Why no SSR love?

To the OP. I was here when BWV got slammed as the new resort. I was a new VWL owner when VWL got slammed (felt bad, but it passed), I was here for the BCV slamming and now the SSR slamming.

I am not sure why people feel the need to put other's resorts down, guess it makes them feel better about their purchase. Anywhoo, it is a very small percentage of posters out there like that and fortunatly it happens a lot less now than it did before.

I have stayed at 3 other DVC resorts. One I really liked, the other 2 I could take or leave. I did not come on these boards slamming the other 2, but I did come on praising the one I really liked. And there is a difference between giving an honest review (negative or positive) and slamming, we all know the difference. (Actually I didn't even come on and say in a nice way why I didn't like the other 2, I just didn't comment).

This too shall pass...... :thumbsup2 :sunny:
keishashadow said:
:love: I love DVC, period - of course, I'm a relative newbie.

I passed on SSR as a matter of personal decision, for a multitude of reasons:

You classify your upcoming purchase as a timeshare. DH & I think of DVC as our 2nd home, a sanctuary if you will. Call it corny but, lots of DVC'ers identify & take pride in their little slice of the magic.

DVC is more than a timeshare, it's a state of mind. Hope you make the right decision for you.
I love my DVC and yes its a little piece of heaven but it is a Timeshare. JMO.
Maistre Gracey said:
I'm a little lost. What's the difference between the number of owners at one large resort, or several small ones? :confused3


More competition for the smaller resorts.

Muushka I don't think anyone is putting down a resort or an owner. I think people are putting down Disney and how they are marketing the newer resorts.

I think, people are concerned that people are being sold SSR and shown pics of BCV and BWV and told that they will be able to stay at those places. Those places are already sold out.......

How many resorts is Disney going to sell using "you can walk to epcot" as part of the sales pitch? At what point in time is it obvious that Disney is harming their CURRENT owners in an effort to market off site resorts?

How will an SSR owner feel when a resort is sold in downtown Detroit and the owners are shown pics of SSR and told "you can stay here when ever you want".
DisFlan said:
More competition for the smaller resorts.
Yes, but 10,000 Members is 10,000 Members. What difference does it make if they own at SSR, or five new smaller resorts? :smokin:

We bought SSR sight unseen. We stayed at BWV & OKW before we purchased DVC. We loved both for different reasons. I think each resort has something to offer and we plan on staying at them all! I don't think I would want to stay at the same place every single time that we go and that is the beauty of DVC.! :thumbsup2 It doesn't really matter to us which resort we GET to stay at! We will continue to feel lucky just being there! :love:
boatboatboat said:
Muushka I don't think anyone is putting down a resort or an owner. I think people are putting down Disney and how they are marketing the newer resorts.

I think, people are concerned that people are being sold SSR and shown pics of BCV and BWV and told that they will be able to stay at those places. Those places are already sold out.......

How many resorts is Disney going to sell using "you can walk to epcot" as part of the sales pitch? At what point in time is it obvious that Disney is harming their CURRENT owners in an effort to market off site resorts?

How will an SSR owner feel when a resort is sold in downtown Detroit and the owners are shown pics of SSR and told "you can stay here when ever you want".

SSR is located on DISNEY PROPERTY :teacher:
boatboatboat said:
Muushka I don't think anyone is putting down a resort or an owner. I think people are putting down Disney and how they are marketing the newer resorts.

I think, people are concerned that people are being sold SSR and shown pics of BCV and BWV and told that they will be able to stay at those places. Those places are already sold out.......

How many resorts is Disney going to sell using "you can walk to epcot" as part of the sales pitch? At what point in time is it obvious that Disney is harming their CURRENT owners in an effort to market off site resorts?

How will an SSR owner feel when a resort is sold in downtown Detroit and the owners are shown pics of SSR and told "you can stay here when ever you want".

I think my guide was new, but he didn't try to sell DVC to us by selling us the other resorts. In fact, he downplayed the others, only to tell us of the booking windows and the ability to stay there within that booking window... I don't recall the "whenever you want" policy being part of the sales pitch. The concentration was on SSR and the lovely aspects of SSR as your home resort.

I am jazzed to make our first visit home, and over the years to have the opportunity to visit the other resorts that are included with my (and everyone elses) DVC investment. Let's just hope they don't end up in Downtown Detroit...or was it Disney? Hey, as long as I have my kitchen, washer/dryer and soaking tub and I am at Disney, I don't care where I stay!
Well I think some of the criticisms of SSR are strickly based on opinion and not on facts.

I truly do not understand the Artist's Pallette critism that the selections are limited. Limited to what and compared to what? They offer as many or more food selections than most fast food areas at other DVC resorts. Just because what they offer does not appeal to everyone does not make it limited. Many do like what the offer, myself included. It was one of the main reasons we like staying there.

I can see that the theme might not appeal to someone from that area but it does to others that don't live in upstate New York. I find the exterior of the buildings to be the most pleasing of all DVC resorts.

I have no desire to always be at a resort right next to a theme park when trasportation to those parks is right outside my door.

SSR is not an inferior product, it just does not appeal to some. Which is fine. But I do agree that at times it seems some must put something down simply because it does not appeal to them. :confused3

BW Villas does not appeal to me. It's a great resort, has lots to offer which I can appreciate, its just not what I want in a resort. We have stayed at all the DVC resorts several times.

No where is greater than VWL at the holidays. Being at the Beach Club villas in the Fall for Food and Wine is great too. Old Key West is the best when we have a large family group gathering.

For an extended vacation with our immediate group of 3 or 4, SSR fits us best at this time.

Something I do think is unfair in the critism of SSR is that everyone needs to understand it is not a finished resort. OKW was the same way but very few remember that or where there for the process. VWL, BCW and BWV opened fully completed and VWL and BCV had the luxury of opening attached to a very popular deluxe resort.

To the new owners, take it all with a grain of salt. As long as your are satisfied, nothing else matters. :thumbsup2
I stayed at SSR in December and loved it. I love the pool at the Beach Club, but I feel SSR is by far the best. If I decide to add on later, It will be at SSR.
I like SSR. DD liked it a lot. (loved the slide at the pool.) We stayed there for the 1st time in Jan. Why? Because it was the only place avilable, even though it wasn't a very busy time. This concerned me some because in the past we had more options.

So then we decieded a rather last min trip to WDW in May (booked 9 weeks before) Once again SSR only thing avilable. (not even OKW!) This will be the 1st time we have ever stayed at the same place 2 times in a row.

My biggest concern about SSR is it is so large that it will make it hard to stay at other non home resorts. That is too bad for us because we own at VWL and it is ok, but not our favorite resort. We like to move around, and we like BCV.

As long as SSR doesn't end up being the only non home resort with avilability all the time I don't really care.
We have been members for awhile, and recently stayed at SSR. I actually loved it. And it will improve over time as:

  • The construction ends.
  • The landscaping matures.
  • The Turf Club is expanded to a full service restaraunt.
Once these things happen, I believe it will be a complete resort and will rival all the other DVC resorts on property. It has great potential, and I can't wait to stay there again. (This is coming from a die hard BWV and VWL fans!)
Maistre Gracey said:
I think your suggesting many SSR owners would want to stay at the other DVCs.

I think they already are.

I'm not saying this is wrong, they certainly have the right. I think it'll iron out over the long haul, but it may cause some problems for awhile.

MickeyCrazed said:
We have been members for awhile, and recently stayed at SSR. I actually loved it. And it will improve over time as:

  • The construction ends.
  • The landscaping matures.
  • The Turf Club is expanded to a full service restaraunt.
Once these things happen, I believe it will be a complete resort and will rival all the other DVC resorts on property. It has great potential, and I can't wait to stay there again. (This is coming from a die hard BWV and VWL fans!)

I agree completely with your observations. DH and I just returned from our first trip home yesterday - we stayed for 5 nights at SSR, before moving to the Poly to finish out our vacation.

We only bought in late January, and even though we did the tour, etc. and were perfectly comfortable with our decision to go SSR, we were almost downright SHOCKED at how much we ended up loving it. I think that as we visit WDW more frequently (that was one of the objectives for buying DVC), our touring styles and needs will change. Whereas I enjoyed being in the middle of the "action" in the past for our commando trips, now that I have more trips - and thus more true leisure time - at my disposal, I find that I don't want to be in the rat race!

We loved the relative quiet and peacefulness of SSR - we particularly loved our location in Congress Park. The rooms are also incredibly nice, and we enjoy the more "upscale" theme, but then, that's my personal style, too.

I think all in all, SSR just needs to continue to grow into its own. And I'm glad we'll be along for the ride - we already can't wait to go back!
Maistre Gracey said:
Yes, but 10,000 Members is 10,000 Members. What difference does it make if they own at SSR, or five new smaller resorts? :smokin:


The variety. DVC has 5 onsite properties. Right now, with the relative sizes of the resorts, SSR is a big chunk of the available rooms. If DVC had 9 different, smaller properties....there would be more variety of resorts to choose from. I think many people feel that, having one resort so much larger than others means that after the 7 month window opens (when the resort is completely sold), you will often have only ONE choice of resort. If that resort were 5 smaller ones....you would probably end up with a lot more choice.

Personally...I don't think the concern is, or has ever been the people who purchase SSR. The concern is the way DVC has chosen to handle SSR. I have to admit, when DVC decided to take SSR from a 500 room resort, to a 850 room resort, I felt DVC had been inconsiderate of current owners. I feel that, to ensure the "flexibility of trading" that DVC certainly showed me when I was looking at SSR, they have a responsibility to keep the resorts similar in size. If all DVC properties were 300 room resorts, there would be MUCH less concern or "resort pride". I also think that if people perceived (in large numbers) that trading in easily is something that could be done, the resale market would not be as strong as it is.

If Dean is correct (which he usually is) that SSR sales are not going well. I think DVC can only blame themselves. I do think they have built a beautiful resort, but I think the size is not only giving people pause, but also making them search to find the resale market. It is not a reflection of the resort, but rather a reflection of the size of the resort.

Sorry if this seems to be "resort bashing". I agree with Dave. I love my home resort, and do feel very lucky to own there (actually, just lucky to own DVC), but I will come on here and state clearly what I like or do not like about my home resort (and there are plenty of things I would love to change about BCV). I think people are just different...what one person feels is "bashing" is another person's "stating the facts." I also think that many people need to read the titles of these threads....threads such as, "What don't you like about (fill in the blank here)? are where most of these "bashing" posts are coming from. If someone asks what I don't like about a resort, I will tell them....and, that goes double for BCV...I love that resort, but it is FAR from perfect.


Beca said:
The variety. DVC has 5 onsite properties. Right now, with the relative sizes of the resorts, SSR is a big chunk of the available rooms. If DVC had 9 different, smaller properties....there would be more variety of resorts to choose from.
Okay Beca, let me see if I've got this straight:
-- Current Members would rather see more resort options at the 7 month window.
So it doesn't really have anything to do with SSR Members booking something other than SSR at 7 months?
If that's the case, what if DVC ended the program and never built SSR? Would there still be an outcry for more choices?

Beca said:
I do think they have built a beautiful resort, but I think the size is not only giving people pause, but also making them search to find the resale market. It is not a reflection of the resort, but rather a reflection of the size of the resort.
Okay, you can call me dense, but isn't this back to the size affecting prospective SSR owners, and not options for current Members?

Thanx! :smokin:

The LARGEST resort is the one people will want to stay at the LEAST. This will cause problems.

I don't think people bought BWV and BCV so they could trade into off site resorts. I do think people are buying SSR to trade INTO on site resorts.

Disney is using the on site resorts to mkt. SSR.
As a new owner at SSR, it is our intent to eventually stay at all of the DVC's, just like many of the current DVCer's have done. If I called to book a vacation, and was told that all that was available was SSR, I wouldn't be disappointed a bit.
SSR is beautiful and people should ignore the naysayers. People always bash the new resorts and personally I think there is a little "12 yr envy" going on.
simpilotswife said:
SSR is beautiful and people should ignore the naysayers. People always bash the new resorts and personally I think there is a little "12 yr envy" going on.

The vast majority here could pay cash today for a SSR contract if they wanted one.
If nothing else they could sell their current ON SITE CONTRACT, and buy SSR if they felt the 12 years were some thing they wanted/needed.

IMO it isn't "envy" it is sincere concern, that Disney is marketing a lesser resort due to it's location, and using the on site resorts to do so. The end result may well be that the people who invested in DVC at an on site resort, may end up having to stay at a location they find to be less desirable then where they bought.


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