Wk of Feb 25--WISH Walking/Running Club

Lily: Thank you for the welcoming remarks. In answer to your muscle strength question, a fancy-shmancy machine most accurately determines your muscle strength ratios, but all any runner needs to do is build those hamstrings; they are always relatively weak and tight in runners.

Weights and exercises work well; some daring runners improve hamstring strength by running backwards--even on a treadmill! I would't recommend this however without a rearview mirror mounted to my head:)

Silver Steve - Welcome to the WISH boards! Hope your recovery/therapy goes without a hitch!
Lily - Sometimes I find out the hard way things I would not want to do for a living, as of now painting has been added to the list. The middle of my back is sore as if I hit the weights too hard, don't know how the roller-ing action might have caused that,
Leana - Thanks for the encouragement...the hard part is over as far as I am concerned. Now comes the hardest for my wallet part...new furniture.
Kevin & Carrie - Sounds like the weather here. My beloved bike path whose asphalt surface endured my numerous walks upon it as iced over, and flooded in some areas (there is a creek that runs parallel in some spots that has flooded). I love my TM.

Training note:
Got on the TM today for another 5K...43:39 and again ran for 2.5 miles of the total distance....felt strong enough to go for 3, but I didn't want to overdo it (although I did increase my speed over the last two runs). My race is two weeks from tomorrow so I will be able to go for 3 staring next week.
Christa - The letter was AWESOME! Like everyone else has said, I could so relate.

Laurie - Thank you for doing it right as a PE teacher. I only wish all of you understood that there were many of us non-athletic types who needed the encouragement too.

Krista - Hope the IT band issues go away SOON!

Cam - WAY TO GO! (Although I had a moment of jealousy - just when I got to a 12 minute run and thought I might be able to keep up with you...)

Kevin & Carrie - I'm so much slower on the TM. I was beginning to think I was crazy - am so glad to hear I'm not the only one!

Silver Steve - Welcome! Hope the recovery goes well.

Terri - Glad the surgery went well. Don't be afraid to take the painkillers!

I've taken two whole days off from everything. Thought I'd get on the bike yesterday morning, but couldn't get out of bed to save my life when the alarm went off. Took that as a sign that I was really really tired. This morning was a repeat. The good news is that nothing hurts anymore, so I'm also assuming I needed the break. Am planning to do at least 5 miles tomorrow, then get back in a regular routine.

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! Can't wait to read the reports.

Hi everyone! Just a quick driveby as I'm trying to pack to go Little Rock tomorrow for our race on Sunday.

Stephanie - are you ready? :goodvibes I'm not nearly as prepared as I should be but I think I'll be able to finish okay. Looks like we're going to be in for so COLD weather starting out. Channel 4 is predicting 29 degrees at the start of the race. Brrrrrrrr. I signed up for the VIP tent. Hope there's some heat. Oh, by the way, my running partner is actually running the first leg of our relay. She will have a WISH shirt on as well but she doesn't participate on these boards.....yet. I just didn't want you to get confused and think it was me.

Terri - glad your surgery went well. I signed up for the Nike Women's half yesterday. From what I understand, it sells out pretty fast. One of my friends went last year and I think she said it was sold out within a month. Yikes!

Hope everyone has a good, injury-free weekend!
Terri--That is great news about the surgery!

Andrew--Everytime I paint I am amazed how difficult a "workout" it is!!

Krista--I am so sorry to hear that you are still having "issues":wizard: :wizard:

Carrie--Hopefully better weather wil be coming your way soon!!

Kevin--Ditto on the weather! The Yacht Club will be a great place to stay!!

Steve--WELCOME!!! Hope your recovery is quick!!

Judy--Hope your 6 miler goes GREAT!!

AbraCat--We had that bug TWICE in 2 weeks:scared1: :scared1: I think we are all well now! I know what you mean, everything seems to get so far behind and it is hard to catch up!

Leana--Hope your Long Run goes (or went) well today--Our first official Long Run for Minnie Training:goodvibes

Lilly--Good Luck on your 6 miles!!

Stephanie--I can not wait to hear how it went:cheer2: :cheer2: Thanks for the codes hopefully someone will be able to use them!

Christa--That is a great letter!!

Laurie--You should like a GREAT teacher!!!

Jackie--I am glad to hear you are feeling better!

Susie--Good luck on your race!!!

I got up and met 2 of the 3 girls I am doing the Minnie with and we did our first official training run of 2 miles! We were able to run the whole time and it was nice to get outside and off the treadmill.
It is Official WE ARE TRAINING!!::MinnieMo ::MinnieMo

Sorry if I missed anybody!
Good Morning TEAM:

I had to let you know about my LR this morning. I had one of my best runs since I started this phase of my running. I ran 13.1 miles in 2:05.08, 9:33mpm!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:. I felt great! I'm not sure where it came from, but it felt fantastic. Whoo hoooo! Maybe that sub- 2 hour PIG is possible.
Man, I'm bummed. I just went on-line to sign up myself and my niece for the nike 1/2 and it's full already. in one day!:sad2:

They've added a random drawing for more 1/2 slots, that will be drawn in April. But there's no guarantee that we would both get a spot.

This stinks!

Hello Everyone!!

Just got back from Epcot and the 5K I posted the report on the race/ report thread. Wanted to catch up over here.

Thank you to Andrew and Leaana and everyone else that asked about my job.

It is awesome!! Although my first day was a little scary. They put me in a room with a set of plans and told me to do stuff I had no idea how to do (did not learn what I needed to know at school) Then they left to go to meetings. But I worked all day yesterday and it was great. This is going to sound really dumb but when they gave me my office and told me that they ordered me my computer (which includes a laptop and case - I really should not be too excited about that part it means work at home:lmao: ) anyways I had to fight back the tears !! I know I'm rediculous.

I have said this before but I have to say it again, I'm sorry, I am so inspired right now. I went from an overweight mom who felt like I wasn't really good at anything to - A RUNNER !! (I am a runner, I can say that now :banana: ) and Engineer with my own office.!! I am so in awe, but all of my accomplishments are all a result of A LOT of hard work!! Persistance leads to so many rewards!!

Ok I will get off my weekly box. Sorry I did not keep up with everyone this week but I do want to say

Steve :welcome: You have joined an awesome group!!


Happy Training Everyone!!

It's obviously an inspiring morning! I just got back from my LR. Was shooting for anything over 5. Did 6.2 at an avg pace of 12:25. Had a couple of insights while running. Miles 2 and 3 were the hardest things I've ever done - couldn't imagine how I'm going to run a 5K in 2 weeks if I could barely make 3 miles this morning. My shins ached for the first 2 miles, but I know now that they will stop hurting if I just take it easy and keep going. Miles 4 and 5 breezed right by. When the Garmin beeped at the end of the 5th mile I couldn't believe I'd finished 5. Then I saw the pace (12:12 for mile 5) - honestly thought I was somewhere between 13:00 and 14:00 by that time - and almost tripped over my own feet! The only reason I stopped at 6 was the temperatures were climbing and I'd overdressed and didn't have any water with me and was beginning to really feel not so good. Apparently I really AM a distance runner! I CAN run the half, and maybe even the full in '09...

Oh - and I've never run on hills before, and I picked a new course this morning and discovered that there were hills everywhere! So that 12:25 was WITH hills.

Dave - Congrats on your great run this morning.

Angie - You've earned every one of your rewards. Remember how hard you've worked! Now I have to go read your Epcot race report...

Hope everyone who's racing today has an equally great day!

Just a quick training report: It is absolutely beautiful here in NJ today!! I did my LR of 5 miles this morning and I felt great. I had a PR for that distance. I finished in 47:13 with a 9:24 pace. I am really excited! Originally, I had planned to do my LR tomorrow but it is supposed to be a bit cooler tomorrow so I did it today so I could get out and enjoy the nice weather!

sap1227, Jackie,and TiffJ--Thanks for the kind words! I do what I do partly because of the poor experiences I had growing up, but mostly because I believe in what I do, and I want to make a difference for my students! And I truly LOVE my job!

Gotta go run some errands, I promise to catch up with everyone else a little bit later on!
Apparently I really AM a distance runner! I CAN run the half, and maybe even the full in '09...

Well of course you ARE silly and you WILL run the half and the full in '09. :hug: Great job today!

BTW, trying to get DH to join us online. He is on the disboards, just not on this thread. I told him he had to join. He is a little jealous of all the friends I have to talk running and racing with. I'll see if I can't get him to say hi later.
Silver Steve – Welcome! :welcome: What a great sense of humor you have! You’ll fit in perfectly here! Don’t let all our questions about muscles and exercises and injuries scare you away. We’ve always asked those questions but now we have another victim . . . er. . . volunteer who is willing to jump in with some answers. ;)

Andrew – awesome time on the TM, buddy! It must feel so amazing to be able to run for that long. :thumbsup2

Christa – Thank you for providing the link. I could have written so much of that. My phys ed teachers were kind enough to pass me even when I couldn’t meet the minimum physical fitness requirements, but sadly now, what I thought was generosity back then now feels like hopelessness on their parts that I might ever be able to achieve any of those milestones. Please give DS a huge hug for me and tell her I said thank you for putting in words so much of what I have thought and felt for so long. Oh, and don’t you listen to that silly doctor. He’s probably just jealous that you didn’t need him to prescribe pills or chime in with sage advice on how to get fit. You obviously did it right and you continue to maintain a level of fitness and ability that so many of us strive for. I worry about you being sick but I never worry about you being stupid. ;)

Laurie – I have to agree that your students must have such a great time in your classes. I really do see you as very encouraging and nurturing of that tiny little kernel of aspiration that lives in the heart of every child. Who doesn’t want to be able to run and jump? It’s good to know there are teachers like you who recognize that some run a bit slower and jump maybe not so high. Just keep doing what you are doing. You are “growing” fit adults!

Jackie – 12 minutes is absolutely awesome! Wallow in it, kiddo! Be proud and pumped and get ready to do it again! Oh, and when you feel like slowing to a crawl I hope you have a great song on your mp3 player that gets you pumped again! :banana: I decided this morning that I need to put “Til the Dawn” as every other song on my playlist. Every time it came on, not only did I want to run to it, but I also knew I could. I had done it before. Run for the duration of the song. Heck, it’s not that long, is it? “I can make it to the end of this song.” THAT is how I psyche myself to just try a little longer. Congratulations on your awesome run this morning! That pace is hot!!!! :woohoo:

Terri – I hope you are doing great today! I was very relieved to hear that the doctor said it went well and that you will be ready to train for a fall event. That is awesome! Hopefully, the pain has been very manageable and that you are using the medication if necessary to keep you comfortable. :goodvibes: pixiedust:

Susie – Good luck tomorrow! :cheer2:

Christy – congrats on the official start of Minnie training! :woohoo:

Dave – Did you do 13.1 for fun?!?!?!??! OMG! You were burning up the road! Congratulations! How do your shins feel? I worry all the time about you overdoing it! I bet your wife and girls are so proud of how fit you are and how much you’ve progressed. Awesome!
Angie – I am so glad your first day of work went well! You must be so proud of yourself. Look at all you are accomplishing every day! New career and a runner’s body too! Oh, and let’s not forget an office! :woohoo: Congratulations!!!!

Laurie – Great LR!!! So glad you took advantage of the gorgeous weather! It has actually gotten a bit colder looking outside and kind of overcast so at least I am not so resentful of being in my office now. ;)

Heather -- looking forward to seeing Kevin here. You KNOW we'll make him feel very welcome! :love:

Okay, today’s running report for me:
Woke up to sunny skies and even though there was frost on the ground it didn’t look too cold outside. So, I decided the best place to try my replaced shoes (Asics Gel Evolution II) is outside for a brief wog. Did a quick go around my block – 1.3 miles – and headed home to gather up DH and DS for the 5K. I did a race report on the weekly RR thread, but wanted to report my time of 40:06! PR had been 43:33. My last time on this course was 2 years ago when it was my first 5K ever – 54:52 (pace 17:42).

When I went back in my WISH journal to look at the information on that race, I found this entry from 3/3/05:
keenercam said:
Well, here I am 8 weeks post-surgery. Hard to believe 8 weeks ago, I was barely conscious at this time and definitely did NOT believe the doctor as he told me I was cured. I can't even believe now the person I was then. Sure, I am still fat. But my outlook has changed. I can do something about it and I am. I have hope again. It's been about 10 years since I felt hopeful. There were more times than I can count including through the three previous surgeries, when I really wondered whether I would live to see my daughter graduate high school. I couldn't even imagine living long enough to see my son graduate-- I was diagnosed and rushed to a hospital when he was just 19 months old. I hadn't realized until recently that I wasn't taking very good care of the body that I am in partly because I didn't really expect to need it too long. Besides all of that, I am really lazy, and my "illness" was good enough reason to not exert myself. After all, if the doctors were concerned about me exerting myself, I definitely shouldn't do it, right? And the food? Heck, life is short! Eat dessert first and often. After all, it's not as if anything I could have done would have changed the very serious flaw in my heart. Why not feel sorry for myself and indulge myself?
So, there is where I was.
Here is where I am. Taking a day at a time, sure, but always now with my eye on a long-term and somewhat ambitious goal. Once in a while, I take a real good look at this body and know it has such a long, long way to go. But, tonight, I have no doubt at all it will be here for the "long run." Who knows, maybe someday I will "wog" the half! After all, Mickey is there! What more motivation could this girl ask for?

I just wanted to thank all of my WISH friends. You guys keep me here and moving and I am so grateful to all of you who inspire and support.
Oh Cam! You are so wonderful!

I am so glad that you guys loved the letter to the gym teacher! My sis did not write it though...even though we both could have. We were not great at PE...even though my teacher in 8th grade tried to get me to join the track team after the cross country part of the class...HeHe!;) I told him I did not like to compete.
We acted, and did drama, and had near perfect grades in high school and middle school.

The woman who wrote it lives in Israel, I think, and Ron found her blog. How cool is that! Notice that the 1/2 marathon she ran was around the Dead Sea!

Was going to ride today, but DH has caught what I had...aren't I so sweet for giving it to him!:scared1: So I took the princess:9, princess:6.5, and:dogdance: to the park. We hiked on the trails and threw rocks in the pond. I saw runners on the trail and my heart longed to be running with them, but then I watched my sweet princess: princess: and was glad to be with them. And their pockets full of rocks.:rotfl:

Laurie, I'm so glad to hear that you are the teacher that your children will remember as being there for them. I WISH you the best when dealing with the precious little ones who can once in a while be a handful. The will appreciate you when the grow and "remember the day." Fabulous that you got to go outside and enjoy the day and a great time too!

Andrew, you are doing great. Smart that you knew when to step away. You don't want to hurt yourself and you are making great progress! Hope your back is better--ya don't want to be a painter then?

SilverSteve, yeah about the backwards running thing. Don't want to do that at all. I can hardly do forward. :rotfl: Our ortho doc advises us to never even try that on the elliptical as we see so many people doing. He says he sits on the recumbant at the gym and cringes when he sees people using the elliptical backward, then told us that means more patients for him though. He told us our knees would not withstand the hyperextension that usually occurs. So weights and other things it is for us.

Susie, good luck have fun.

Terri, I'm sorry you didn't make the registration. I heard it fills up fast, but man that is lightening.

Dave, that was some speed you had going today. Congratulations! I know you will do great at the Pig. Just please be careful. You seem to get that part now I think though.

Angie, you are fantastic! You have figured out how to beat so many things and are such a role model for you little ones and an inspiration to many. What a great inspirational story. I know you are proud of yourself. I'm proud of you too!

Jackie! You've got it! What a great report, and that you knew enough when it was time to push and when it was time to be done. You will definitely be able to do whatever event you choose.

Heather, I hope you can get DH to stop here. It will be fun! I WISH my DH would play.

Cam, you are doing so well. It is amazing to be able to read you posts from before and now. You have traveled far and what an amazing journey. You say that you couldn't do it without WISH, well you know we sure draw from you too.

Christa, sorry DH is not feeling well. Sounds like you made lemonade out of the time you had and I'm glad you enjoyed you little ones.
Total drive-by...but

Angie - you rock! :woohoo:

Cam - you are amazing! And stop putting up posts like that that make 'piggies pee.' ;-)
(weird saying Chad's family has when someone starts crying over something mushy like a movie :confused3 )

I went to the Y and did 40 mins. on the bike. I was supposed to do 50 mins. xt, but considering I have been kinda, umm, skipping xt - I think I'll take it! :rolleyes1

I have an 8 miler on deck for tomorrow. :eek:

Off for family game night at the in-laws' - minus Chad. He is out playing poker tonight & hopefully winning big!
I started running again this week, and DW (TXBelle) says I should post something here. I hit 163 for the first time in many years, but I had stopped running. I am going to try to get down to 155 and see if I can go faster! my new goal is to run the 1/2 at top speed next year and then coast on the full.

Did anybody else download Fegilicious to their Ipod after Disney this year?
Cam – You ROCK!! WTG!!

Steve – :welcome:

Christa – Thanks so much for sharing that link. It really resonated with me, too. I HATED gym classes in school – there wasn’t a single thing that I did well, so the minute I could opt out (and do marching band instead), I did. I even always thought that it might be fun to run track, but was too chicken to try it. Gotta love the lack-of-support type of coaches. :rolleyes:

I hope your DH gets to feeling better soon!

Dave – WTG on the great run!

Angie – I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the job!

Jackie – Wow, you had good run this morning! Congrats!

Laurie – Congrats on a new PR!!

Quick training update: We went out for a quick walk this morning to try out the new Garmin. I think I'm in love! Coolest toy ever.

We just went around the neighborhood a bit, and I found out two things. 1) it's a lot harder to keep on pace on the road than on the TM, and 2) our area is REALLY hilly! Ack! When we first started walking, we weren't trying to keep any sort of real pace, so I guess I didn't notice it as much.

Anyway, we did 2.26 miles in 36:48. And I have no idea how to set the Garmin up to calculate splits. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I read through the help file, but it wasn't very helpful. :confused:


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