Wk of Dec 18--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Terri-- by all means clash at will :rotfl2: I'm going to look like an 80s Flash Dance person with my cut up shirt. But I don't care, as long as the WISH is promently displayed!!!!

Guess what? I went for a 5.6 mile run OUTSIDE today. It was wonderful. 47 deg F and definitely warm enough to run without a jacket. I really hope that 45/65 forecast holds true. Anyway, when I logged on to update my Run to Disney I discovered I am only .68 miles from my goal. If I hadn't already taken my shower I would have ran out the door to complete it today. Hopefully I'll get a chance to complete it tomorrow and that will be my Christmas present to myself :banana: :banana: :banana: I think Garmin was playing games, though, it said my avg pace was 9:06. I really would like to believe that but I was taking my own sweet time.

Happy Holidays!
Congrats Sunny! The weather is great here, too - almost 50. I was beginning to get used to the 30 degree LW's. Figured if a cold spell hit Orlando on race weekend I'd be ready.

Although it's very possible I'll be clashing too (never have been too fashion-conscience), it was Tiff who's wearing the lt. blue shorts with our lime green shirts. (it's so hard to keep up with these posts and who said what.)

Everyone, forgive me for being a bit OT at this exact moment. Someone on the main WISH posted a cry for help and I thought who better to "run" to assist than us.

Would those that are able please respond...I will as soon as I can, but I'm in the midst of making dinner and must run b4 it spills over.

Woo Hoo!!! My lr and I did awesome! Even though I felt like poo poo. I wasn't going to not do it. I thought about Lisa doing the marathon last year w/the flu. I thought if she can do that then surely I can do a measly 8 miles with the sinus crud. The first .5 mi was warm up & the other 7.5 was a

14:11 pace

I tried to wear my new black shorts. After 1 1/2 miles I ran in the house to change. They were bugging me plus it was way too cold for shorts. My legs were so red from the wind & cold.

Sunny- you were right. Boy is that shirt bright in the sunlight. I love it!!!!

Lily-I've already responded. Hopefully we can keep her coming in Jan.

Merry Christmas to all!!!!
Trying to convince myself I could do this in 2007, okay maybe 2008.
Hi! I don't want your post to get lost. Please come repost on this week's thread!!!


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