Wk of Feb 3rd-- WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

WWDave's 2008 Miles and Minutes Team Threads:

Master Game Roster

Master Game Spreadsheet

Donald's Defiant Dashers Team Challenge


Hakuna Matata Team Challenge Hours/Miles

Super Goofs Team 4 Miles Challenge

TEAM FIVE: Herc's Heroes--Post miles/hours here!

TEAM #6: OHANA-No One Gets Left Behind:Post your miles/hours here

Walt's Warriors (Team 7) Miles and Hours

Team 8 Jessica's Rabbits Bios and Info
Hey everyone!

Update on the Miles/Minutes Game: team challenge threads will be linked in the opening post of the weekly threads so you can easily find your team for posting your hours. If your team's link is incorrect, please let me know!

I have felt like a total slacker since the full. I leisurely got up at 7:30, didn't get around to running until about 8:30. No more of those up by 5:00 am, out the door by 5:30am and by the time I get back and cleaned up, it's lunchtime and half the day's over. I kinda miss it...but I kinda don't. Anyway, 4 miles this morning in an even 48 min.

Steve and Krista...congratulations! That is too exciting!!

Bill...great job getting out there! Sleet would've been a deal breaker for me. Umm...actually, one reason I didn't go right away when I got up this morning is because I was waiting for it to warm up a bit (it was 50 degrees :rolleyes1 )

Stephanie...that must have been a really tough decision, but I think it's the right one. You've mentioned several times you wanted to take it easy this year.

AmyBeth...your XT expertise is very helpful! That's something I really want to focus on getting right for this training year. BTW, I think the website/webclass idea is brilliant for the same reasons Stephanie mentioned. Classes I want here at the Y are either during my work day or on evenings that are my running days. I can't really flex my running days because DH runs the days I don't and I dont want to mess up his schedule. A webclass would be really cool!

Debra...:wizard: for your cold.

Jen...welcome back! Ummm...brrrrr! I'm hoping to go back to Chicago again and stay where we did for CDC. Such a neat city and area! We missed so much!

Cam...we've missed you! Good luck with your case and congrats to Jenn on starting her training!

Heather...thanks for posting all the great photos!

Craig...your running partner sounds way cool!

Martha...how's the throat doing? Hope you're feeling better!

We have discovered several (8 or so) WISHers will be aging up into the Master's category (aka turning 40) this year. Anne, I think we'll need one of those Mickey cakes!

Good training everyone!
Hi everyone! I helped DS (Andrew) with a Scout Merit Badge project today. It was for the Hiking Merit Badge. He had to hike 20 miles(!) to finish it up. I walked 19 of the 20 and he finished up while I returned home to get ready for an appointment and dinner with friends. This accomplishment will allow Andrew to achieve Life Rank in Scouts. :banana: :woohoo:

So, my training for the day: 19 miles walking at a brisk pace.

I am proud of my son for finishing it with no training or preparation. He is feeling it (for sure) and appreciates what his Mom (Cam) does SO much more. :laughing: ;)


Hi everyone! I helped DS (Andrew) with a Scout Merit Badge project today. It was for the Hiking Merit Badge. He had to hike 20 miles(!) to finish it up. I walked 19 of the 20 and he finished up while I returned home to get ready for an appointment and dinner with friends. This accomplishment will allow Andrew to achieve Life Rank in Scouts. :banana: :woohoo:

So, my training for the day: 19 miles walking at a brisk pace.

I am proud of my son for finishing it with no training or preparation. He is feeling it (for sure) and appreciates what his Mom (Cam) does SO much more. :laughing: ;)



WOW!! that is amazing!!! You two continue to amaze me at what wonderful parents/role models/people you are!!! :)

Helpful Panda's training tip of the week for the tripple Ds and the rabbits:

Increasing performance is not rocket science it's a matter of proper fuel. Your body burns the food you eat for energy so you need to consume things that burn easily. When you do your marketing think "what burns easily". So fill your cart with combustables: Shredded Wheat, Vodka and marshmellows are the staples of a good performance diet.

Don't forget plenty of water for post race cool down and the deep fryer for relaxing with some good cheese fries.

Social Panda:hippie:
Helpful Panda's training tip of the week for the tripple Ds and the rabbits:

Increasing performance is not rocket science it's a matter of proper fuel. Your body burns the food you eat for energy so you need to consume things that burn easily. When you do your marketing think "what burns easily". So fill your cart with combustables: Shredded Wheat, Vodka and marshmellows are the staples of a good performance diet.

Don't forget plenty of water for post race cool down and the deep fryer for relaxing with some good cheese fries.

Social Panda:hippie:

:lmao: And don't forget that wonderful piece of dark chocolate paired with a nice glass of cabernet to help those tired muscles relax after your workout.
I am proud of my son for finishing it with no training or preparation. He is feeling it (for sure) and appreciates what his Mom (Cam) does SO much more. :laughing: ;)
Howard - Appreciates his what his mother does but trains like his father! Nice job for the both of you. Also, congrats to Cam for landing a big case! Oh, and also to Jenn for starting off strong.

Fear not! Chad is now the proud owner of a new pair of Brooks Adrenaline shoes!
They are yellow though - not the best color. Like it matters though!
Kristi - Those are the exact shoes I have:laughing: . I was going to send Chad some red ones but could be persuaded to part with my older pair of yellow ones (only about 5 months old now). I'll be due for a new pair in April. I'm betting on green by then.

Mel - I'm thinking you need to sign up for another full since you are missing the all morning long runs!

WWDave - Vodka in the shredded wheat! Don't I feel like the fool. I've been doing gin all this time. Doh!

Amy - I asked DW if she wanted to take a pilates class together the other day on the way to the gym. She graciously declined because she didn't think she could stand the humiliation:confused3 . I then politely asked what exactly was pilates (I know it's good for the core:thumbsup2 but that's about all I know). She called me an idiot and refused to speak to me for the rest of the car ride.

Oh, and I did get a 14 mile run in on Saturday morning.

See ya!
Mike: :lmao: I think you SHOULD try pilates class. My DH does water aerobics and is the only man there. He says he goes for the "floatation devices".

Panda: :lmao: I hope your team follows your great advice. Although weaving while walking would increase your miles. I ended up running 13.3 during the half due to weaving!!!

Here is my challenge to the Super Goof team. This month, I want you all to work on that one thing you have always wanted to add to your routine. For me, it is stretching before and after and even on my off days. I am adding in some yoga just to help my older muscles out a little bit. If you don't cross train, try adding some in. If you don't weight train, try that. I highly recommend the weight training. It has made a huge difference for me. Even if it is something as simple as adding more fruits or water to your diet. This month, I want everyone to try something new!!!!

Oh and KEEP MOVING PEOPLE!!!!!!! :yay:
I know one thing, the miles challenge does have me being more active. I'm always looking for ways to get more miles in, and have been doing 4 instead of 3 on the TM! YAH for the miles game!

Lisa, I'm still thinking about what new thing to add this month, thanks for the challenge!

Mel, thanks for doing the shirt order. I can't wait to get them.

Howard- 19 miles without training, your son did great!
So fill your cart with combustables: Shredded Wheat, Vodka and marshmellows are the staples of a good performance diet.

Let me see. I am no Iron Chef, but I'm guessing I soak the shredded wheat in vodka, ignite it and toast the marshmallows. Sound like great fun. I'll have to try it with the kids at tonights Super Bowl party while ...

Mike: :lmao: I think you SHOULD try pilates class. My DH does water aerobics and is the only man there. He says he goes for the "floatation devices".

Panda: :lmao: I hope your team follows your great advice. Although weaving while walking would increase your miles. I ended up running 13.3 during the half due to weaving!!!

Here is my challenge to the Super Goof team. This month, I want you all to work on that one thing you have always wanted to add to your routine. For me, it is stretching before and after and even on my off days. I am adding in some yoga just to help my older muscles out a little bit. If you don't cross train, try adding some in. If you don't weight train, try that. I highly recommend the weight training. It has made a huge difference for me. Even if it is something as simple as adding more fruits or water to your diet. This month, I want everyone to try something new!!!!

Oh and KEEP MOVING PEOPLE!!!!!!! :yay:

Well I saw that the Buzzy Team was all heading over to Victoria Secrets to see if the new line of Judy's crosstraining appearal is out yet.:upsidedow

Good morning WISH warriors.

I hope everyone is getting over their flu bugs and their aches and pains from the marathon. I going to try to walk a bit today.

Lisa, I have a wonderful new technology for your team to try. Electric stimulation has showned to be an awesome way to build muscle, better than steroids. I haven't figured out yet where you stick the batteries but I'll get back to y'all on that. But go ahead and experiment if you want to and you will be a step ahead of the game.:teacher:

Stacey I'm glad to hear you are getting more steps in.:cheer2:

Mike, Gin just doesn't have a high enough octane level. Beer is good for a long slow burn. It's just hard to light.

Helpful Panda:hippie:
Silly helpful Panda. I thought the R-rated thread was bad enough, you have now moved into X-rated just as predicted. Electronic stimulation........:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Well I saw that the Buzzy Team was all heading over to Victoria Secrets to see if the new line of Judy's crosstraining appearal is out yet.:upsidedow

Are they going to be the back-up exercisers like Gilad has while **Judy** concentrates on form instructions and counting?
:confused3 Helpful Panda wrote:
Well I saw that the Buzzy Team was all heading over to Victoria Secrets to see if the new line of Judy's crosstraining appearal is out yet.

Are you sure that was the Buzz guys?? I thought I saw some Triple D's, skulking around Victoria's Secret????:confused3

Bill, I hope your Pats win... I only watch for the commercials! :happytv: And I add up the cost....$2.7 million each!

Princess runner said:
Silly helpful Panda. I thought the R-rated thread was bad enough, you have now moved into X-rated just as predicted. Electronic stimulation........

Where ARE you going to put those batteries??? :confused3
Good morning WISHers!

Hoping everyone is having a great Super Bowl Sunday.

No training to report as I continue to recover from a bout of pneumonia.

Krista and Steve - Baby's heartbeat. Cool!

Howard – Congrats to DS for earning his Hiking Merit Badge, and to you for helping him.

Cam - Good luck with the case.

Mel – WTG with the 4 miler!

Mike – WTG with the 14 miler!

Stacey – WTG with the 4 miles on the TM!

Connie said:
Are you sure that was the Buzz guys?? I thought I saw some Triple D's, skulking around Victoria's Secret????

The Triple D's shop at Fredrick's of Hollywood. ;) :woohoo:

Instigator Panda said:
I haven't figured out yet where you stick the batteries but I'll get back to y'all on that.

PatsBill - I'll leave this one for you. :lmao:

You all have been hitting the vodka soaked shredded wheat early today!!! OH MY!

Bill: Good luck to the Pats....I am hoping for an exciting game. And obviously for a different outcome than you. But it's all good..i can't even believe my boys are in the super bowl! :goodvibes

Lisa: :thumbsup2 Good challenge. I've challenged myself to try something new too. I'm actually planning on trying Spinning class. For some reason it terrifies me LOL! I can run 39.3 miles in a weekend but for some reason I think that Spin class will kick my butt!!! :headache:

Howard: WOW! Your son did 20 miles?? That's incredible!!! :thumbsup2

Mike: Tell Kathy she won't be humiliated! Everyone is scared of pilates but it's really not that bad. I promise. :angel:

OK...I have to admit...my body is aching and NOT from running. Wish I could say I got a bunch of miles in this past week but I didn't. What I did do was something like 10 hours of XT on the ski machine and pilates/yoga classes. Next week I need to balance that with some actual miles ;). With that said...I'm off to get a brief run in this am before i head out for a day of activities. Hope everyone enjoys the big game!!!
Amy - I asked DW if she wanted to take a pilates class together the other day on the way to the gym. She graciously declined because she didn't think she could stand the humiliation:confused3 . I then politely asked what exactly was pilates (I know it's good for the core:thumbsup2 but that's about all I know). She called me an idiot and refused to speak to me for the rest of the car ride.

:laughing: Not exactly how the conversation went! :rolleyes1

Mike: Tell Kathy she won't be humiliated! Everyone is scared of pilates but it's really not that bad. I promise.

AmyBeth - You don't know Mike very well. It's not me who is embarassed to do pilates - It's the idea of Mike participating in the class that might cause some concern. :rotfl: Maybe I'll be brave enough and take a class with him next week!
Kathy: :lmao: WAY TOO EARLY in the morning to be posting for me. I should have known LOL! Yeah...drag him into class. At least you'll be entertained ;). Pilates is easy Mike...no worries! :thumbsup2
Originally Posted by Connie
Are you sure that was the Buzz guys?? I thought I saw some Triple D's, skulking around Victoria's Secret????

Big Vic said:
The Triple D's shop at Fredrick's of Hollywood.

Doh! I should have realized that!:rolleyes1 !! They don't SELL triple D's in Victoria Secret!!

I did an easy two miles and stretching. It's not much, but that's what the training program said to do, so I did it!!
Howard and Cam - Congrats to your son on the scout badge. What an accomplishement. Howard - congrats on your 19 miler - it amazes me that you can do all that with hardly any training Cam - congrats to you on your big case.

Bad Panda - Gross :eek: VODKA (I need a smilie that is spitting!! LOL) If you would have said rum I might have agree with you!! LOL

Vic - Now wait a minute!!! The guys on the Triple D's might be shopping @ Fredricks but I am definately a Victoria's Secret girl!! ;)

I managed to mostly walk 2 miles (there was very little running going on) this morning. My calves tightened up and I didn't want to hurt my shins so figured I would take it easy and walk. If my neice is feeling better and comes over for the Superbowl later we will go out for probably a mile since she wants to do the Minnie 5k with me.

Since I joined the local running club on Friday I might meet them on Wednesday evening for a run/walk although I am kinda scared that they will all be faster than me.

Everyone enjoy their Sunday and enjoy the Superbowl :happytv:


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