Wine-ing my way to a Half journal

I ran all three allocated days this week!!! :rotfl:

Wed 30 mins, 2.42miles, 12.6 min/mile

Fri 31 mins, 2.46 miles 12.6min/mile

Sun 82 mins, 6.37 miles, 12.8 min/mile

I started the long run at 8:45am and whoa - it was already hot outside! I know 80 or 85 isn't killer, but compared to a wonderful 60 degrees it is! :rotfl2:

I made a big boo boo on this one. I got up and had about 4 sips of coffee and didn't eat anything. I took my safety blanket with me on the run - a half full gatorade 2 bottle of fruit punch :lmao: and by mile 4 I was feeling a bit nauseous...I think my stomach was eating itself!!

It is funny how, without my gatorade bottle, I feel like I can't make it to the end. I get so thirsty and I don't have any other way to take a drink with me other than to carry it. I know the half will have water stations...but, how will I feel without my trusted bottle in my right hand?

If anyone has any recommendations on how you stay hydrated on a long run, I'd love to hear them!

I'm off to meet up with my mom and boys for a day of shopping - what a great reward! :)
Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to hearing all about the Wine & Dine. Glad to hear you are doing the Galloway program since that's what I'm planning to use.
Hi Jennifer - Thanks for popping over and posting on my journal! Great to hear back from you :goodvibes


Wed - Didn't run :sad2: A personnel issue at work caused me to get home after 8pm. Don't you love inheriting mismanaged employees who abuse the system and as such have trouble with new (and reasonable) expectations

Fri - Ran 32 minutes 2.5 miles, 12.5 minute miles

For some reason, a couple of weeks ago, I switched to doing 1 min run/1 min walk. I did this last week on my 6.5 mile run and in this run as well. When I got to the end of my road, there was almost no rain, but thunder and lightning. I'm not gonna lie. I was scared! :rotfl2: What did I do?? I called my husband and asked him to make the .5 mile drive to the end of the road while I waited on a neighbor's porch :rotfl: Needless to say, my run was cut a lil bit short!

Sun - Ran 40 minutes (+3 min warm up) - 3.5 miles (+.28 miles warmup) 11.4 minutes/mile
I switched back to 30 second run and 30 second walk and I felt like I could have run FOREVER! It was like Galloway granted me :wizard: magical pixie dust full of stamina! I dropped over a minute/mile on my time and felt WAY better than I had with the 1 min split.

:idea: What I don't know is...did it help me build that stamina by pushing myself (albeit more slowly) to do the 1 min running?? After knowing how much better it feels to do 30/30, I'm not sure I'll ever go back! :rotfl:

To all the runners out there in Dis W.I.S.H Land, I hope you have a happy and healthy week! Thanks for supporting me through my journey :lovestruc
On a side note, I finalized my family's December vacation to the world and made dining reservations today (my 180 day mark). We celebrated my husband's return from Afghanistan with a trip to the world and now we're going to make up for not having a real Christmas last year by spending another 9 nights at the most magical place on earth in December!
Go Leslie!

I hear you about occasionally having bad weeks. Last week I ran 7 miles on Saturday morning, then I ran 6 miles tuesday evening, then I didn't run again until Sunday (yesterday) where I did my 7.5 mile challange. I was able to do some 9 minute miles on my 6 mile run (which was on the treadmill), but on the Saturday and Sunday runs (which were outside) I only averaged 10.5 minute miles. Ugh. And for some reason my knee (which I injured a couple of times during my teenage years) has really started to act up. But, this isn't my journal, so enough about that.

I totally don't blame you about getting picked up cause of lightning. I would request the same of my SO if that kind of weather were going on outside. In fact, a few weeks ago it was starting to get dark (but not dark enough to warrent any worry, I thought) and I was running along the end of my 7.5 route which is on a busy street, and all the sudden my SO texts me to say he is coming to get me. Like it wasn't even a question, just that it was getting dark and he was worried. I thought it was kinda cute.

Have you visited the Wine & Dine Half Marathon thread on DIS? It's in the events/competition section of WISH. I post there, and a bunch of other folks do too, and we're getting to know each other before the event and planning a big group hug at the start line. You should come on over!

:) - Carey
Hi Jennifer - Thanks for popping over and posting on my journal! Great to hear back from you :goodvibes


Wed - Didn't run :sad2: A personnel issue at work caused me to get home after 8pm. Don't you love inheriting mismanaged employees who abuse the system and as such have trouble with new (and reasonable) expectations

Fri - Ran 32 minutes 2.5 miles, 12.5 minute miles

For some reason, a couple of weeks ago, I switched to doing 1 min run/1 min walk. I did this last week on my 6.5 mile run and in this run as well. When I got to the end of my road, there was almost no rain, but thunder and lightning. I'm not gonna lie. I was scared! :rotfl2: What did I do?? I called my husband and asked him to make the .5 mile drive to the end of the road while I waited on a neighbor's porch :rotfl: Needless to say, my run was cut a lil bit short!

Sun - Ran 40 minutes (+3 min warm up) - 3.5 miles (+.28 miles warmup) 11.4 minutes/mile
I switched back to 30 second run and 30 second walk and I felt like I could have run FOREVER! It was like Galloway granted me :wizard: magical pixie dust full of stamina! I dropped over a minute/mile on my time and felt WAY better than I had with the 1 min split.

:idea: What I don't know is...did it help me build that stamina by pushing myself (albeit more slowly) to do the 1 min running?? After knowing how much better it feels to do 30/30, I'm not sure I'll ever go back! :rotfl:

To all the runners out there in Dis W.I.S.H Land, I hope you have a happy and healthy week! Thanks for supporting me through my journey :lovestruc
On a side note, I finalized my family's December vacation to the world and made dining reservations today (my 180 day mark). We celebrated my husband's return from Afghanistan with a trip to the world and now we're going to make up for not having a real Christmas last year by spending another 9 nights at the most magical place on earth in December!

I do the Galloway method too and it's working wonders for me so far! I'm only at the beginning though! I would have been scared of the storm too.. I had a bad run-in with some lightning a long time ago when I was hiking the wilderness trail with a youth group! You won't see me out running when there is lightning near!:rotfl: Keep up the great work! I'm enjoying reading about your progress... I started my own "journal" if you'd like to stop by!
And for some reason my knee (which I injured a couple of times during my teenage years) has really started to act up. But, this isn't my journal, so enough about that.

and all the sudden my SO texts me to say he is coming to get me. Like it wasn't even a question, just that it was getting dark and he was worried. I thought it was kinda cute.

Have you visited the Wine & Dine Half Marathon thread on DIS? It's in the events/competition section of WISH. I post there, and a bunch of other folks do too, and we're getting to know each other before the event and planning a big group hug at the start line. You should come on over!

Hi Carey! I'd been interested to know how you take care of your knee? I ice after ever run , elevate, and if I need to, I take ibuprofen or aleve.

That's so cute - my husband was perturbed :rotfl: of course, he was home with the boys alone, so it wasn't that easy to just hope in the car.

I'm so glad I hopped on over to the Wine & Dine thread! I can't wait to see what that shirt looks like you're working on.
I do the Galloway method too and it's working wonders for me so far! I'm only at the beginning though! I would have been scared of the storm too.. I had a bad run-in with some lightning a long time ago when I was hiking the wilderness trail with a youth group! You won't see me out running when there is lightning near!:rotfl: Keep up the great work! I'm enjoying reading about your progress... I started my own "journal" if you'd like to stop by!

Hi Stephanie! Thanks for the support. I plan to check in to your journal tonight :) It sounds like you're training for the Princess? Good Luck!
It's been an interesting week - mostly drama at work. From a running perspective, I only did 2 out of 3, because I had a migraine all day Friday. However, both runs I did do felt good! :goodvibes

Wed: 30 mins + 3min warm up and cool down = 36 minutes
3.15 miles
11.42 min/mile if you include warm up/cool down
I tried to push myself a little bit in this run. In fact, I turned a few walking segments in to running segments and I believe my actual workout time was at sub 11 minutes per mile...something like 10'45". I paid for it in knee swelling, but since I missed Friday's run - it was no big deal.

Sunday: 89 minutes
7.5 miles
12 min/mile including warm up and cool down
This was my longest run so far! I figure this means that I can finish the half in less than 3 hours. When I originally signed up, I thought it would take me 3 hours 10 minutes and I was trying to be optimistic, since I hadn't started running at the time.

Another good thing - I gave up my binkie on this long run (my gatorade bottle). I left a cup of water at the end of my driveway and got a drink every 2.5 miles or so. It worked out really well! Now, I need to figure out how far apart the drink stations are at the wine & dine.

The other thing that makes me go slow, but was suggested by Jeff as coaching on the App - look ahead and mentally identify a point where you will allow yourself to stop. If I start thinking that way - the run just sucks. I didn't get to this point until the very last mile and it wasn't consuming my thoughts. He also suggests to look around, but I do much better if I don't look around much. If I look at the road or trail, it's much less overwhelming - I can't see how much further I have to go :scared1::laughing:

Hopefully, I'll be over the looking at the ground thing by the time I get to Disney! I don't want to miss all the fun ambiance!

I hope everyone in Run Land is having a great week of healthy, safe running!:hug:
I'm way behind in posting - thankfully not behind in running :thumbsup2

It's been a crazy few weeks, but I'll start with today. I'm was a single lady (as Beyonce would say) this weekend, so I had plenty of time to get workouts in and I needed them after a very stressful week at work! Saturday morning I got up and did Yoga at the Y. For some reason, it always surprises me when i sweat during yoga :rotfl:. The boys are having a good, but hot time, in Carlisle Pennsylvania at the Mopar Car Show.

Today, I ran 10.4 miles!! This is definitely the furthest I've run in one day. I did 2.25 outside @ 13 min/mile. It was miserably hot and I stopped. Today's plan called for 8.2 miles. After I cooled down, I decided to head to the Y and run on their indoor track. It was SOO much nicer! I ran 8 miles + cool down. I ran the 8 @ 12 min/mile. I really started to feel my butt muscles those last 2 miles, but I pushed myself, maintained pace and made it!! I feel great (and sore) :goodvibes

Sunday was the only running I did this week, except for the 5K I ran on Monday. It was in Worthington, Ohio - Selby Hills where my DFIL grew up. Somehow we conned him in to participating with us. I thought we were going to walk the whole way, because he doesn't run. NOPE (and I had run 5 miles the day before) :scared1: We jogged the entire way. Didn't even walk/jog like I'm used to. I made it though! :banana: we stopped and walked 2 times for about 3 minutes each time...there were some real hills! We finished in 39 minutes -13 minute/mile.

Sunday, the day prior, I maintained 12 min/mile on my 5 mile run. It was good. I had also run my 30 minutes on Friday and did fine, but didn't run on Wed., because I worked late.

All up to date! ...I think...
:wizard: Pixie Dust to all my fellow runners out there!
Hi Leslie!

Sorry to have disappeared--somehow I lost track of this thread. Wow, you're doing great, with fabulous times. Are you going to run a 10K before the half to get proof of time for corral placement? I did one on July 4 but a) I held back with a friend who has not trained as much and b) even if I had run my best, I would not have had a time that would have gotten me a corral seed.

I'm also a fan of runkeeper--I think I've tried most of the apps for the iphone and it's my favorite. You can even buy Galloway coaching plans that will cue you through the app. I do still also run runmeter in the background because it reads your friends' comments on fb, twitter, and/or dailymile over your music, and that's just too much fun. My friends have taken to making up collaborative limericks (in questionable taste of course). Can't give that up even if runkeeper is a better app.

I'm on temporary solo parenting duty myself this week, and I haven't been able to run at all! Not fun. I'm going to try to get out tomorrow when some behavioral therapists come to work with my son who has autism/asperger's, but I'm not sure I'll be able to sneak away. :) Gonna try though. I'm glad you can get out there during the times your husband is away. My heart goes out to his unit...along with thanks to him and them for their service!



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