Wk of Dec 17--WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!


akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
Andrea718 Andrea NY
andromedaslove Dana FL
bekagain Bekah
Big Vic Vic FL
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
Cheryl N. WI Cheryl WI
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cingoutload GA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4mk Michael GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
debm IL
Dennyha Denny OH
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
disneyfanz04 Michelle NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnygoof Christiana SC
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
dthogue Tammy PA
escape Susie AR
fabumouse NJ
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
gradtchr Beth TX
hbardeleben Heather IL
hmgolden Helen NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laura NY
Honeibee Judy NY
Houstonmouse Tracey
icunurse_celeste Celeste IL
Jen117 Jen WI
Jodi Jodi CT
jodistar Jodi CT
k_hase Kim NY
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
Kaycee Kaycee KY
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
KeriZ Keri AB
Kim10110 Kim
Kimickey Kim MD
Kimwim8 Kim NJ
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
LittleMissMickey Ashley MN
lizdotcom99 Liz IN
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne
MarkMichaels Mark IA
martysmom Jenny FL
maryliz maryliz ON
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minnie Suzy
momoftwogirls K
monte Monica CO
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
MrsTrx Tracey FL
msblrobs Sara NY
nstauffer Nikki MI
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom OH
outonarun Teri CA
Papa Deuce PA
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Princess Nancy Nancy SC
Pungodingy Angie NH
Rachael Q Rachael BC
RedSonya Sonya UT
rKyDeX Chester FL
Rockclimber Dave NC
RunningLilo Dena FL
ryley26 Rich OH
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
sjams Janet TX
skfulkers Steve OH
SoCalSnail Jim CA
solotraveler Kevin MI
Stenogoddess Lauren GA
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
TnTsParty FL
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
Viking Eric GE
Wbgirl Melissa MN
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
wfloyd Bill FL
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
wiskband Renee NY
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
Just a quickie...I'm off all next week so I'll try to keep up better then.

12 miles today in 2:41:36 (13:28 pace). Did great the first hour with R4/W1 around a 12 mpm pace, but then had to turn it down to R3/W2. Absolutely hit the wall at mile 10. Only 8 min faster than last year's 12 mile LR.

I'm thinking I may not be ready for the full next year. I really want to be able to do a clean half where I can maintain my intervals the whole time. This year was pretty hectic...not sure I'd even have the time to devote to full training next year. Anyway, I'm going to wait til after the Sarasota half before I decide...see how I do.

Bill...There's a hotel within walking distance of the Sarasota half start/finish. It's across from the airport. I think it's a Courtyard by Marriott (address would be University Pkwy). If you need more info, let me know.

Podiatrist at 8am Monday!

Let the Taper Madness begin :dancer:
I just posted this at the tail end of last week's thread & saw there is a new thread - so here is my re-post!

Cam - you did awesome! And I love it - "only 15!" Don't you worry chickie - I am going to sit my butt on the Boardwalk a few Sunday mornings from now until you come by! :teeth:

- I am with Cam. You are amazing: stressful job, 2 kids, running crazy mileage, cross training like crazy, singing & acting, and you are gorgeous. Ok, I hate you! ;)

So, I thought I was going to get out of my long walk/run of 10 miles this weekend since Chad is working crazy hours. But Mom called and said I had to go with her, and that Dad would watch Zack. So there goes me getting out of it! :rolleyes:

So, we set out for 10. Before mile 9 Mom was dying. She has fibromyalgia and her feet were killing her. Since we were almost back to her house, she dropped off somewhere around 9 and I kept going up & down her street until I finished the whole 10. We didn't have stellar times or anything, but getting the steps in was the important part.
41:07 (miles 3-5)
14:20 (huh?)
14:32 (this is where I had to wait for mom a bit)
12:26 (see what happens when I ditch Mom? )

So, by my calculations I could beat a 3 hour half.
I just can't stop 500 times to take pictures!
Or get caught up talking WISHers' ears off! (right Cam? ;) )
What's that saying about a bad 20 miler means a good marathon? If that's true, my marathon is going to rock. I had the WORST 20 mile lr today. Stephen and I planned on doing the first 11 together and then I was going to do the last 9 by myself. The first 8.5 miles were awesome, we were doing r4/w1 and keeping about a 11:20ish-11:30ish pace, my legs felt great, the weather couldn't have been better, and I wasn't tired at all. Then out of completely no where my IT band started throbbing without any warning, it hurt so bad that it brought tears to my eyes. I kept runnng until 9 miles and then I had to stop running, Stephen kept on going since he only had 2 more miles to go. I decided I would start doing r2/w2 for the last 11 miles. I was able to run for about a minute and a half before my IT band started throbbing again. When I hit 10 miles, I decided to just walk the last 10 miles. My IT band stopped hurting once I started walking, but the last 6 or so miles were pretty painful because the lactic acid started building up in my quads. So I did my 20 miles in 4:18. I have to say I'm very disappointed and upset with today's run, I was really looking forward to a clean lr and that didn't happen. So even though it's taper time, I feel like I can't celebrate with everyone. The plan is to take off a couple of days and cross train on the ellipitical machine this week. And after that, I guess I'll take it one day at a time. I am praying so hard that my IT band can heal itself over the next 3 weeks.

Cam-- :grouphug: :grouphug: I truly, truly know how you are feeling today. I know you are going to be just fine for the marathon.

Dave--Awesome run today! Great job!
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

I'm just checking in to see how everyone's final LRs are going.

Mel/Chimera- You are set for the 1/2M. Wow, you did 12 miles for your last LR before the half? WTG!!! That's awesome! Enjoy the moment and live in the present. I can't believe your already thinking/debating/questioning about what you're going to do next year when you should be celebrating the fact you've gotten this far in your training for this year. You're set girl!!! Enjoy your taper, and start thinking about your plans next year on January 7th.

Kristi- Good job on your LR too. That's great that you can support your Mom out there. What a great, healthy, fit WISH team you have there.

Krista- Sorry you didn't have a better LR. Believe me, I know how that feels. I hope your ITB heals up fast. Soak in a tub, and try not to worry too much. Remember what I said to Cam, I had a horrible 20 miler 2 weeks ago. My knee was stiffening up on me, and I couldn't run the last 5 miles. But, lo and behold, this week I had a great 20 miler. Rest up, heal up, and take what the day gives you on January 7th. BTW: It's you and me against Christa today, right? ;) Go STEELERS, beat the Panthers. That's a way for you to heal up. Get some ice packs and watch the Steeler game.

Kevin- Just wanted to send another shout out to your Lakers. WTG! You must be absolutely exhausted. I hope you can get some time to focus on your training, life, etc. now that the football season is over.

OK, keep those LR reports coming. I want to know how everyone else did out there. Go TEAM!!!
So I looked up my splits for my stonker 20 miler on 12/2 compared to my 20 miler yesterday. Look at the difference for the last 5 miles. I thought this was really telling about how I felt at the end.

Mile: 12/2 12/16
15 12:46 10:47
16 12:22 11:58 Ate GU
17 14:41 10:49
18 14:23 11:12
19 12:28 10:50
20 12:02 10:15

Again, I'm just posting this to try to help the people who are having stonker LRs this weekend. We'll all be OK with some rest and recovery (oh yeah, and not eating dinner at Chuck E Cheese's the night before).
Well, I pooped out on my 10k yesterday. I drove all the way there, stood in line to get my package, it was freezing & windy and just blah. I have been fighting a sore throat for awhile, so I said forget it...I'll walk another day. I feel bad, but I can't afford to become really ill. I think I'll wait til the spring to do another marathon here, it's just too cold for me.
Hi Everyone,

Wasn't online much last week (just here and there). For the most part I took an easy for the past week.

Last Monday I went for a cortisone shot in my knee and it was suggested not to do anything for at least three days (hard core exercise of course). Thursday I did have a trainer session and we worked out my core pretty hard.

For this week -- I will probably hit the illipitical to get my miles done (I want to be as well as I can be for Disney). I also have another trainer session this coming Thursday.....I can't get over how helpful my trainer is compared to that darn physical therapist I was working with.

So is everyone ready for the holidays? Thank god my shopping is all set! I can't wait to get to Disney, can't believe how fast it's coming up.

Well - just really wanted to check in with all of you and let you know that I'm still around, it's just been really busy at work lately (the last thing I want to do when I get home is get back on a computer). :sad2:

This week -- is supposed to be a quiet week, so I should be able to check in more.
Oh no - - I didn't realize we were supposed to do another 20 miler!! I would have never done the cortisone last week if I did.....I've only done 1. I just hope I make through everything okay.

I mean -- I'm not going for a personal best but to finish! :rolleyes: I'm so bummed this tendonitis thing happened :guilty:
Good Morning Everyone-

Ok so NOW has everyone joined me on the taper??? I get a 4 week taper instead of three. So I only ran 10 yesterday. :)

Colleen - Where did I read that they measure marathon courses by the shortest possible distances? This means they cut the corners as close as they can. Therefore, in a marathon, only the Kenyans actually get to run 26.2, they rest of us add slight mileage at every turn where we aren't hugging the curve.

Dana -Wow, your family takes the cake in sickness this week! Take care of yourself, which is hard with so many sick family members!

Krista - WOw, I can't believe you were able to run through that kind of pain! Be sure to ice and rest!

Dave - Thanks for the heads up that Chuck E Cheese is not a good prerace meal!

As I said, I ony ran 10 yesterday, but mentally it was a little harder than my 20 milers. I think because I am so tired. Between the training fatigue, chistmas shopping fatigue, and the cold that is trying to become full blown, I am just completely shot. If I sit down, I fall asleep almost immediately!


I'll add my splits to this post later, but yes, I did finish up my "20ish" LR from my squaron on base to my house, turned out to be about 19.75. The first 12 miles or so were on mostly a gravel path next to a highway, but that alternated with driveways, and a lot of it was lopsided due to the crown of the road, so although I plowed through the first dozen miles ok, it probably cost me later. Between 12-15 I was excited because when I did the 16 miler a few weeks ago, by 10 I was fatigued and that set of miles I was having to stop multiple times per mile. Today apparently I pushed the wall back to 15. Strangely enough fatigue for me isn't a gradual thing, I just eventually reach the point where I run out of gas and within a hundred yards or so I go from fine to a lot tightness in the calves and soreness on the back of my knees, and transition into the "marathon shuffle" for the remainder of the run. I was doing 8 ounces of powerade every 2 miles (20 min) and added half a snickers marathon bar at both 10 and 12 miles, but the wall still reared its ugly head. I struggled through the last 5 miles, which put me at a distance further than I'd ever run in my life, but I'm still apprehensive about trying to tack on 6 more.

Maybe since two weeks ago 10 was the wall and this time 15 was the wall, in another two weeks it'll be 20? And after an easier taper week or two maybe even a little further? It just leads me to doubt that I'll be able to complete the whole marathon without walking other than water stops which was my original plan, and although when I was running I was under the 4:22:00 goal time, the walking late in the run drove up those splits a bit and I'm not sure how realistic that will actually be. But anyway, final long run complete and I guess I'm supposed to be thankful just for finishing my first 20 miler ever rather than worrying about times. :rotfl2:
Good Day WISH Team!

Sorry to those who reported stonkers. Don't let it get you down. It will be much better on THE Day! Let the planning begin!

Get well to everyone in need. Sorry about the sickies being reported. Stay well to those that are!

Monica, sorry about the decision to not step off. It will be better in the spring.

Mel, don't think that way about the full for next year. You'll get it. As Dave said too, get this one done first. Enjoy it no matter what you face.

Cecilia, Yes, it's Taper Time! We're with ya.

I made a decision today to Not do my last B2B LR of 20. ITB is aching and I'm not wanting to risk further detriment. So, I did well with my 10 miler yesterday, I did have ITB pain and made sure to stretch and do all the things I've learned here and the things the group here have advised. I'll be going Goofy with a bit less training this year than last, but I'll also be going Goofy with a base of a few years work. I'm hoping it will be ok since I've got this persnickity knee thing going right now. I'm going to get me to the gym to get the rest of the days in before the Big Event and know in my mind that I can do this.

Everyone, remember to get your minds in this too. Don't be down about a bad moment in time. Visualize yourself making it through and over the finish line. Your determination helps your trainig now. We will make it!

See the medal, feel the medal, WEAR! the medal!
Cecillia - every time i've used the garmin on a marathon, my distance always shows up as 26.7 . It's always such a bummer too, b/c i use it to keep pace of my miles. I haven't trained w/ it or used it much this year, so i don't know if i'm going to use it at disney. i may just hit my splits at the mile markers and keep up w/ my pace there. :confused3
well darn! Lost my post, so I will try again.

A 'didn't make it to 20 miles' stonker report from me. Long story short, I only made it to 12 miles yesterday. A burning sensation in the balls of my feet started about mile 9. Yikes! Never had that before. So I slowed down a little around mile 10, but then the thought of another 10 miles at 16 mpm pace just did me in. Made it 2 more miles and called it quits. Somebody has a quote in their siggie that ends with something along the lines that the competition is against the little voice in your mind telling you to quit. Yesterday I listened to that voice. Ugh!! I'm counting on the excitement of being in WDW to get me through the 26.2 miles, because I really, really, really want that Mickey medal.
Mouse Skywalker[B said:
Krista[/B]- Sorry you didn't have a better LR. Believe me, I know how that feels. I hope your ITB heals up fast. Soak in a tub, and try not to worry too much. Remember what I said to Cam, I had a horrible 20 miler 2 weeks ago. My knee was stiffening up on me, and I couldn't run the last 5 miles. But, lo and behold, this week I had a great 20 miler. Rest up, heal up, and take what the day gives you on January 7th. BTW: It's you and me against Christa today, right? ;) Go STEELERS, beat the Panthers. That's a way for you to heal up. Get some ice packs and watch the Steeler game.
OK, keep those LR reports coming. I want to know how everyone else did out there. Go TEAM!!!
Oh You don't need to worry about the Panthers...THEY ARE SUCKING IT UP! I could do better! GO STEELERS!
Krista - So sorry about your LR...You did more than me though!

DH is sick and (I hate to say this) driving me :crazy:
It is so beautiful here and I am NOT RUNNING>>>>>>>giving my knee 1 more day and will run easy (no really I will) tomorrow. How far should I go...hhmmmm

Everyone with a STONKER LR this week....

B/c I did NOTHING! no runn from Wednesday...and I am going :crazy:

Matt and Dave...great LRs!

AAAHHHH taper is killing me.....
Hey everyone. I am REALLY tired today and so glad the taper is begining. All this training and Holiday madness is just wearing me OUT!!!! I did my LR of 11 miles yesterday on the indoor track... 132 laps. I woke up and it was cold, windy and misting, so I was not going outside. My average was about 12:45ish, which is faster than my 10 mile long run average. I was VERY pleased with that, even tho I felt like dying on that last mile. My MP3 player died at 4 miles so I chucked it aside and talked to myself instead!

I have been running around non-stop the last two days and my legs ache from it. I think I will be taking a salt bath tonight. Today there was a community bowling party at the HUGE bowling center by our house. Does bowling count as cross training?? Yikes, not good to bowl after a long run, but it was fun and I had a free hot dog!!!

Congrats to all the LR completions, stonker or not. It's the fact that you got out that and did your best. We will all succeed!!!
It seems to just get craizier closer to the holidays around here. I think tonight is the next Christmas concert. I have been told we need to leave soon so I will catch up on everyone afterwards.

Lynnda says thanks for the well wishes. She is feeling a little better but is now coughing. She goes to the doctor Tuesday so hopefully something will be fixed then.

I did get out for a run yesterday. It was supposed to be 20-24 but wound up being 16. Around mile 11, I thought I had a rock in my shoe but after a few stops I couldn't find anything. Then a little while later, I discovered it was the sock. So the last time I stopped, the sock tore and was causing even more problems. So I stopped and walked to a store and called Lynnda so she could pick me up. Afterwards I found that I had a nice blister forming so that was some of the problems. However, I felt great when I stopped and could even feel like I could go another 10 miles. I had a pace of 12:00 so I was on my marathon target. Now to figure out what sock combination I need to use for the Goofy.

Good afternoon WISHers!

9 miles scheduled, 9 miles completed.

It was a good run. I have a 10 miler scheduled for next Sunday and I feel that should put me where I need to be for the 1/2.

Good training everyone!
Hi Everyone,

I ended up doing my miles on the ellipitical/stationary bike today:

8 miles on the ellipitical and 13 miles on the bike. I am going to try and run too this week and see how it feels, my next scheduled run is Wednesday night --- tomorrow is cross-training (BOSU ball).

Thursday, I will be going to one of my last personal training sessions for this year at least.

I've been working a lot on stregthening the muscles around my knee with my trainer and have had her show me some that I can do home. Hopefully, everything will be good and strong for me during the Goofy Challenge.

I'm debating on doing a 5k on New Years but haven't committed yet.
Let the taper begin - yay!!

I finished my 20 mile LR just an hour or so ago. Then a nice cold bath and then a warm shower - ahhhhh! It wasn't a stellar run but far from a stonker. I felt really strong for the first 15 and then started fading but I kept going and finished my 20. My pace was a bit slower than I had hoped for but given the conditions today I was not surprised - it was nearly 80 degrees with bright sunshine. I was SO HOT from the first mile - I actually ended up with tan lines if you can believe it. Compared to last week's 18 miler in sub-40 degree weather with cold rain and wind it was an improvement though :rotfl2: At this point I have trained in the cold, the rain, and the heat - hopefully this will cover all possible situations at WDW!

I did end up with some pretty nasty blisters on each foot - I have been trying the vasline/sock/vaseline thing but I apparently need more than that so will try the tape etc. next week for my 10 miler and see if it helps.

I can't believe that in only 3 weeks we'll be just a few hours from our Illuminations Dessert Party. It has been such fun putting it together and I am so looking forward to sharing the special night with my wonderful WISH friends!

For those who can't find a Target WISH ornament, let me know. I picked up a couple of extras for this very reason and may even be able to find a couple more if necessary. They are so cute and only cost $3. So, let me know if you need one and I can either mail it to you now or bring it in January.

Best wishes to you all - healing for those who need it and pixie dust to those with LRs still to do!!


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