Wk of April 13 - WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

WWDave's 2008 Miles and Minutes Team Threads:

Master Game Roster

New Master Game Spreadsheet

Donald's Defiant Dashers Team Challenge


Hakuna Matata Team Challenge Hours/Miles

Super Goofs Team 4 Miles Challenge

TEAM FIVE: Herc's Heroes--Post miles/hours here!

TEAM #6: OHANA-No One Gets Left Behind:Post your miles/hours here

Walt's Warriors (Team 7) Miles and Hours

Team 8 Jessica's Rabbits Bios and Info
I did my 8 today too, 1:35:21, which is a 6 second PR for me for that distance. I've been working on building up my base mileage by adding a 4th running day per week. I've had a couple really good, comfortable LR, the 12K race we did a couple weeks ago and today. I haven't quite decided what to do with the remaining training time. I'd like to get in a 10 miler but not sure if I'll do that next weekend then taper or make next a cutback week, then 10 then short taper.

My mom's doing well, getting around with her walker. I took Monday off to help her out at home. I'm a bit worried about her getting around her house...not sure how well the walker will fit through the interior doorways. I doubt she'll make it for Minnie this year. Kaley hasn't done much training and wasn't running it anyway, so she'll be able to hangout with WT during the race.

We're taking a decompression daytrip to WDW tomorrow! :banana:

Good training everyone!
I'm going to actually post on this thread this week instead of lurking/randomly interjecting :)

My 5k is a week from today so I got my butt out of bed and ran a 5k. I know for you marathoners out there it's not a lot, but it's a fairly big deal for me since I've never done that before!! I can't wait until the day I can look back on this post and think to myself "Wow, 5k was a big deal?"

Mel, I hope your mom manages well with her walker. It sounds like you did great on your run! Have fun at WDW - say hi to Donald for me!

Have a great week everyone!
Morgan, GREAT JOB!! :cheer2: Stop talking about a 5K being nothing!! How many of your friends, acquaintances, co-workers did a measly 5K lately?? There was a time in EVERY poster on this thread's life where a 5K was a big deal (and to some, like me, STILL is!). As someone pointed out a while back, we LOVE hearing the newness for someone when they accomplish a new distance!! Keep it up, kiddo! :thumbsup2

Mel, oh, Mel!!!! What a time you have had!! :hug: So absolutely AWESOME that you PR'd on the eight!! :woohoo:

For all of the WISH family..every one of you is, and have been, such a HUGE inspiration to me throughout the years. From the "old timers" to our newest members, you bring so much to our group. I am so very glad to have found you. :lovestruc

OK..mushy moment over...

I am pleased to report that I have actually been consistent in getting my walking training and my LW's done. Working on doing the cross training consistently, now.

Hey WISH Team! I want to WISH everyone a great training week this week.

Mel, I'm glad your Mom is home and WISHing all in the family well. Sounds like that Sunday decompression trip is certainly needed.

Cleveland area WISHers, Welcome to the WISH Team! It is great to have you.

Loved all the pics posted. Ooooh baby pics too. What a cutie.

Took off yesterday and today from w/o. Must do something tomorrow. Probably TM, sigh.

PS: Team, Don't forget to post your upcoming events on the WISH Team calendar. We want to cheer you on the weekly race thread.
Anne--LOVE the mushy-ness! Love ya!

Angie--Okay, girl, time to take it easy--hmmm, I remember not being able to catch up to a certain WISHer at last year's Minnie (darn those potty breaks) Can't show up the rest of the team by too many minutes! Love ya! wish I could be there for your first run back after surgery!

Craig and Scott--ahhh, you guys flatter me--If only Scott and I had a smokin' marathon time to go with your nice posts. Again, WISH I could be at Minnie with ya'll!

Did another Zumba class today. Not as fun as the Thursday teacher but it got Scott back in the gym today. Not for Zumba, but he got 6 miles in on the TM! Yea for him! Hoping to get a LR in tomorrow--it's supposed to be in the 30s tonight though. WTH, I live in AR and it's April! And then I'm going to play tennis with my sis in the afternoon. And I can't remember who posted it, but yes, making me sit still would be an awful torture! LOL!

Angie – YAY!!! I’m so happy that you had an awesome 10 miler! :woohoo:

Claire – I think a banana split totally counts as health food! Congrats to your boyfriend for closing on the house – did he get writer’s cramp from having to sign fifteen million papers?

Cecilia – Glad you had a good run!

Carol – Yay for the new Garmin! Have fun with it!

Scott – I get tired just reading about your training! Awesome job.

Debra – Great job sticking it out and finishing that 8 miler!

Mel – Congrats on the PR! Glad your mom is home now – more :wizard: for a quick recovery for her.

Morgan – WTG on getting that 5K done! :woohoo: And an early good luck for your first race next weekend.

My quick search for a 5K race resulted in me finding 3 that we'd like to run - one in a month, one at the end of June, and one in August. Well, there were more, but I think I've narrowed it down to these three. :)

We're also seriously considering the Rock N Roll Half Marathon in San Antonio this November. I really wanted my first Half to be a Disney race, but we're not sure when we're going to get back to Disney, so I think this one would be fun. Plus it's local-ish, which might be better for us to see what we'll feel like after a long-distance race.
Hey WISHers,

I'll be out early to help with the clinic, a 8 miler on the schedule.

Have a great training or rest day, whichever you have planned. :yay:
I hope everyone has a GREAT WEEK! Just a quick note to say HI and to get me on the first page.

Planning on doing my LR tomorrow after work. 8 miles to the park and back.

Well I'm off to WaWa for the Sunday papers and milk.

Hi Everybody!

Just dropping in to say hi! I'm back from trip to Denver. Cool place. The kids did well in the tournament (and so did I :) ).

We didn't have too much time for sightseeing, but did manage to get to the Air Force Academy, a train ride to Pike's Peak, the Denver Zoo and walk the downtown area (LoDo). We had a blast!

The announcer on the train was telling us about this guy who did his own version of a Goofy Challenge. He ran to the top of Pike's Peak (13.1) in a little over 2 hours and the next day did the round trip (26.2) in a little over 3 hours :scared1: I had a little trouble breathing just walking around at the top. Air is definitely thinner.

Now that I'm back, it's time to get serious with my training. Signed up on Dave's core thread and will work out my training plan so I can be consistent. My goals for the year are as follows:
- Lose at least 20 pounds and strengthen my core
- Tone up arm and leg muscles in general
- Improve my stamina enough so I can stick with a r/w plan throughout an entire race instead of reverting to walking only.
- By the end of the year have my 1/2 marathon time under 3 hours and feeling good when I finish (not exhausted).

Wish me luck. I officially start my new job position tomorrow, although I've already been doing some of the work for the last week. A lot more meetings to attend.:sad2:

Take care and Happy Training!
My 5k is a week from today so I got my butt out of bed and ran a 5k. I know for you marathoners out there it's not a lot, but it's a fairly big deal for me since I've never done that before!!

Believe it or not a 5k is still a lot. There are days when running any steps is tough. There are weeks and even months whenevery single run is tough whether its 1 mile or 10. Look at Angie. She sounds like an iron girl now but just a few months ago she wasn't able to run at all.

My first race was a 5k. I remember what a HUGE deal it was for me because it was so far out of my comfort zone. If you had told me then that I would run a marathon, I would have fallen down laughing.

Good Luck!
I am more a lurker on this thread too just because I feel like I can never keep up!:yay: I am going to try this week! I'd love to know who more of you are come the race in January so I can see you and say HI!

Today I did W3 of the C25K for the 6th day (2 weeks now). I am moving on to W4 on Tuesday and although quite nervous about the jump in running time, I'll never know unless I try. Weather here has turned a corner and feels like Spring which is so nice!

Mel--Hope your Mom can get comfortable using her walker. Hope you have a great day in Disney today!:wizard:

Morgan--awesome on the 5K! I've never run a 5k so I think that is pretty COOL!

Maharae--Love mushy moments and good job on getting the walks in!

I really need to try and learn real names vs screen names. I think I need flashcards! LOL!

To everyone else, have a great week of training!

Scott: Whew you do a lot! :thumbsup2 on the 30 miler!

Carol: :goodvibes Yay on the Garmin! I think it's huge on just about everyone thought!

Debra: Good job on the 8 miler. Maybe you could try RW for the first section and then do straight jog at the end and work up how long you go?

Mel: Good run! And you are so lucky to be able to just hope over for a day trip to the World.

Morgan::cheer2: for the 5K

Anne: :grouphug: yay for mushiness! And good work on the walks!

Stephanie: What is Zumba?

TXAng: Naa. He's a teacher so paperwork is his life (sad to say!).

Terri: WB and good luck good luck good luck!

Whoops I late for a date with a 4 miler! :upsidedow
Morgan: I congratulate you for getting out there and "doing something"!!! A 5k is more than what most people do. Don't diminish any kind of accomplishment!! You go girl and keep it up. I have done 4 half marathons and still find my 5k races to be intimidating.

Anne: I like you too!:) It's ok to be mushy!

Mel: Im jealous of your one day trip!! It takes my 3.5 hours to get to see Mickey. I was just there last weekend and I want to go back with you!! Give Mickey a hug for me! :earsboy:

Terri: Welcome Back!! Sounds like you had a great vacation!

I did a LW today 8.10miles with a 14:43 pace. Not too bad and I wasn't pushing too much. I do my real LW next Sunday in training for the Minnie 15k then I do a taper week.

Hope all are doing ok, I'm icing my hamstring and shins and just chillin out for the rest of the day!
Okay--who's the wise guy who sent the snow our way. Mike was that you? Isn't it enough that your Sox embarassed our struggling Tigers yesterday? You have to send bad weather, too?;)

Mel Congrats on your 8 miles! I hope to get to that level next weekend.

Terri Good luck with your new job/position!

Allyson Don't worry about your week 4 of C25k. You'll conquer it just like you did the other weeks. It is scary to move on to the next level--I always get nervous before doing my long run, but I've managed so far and you will, too.

Well, the only "run" I did today was the grocery run! Staying in to do the taxes (why send early when you owe money!) and catch some of the Masters (good background "noise")

35 degrees out, windy mixed with snow...how does a headwind all directions happen???? :confused3, I literally ran N, S, E and W during a 73 minute run, 7.58 miles 9:58 pace :cool1: I'm not fast, so I'm really happy about that...took a powerbar gel pack at 30 minutes which seemed to help.

Followed that up with a 30 minute swim...not so pretty, but its done!

Maura, sorry about your tigers...they have been looking like kittens lately...Saturday was to make up for the Friday 5-3 loss.

I'm in for 36 wondrous hours off of training!!!!:woohoo:
Morgan - Absolutely a 5K is a big deal. I've finished my first half, but I still consider every 5K a major accomplishment. And like Anne said, how many people do you know who ran 3 miles today? YOU did!

Anne - Be as mushy as you want. The mushy moments keep me going.

- I thought of you this morning when I was trying to motivate myself to get out the door. Realized it was a gorgeous sunny 60 degrees and felt like I had no excuse not to run, not when you've had such lousy weather!

Carrie - I'm blaming all the sore muscles I'm going to have tomorrow on you. Somehow your post earlier this week guilted me into running this weekend!

My update: As I said to Carrie, she convinced me that I needed to get back out there, so I got ready this morning and decided to try a greenway that I'd only run once a LONG time ago. Was planning to do 3, maybe 4 miles if I felt good. First mile was all uphill. Okay, so the return trip should be easy. Turned around at 1.6 when I couldn't breathe anymore - still going mostly uphill. I swear, the return route was uphill too, maybe a few yards of downhill. Probably not the best route when you haven't run in several weeks! But I finished - did 3.28 in 43:28 for a 13:16 avg. I walked the last half mile so my time was lousy, but at least I did the miles.

Hey team. We are still snowy and icey here. No one shoveled after this slushy mess, so the sidewalks are all iced over. The good news, the sun is out today and by mid week the temps are supposed back to normal... that means ice will melt and I can get back outside. So today I did 7.35 miles on the Butt Kicker TM. I was under the weather yesterday and not sure if I could even make the mileage today. But I slowed it down a bit (after pushing it the first 2 miles and feeling like vomiting!) and finished. VERY HAPPY about that!!!

Jackie - Oh yes, I would take your weather any day right now! Glad you got back out there. It's really tough to get back on track, but you took the first step! I am happy to be back to lower miles, the 15K and 1/2 marathon are fitting me better than the full marathon.

Mel - Glad you got your miles in. Hope your mom gets accustomed to her walker. Take care and I can't wait to see you at Minnie!!! Did your daughter decide to run or not?

OK, gotta run the girls out to pick up a paper and a little gas station snack (they love that!!!) Have a SUPER FANTABULOUS DAY everyone (my mood has changed now that my run is over!)
Maura: Yeah, another Masters fan!!! :thumbsup2

I intended to do 8, but kept on going for a 12.5 run. I didn't feel like doing a half marathon, so I cut it a few blocks short. :rotfl2:

The local Running Room store was hosting a shoe/equipment talk at their store today (and last week), so several members cut their run short to make it back on time for the talk. Nice gesture, they give out door prizes, and give 20% off all merchandise. Great sponsors of our clinic.

Have a safe week training everyone.


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