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How's everybody doing???

DL was good. Woke up nauseous for the 5k, so took it really easy and a lot of pics. The 1/2 was great as usual. They changed the corrals a little, didn't like that part, hopefully they'll go back to the same as before next year. Not only that, hopefully we'll be in DCA more next year w/ all the construction finally being over!! I can't wait! :banana:

Haven't really done anything since DL though. I came down w/ a horrible cold a couple days after getting back and am finally starting to get over it. I was able to go to my Barre class last week, it's more anaerobic, so it wasn't too too bad. It was such a fun class, but my calf muscles were killing me the day after. They incorporate pilates, yoga and ballet moves on the barre. I hope they offer it again in the winter session, b/c I really liked it. Plus, it's always good to change up your routine a little bit.

Tomorrow morning I head out again on the road, hopefully getting a 4 miler in, but we'll have to see how the lungs do. Then work back up quickly into training again for Dec.

Hope everyone is good, and Tandy~ hope you're heaing fast!! :hug:
Hey everyone, happy October. How are things going. Its finally cooling off here in TX, so I got a nice 13 mile run in this morning before work. How was Wine & Dine for those of us that did it, sadly I had to defer to next year.

Anyone doing any fall marathons? I'll be in DC for Marine Corps Oct 30.
I'm doing a few fall halfs...

This weekend is See Jane Run in Austin, TX. Three girls from my running club and I are flying out there and making a girls weekend out of it.

I am also registered for City of Oaks (local) on Nov 6th, and OBX half on Nov 13th in the Outer Banks of NC.
Hey guys!

Good luck this weekend Kat! Hope it goes well.

This fall is pretty quiet for me. Got an email from Nike a few weekes back offering a space in the race for this year, so I have that 1/2 next weekend. Cross your fingers I can finally get my necklace! After that nothing until December and the Honolulu Marathon. Other than that, not much.

Got in 12 last weekend and hopefully will get a 15 miler in Saturday or Sunday. Haven't been out this week though~ there was a shooting at a quarry close by yesterday and the guy was hiding yesterday and today on my route, so... no running. A portion of the street I run down was closed down for the past 2 days. It's weird what you actually take in and remember when you're running b/c I'm always out early in the morning when it's dark but watching the news, I knew each house that different reporters were in front of even though the only time I see that street in the daytime is if I go that way for a particular store on the weekend. So if you saw it on the news, that's my route! I'm assuming the street will be open today, so I should be able to get a 7 miler in tomorrow morning.

Leigh if you read this before Saturday, ummm.... good luck this weekend. :rotfl2: :cheer2:Geaux Tigers!!:cheer2: :flower3:

Hope everybody's good!!
Hey Everyone! Hope everyone is well! I have been insanely busy these past few weeks.. not sure if you keep up to date with all the promos, but Disney just released room only discounts for fall and into Feb so I've been crazy busy booking and modifying trips.. its a good thing, but keeping me busy :thumbsup2

Matt - I hope you are settled in nicely now! and I bet you are happy the temps are coming down.. :thumbsup2 Good luck at the MC this month!!!

Kat - have a wonderful weekend!!! that sounds like so much fun!! I need to have a girls running weekend in Vegas!! :thumbsup2

Tandy - Hope the toe is feeling better!!

Kim - that is NUTS!! :scared1::scared1: did they find the guy??? and YES don't get me started on my Gators. :sad1::sad1: I really think we would have had a small chance if Brantley didn't get hurt :sad2: there goes our season.. good thing I am getting my hair done during the game! ;) I predict you will win!! :thumbsup2 :lmao:
Wow! I haven't been here in forever and I've missed so much! I'll have to skim back through to catch up with everyone!

As for me, I've been busy but not getting in the training I need. Story of my life... :lmao:

Disneyland was great. The 5K was a blast and the Half Marathon was a lot of fun. I finally got my Coast to Coast and I'm thrilled with that.

I've got a half in Myrtle Beach in 2 weeks (and this is why I'm nervous that I haven't done ANYTHING but a few 3-milers since Disneyland) and then the Savannah RnR 2 weeks after that. We shall see!

Then I get a little break until January when we do the Donald and Tinkerbell in rapid succession. ;)

I'm trying to get my kids (8, 7, and 3) ready to do our local Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving. I had big hopes a few weeks ago when we all managed 2.5 miles in the pouring rain with no complaining and everyone moving under their own power. The last few walks haven't been 2 miles though. The 3-year old is getting slower. *laugh* But, the mere thought of a 3-year-old walking a 5K is impressive enough, so I'm not griping about it. Some days I really wish I owned a jogging stroller! We'll have to see what actually happens on Thanksgiving.
I know I've kind of got wrapped up with work too and havent been on that often.

3 weeks out from MCM. I always end up in this exact same spot every marathon, boy dont I wish I trained more haha. Probably going to try to squeeze in a long run soemtime this week, then one more this weekend. Then I have the Houston half where I'm just going to try to cruise through it, get some time at marathon pace.

Here's to hoping haha. However on the upside, work timing has worked out well and I'm basically getting my trip to DC paid for. Two thumbs way up on that one.
Hi team. Sorry I've been MIA again. School was kicking my butt, but now I've got a little free time again. I was in classes from 8-4 monday thru friday. Not really much time left over once you figure in homework and study time. But, now I'm only going on tuesday and thursday, so I'm breathing again. I have finally, after 6 weeks, been released to run. :banana:I'm starting out slow. I've built back up to 1.5 miles so far, but I've only run 4 times, so I'm feeling okay about that. After lots of pain and PT, I've learned that my hip adductors were weak, my ankles were weak and my arches were non existent. It's no wonder I got hurt. The tendons that attach to the outside and inside of my foot, that run up to the calf, are really messed up due to everything being weak, and they are working overtime. So, rather than work on calf strength, we're working on everything else. Hey, whatever works.

Matt: I'm sure you'll do great in both of your marathons. If I remember correctly, you're super fast, so out of shape for you would still smoke me. ;)

Disneybound: When are you going on your trips? Or, are you just planning them for others? You are a Disney travel agent, right? I've started planning all my friends trips, but am not getting paid. I always manage to do that. But, I'm the local Disney expert, so I have the knowledge.

Kim: That's really scary. I hope they got him. Are you super excited about Hawaii? Have you done this marathon before? I can't really think of a better place to run a marathon. Of course, I have dreams of the Ironman there, but it'll never happen. I would actually have to swim, God forbid! :scared1:

I have no races planned at the moment. I'm just trying to build my base back up. I still have high hopes of doing my ultra in April, but will just play that by ear. My training was to begin December 1st, but that was with a base of 30ish miles per week already. As of right now, I'm at about 6-10, so I've got a long way to go in the next 2 months (ok, not even 2 months). I also have lots of persuading to do for my husband to be on board. He's not a runner and hates how much time and money races cost. All the training time, shoes, gear, entry fees, etc..... Plus, in order to succeed at this 44 miler, I need him to meet me every 4 miles or so in the car with food, clothes, shoes, more water. The race is geared towards relay teams, not solo runners. They say that by the time the solo runners get to the stops, there are so many team members you can't even get to the tables. So, we are allowed one 'crew member' with a car for our support team. Of course, the entry is only $25 so I don't mind so much. Plus, it's a brewery to brewery run, so there will be LOTS of beer at the end! :thumbsup2
44 mile brewery run - that sounds fun :). Although it is something I would probably do as a relay. I almost want to sign up for preventative PT - because I know I have weak spots that need work, but of course everyone loves to avoid their weaknesses and play to their strengths

Honolulu - yes thats def on my todo list of marathons :).
Kim - that is NUTS!! :scared1::scared1: did they find the guy??? and YES don't get me started on my Gators. :sad1::sad1: I really think we would have had a small chance if Brantley didn't get hurt :sad2: there goes our season.. good thing I am getting my hair done during the game! ;) I predict you will win!! :thumbsup2 :lmao:

Kim: That's really scary. I hope they got him. Are you super excited about Hawaii? Have you done this marathon before? I can't really think of a better place to run a marathon. Of course, I have dreams of the Ironman there, but it'll never happen. I would actually have to swim, God forbid! :scared1:

Yeah, they caught him the next day a street over from the main "big" street that I run on, so that's good. Ran by there Sunday and this morning, a little weird, but a lot better than if they never found him.

Tandy~ never run that one before and yes, VERY EXCITED!!! I haven't been to Hawaii in 10 years, so my sister and I are planning all these excursions to do as well. Plus, the race is on my birthday, so I foresee a night at a really good bar. I would love to do the Ironman there too! Don't think it'll happen either, but it's always nice to dream it.

Got in a good 6 this morning, hoping to head out of work an hour or so early to head up to SF to pick up my race stuff for Nike this weekend. Way less nervous this year knowing that I just have to do the 1/2 instead of the full, but I haven't done any hill training so I'll definitely be sore Monday, but that's ok. All I can say is that I better get my necklace this time or I'm kidnapping a fireman to take home w/ me instead! :rotfl2:

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
My Austin race last weekend was unfortunately cancelled due to weather.

It really sucked, since I flew out there with my friends, and we were up, ready, and at the race start when they cancelled. Totally bummed.

Next race, Nov 6th. It's local, at least.
Hi everyone!:wave2:

Am I too late to this thread? My name is Cheryl, I'm from the Upstate area of SC, I'm 47 and have been sedentary for decades. I saw the Princess Half in 2010 and thought if all those women could do it, I could too. I sorta, kinda started running and was sidelined with my parents health issues, they live out of state and I spend a great deal of last summer on the road and in hospitals (it all worked out okay). So, I ran the 5K last year at the Wine and Dine. This year, I've been training pretty steadily, through the summer heat, which was pretty intense this year, I considered running the half at Wine and Dine 2011 but wasn't sure if I wanted a night race to be my first half. The question of which race to do first was answered one morning when my daughter announced that she had signed us up for the Inaugural Marathon Relay, so here I am. She's run 4 half marathons, all of them Disney.

I'm pretty slow. Posting time is nearly as embarrassing as posting weight and age :D but so far I'm about 13 minute miles. I mostly run (some might call it shuffling) but take walking breaks if need be, and always for drinks, I have NOT mastered the art of drinking while running. After being a non runner for most of my life, I'm a little surprised by how enjoyable it is. I love the time in nature, and the other runners, bikers on the trail are so nice, it is always a great way to start the day. So hi everyone! Good to meet you, I'll be spending time catching up on the bazillion pages there are in this thread!
My Austin race last weekend was unfortunately cancelled due to weather.

It really sucked, since I flew out there with my friends, and we were up, ready, and at the race start when they cancelled. Totally bummed.

Sorry it was cancelled, espcially since you were already at the race. Did they reimburse the race cost or something like that for you?

I mostly run (some might call it shuffling) but take walking breaks if need be, and always for drinks, I have NOT mastered the art of drinking while running.

Hi Cheryl!:wave2:

Welcome to our group!! Tip on the water drinking~ if you are drinking from the cups at the h20 stops, fold the cup/press the top of the rim together and it forms a funnel like cup and is easier to drink from. Hope that makes sense!

Had my race yesterday. I finally got my necklace!!! :woohoo: So excited plus the fireman was cute so that was a nice bonus. Weather was perfect SF weather w/ coastal fog the whole time. Race wasn't so great. Had a big problem w/ my right hip flexor and being SF and a really hilly course, not a lot of fun. I actually had to stop a couple of times to stretch my hip out; that was a first. But it's over and I finished. Sore today, I think my fitness class tonight is out of the question, but that's okay.

Now it's just high mileage long runs until December. Haven't decided on whether or not to do a Turkey Trot, so we'll see.
Hi Cheryl!:wave2:

Welcome to our group!! Tip on the water drinking~ if you are drinking from the cups at the h20 stops, fold the cup/press the top of the rim together and it forms a funnel like cup and is easier to drink from. Hope that makes sense!

Had my race yesterday. I finally got my necklace!!! :woohoo: So excited plus the fireman was cute so that was a nice bonus. Weather was perfect SF weather w/ coastal fog the whole time. Race wasn't so great. Had a big problem w/ my right hip flexor and being SF and a really hilly course, not a lot of fun. I actually had to stop a couple of times to stretch my hip out; that was a first. But it's over and I finished. Sore today, I think my fitness class tonight is out of the question, but that's okay.

Now it's just high mileage long runs until December. Haven't decided on whether or not to do a Turkey Trot, so we'll see.

Congratulations! Hi!

Thanks for the tip on water, I was planning on using water stops as an excuse to take breaks, but, have discovered the sad fact that once I'm in the "running is glorious today, even if my legs hurt" zone...if I stop then, it is REALLY hard to start again. So, I will add "learning to drink while running and actually get some of it in" to my routine, thanks for the advice about the cup. :)
I actually had to break out the gloves this morning! :rotfl2: Mind you I was still in capri tights and a short sleeve shirt, but gloves were definitely needed. I wanted to get in 7, but only got in 5. I had my Barre class last night and we were on our toes for 1/2 the class and my calves are really sore today. I've got a short 12 this weekend, which is good b/c I still have most of the outside to do for Halloween decorations.

Hope everybody is doing well! Tandy~ hope your legs are getting used to running again. :hug:
Well, the Myrtle Beach half last weekend was a lot of fun and the weather was beautiful. Now, I've got to get myself ready to hit Savannah next weekend. I'm looking forward to that...I've never been to Savannah!
Hi team. Haven't posted because I haven't had much to report until now. I finally got a full week of running in, but it's been small numbers, like 4 miles for my long run. But, at least I'm running. I went to zumba once this week and once last week. That's the thing that's just killing my leg, but I'm still going to do it. I gained 10 pounds and need to get it off (something to do with eating as if I'm running 30 miles a week when I can't even walk)! I've been reading everything I can on running just to keep my mind in the game, so it's nice to be able to have the body follow now.

Meredith: Good luck in Savannah. I think it's awesome that you're running two races within 3 weekends. I bet the town is beautiful too.

Kim: Yeah, my hands have to be warm. I have been walking in long sleeves, gloves, pants, but running in ts and capris also. I run much warmer than I walk. I bet those calves hurt after barre class. I think you're getting great looking legs though, right?;)

Cheryl: Welcome! Sorry I didn't say hi earlier. Have you worked anything out with the drinking yet? You'll have a blast running the relay in the full. I did Goofy this year and loved every second of it. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask here. I don't claim to be an expert at all, but someone will have an answer.

Kat: Sorry the race was cancelled. I would hate to have trained for something and not gotten to do it. Bummer.
Hey everyone, MCM this weekend (insert horror movie music). Just kidding, yea I'm a little nervous, but honestly the fear didnt hit me till this morning, usually the whole week before I'm nervous.

So quick race report, I ran the Houston Half last weekend. It was warmer then normal, but I guess just right for texas, at around 70 degrees. There was a mosquito problem in the park, as after the long drought we've finally had some rain, so of course the mosquito's are all hatching. So I sprayed some bugspray on my shorts - didn't want it messing with me while running. I was obviously tapering for the MCM, so my plan was to take it easy, maybe a few miles at marathon pace etc.

Pretty fun race - the start was a little crowded, as they had 2 roads of people dumping into a 20 foot wide arch, but once we were through that it wasn't that bad. I ran the first mile with 1 guy I know from a running club, and the random other folks around. The taller buildings were messing with my GPS, but eventually crossed the 1 mile mark at like 7:30, so right around 3:20 marathon pace. I met up with a nice random stranger who was looking for about a 1:40 finish time, so I was like well thats my marathon pace so I'll stick with you for a bit.

So we parted ways when he had to take a break around mile 5 or 6, and I just kept going. Crossing the turnaround at mile 8 and heading back I ended up pushing the pace a little and finished in 1:38. So much for tapering. Still right around my marathon pace so that was kind of a confidence booster.
Matt: I love that your "taking it easy" race time is faster than my "pushing it" time. My best half is 1:46. :laughing: How was MCM? Did you get a time that you were hoping for?

I have been running well with no pain. :banana: I ran 6 yesterday and 4 today. Tomorrow is a day off and only little runs until next Monday when I will tackle my first 10 miler since before the injury. I'm excited. 10 is a big test. I had to get my training plan solidified for my ultra and, even though it's not until April 1st, I already have to start training. Since my base was 0 less than 3 weeks ago, I have to start over. And, I really want to get 2 runs of over 30 miles to feel confident.

I hope everyone has a fun Halloween!
About that confidence booster, 3:27 - certainly a good time but not what I was hoping for. Dodged a serious bullet though - weather on the east coast was crazy on Saturday. Excited to watch NYC - my friend has a friend who can't run and offered me her bib. I'm so tempted haha.


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