Wk of Feb 26--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. Some of us are training for the 2006 Disneyland Half and for the 2007 WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news/training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

Here's the Marathon FAQ, a great place to answer your marathon questions:
Disney Marathon FAQ
And some websites for further running/walking info:
The John Bingham site:
Jeff Galloway's site:

Race Etiquette with Miss Road Manners

Pacing Calculator

Good training everyone!
Good Evening Everyone:

I got my steps in today. This was my first training outside on the roads for a couple of weeks. I did 4 miles in 57 min (~14 mpm pace). My shins felt really good which made me happy. I did another week of exercising 5 out of 7 days.
5 miles this morning in 1:07:04 for a pace of 13:20. My splits weren't as consistent, but they were certainly faster than usual.
Mile 1 13:47
2 13:08
3 13:25
4 12:59
5 13:19

Love the photos, guys! Keem 'em coming! I'm hoping to take lots during the half next weekend so I can show y'all around Sarasota. The course starts and ends at the Ringling Museum (as in the circus Ringlings), goes by Jungle gardens, over the Ringling causeway to the yacht club to turn around.

MelR...how was your 'training run'?

Lily...how's your training for the penguin medal going?

Liz...how 'bout you? Are you still out there?

Amy... :rotfl: your 'butcher' story sounds very familiar. The wild todd has a doll that belonged to her sister and used to have long red hair. DD13 rarely got into trouble when she was little, but scissors seemed to be one of her weaknesses ;)

Tiff...how was the b'day party? The wild todd turns 3 on Tues :scared1: Congrats on your 13:06...great pace! :cool1:

Cam...wtg on your 6 miles! Great pace, especially at 26 degrees :banana: Ummm...I hate to be a dork, but what are monkey balls (I'm not entirely sure I should ask ;) )

Dona...congrats on your 2.1 miles!

Dave...great pace! :cool1:

Disnygoof...wow...1.5 hours a day :worship:

Kevin...great pace :worship: ! I think the universe and all the planets would have to align for me to do the Goofy. It would require a winning lottery ticket and me not having to work :teeth:

I finally got someone at WDW Leisure Suits to talk to me on Friday. I'm not terribly impressed with the rates they're quoting for a room block. I asked for 15 rooms spread among a value, mod and deluxe resort. The rates are:
All-Stars $76/night + 11.5% tax
POFQ/POR $129/night + 13% tax
WL $194/night + 13% tax.
I've stayed at POFQ/POR/WL on AP rates many times and have never paid that much for any of them, so I don't think this is going to be a great deal for FL residents or AP passholders. But, if there's at least 10 people who might otherwise pay rack rate for their rooms, a room block might be a good deal. Just let me know if we have enough interest and I can keep going with this. She's going to email me the info we discussed and I would be happy to pass that along to anyone else that's interested.
Hi Everyone,

Didn't get to post my work from last night (Friday):

TM work -
5 min- 3.7
5 min - 5.7
5 min - 3.7
25 min - 5.0
5 min - 3.7
10 min - 5.0
5 min - 3.7
5 min - 5.0
Cool down for 10 minutes
Total mileage (including cool down - 5.3 miles)

Today's work (nothing that exciting):
V twist (although probably not named that - but it's what my trainer and I called it) for the stomach - 12 reps, 3 sets

Winsor Pilates - 26 minute sculpting circle workout for beginners (Mari Winsor)......Although, I didn't feel like it was really that bad - I know I will feel it tomorrow.

Tomorrow I hope to get to the Fitness Center to do 3 miles on the TM.....I will have to get up early to do so because we have a family get together tomorrow.

I have to start getting a little bit more faithful in doing my Pilates exercises - I enjoy the workout and would like to get better at it, after all I still have to move onto the advanced workout.

Have a good Sunday everyone (incase I don't get to post)

Oh you are all so cute! Thanks for the compliments. (Keep ‘em coming!)

LOL, I love it “quads of steel”!

Love the pics everyone. Turkeys, and hills eek!

Honeibee said:
:rolleyes: I knew it, I just knew it. I'm older then all of you. :eek: :sad: …I'm just the old woman here. I knew it. :sad…
OK! You can be It! I don’t want to. :hug: :teeth: (You didn’t think I’d let this pass did you?

Dave, sorry about not getting that alphabet thing. I could only find this link which isn’t much help, but figured I’d post it up anyway. Alphabet tracing

BFH! Big Freakin’ Hill For sure! Glad I’m not going through that. I think I would have quit a long time ago. LFHs are enough for me for sure!

Dona, tee hee sweatshop Moms, Oh yeah!

Lots of news to report!

I did my 8 miles today. I started at 44 degrees and ended at 36 degrees with wind chill to 26 degrees. Brrrr, windy, but sunny. Saw a red headed woodpecker, and blue birds along my way. Took it easy, but you know I could not have gone any faster if I wanted. It is amazing how quickly I have gone backward. I got in my 8 miles in 2 hr 7 min for a 15:52 pace. Well within the Columbus Capital City Marathon 18 minute pace requirement for April 1st, but well over the “Women Run the World” 15 minute pace requirement. Why would I worry about that you might say?

Guess what! DH was watching me in DIS Chat tonight and while I was being asked about participating in the January event or the Minnie event I was saying I didn’t think I would be going because DH wasn’t interested. Well, DH told me that he did not say that! He told me to go ahead and plan on. So, I just need to figure out if we can find the $ or room space to go. AND! He said if I want to do Minnie to go for it! Ooohhhboyohboyohboy! I just need to figure it all out and see if it will work schedule-wise. I will do this Minnie solo if I do go and need to find a room, and all the rest. So much to work out, so little time. Wonder if it will work out, but going to sleep with happy thoughts tonight for sure!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :banana: :banana: :banana:
Yea Lily! Call Anthony Travel, I think they had pleny of rooms left in their block & great rates. We went to a play(kids theatre) last night & it was kinda boring so I started doing the alphabet tracing while I was sitting there. :rotfl:

Mel-yesterday's bday party was fun, we were at the Science Center for 3 hrs. The boys were having fun, but mostly because I was socializing ;) It wasn't DS party, but a good friends that shares the same bday. His is next Sat.

Cam-you are so sweet! I'm glad we'll get to hang out at Minnie & at DL! :cool1:

Dave-WTG :banana:

Well, I may not be staying at the Candy Cane with all of you in DL. 1st of all, dont use their online system & if you do, make sure to get a confirmation in writing. Aparently it is a separate company that has to then fax them the reservation & they never received my corrected one that I did online(in January) & have a confirmation number for and they are sold out. So the 1st night I would have to stay somewhere else. I got a room at the Hilton for that night, but I have called for 2 days & have yet to find someone that is either helpful or cares at all! I am getting ready to email them.
Good morning.

I have been lurking all week. Its been a rough week as far as r4/w1 is concerned. It seems I can't get rid of some aches and pains and may need to slow down even more. My knees are hurting mostly behind the knee. I am also having right hip/butt pain that radiates down the back of my leg. All this goes away if I take rest days from running.

I think I am frustrated since I already cut back from running to r/w - I guess I need to w/r and build back up to r/w.

So, after blowing off cross training all week, I dropped my kids at the sitter at the gym and instead of a Lr/w I looked at the class schedule and saw "core commotion" was about to start. I THOUGHT this was like a pilates/strength class! All of a sudden the music starts and they start this type of dancing, marching stuff :eek: :eek: I was too far away from the door to get out! I tried to get out of dancing at my own wedding so this was scary!

As it turns out it was a great work out and I was Jello after. I am a good sore today and I don't have any of the knee/hip/butt pain that I had from running.

So, my I have renewed my interest in cross training, but think I will look for something without dancing. :thumbsup2 I think they also have an intro to spin class. :thumbsup2

Christa - great pics!!

Lily - awesome news!

Chimera - I may be interested in POFQ/POR. I am deciding that or Pop. It will depend on if I am alone or with family. Thanks for putting that together.

Dave - way to stay at it. I am glad your shins seem to be feeling better. :thumbsup2

Jodi - your workouts sound great. It sounds like your having fun. :teeth:

Judy - your pics are beautiful - great views. btw - I'm 33. I will be 34 on marathon weekend. :sunny:

For those of you talking about the Jersey shore, it keeps reminding me about the week last summer we spent in Ocean City. We had an awesome time. Such a great family getaway. We would love to go back.

Here is to a great week for the WISH team! pixiedust:

Maggie :surfweb:
Just a quick picture of the girls...this was the day we went up for the Everest preview.

We actually don't have a trip scheduled for March :eek: , but we'll be back to WDW in April for DH's conference at the Swan.

Yay, Lily! Come do the Minnie!

Wow, Jodi...quite a training schedule :worship: Do you have any rest days?

Maggie...we can actually choose any resorts, so if more people are interested in Pop than the All-stars, that's certainly an option. I would imagine the rates would be the same.
I've been hanging about trying to catch this thread when it wasnt 10+ pages long--gee yall like to talk!

Anywho I'm a college student from LA (thats the state not the city). I did the 5K fun run during the WDW marathon weekend and was hooked. Im not a runner but I decided right after the "run" (jog walk jog walk walk walk jog), that I was coming back and doing the "real thing" next year. I still haven't decided whether I'm doing the Half or the Full. I've been "training" for 5 weeks now, walking and jogging four days per week.

Today I had a great go at 5K distance finishing it in 30 min which definitely made my week (last week's 5K was 38 min). Well I'm off to church, can't wait to get to know yall better. :wave:
Good morning, everyone! WOW! So much to catch up on, and there are so many posts from last week I didn't respond to. Sorry! :hug:

Amy -- I'd love to find a local 1/2 to do in the fall, but we are doing the Disneyland Inaugural Half in September and I probably won't do another as I will jump right into a training plan for the WDW Full in January after that. At some point, I have to curb my enthusiasm because these things get so expensive. Hmmmm. . let's see, Minnie at WDW in May, 5miler at Jersey Shore 3 weeks later, Chicago Distance Classic in August, Disneyland 1/2 in September and the WDW Full in January! I think my partners are beginning to wonder about my sanity. Especially when I limp around my office every Monday with an incredibly sore right hip. (Oh, and I forgot to mention a "surprise" trip to WDW end of March to see DD17 march down Main Street! :Pinkbounc

Dona-- I think doing the SpringLake5 would be an awesome thing to do on your birthday weekend! Spend quality time with DH and family in that beautiful town for the morning. You'll be done and home before 11 or noon! Aww, come on, it will be fun! :teeth:

Judy -- I don' t care how old you say you are -- it is all in the spirit and you are so gorgeous (look at that smile! :teeth: ) and how much fun you are! You need to be one of those Oil of Olay spokeswomen who convince the world that chronological age is MEANINGLESS! BTW, sorry about the skunk. Hope the smell has diminished! How is Mist? I have been thinking of her, poor baby! I wonder what happened to her colt. How traumatized she must have been.

Jodi and Dave and Mel everyone else -- your training sounds so great and more than on track! Congratulations!

Oh, and "monkey balls" are those pod-type ball shaped tree droppings that are brown with spikes all over them -- does anyone know what they are really called? I was so worried I'd step on one and turn my ankle. They are big and hard and the track was covered in them at parts.

Welcome, lilouisiangal!

Hi, Maggie! We've missed you!

Lily -- SO psyched you'll be joining us at Minnie! Another medal to add to your collection!

Tiff -- You have me totally freaked out about the Candy Cane Inn. (okay, I know you guys didn't even know I was missing, but it took me 20 minutes to find the confirmation). I have an on-line confirm and one directly from the hotel that came with one of their brochures. Hopefully, that means we are set. I will try to call later to be sure. Tiff, let us know what you decide to do, but be sure to plan on the DIS meet by the pool regardless of where you are staying. :hug:
lilouisianagal said:
Are you talking about these things: http://pbskids.org/backyardjungle/files.php/279537_discovery_f.jpg ? We call them gumballs around here. They are the fruit from the sweetgum tree. And ouch if you step on them bare-footed. :scared: http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/StratfordLandingES/Ecology/mpages/sweetgum.htm

Thanks, Those are very similar, except ours are brown. They are hard, too, so if you step on them, they don't crush. They roll, so you could really take a fall. UGH!
Hi guys - nice easy weekend for me, just an hour each day at the gym, I'm rather enjoying taking a break from long runs on a Saturday - although I did decide today that I'd better write my DL training plan in my diary soon so I don't get too used to having time off!!!

Re last week : Twinnie Amy and Twinnie Dave - blurgh, I'm the oldest. 13th is mine, although am v happy with Cam at the moment for saying I look younger!

Oh and I got all my metrics and imperials mixed up - forget the US was on Farenheit. Sooooooo what's 50 degrees like - coat or jacket? Trust me, I wouldnt be going anywhere that's 10F - although I did stay a night in an ice hotel once, interesting but not something I'll repeat any day soon!!!

Tiff - try this email for the Candy Cane - debrabeerup@candycaneinn.net - my reservation was in two parts as I wasn't sure I was going to stay there the first night, and I got a posted confirmation for that but not the longer reservation so I emailed to check and that's the email it came back from. Thankfully mine was all okay.

Anyway got loads of work to do today so I'd better get started. Helen
Greetings Everyone: Went to the gym this afternoon to squeeze in a workout while DD5 princess: was at a friend's b-day party. Wan't a great workout because I tried to rush to much and felt like I really had to hurry to make sure I got back to pick up DD5 princess: on time. Therefore, I tried to speed up and run on the treadmill. I ended up only doing 1 mile in 13:40 min I would alternate walking 1 lap @ 4.0 and running 1 lap @ 5.0. I felt a dull ache in my left shin - so I figured it would be better for me to stop and do some stretching and shin exercises. The shin feels OK now - I don't have any sharp pain when I touch it. I guess I just have to keep working on strengthening those shin muscles before I can run much.
I read this thread every week but I rarely post (because I am not doing what I should be doing :duck: ). That is changing this week! The Minnie will be here before I know it and I need to get serious!

Todays scheduled activity is 30 mins of Cross-Training and I just completed that :cheer2: . Tomorrow--Stretch and Stregthen--I will be here to say that I did it!

Thanks for starting this thead every week, it is really inspiring!

HI everyone. I am new to running and have wanted to do the Disney 1/2 Marathon way before I had kids. Then I had them and haven't gotten myself back in shape. So this is my year. My youngest is turning 3 and I WILL run the 1/2 Marathon. I have never ran in any type of length race before, so I am very intimidated and confused. I have no clue what to do or expect. I haven't registered yet, should I do this now? When are they normally filled by??

I still have a bunch of weight to lose, but I hope that will come with the running. I am still on a walk/jog program and hope to run my first local 5K in May just to start getting the feel. I live in Wisconsin and hate the cold weather, so I have been basically running on my treadmill with a once in a while jog at the gym on the track (counting laps kind of sucks tho!!).

I hope you don't mind me joining and asking my dopey questions here and there!! I am a Disney nut and am so excited about taking it to a new level next January!!!
Hi everyone! Hope you are all having a lovely weekend! Gotta' catch up on the threads here :goodvibes .

Dave: Not to worry about your rushed workout...at least you got out there! And it sounds like you did a good job listening to your body! Sounds to me like you're shin splints are on the mend....and you had a good week of workouts to be proud of!!! :thumbsup2

Helen: 50 degrees isn't bad at all. You probably want to layer a sweatshirt or sweater with a lighter weight jacket and bring hat and gloves for evenings with maybe a warmer jacket if possible. It's not freezing cold but definitely chilly enough if there is a breeze. If it's sunny 50 can feel quite pleasant :).

Cam: I want to do the DL half SOOOO badly in the fall. We were out there last November and fell in love with DL. Plus it would be cool to do the inaugural race. BUT....DH has says it's just not possible so I'm searching for a local half. :confused3 BTW Mel...did your DD hear from U of D yet? I loved it there and would be sooo happy for her if she got in. My DH and I met there nearly 20 years ago :blush: .

Mel: The girls are adorable! I love that pic :) ! Thanks for sharing it!

OKAY...drum roll please.....I ran in the bitter cold today. Brrrrrrr...it was 20 degrees (wind chill felt like 9) with 20 mph wind gusts. But since yesterday was my rest day I ran my personal best EVER! I am doing the Gallloway 5K plan and this was my first 2.5 miler LR. I ran a 10.8 minute mile pace!!!! :cool1: That is almost a whole minute faster than my previous pace for the 2 miler. I was actually running a 10 min/mile split but the head winds just killed me on mile 2 and I couldn't maintain it....had to actually stop and walk for a little while! But overall I was so happy with this run! I know I'm not supposed to pay attention to my pace but it's really the only way I can tell if my fitness is improving, so I do try to keep track somewhat. I was just shocked at how great I felt. I really think yesterdays total rest day made the difference! :cloud9:

I'm also testing my sushi theory. :idea: I swear that any time I have sushi for dinner my next days workout is better?! I'm going to try it again next Saturday just to see LOL! :teeth:
Hi everyone!

Well, the "Longest Race Report in the History of All Race Reports" is up. Fair warning, should you choose to read it, get yourself a nice cup of coffee, wear comfy clothes and clear some time. For the Goofy next year I may have to self-publish a novella to get it all in. :coffee:


Mel-- Planets lined up?? Phooey! After all, isn't this your astrological sign: :goofy:

Maggie-- Your story is a perfect illustration of why I never do aerobics classes. :)

Dave-- This might sound like a strange question, but how tall are you?? I'm 6'1 and I had the same problem you describe right up until race day during my run segments. Turns out I was shortening up my strides when I ran at certain speeds (for me, anywhere from 4.5-6.5mph). Anything under or over that was fine. Your mileage may vary, of course, but you may want to play around with your speed. (And make sure to stretch well after you are done.)

Lillouisianagal-- Welcome!

Jen-- Yeah! Glad you found your way over here. Welcome!

Amy Beth- Congrats on getting out there and doing it despite the weather and wonderful job on the PR!!

This will certainly be "one of those weeks" for me, but here's what the training plan looks like:
Monday: 2.5 mile tempo run; Weights at gym
Tuesday: Weights and XT at gym
Wednesday: Speedwork on indoor track; Weights at gym
Thursday: 3.5 mile run; weights
Friday: Yet more weights
Saturday: 5.5 mile long run

I hope to have my Goofy plan done by the end of the week, but we'll see...

Happy training all!
Kevin (Solotraveler) :earsboy:
:wave: Welcome Jen! I'm pretty new around here myself and training for my first running events as well! I heard that the marathons filled up last year around August. I know one of the running gurus here will be able to confirm for you! Anyway, this is a great inspirational place to be! Everyone is friendly and very supportive. I think you came to the right place!!!

Kevin: I'm going to hop over and read your report! Sounds like you have quite a week planned! :goodvibes
Well I got the steps in , but can you say S-T-O-N-K-E-R !! It was cold, the wind was blowing hard, my jacket was getting on my nerves, my Garmin was getting on my nerves, my legs felt like unmoveable pieces of lead.........ok, whine over. At least I finished it. Pace was 14:46 including warm up. Not horrible, but nowhere near what I've been doing lately.

I have emailed Candy Cane (at their corporate email address) a looong email with all the details,facts & copies of my confirmation emails. We'll see. Right now I have a back up reservation at Howard Johnson's. I will definately come hook up with you guys no matter where I stay. I still have a reservation for all but my first night, but they have been so bad to deal with I'm not sure I want to stay there at all.

Anyone every stay at Hojo's or Hilton Anaheim? I keep finding pros & cons for both. I want a clean place with comfy beds. Not too much to ask. I have never been to CA so I want this to be a fun trip!

Of course now I'm really eyeing DLR. There is some availability thru getawaytoday.com. Folks on the DL board swear by them. This is supposed to be a budget trip since I'm coming sans family, but I may never get out that way again. (can you tell it doesnt take much for me to justify something I want :teeth: )

Mel-I'm not sure what time we will be there Friday, but if its early enough I would love to do lunch!


Jen-Welcome! Last year they filled up in Sept. I would definately register as soon as you can. You have plenty of time to train, you can do it :cheer2:

Cam- I know what you mean, DH keeps saying "you know they have races here don't you" Well that's not the same. Why would I care about doing a race in Huntsville :snooty:

Helen-thanks, I'll email to that address too

Well, have to go finish poster. Next week DS5 is "Star of the Week" so I have to make a poster with pics for him to take & show off. He keeps telling me how to do it & what I need tohave on there :rotfl: My baby is all grown up :(

Have a great week everyone!!!

Less that 10 weeks till the next WISH meet! :cool1:


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