Wk of Dec 18--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in the 2006 and/or 2007 Disney Half or Full marathons. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us!

Here's the Marathon FAQ, a great place to answer your marathon questions:
Disney Marathon FAQ
And some websites for further running/walking info:
The John Bingham site:
Jeff Galloway's site:

Pacing Calculator
Got my shirts! They're fabulous! Huge thanks to Sunny for designing and Carrie for pulling it all together. DH was worried about how he would spot me in the pack til he saw the shirt color ;)

Helen...I've packed your shirt in my marathon bag.

Speaking of shirts, found this link on the mcmillan site: http://www.runningbanana.com

They do custom shirts, but also have some designs of their own that are pretty cool. The ones I like: "pain is temporary, but finishing lasts forever", "got 13.1?" and "The amazing thing is not that I'm running a marathon...it's that I had the courage to start".

Pat...you're not doing too bad on pace...the pacing requirements say 2:58 by 10.2 though I think that includes the extra 10 min. And like you said, on race day, you'll be faster off the TM.

Jennifer... :wizard: for your toe...congrats on your pace!

Lisa...you've certainly had more than your share of happenings this training season. Hopefully, the next 3 weeks will pass uneventfully.

Frances...glad you dropped by...look forward to meeting you at Trail's End. Looks like you and Sunny are running in the same weather.

Krista...not such a good day for the Bucs yesterday, but it was so cool having 3 games to watch! Sad that the season's almost over already, though :sad1:

Ok...we still need a bunch of LR reports. It would be cool if everyone could check in, so even if you haven't posted in a while or never posted, just drop us a quick line to let us know how you're doing! We're almost there!

It's the TAPER da-ance! :dancer: The TAPER dance!
Hey everybody! Figured I'd get my monthly post in. :)
Well, along with most everyone else, I'm done with the long LRs. Finished my 20-miler today in 3:17. Of course, that doesn't count the 5 minutes I took at the 10 mile mark to refill my water and powerade bottles, so it should actually be 3:22 (since I guess they won't stop the clock for me in Disney if I re-fill a water bottle :) ). The run was good, not my best, but I finished and that's all that matters.
I don't know how all you Goofys do it. When I finished today, I decided that there was absolutely no way I could have followed up this run with a 10 miler tomorrow or finished a 10 miler yesterday and run the 20 today. All I have to say is you guys are insane.
Good job to everyone finishing their LRs. I can't beileve how far we've all come.
Only one thing to say now.....TAPER!!! :cool1:

Morning marathonites - yippeee, looks like everyone's done it (albeit with bruises and bumps and truck achy legs). Lots of people posted so can only remember a few personal bits and bobs

Sunny - aw shucks, I must have written over 1000 features and eight books in the last 18 years - but no-one has ever called anything I've written profound before!!!!!

Mel - yep, truck achy legs completely normal, but oddly they are no worse after 22 miles as they are after 13, so no excuses for next year there!! And thanks for carrying my shirt, I'll pick it up at Trails End.

Whoever had blisters on their blisters - welcome to my world. And it IS sandal season here, I'm sure people just look at my feet and think 'please cover them up!!!'

Talking of Trails, what time are we meeting again. I know the reservations start at 4.30, but am I right in saying we're meeting at 4pm outside. Also, where is it!!!!! My disney books are v out of date so it's not in them! Do I get the boat from Magic Kingdom? I know it's weeks away, but we actually leave on Friday (your time) so got to get everything written in my little planning book as I may not get online after that.

Anyway, gotta go - but well done all. Helen
Helen...the boat from MK is the best way to get to Trail's End. You can take buses to Fort Wilderness, but that takes you to the front of the campground. You then have to take an internal Outpost bus to get to Trail's End. Best bet is to take the boat from MK (or WL or CR) to Fort Wilderness; Trail's End is not far from the boat dock, on the right near the playground and the Hoop De Do show.
Hi all! Back and somewhat situated again. After hearing aboutthe icey and cold L-LRs, I feel guilty. Please forgive me for what I am about to post.

16-miler Ave. Pace = 11:46 (Temp in teh 40s)
18-miler that was only 15.5 Ave. Pace = 13:11 (Freezingand nasty)
20- miler Ave. Pace = ...drumroll please.......11:11 (temp 44-48)

Woo hooo! We kept saying that we needed to slow down, but we did not feel like we were pushing that hard. Amazing what not watching every step (I looked down once around the 5 mile mark) and losing 10 pounds of clothing will do!!!!!

It was awesome! My legs did not tighten up until I hit 18 miles!! We felt way better than our 16-miler. I smiled most of the last 5, because I knew I would finished and I smiled the WHOLE last mile!!!!!!! If anyone knows lllovell, she found me the world's best bike path. Wll, it was all uphill oneway adn all down the most, but down was on teh way back. I wore my knew shirt!!! Took my sweatshirt off after about 3 or 4 miles and had bare legs and arms. A little shilly when against the wind but it felt sooo great!!! (We think we could have done 2 more!)

I'll take stonkers for the enxt 3 weeks as long as I can feel that good for teh marathon!!!!!!

Thanks to all of you for your support!! Huge congrats to those of you who completed your L-LRs in the snow and ice or on teh TM. You rock!!

Bigger ocngrats to the back-to-backers! You're amazing.

Happy beleated b-day to Helen!!!!

If anyone does not get their shirt Monday, let em know. I will track them. The were supposed to be 2 to 3 day delivery.

Woohoo! We're tapering!!!!!!!!
Hey Team Mates!


Yesterday I did 10 miles on TM at minimum race pace. Today I set the TM for the same speed and did 21 miles at minimum race pace. Added 1 more mile as a cool down. Now, that 22nd mile was a stonker, but I DID IT!


:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

ETA: I meant I had the TM set to do the minimum speed I needed to "qualify" as a participant. I cannot run fast. But, nonetheless, I DID IT! I will be at the end, but I plan to be there and over!
Carrie -- The shirts arrived while we were gone and it felt like Christmas today to find them in our mailbox when we got home. They are awesome! Thank you so much and thanks to Scott for helping you get them packed and mailed and thanks so much to Sunny and everyone who helped design them. They are really really awesome! I am really excited to be part of the group wearing them in less than 3 weeks!!!

Melissa -- I love the quote you posted on last week's thread. I will add that to my collection! Thank you. :hug:

Lily and Sunny -- I cannot believe you guys did those distances on the TM! I am blown away by your dedication and determination.

It is so inspiring to read about how everyone's long runs and long walks and back-to-backs went this weekend. The whole time I was doing my 10, I kept thinking about what you all were or would be doing and how exciting it would be to share our experiences with each other.

Okay, so about my LW -- We went to the state park only to find the track so iced over that we couldn't even take 3 steps on it (after I nearly broke my neck just stepping onto the track! :earseek: ). So, we drove home, bundled up, and went out through the neighborhoods. I wanted to kick Howard ;) -- he chooses these meandering courses with no concern for hills, etc. For example after one very prolonged uphill section, we ended up at the highest elevation point in Delaware! Then, he had us cutting through the Target parking lot through so much traffic and wall to wall cars, then through an icey parking lot and around the back of a shopping center into a new development that was a very messy construction zone. We were going through huge muddy sections, walking over and around lumber and wire and other debris. I was NOT a happy camper.

Howard had to peel off at 7.35 miles to pick up DS at school but I did the full ten in 2:36:21 which is a 15:38 pace. I was pleased with it. I was pretty achy all weekend, but not incapacitated by any stretch, thank God. Just glad it is over. Not sure yet of the impact it had on my mental preparedness, but I am sure it will sink in this week. While I am a pretty lazy person and more than willing to take it easy, I am scared to death of tapering and losing momentum and mental preparedness. All that and holiday eating could have a serious negative impact, so I am going to be counting on everyone to help me stay hyped and on track. :grouphug:

Have a great night, all!
HI guys! I missed you :sunny:
I went to Mobile this weekend for Christmas with the folks. I got to do my 10 miler w/my mom (she's doing the 1/2 with me) It was great!!!!!! We ROCKED! And more importantly, we know we can do this without getting swept & without dying. We finished the 10 miles in 2:27 including warm up. Thats a 14:46 pace :Pinkbounc It goes by much faster when you do it with someone. I've been training by myself.

2 more weeks til I leave :bounce: I absolutely cannot wait for this!!!!

Guess what cool thing my mom has done now. We are big QVC junkies. Except for my wedding set, most of my jewelry comes from there. Last week they had a silver Mickey head necklace with diamonique (the worlds best simulated diamond :goodvibes ) I saw it right before I went out for my LR, hinted to DH but he didnt quite get it & they had sold out by the time I got back. Well mom ordered us both one and they are gorgeous. She was going to wait until the race to give it to me, but just couldn't. I prob won't take it off before then. She's awesome!

Cam-great job on the LR. I think I would have killed my DH for picking that route too. I made sure my course was fairly flat w/just a couple of hills. Don't you dare lose momentum. We are in the home stretch baby! No stopping us now. Besides, you are an endurance athlete , this is what you are trained to do :grouphug:

Lily-all I can say is AWESOME! You rock. I know you feel great to have that done & know you can do it.

Carrie-Glad you had a great trip & a great LR. Atlanta is pretty hilly. Would be hard to find a totally flat route.

Mel- I love that shirt "pain is temporary, finishing is forever" I may have to order that for my mom. She has done alot with me & for me to get me to this point.

Happy taper everyone! Thanks for getting me to this point & I cant wait till Trails End.
chimera said:
The ones I like: "pain is temporary, but finishing lasts forever", "got 13.1?" and "The amazing thing is not that I'm running a marathon...it's that I had the courage to start".
Love the shirt sayings! I have one kinda like that.....
"Pain is temporary, Pride is forever!"......Bragging rights! That is why I do this, but you cannot have the bragging rights w/out the pain. Remember, if it was easy, everyone would do it. Congrats to all the LRs, LWs, Double LRs. We are better people b/c of them!
Hello Everyone!

It is so great to hear such inspiring stories about everyone's LR/LWs. It is amazing to see how months of work are really culminating in awesome accomplishments!!

I did my longest LW last week (12/11). It was 10 miles in 2:28 for an overall pace of 14:51. I was very happy with this as it was the FIRST time I had ever trained outside. I was so nervous beforehand but it turned out great. I used my garmin, my ipod armband, and my waist pack all for the first time as well and had no problems with any of them. I did end up with a few blisters on my left foot but that was the only problem. I felt so relieved to have things work out well for so many miles and for my first time outside - it was a huge weight off my back to know I could do it.

This week I did 6.39 miles in 1:30:51 for an overall pace of 14:12. Woo hoo - a big increase in pace for me compared to last week. Both times I managed a good pace throughout rather than starting out too quickly and getting slower. I forgot to check my splits before entering last week's LW into history on my Garmin but did keep this week's so here they are:

12:23 (my fastest mile ever - I did jog quite a bit on this mile)
6:22 (last .39 mile)

So, except for my slow warm-up mile, it was a great LW for me and I so pleased with it. I felt great and I never in a million years would have thought 6 months ago that I would EVER say that doing 6 miles was EASY!

Thank you to everyone for keeping up the inspiring posts - it has been a huge influence on me and I know it will keep me going in less than 3 weeks on the BIG DAY!
It is so exciting to hear from everyone after the LAST LR!!!! I had a very relaxing weekend and I probably won't run until Tuesday.

I cannot wait to get my shirt!

I wanted to kick Howard
Cam - You must have had some major leg energy left if you were wanting to use them to kick! :rotfl2:

Lily - You did great. You were like me, dreading it and then it was a huge success!!

Tiff - way to go. that is so wonderful that you are doing it w/ your mom. i begged mine to do a 1/2 w/ me and she just laughed!

Mel - Awesome job

Carrie - great pace! What a confidence builder. I'll bet you are really glad that you took the big plunge and got those tickets!

Boy needs to be prepped for bed (a process worthy being called XT)
Wow, you guys are really doing great with your final LR's! Shows how well all that training is paying off for you!

Although I am still not at the point most of you are at, looking back over the past year I really can see improvement, albeit at my own very little pup level. I am looking forward tolonger walks/wogs and improved pace over the next year, and setting goals I would have never even deramed of trying beacuse you have shown me that it can be done. I can't wait to meet you at Trails End because you are my inspiration.

My one drawback at this point seems to be my right knee. I had thought my problem was my hip, but lately I have seen that the true cause is my knee. DR seems to think it may be a torn meniscus, we'll see more after the holidays. At this point it bothers me more when sitting than walking so that's good motivation to keep on walking in an odd sort of way. If it does turn out to be a meniscus tear, then I have Lisa's experience to fall back on. She's come back so far so quickly it gives me hope!

Enjoy your taper time. Marathon day will be here before you know it!
Received the shirt Friday- Thank you!

Bought my Half marathon walking sneakers today. We drove up to the New Balance outlet in Brighton,MA. It is pretty hard to find but worth it. They had a sales where if you donated a pair of used sneakers you could get 20% off new sneakers. DS and i donated the pairs we were wearing. The post about NBWeb express led me to the site and i read about lasts for the first time. I had to go to the outlet though because i need a mens 7 4E and that is a hard size to find. So knowing the last that was right for my foot let me narrow down the shopping to 3 pairs, two styles didn't have my size and voila, shopping was done. They look a little weird though i guess that is the new style, blocky with no cut ins at the sides.

I also bought Bodyglide,new socks and the softest shorts.DH bought two pirs 9.5 4E, DS bought 8.5 4E, DD got youth 12.5 extra wide. Notice a trend here?

Did 6 miles in new shoes no problem. The longest i have walked is 6 miles at 4.0 about 7 times so i can't taper but have to get some more miles in. A long time ago i used to walk 5 miles on my lunch hour and 5 miles after work so hope i can rebuild quicker than if i had never walked far. The plane tickets are bought so i'm going no matter what.

Well I did it--finished my 20 miler at around 7pm last night!!!! Boy, were my legs screaming! Waist up I feel great, lungs and heart feel like I can run forever but somewhere around 16 miles my legs really start getting sore. They already feel a ton better this morning though--whew!

Thank you all for posting all the reports--I was looking forward to reading them and posting my own!

I have to say I'm a little nervous about doing the last 6 miles to the finish--and hitting the wall--have any of you gotten through the wall yet?? Any strategies you use??

Around 17 miles I really felt tired so DH and I took turns saying one things we were thankful for (there are so many). We just went back and forth for a mile with this. It inspired me a lot. Just a tip.

We have to run 3 miles today--ack! I thought today was a rest day but I'll just take them very easy--total recovery run.

Keep posting everyone!!

kaf7878 said:
I have to say I'm a little nervous about doing the last 6 miles to the finish--and hitting the wall--have any of you gotten through the wall yet?? Any strategies you use??
Kelly - Congrats on the LR! AAAHHHHH...The wall! :scared1: I have often been told that mile 20 is where the marathon begins. Didn't think this to be true until I ran one! You will do great! If you can keep positive at this point, it will help.
Here is a picture of a friend at mile 20 in the Myrtle Beach Marathon! She ran a 4:16 w/ neg splits! :cheer2:


Just a heads up to anyone that is using SW or still needs plane tickets. I received an email with great savings that is good through midnight today. Hope it helps someone save some $s.

I so wish I was going to be there with all of you. Reading all of your successes is what is pushing me to make that appointment with the dreaded DR to see what is really wrong with my hip/back/leg. I want to be ready to run with you all in 2007 :sunny:

Just checking in with my weekend report...

Sunny & Carrie - I have to repeat that I love my shirt!! It is so soft and the design is just awesome. Thanks so much for the hard work.

I am happy to report that I am done with my LR's, both on the TM. The 10 miles on Saturday was a breeze but the 20 miles yesterday were a little less than optimal. My hamstrings were complaining a bit and I really wanted to take my kids to breakfast with Santa, so I had that on my mind. It's over but not something I really want to look back upon lovingly.

I may do another 18-20 miles on Friday just to build my confidence up a bit.

Other than that, I'm going to concentrate on stretching, sleeping and eating optimally for the next 3 weeks. Usually I run at 4:30 a.m. weekdays, but now I'll run at night in order to up my sleep reserves.

I can't wait to hear everyone else's reports :cheer2:
Good morning everyone. :flower:

You guys are all so amazing, and so inspiring. :goodvibes I'm learning so much here. It's like having a virtual personal trainer. :teeth:

Cam...wow, a tough one, but aren't you glad you did it?!?!?! :goodvibes

Pefect...I had a torn meniscus that my surgeon fixed when he replaced my ACL. Sometimes my knee would hurt like the dickens, then sometimes it would be fine. It was so predictable it was annoying! If you do get it fixed, you'll be REALLY happy you did. :)

I hit a milestone this morning. I upped my speed to 3.6 on the TM, which was my old standard when I was using the TM to lose weight two years ago. Since then I've had two foot surgeries and an ACL replacement, so it's very exciting for me to back to where I was pre-ops. :banana:

Reading all your posts about tapering and being done with your LRs/LWs makes me wonder while I'll be like this time next year. I'll probably be a nervous wreck and on these boards until you guys are so sick of me! :rolleyes:

Thanks to everyone for being so inspiring! I love the DIS WISH board! :teeth:
Sunny - I can't believe you did it!! I know I couldn't run on a TM for that long. Kudos to you!!

Well, I did it. Last 10 LR on Sat. It was cold, :charac2: I know, I should be greatful I didn't have to run on a TM, but that wasn't the worst of it. The black ice was HORRIBLE, I think I skated for at least 5 miles, but it turned out ok with an avg. of 10:11 pace. I was pretty happy with that, considering the car & ice dodging. I really want to finish the 1/2 in 2 hours (maybe 2 hrs. 5 min.) Even though I'm running 10 min miles now, does anyone think this can be done? Does anyone ever get faster at the actual race? I had
-splits for the last 3 miles on Sat., so maybe I have a chance. What are other peoples experiences w/ race day for the 1/2.

Oops, gotta go, boss is coming up the stairs :rotfl:



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