Winning a Dream - The Movie!!!

Feb 20, 2007
How cool is that? Loved your video, you guys lucked out!!
I want the Dream Fast Passes, we leave in 9 days!!
Last Nov, we won the lanyards with the special pins

Wish me luck! :thumbsup2
Thanks for sharing! We're leaving Tuesday and I'm hoping we get a few "dreams" ourselves:goodvibes . I would be just like you and your family...dancing:banana: , jumping up and down:woohoo: , laughing myself silly:lmao: , get the picture. Thanks again!
Great! Sad thing is, I have done this and thought as you did.....$%^@^& dream contest!
Great video!! I am gonna try your Blueberry stalking techniques in 2 weeks. Wish me luck. :cool1:
This is hilarious. Great job with the vid. Your family looks like they had a great time.

"I hate this promotion." :rotfl2:
I was just like you this past January, cursing the Dream Team everytime I exited a ride and they had the audacity to not show up!!

:worship: I am worthy, I am worthy.......(or as my DS used to say when he was little and thought Wayne's World was saying "where are they...where are they?)
What an awesome video!Congrats to your family!Bluberries gotta love that!I can just hear my $yr old shouting mummu look there are the blueberries!Somehow I think sneaking may not be possible with him....
So fun! Really enjoyed your video! I hope to win some dreams soon myself - we leave in 8 days!
I'm glad you all enjoyed it! For those going soon or by the end of the year, I wish you well! Remember, go early and ride, ride, ride! That's your best chance. When we won on Buzzlightyear (shown on the long video) we had already went on it but went again just because it increased our chances.
Great video-glad to see I'm not the only one who stalks the DT! I've done it several times here in CA at DLR and DCA. Never successfully though-I usually follow them as they go back in and one time we followed them from DLR thru DTD to the Paradise Pier Hotel-a very long walk! And then the disappeared again.

However, we have been successful at DLR and DCA by getting there early. We are going to try it this year at WDW-last year we didn't even see them once, and rarely saw anyone wearing dreams. I'm crossing my fingers as I type this which means it's taking me forever since I have to keep correcting my mistakes! :rotfl2:

Again, loved the find-especially the goofiness and the Dreams music at the end.
I LOVED your video! I found myself wishing you would get dreamed and when you did, I started laughing out loud and crying at the same time. That was just awesome. I hope were lucky even once when we're there at the end of July. Thanks for putting me in a great mood!

Too cute!! I'm so glad that stalking the "Blueberries" paid off for you! :thumbsup2

OT - Just curious - what software did you use to edit your video?
I just love your video!! :cool1: DH, MIL, FIL & I won dream FP last year at Epcot!! It was the only day that my MIL & FIL were with us! They claim they brought us good luck because it was our second last day there! (we were at figment)

DH & I are going back in 2 weeks and are going for 17 days, so I hope to get a 'dream' within that time frame :)


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