.

It actually went a lot faster than I thought it would.

What? Really? I mean do they expect nobody to ever forget something and have to go back? Did they think you brought your own taco salad and were just trying to steal an air conditioned seat?

Yeah, I get the need to kind of do crowd control with the seating, but I'd have been pretty frustrated if I were you. :sad2:

I guess the rule of thumb is everybody is supposed to get the stuff they want before they get seated. So, if you forgot something, you're out of luck.
It's a nice theory on paper, but I can't imagine the execution goes too well.

Hey, it's our arrival day! :goodvibes

Wow, that's crazy to see the MK on parade taping day! :scared1:

I can't believe you hadn't been on the Peoplemover. Love it! :love: It's especially fun at night with all the Tomorrowland lights on! :thumbsup2

I had a similar thing happen in June, like your Pecos Bill thing. Lauren and I were seated in the indoor Cantina seating in Mexico while the girls napped in their strollers (Hacienda at night, but Cantina during day) and I went out to get us some chips and guac and they didn't want to let me back inside (no one had been policing it when we went in). I'm like, "My friend and my baby are in there, I'm going in!" They did let me in, but weren't too eager to do so. :sad2:

Sorry your recent trip was a National Lampoon version. Glad you had fun anyway, though, and looking forward to hearing about it.

It was your arrival day! If I had planned better, I totally would have planned a meet up at the Poly or something. Kind of just makes me shake my head to look back and know we were there at the same time. Maybe one day it'll happen again and we can finally say hello. I have a feeling Izzy and Landon would become friends right away. ::yes::

Geez, that seating situation is ridiculous. And I can only imagine your reaction when the CM tried to keep you away from your CHILD. It's like, "Not no, but heck no are you going to win this battle.":rotfl:
It was your arrival day! If I had planned better, I totally would have planned a meet up at the Poly or something. Kind of just makes me shake my head to look back and know we were there at the same time. Maybe one day it'll happen again and we can finally say hello. I have a feeling Izzy and Landon would become friends right away. ::yes::

Yes, crazy that we were that close! Of course, we didn't get in until the evening and basically just checked in and had dinner and went to bed (well, and Dug to the MK). Not a lot of opportunity.

Maybe we will overlap again, though! I'm sure Izzy and Landon would hit it off. Though she may want to steal his glasses, since they are clearly awesome toys in her eyes. :cool2:


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