wicket2005 - Day 8 - 23/7/05


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Mar 31, 2005
Wicket2005 – Day 8 – 23/7/05

Magic Kingdom, Disneyquest, Blizzard Beach, Wal-Mart

Me (43) severe suffer of disneyforumitis
DH (43) gives me everything I want
DS (16) thinks he knows everything
DS (14) likes to tell me how much bigger he is than me now

Big day for DS(14) he had his first shave, he is a blondie so the stubble doesn’t show up that much. Yet another sign of the kids getting older.

Breakfast again at the Ponderosa, even I am getting sick of typing it in every trip report. Boring. Still I intend to be a bit more adventurous next time.

Tropical Storm Franklin was off the coast of Florida but, fortunately, did not hit us and the shuttle was due to take off on Tuesday. I would love to see it but the traffic is supposed to be horrendous so I think the area would best be avoided.

Today’s destination is Magic Kingdom at last. A whole day devoted to the best Disney park. As per usual we took the ferry across to the Kingdom, again we arrived at the park early and as soon as the rope was dropped we sprinted towards Splash Mountain.

I just love this ride. The first time we went in 1996 I was too much of a chicken to go on it somehow as I have got older I have got more adventurous or I suppose it could be a case of joining in with the kids now they are older and going on everything. Still I am glad I plucked up courage to go on it in 1998 because it is my all time favourite Disney ride.

It is conveniently placed right next to the Big Thunder Rocky Railroad so after one ride on Splash we top it with two rides on the Railroad. The kids are getting more risky by sticking their hands up instead of holding on. I have to hold on, otherwise I slide all over the place.

Pirates of the Caribbean came next followed by the Jungle Cruise. I think Jungle Cruise is getting a bit past it now. The tour guide makes some brave attempts at jokes and I sort of feel a bit sorry for him being on an endless circle saying the same things over and over again.

Another go on Splash follows before we trek out to the Haunted Mansion. As I have said before I don’t like thinking of death so we go on Philharmagic afterwards to experience a happier ride.

Philharmagic was spot on; I love Donald Duck the best out of the characters. DS16 enjoys the show this second time the best. He still prefers Shrek 4D and Terminator shows the best though.

Tomorrowland was our next port of call. The crowds were now starting to get busy about 11 ish so we picked up a FP for Space Mountain. I used to be scared of this ride too but love it now and even sit in the front row, which even DH won’t do.
Now we tackle a ride that causes shivers of fear to run down their spines, no not some extreme coaster but the Carousel of Progress. I think the last time we went on that was in 1996 so it is about time we go on it again. I quite enjoy the ride, well at least the seats are comfortable and the old legs get a rest. DS16 and DH decide to have a snooze so DH still has not seen the full ride yet.

Lunch is spent in Cosmic Rays, sitting outside with a castle view and waterfall. They have burgers and I have a bacon sandwich or at least that’s what my notes say. Sounds a bit strange a bacon sandwich in the USA so I suspect it was a chicken one with some bacon in or something like that. Anyway it does the trick and fills us up.

The FP time for Space Mountain is due after lunch so we head up passing everybody in the Standby line. I do feel a bit guilty about passing everyone but the FP system does make sense. I wouldn’t like to stand in line for Space Mountain too long any way because it is so dark in the line.

I get to sit in the front row, with the rest of them behind me. It was excellent and we all had a good laugh on it, shouting comments as we went over each bump. DH insisted in sitting in the middle and he is the fearless one who goes on anything. It is funny how some rides affect people in different ways.

The park is quite crowded now, mid afternoon, so we decide to jump out and experience a short thunderstorm. It is the first one since 17th (Sunday) and today is Saturday, we have been so lucky with the weather. I was expecting rain every day and we just have not had it. Typically I would have welcomed it just to cool down.

I had the bright idea of visiting Disneyquest, which we have never done. The kids are very much into console games and after reading good reports about teenagers loving it seemed like the place to go. Plus during the day being an ideal time to go.

Well never again, it was crowded, noisy and dark, with lines longer than those in the park. We line up for 45 minutes for the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, which was okay, but not worth the wait. All the free computer games were busy. This place was definitely not our cup of tea, none of us liked it and we couldn’t wait to get out.

On our escape we wandered into the Virgin store. The prices seemed to be just the same as what we can buy things online at home so we don’t bother. It is hot but we stroll along to the Marketplace, which turned out to be quite a hike. Once we got there we couldn’t be bothered looking round. I prefer getting my Disney treasures from the outlet stores but enjoyed the Disney shops at the Marketplace in 1998. This time, by the time we got there, we just couldn’t be bothered and ended up just walking all the way back. Good exercise but just a little bit of a waste of time. We all felt a bit tired after this and needed to relax.

Blizzard Beach was just around the corner so we head into there. It is the first time we have gone in at teatime. Usually we would go for opening time, spend a few hours then go to a park. However, it seems a waste of crucial early ride time to go to Blizzard first thing so we thought we would try going in later in the day.

It was simply the best; most people were leaving the park so it was not a problem going on anything. We spent ages just relaxing in the tubes going round in the lazy creek. DS14 enjoyed pushing me into any of the cold-water showers, DH capsized getting into one of the rings. They are awkward things to get in and out of, I always need help.

The Team Toboggans were fun, my mat stuck a bit so I was a bit late setting off as the rest of them sped ahead. The wave pool was relaxing, the kids got some tubes and just floated about, then we jumped back into Lazy Creek. This time DS16 capsizes.

Feeling thoroughly relaxed we head off to a Pizza Hut for tea; me and DS14 have a cheese and tomato and DS16 and DH a spicy pizza. It was flippy freezing in Pizza Hut, DH went and got me my light fleece from the car, it was red hot outside but ice cold inside.

After hearing so much about Wal-Mart we decide to have a look around there after tea. We head to the one, which is north of Universal. Loads of people are going around with trolleys stacked full of stuff, you would think they were giving it away. The DSs just want a Madagascar soundtrack cd, we want nothing so I end up standing in an enormous line with DS16 for this one cd. It took quite a while and then I visit the most horrendous loos, indescribable. This is the second time the toilets have been bad, once at Premium and now at Wal-Mart. Yuck.

DS14 fell asleep going back to the hotel in the car, poor love he was all doubled over. Both the kids have done well keeping on the go but each night that bed does look mighty welcoming
Great report Bev - you certainly fit a lot in today. I actually really enjoyed Disney Quest but it was pretty much empty when we went so maybe that makes a difference.

We still haven't managed to visit a Disney Water Park but definitely will next year.

Not sure if I've missed any of your reports while I was away so I'm off to hunt them down.

Look forward to reading the rest - do you think you might have finished them before you go next year :rotfl2:
Great report Bev, love your comments on the rides they bring back great memories for me like nearly breaking hubby's ribs while sliding around on Big Thunder Mountain (it didn't help that I was camcordering it at the time). I too, have found that the older I get the more I do, like I did The Hulk for the 1st time this year, but I really don't like Space Mountain - it jolts around a bit too much for me. Sorry I'm raving on now you've got me remembering - Thanks again Bev :sunny:


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