Wk of Feb 25--WISH Walking/Running Club

Good day all. I am new to the DIS and just discovered these threads. I would like to join the WISH Walking/Running Club discussions. I have been reading the posts and I am impressed by all the dedicated, healthy-minded walkers and runners out there. I am registered for the 2008 WDW full marathon.

A little background on myself: I have been a runner (not a fast one) for 25 years; I currently participate in 2-3 races per year, ranging from 10k to 10-milers. I have run 1 marathon (Marine Corps Marathon way back in 1991). I hit the the big 40th b-day recently, and being a Disneyphile decided I would clebrate the milestone by training for the marathon. I am also a physical therapist, so I may be of help if anyone has an injury or rehab question.

Of course, I'll have to train with you all only in spirit for the next few months, as I am currently sacked out on my couch with my knee wrapped in ice as I had arthroscopic surgery three days ago.

Sorry to be so long winded. I look forward to becoming a member of the WISH community.

Good morning Race Team - :upsidedow

This morning I did 2 miles at 4.0 @ 1%. Then I took the stationary bike for a spin.

Who was it here that came up with "Relentless Forward Motion"? That's my new mantra and training strategy. :thumbsup2

I was hoping to get outside for my 6 miler tomorrow but we are having torrential rain and everything is flooded. I went by the track on my way into work and it was pretty much underwater. I guess I should just resolve to get on the TM. Which probably would work out better anyway, since I am hauling my big behind back to WW at 8:00am.

OMG Cam! That is so fabulous! :woohoo: Oh man....you might as well take a seat if you'll be waiting for me at the Minnie finish line. Matter of fact, why don't you just get lunch and come back. I should be done by then. I'm very very proud of you, but well....also sorta jealous.:rolleyes:

Karen - YAY Karen! :yay: I was wondering where you went! Glad to see you!!! I knew I liked that John! He has his NASCAR priorities straight! Oh I'd love to see Savannah. I plan on taking a vacation there one of these days.

Oh Terri - I'm glad it went well. :hug: Watch those Percosets, though. I tend to blab when I take them.

SilverE Steve - :welcome: And :wizard: for the knees. What kind of surgery did you have? I had arthroscopic to replace my ACL in the summer of 2005. I hope whatever it was, it went well for you. As you know, the PT is VERY important!

WHAT?? WHAT!??? Kenny's going to be in New Jersey???? :car:
Carrie--I have not worn my band since the marathon ONLY because the band slips around quite a bit and I'm re-adjusting it literally every 3-4 minutes. That is incredibly annoying. I'm wondering if there is something I could put on it to help it stay in place. I was thinking baby powder to absorb the sweat? Maybe I could just use Stephen's runners knee band again, that never slipped around! ;) :rolleyes:

Steve--:welcome: I think you are going to regret telling us that you are a PT! Read my previous post and tell me what you know about the IT band. ;) I hope you recover quickly from surgery!! :wizard:
Whew, it feels like it's been forever since I've been on here! My family got sick with a stomach virus a couple weeks back, all except my 9 year old daughter (who ran crackers and ginger ale up and down the stairs all weekend for my bed-bound husband and me and fed and took care of her brothers without complaint!), and ever since I've had trouble getting caught up on everything I slacked off on (except my running-- I've managed to stick with that). Anyway, I'm just popping in to say hi, and I hope everyone's doing well.
Good morning folks, happy Friday!! I am staring at the lurking snow out the window and feeling very happy that I'm flying to San Antonio this afternoon! I need a break from all this white stuff.

Last night I got my 2 miler in (as per my Hal Higdon 15K training program) in 24:46 for a 12:23 min/mi pace which isn't too bad. Today will most likely be a rest day (so to speak), then tomorrow I'll knock out my LR of 2 mi.

Terri - Good luck with your foot, I'm hoping for speedy healing for you. I decided to sign up for the Nike Women's half in October as well, so I'll see you there!
Angie - I hope your knee feels better soon! How's the job going?
SilverE Steve - Welcome to the boards - here's hoping your knee recovers quickly too.
aladdinsgirl - Best of luck trying to sort out your IT issues. It must be really frustrating! I'm with you on the mental part of it though. Sometimes my ankle has twinges of pain and I wonder if that happens because I expect it to, or because I think about it at just that time?
Sir Bouncealot - Good luck with the redecorating!
kareneast - Wow, what a great post!
TXAng - Good luck with the new Garmin. I get mine tonight...can't wait!

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Silver steve (Steve? To distinguish you from the other Steve?) - Welcome! I second Krista that you may regret telling us you're a PT. Hope your knee heals quickly!!!!!

Krista - That owuld be terribly annoying. I think you should go with the knee band, but I'm no PT. ;)

Judy - Sorry abotu teh rain!

Kevin - I am so slow on teh TM! It's pitiful. You are not alone. Hope you can start making us a daily event next week!

Abra Cat - So sorry life's been rough lately! Hope you can get back to normal soon!

Judy - Sorry about teh rain. I know how tha tgoes. :rolleyes:
aladdinsgirl: thanks for the welcome. I too have had some IT issues in the past. If you haven't already, do a search on webMD for some information on the structure and cause of the syndrome. Of course, rest helps, but that is the last thing a runner in training wants to hear!

Believe it or not a contributor to your pain may be all the TM runs. Muscle imbalances between the quads and hamstrings can contibute to IT (and other) injuries. Most of us have quads that are twice as powerful as our hamstings (documented as 2:1 quad/hamstring ratio). If you are running on a flat TM (no elevation) your hamstrings do very little work, and thus do not make significant gains in strength..

You may want to start/increase exercises at the gym that increase hamstring strength, bringing the quad/hamstring strength ratio more equal, or closer to 1:1. This could better balance leg musculature and (hopefully) alleviate IT pain. There are also several good IT band stretches you could Google.

I hope this helps. The gait analysis at your running store may help as well, although you will be at the mercy of the expertise of the test personnel. Take care.
Carrie: Did I say I was a PT? I meant that I make a great Pad Tai; or that when I run in winter I wear Purple Tights, and I am also a wild Puma Trainer.

Just kidding, I don't mind the PT questions; I'm happy to put in my two-cents.

By the way, I don't mind the "Silver Steve" moniker, it made me laugh. (The "silver" name comes from my head of grey hair; funny, I didn't seem to have any grey hair before I had three children!)
Steve--Thank you so much! And here I was thinking that running on the TM would be better because of less impact. :rolleyes: I do keep my incline on 1 on the TM, but other than that I don't play around with the incline. I think I'm going to take 3 days off from running, but still do the elliptical tonight and Sunday, and then maybe do a mile outside in my neighborhood on Monday and see how it feels. I have been lifting weights--doing the leg press and the leg extensions, are those okay to do or no? Again, thank you so much for your advice!!
Krista: the 1% incline on the TM is good. The TM is still a great, low-impact running surface and way more forgiving to injury than other surfaces; I'm sorry if I gave the impression the TM is causing you further injury; it is more like the TM workouts won't help alleviate an already inflamed IT band.

As for your exercises, leg extensions help build your quads, squats help more with the glutes. You may want to focus on more leg curl exercises for the hamstrings, i.e. machine where you lay on your stomach and curl the weight up behind you.

Carrie: Did I say I was a PT? I meant that I make a great Pad Tai; or that when I run in winter I wear Purple Tights, and I am also a wild Puma Trainer.

And a sense of humor too! You will fit in so very nicely! :goodvibes
Thanks, Steve!!!!!!! I will try the leg curls tonight when I go to the Community Center. I'm sure the Community Center will be a hopping place on a Friday night!!! :banana: :banana:
Gotta jump in here to remind our WISH Team to send some cheers to those having events this weekend.

Go the the Race Reports for 3/3-4 and Encouragement/Kudos! thread. Give our WISH Team members a bit of support.

Also, don't forget to check the calendar at the top of the Events forum to be sure you are properly listed.

Now I'm going to read I see we've gained some pages AND new Team members! :woohoo:
Thank you, Lily, but you can do it for real! On the street! And you can sustain your pace for 39.3 miles over 2 days! Do you know how much you inspire me, sweetie? :lovestruc
Awww that is such a nice thing to say. Thank you.

Laurie, wow! You really did a lot of work. I sure understand your not being able to get anything else in your day. You need an extension in the day.

Karen, glad you stopped by and hope you’ll be seeing more of us. What a whirlwind to set up a wedding in such a short notice. You are truly good friends to be there to help and part of the ceremony. Glad you knew when to stop driving so you didn’t put yourselves in danger driving through ice.

Terri, Good to hear from you. I hope today your pain is less. Hey girl, that’s what those meds are for to help reduce that and get you through. Don’t feel bad that you had to take one. Use them; you don’t get enough to become addicted, just use it get over the worst part of the pain not all the pain. PD to you that you heal quickly. Come back often to let us know how you are.

Andrew, what XT, I think Bill and Anne could use your help since you’re so handy with a paint roller. ;)

Jim, thanks for supplying that wonderful info on the bra style. It’s always nice to have someone who can give advice on style!

Krista, so sorry about the IT flare. It seems to me that it is quite difficult to rid. I’m trying all the things I can. It is most difficult to cut back though isn’t it?

Kevin, I enjoyed your drive-by. Yay for Spring Break and you’ll spend some of it with us too! Oooohboy!

SilverSteve, Welcome! I hope your knee heals as it should. You know what to do, I hope you can follow your advice. It is a most difficult thing for me to do any time. It will be glad to have your spirit train with us and as soon as you Get Well, then the rest of you. It is great to have you part of our WISH Team!

AbraCat, Kristi—Glad you made it here. Sorry that you were dealing with all that. Sounds like your DD is headed for medical profession. She’s got a great resume already.

Leana, Safe travels. Wow! You get to go to San Antonio for your 2 miler. I’m jealous.

Question for the PT SilverSteve—how does one know when the quad/hamstring strength is in ratio? It is as simple as equal weight lift ability or is there more to that? Looking to build equal quad/ham/glut/core ability here thinking it will greatly help me. You don’t have to answer really. I’m not trying to overwhelm you. Your response brought my question.

My gym w/o yesterday was fine. I did 25 min elliptical. Since my schedule called for 2 miles I was hoping for a TM to be open at the gym so I could try it out for the shorter distance…no luck. I guess it is a greater power making sure I am a good girl then. After that it was strength training doing random work on machines as they were open. I ended with stretching as best as I know and called it a night.

I am hoping to get my 6 miles in easily tomorrow, probably elliptical only though. Sigh. Happy weekend everyone!
I have to admit I really have skimmed b/c still not feeling too great, but:

CONGRATS CAM! :banana: :banana: :banana:

OK, 1st off, I have to say I love my Doc, but you guys are going to say WTHeck...when you read my report!
I have not been sick in a while so he hasn't seen me in a LONG time. I was 150lbs last time he saw me and now I am around 110. So to say he was SHOCKED at my weight loss is an understatement.
He is really worried about my sudden weight loss....:confused3 I tried to explain that I run...and really do eat, ALOT!:confused: So he thought I may have an overactive thiroid (SP?):confused3 :confused: :confused3 I told him that I lost the weight by RUNNING, SWIMMING, BIKING, and EATING RIGHT!:headache: And I am here b/c I have a cold!
I basicly have a BAD sinus infection and he put me on Amoxicillin (SP?) He told me that he would LET me run 3 today and no more.....
SO I RAN 10...HaHa!:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
And I feel great!
I did it with sis and we were about 11MPM pace! She is doing so great with her training!

I want everyone to read this! It is AWESOME! It is a "letter" to her gym teacher.
Well, just back from the race expo--and for all us women that love Moving comfort--I wish I had your sizes! They had the sports bras for $10! But by the time I could see what people here wanted--I sure they'll be out! But at least I scored one! But,now I'm getting more and more anxious b/c now I have a race number (pretty cool blue print one!) and a chip---aaahh it's getting more and more real.

Oh and if anyone is at all interested, our local news station is going to have a live web-cam at the finish--so ya'll can try to spot me around 12 or so-- my race number is 1065 at www.fox16.com and look for hte finish line web cam link!

Here is some more "maybe" useful info. for some:

Anyone doing the Philadelphia Distance Run? Here's a code to get $10 off the entry fee when registering online "30strong" exp 6/15/07

Here's a code for The Country Music Marathon--$15 off reg. for the full--"CONQUER26" exp. 4/1/07

Wishing everyone a great weekend for racing! And for those not racing good training!
Christa - That is an awesome letter!!!

I wish someone had sent that to my HS cross coach. Maybe someday I'll have the courage. When we were stretching before Ice Fest, I overheard someone say, "Hi Coach!" He stopped to talk to the girl. She told them that her friend told her that she should go out for cross. He said that she should and that her friend could really use someone to run with. She told him, "I'm not that fast." He replied, "You don't have to be fast, you just have to want to be there."

I wanted to go hug the man and tell him that I wish he had been my coach. If so, I would not likely have taken a 16-year hiatus from running.
I have to admit I really have skimmed b/c still not feeling too great, but:

CONGRATS CAM! :banana: :banana: :banana:

OK, 1st off, I have to say I love my Doc, but you guys are going to say WTHeck...when you read my report!
I have not been sick in a while so he hasn't seen me in a LONG time. I was 150lbs last time he saw me and now I am around 110. So to say he was SHOCKED at my weight loss is an understatement.
He is really worried about my sudden weight loss....:confused3 I tried to explain that I run...and really do eat, ALOT!:confused: So he thought I may have an overactive thiroid (SP?):confused3 :confused: :confused3 I told him that I lost the weight by RUNNING, SWIMMING, BIKING, and EATING RIGHT!:headache: And I am here b/c I have a cold!
I basicly have a BAD sinus infection and he put me on Amoxicillin (SP?) He told me that he would LET me run 3 today and no more.....
SO I RAN 10...HaHa!:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
And I feel great!
I did it with sis and we were about 11MPM pace! She is doing so great with her training!

I want everyone to read this! It is AWESOME! It is a "letter" to her gym teacher.
Christa- I just have to say that letter gave me goosebumps. I bet a lot of people on our team (including myself) can identify with it! Hope you're feeling better soon.
Christa-as a Physical Education teacher myself, reading that letter really moved me. It is such a shame that there are physical education teachers out there like the teacher your sister had. I teach Kindergarten through 3rd grade, and one of the things I always make sure I do is encourage every single student in my classes regardless of ability, and most of all make sure they have fun. It is so funny that you posted that letter today, because I was at a physical education conference earlier today making a presentation, and I was having a conversation about this very topic. A college student attending my session came up to me after my presentation and said to me "Your students must have so much fun in your classes" and I looked at him and said that that is what it is all about, teaching students to enjoy physical activity! Yes, of course, there are important concepts to teach them, but If they enjoy exercising, they will be more likely to continue it later in life. I truly hope that this young college student about to enter the field as a teacher understands that, and if more and more P.E. teachers understand this, then maybe less students like your sister will have bad experiences!

Ok, I will get off my soap box now, but I just was so moved by that letter that I had to put in my two cents about something very near and dear to my heart!
Christa-WOW, what a letter. It brought tears to my eyes. And yes, I , just like Dave can truly relate. I was never involved in sports, could never get to the top of that stupid rope, always got picked last for teams, I had asthma & my PE teachers didnt believe me when, without my inhaler, I couldnt breathe & had to sit down after running a lap. They thought I was lazy. I never enjoyed sports so I didnt really care all that much. I got out of PE in high school by taking business classes & having a high GPA. Oh, and get better! And its not like you lost that weight in a month or something. You have been VERY active & eating healthy. You look fabulous!

hockeygirl-I am so glad you make PE fun for your kids. My kids have the laziest PE teachers on the planet. They rarely get to do fun stuff. Yes, they have 100 kids at a time, but there are 4-5 teachers so that shouldnt be a big deal. They go every day, which I'm glad about, I just wish their PE teachers liked their jobs as much as you. They seem to barely tolerate doing anything.

Well, no training today. I was cooking/serving green eggs & ham for several classes at school today. Dr. Seuss' birthday ya know. I'm planning on a 5 miler in the a.m.

And, I am not going to be able to do the RFTT. But.........its because we have changed our 4 day cruise to a 7 day & we leave the Saturday before the race. I'll give it up for that!!!!!! Maybe I can do it next year.

Good luck to all those racing this weekend. And all those sick & injured~get better soon:wizard:


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