wicket2005 - Day 6 - 21st July 2005


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Mar 31, 2005
Wicket2005 – Day 6 – 21st July 2005

MGM Studios, Magic Kingdom

Me, DH, DS16 and DS14

Early start again (7 am), we are doing so well, cannot quite believe we are managing to be out this time every morning. Usually DS16 loves his sleeps in, I read somewhere once that teenagers need more sleep than any one else and not to give them a hard time (must have been written by a teenager). Anyway both kids have been smashing, getting up early to a day of fun must be the incentive I guess.

Had breakfast at the Ponderosa again. We seem to be stuck in a rut but the price is the attraction, cannot be beaten anywhere else. Made a vow already to try different places next time, so any suggestions are welcome.

Hubbie has the bright idea to save money by buying water from a supermarket to save a bit of cash. Just down the Ponderosa is a supermarket so we trot off into that. Ever met anyone that looks at you with daggers in their eyes? Well this is how I felt after asking if it was okay to use a travellor’s cheque for the water, after he threw the change at me I hastened out of the store. I did ask so why the problem? Horrible man.

Today’s destination is MGM Studios, after doing the two minute sprint to the right of the park, Hubbie ambles off for his Fast Pass for the Tower Of Terror. I have done this ride twice and hated it both times so that is enough for me. I think it has something to do with not being harnessed in. Stick me in a shoulder harness and I will go on anything, tell a lie won’t go on that elastic band ball thing that whacks you up into the air, anyway both kids hate it too so he is on it by himself. Fast Pass collected we shoot off to Rock n Rollercoaster.

Fantastic ride, a definite must do. I love it as it sets off at full pelt, hang on to your knickers! Unfortunately, it is over with quite quickly but we are all intact. I extract my legs from the strap of my backpack and jump out. First time I have had a bag on the ride and am amazed I didn’t lose it on a loop. It’s great this year because all 4 of us are going on the rides together, in the past usually me or DS14 didn’t want to ride.

I should have said most of the rides, Hubbie doesn’t like the spinning/motion sickness type rides so when we see Star Tours, Hubbie finds a nice bench to relax on whilst we head on to the ride. There is a 10 minute line but that 10 minutes is taken just walking to the ride. I must admit I felt a little bit sicky after coming off it. I think some of these older simulator rides are way too jerky especially if it is not long since breakfast!

After finding Hubbie we walk around the corner to Muppet’s 3D, again we are straight in, well straight in to the preshow I should say, a little bit later we are sitting down, rest those weary legs! The show is a good family one though it is becoming a bit dated now. DS14 thinks Hubbie is like Squeaker in the film, something to do with Hubbie’s voice getting higher when he is accused of something! We leave at just the right time to hit Hubbie’s Fast Pass time for the Tower of Terror so head right across to the other side of the park.

Our turn to relax now on a nice bench but melt slightly as the scorching sun is directly on us. Hubbie rushes off clutching his Fast Pass to go on his favourite ride (one of many favourites). As he heads in, he hears a little girl ask her Daddy ‘Where are we going, on the spooky ride?’ I hope the kid enjoyed it. It is tough sometimes being a kid, you have to keep holding that hand no matter what you are taken on. Over the holidays I witnessed quite a few little kids being forced on to rides they didn’t want to do. No one could force me on Tower of Terror though offer me £1,000,000 and I could just force myself I think.

Which links me rather nicely to ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionnaire’ my English teacher would be proud of me. Now does millionnaire have two ‘n’s in or one, whoops, one ‘n’. I knew Hubbie would love this show, he can spend many a happy hour talking to the tv when the show is on. Why do we do this? The tv cannot hear us.

I have a little wigglying toddler sitting next to me who frequently kicks me. I keep saying its okay but the mother increasingly gets annoyed with her son but hey we have all been there. She ends up proudly showing me that her son can sing his ‘abc’s’. Tip for first timers here, you can hit the buttons in front of you all of the time. I was waiting for the ‘ask the audience’ so needless to say I didn’t get the fastest finger or on the leader board. I would have loved the pins to add to my collection.

‘Phone a Friend’ is changed to ‘Phone a Stranger’ where they grab someone walking passed the entrance to the show. First person grabbed was a laid back ‘Hey man, how the dodgers playing this season’ American. Second person grabbed was a Brit ‘Hello’, ‘No’, ‘No’ totally dead pan, answered everything in one word syllables. The contrast between the two was quite marked, I heard someone say ‘He’s a Brit’. So lets up the image a bit, if you are grabbed, speak using more than one word.

Somewhere down the track we had picked up Fast Passes for the new ‘Lights, Camera, Action’ show – I have a feeling that is the wrong title but you know what I mean. We are ushered in before anyone else and sit on these incredibly uncomfortable metal benches, fortunately, they were in the shade – otherwise you would be sitting on a very hot seat!

We all enjoyed this show, the majority of the action comes in from the left if you want to get your camcorders trained that way. The show was quite enlightening as to how they do stunts. Watching James Bond’s remote controlled silver BMW will never be the same for me again.

It was a relief to be back on our feet after those seats, tummies were rumbling now. We headed back to the restaurant just near the Back Street Tour. All the inside air conditioned seats were taken so we had a pleasant sit outside in that ‘God dammit’ heat. I had a chicken and cheese grilled sandwich, Hubbie and eldest son chicken strips and the youngest, yet another burger. All junk food but it was still tasty.

Next stop was the Backstreet Tour. We had a short wait for this, the kids enjoyed seeing a canon and the figurehead off one of the ships used in ‘The Pirate’s of the Caribbean’ film. The first part of the tour wasn’t working properly so no volunteers were required. There were plenty of props from films and then the highlight was Catastrophe Canyon. I kindly allowed Hubbie and DS14 to sit on the wet side (left side) and was promptly rained on sitting on the right side, typical! The cars in the Boneyard seemed to be getting more and more derelict every time I see them. I hope Disney changes them before they literally fall to bits.

Another show followed ‘Indy’. We last saw this in 1998 and nothing had changed since then but still an enjoyable show. Again it was nice to sit down for a while. After the show we headed to the Great Movie Ride.

There was quite a bit of a line, just remember going up and down all those rows but it passed quickly. I presume it was less than 20 minutes because we wouldn’t have gone on it if it was longer. We had the gangster ride and I couldn’t understand a word he said. I know this ride shows movies through the ages but I would like to see it updated a bit. Tiredness really kicked in for me on this ride and I shut my eyes for a while at the end during the movie clips. I didn’t fall asleep though but it helped just to close my eyes. We decided to hop to another park.

One hop later and we are in Magic Kingdom. We have not managed to get on Splash yet so we pick up a Fast Pass for this and then head on to the Rocky Railroad. DS14 daringly stuck his hands up in the air for this ride, closely followed by DS16, whilst I clutched on for dear life.

Hungry again we made our way back up to Main Street and in one of the counter service restaurants had hot dogs and fries. Swiftly followed by a delicious pineapple floater from Adventureland, yummy. My tummy felt like a barrel, the pineapple drink just pushed it a little bit too far.

We had a gentle walk up and down the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse, stopping to take photos as it was quite dark, all the lights from the park looked very pretty, awh! I really enjoyed putting my night time mode on the old camera and blinding the family, wicked I know!

Eyes getting readjusted to the darkness we went on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, front row no less, how daring is that? I am sure that drop is longer than I remembered it.

Time for the Fast Pass entrance to Splash next. Splash is our favourite ride. We rode with an American family who hadn’t been on the ride before. The Mom of the family got placed in the front seat and quickly asked if we would swap which we did. So front row for me and DS16 on Splash too. The Americans were all scared stiff of this pleasant little ride and every time they were coming to a drop they all declared their love for each other which was quite funny. The Mom thanked me for swapping seats several times during the ride.

After the fiasco the other night in getting out of Magic Kingdom after the fireworks there was no way we were going to be caught again. So as 10 pm was coming up quickly we sprinted which was some doing in the heat to the exit and escaped slightly breathless. We jumped on a ferry and very much enjoyed seeing Wishes from an up top vantage spot. Not quite as magical as seeing the fireworks around the castle but still pretty amazing. It is still red hot as we make our way to the car. The petrol light is flashing so we stop off for some petrol before making our way back to the hotel. Another lovely day in Orlando, bliss.
Great trip report! You definately had a busy day! :)
Certainly was busy.

Glad to see you have another countdown, Mandy. It will be here before you know it (I am trying not to think of Christmas shopping).
Another great report.

every time they were coming to a drop they all declared their love for each other which was quite funny
Enjoyed reading your report ~ Thanx for posting.
Dimplenose said:
We had trouble with travellers cheques in a supermarket too.


Which one was it Libby? So I can avoid it.
Oh, they took them but it was such an ordeal with id-check and having to do some special procedure with the till. All the time the queue was building up behind us. It was the WinnDixie at Formosa Gardens Blvd.

Great report Bev - can't believe you don't like ToT - it's one of my favourites :) Didn't do splash last time but it's definitely on our list for this trip.


PS I won't go on that elastic band ball thing either - tis the only thing that I would never even try :rotfl:
Thanks Joh. I might not dislike ToT if I went on it again, after doing all the rides at IoA, other rides seem tamer. I didn't like Journey to Atlantis but this time when I went on it, it didn't bother me at all so views can change over time.

However, the anxiety I would feel before going on ToT would be tremendous so that is off putting in itself. :)
Reckon going on ToT should be a personal challenge for you, for next July ;)

wilma-bride said:
Reckon going on ToT should be a personal challenge for you, for next July ;)


:rotfl: :rotfl: You got me there! I may just accept your challenge.
Really enjoying your reports, thanks very much for sharing. I have not yet been brave enough for ToT.....

ArielJasmine princess:
Wow, what a great day! I've really enjoyed reading your adventures and look forward to reading more.
I've just noticed that I've already read this report, well it was fun reading it again.


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