Wk of Jan 15--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Colleen - I can get the sport beans at our local bike shop but I'm sure there is a place on-line (i don't know where, can you believe it!) You might try performancebike.com or nashbar.com.

I think my race schedule so far is:

White Rock Classic 50k (Feb 4)
Cowtown Marathon (Feb 25)
Ozark Extreme Adventure Sprint - all girls team (March 4)

I know there are more, I just have no idea yet.
Catsmaker Trail Run +/- 21 miles (May)
Berryman 100 mile adventure race (September)
Tour de Cure Century Ride (October)
Raid The Rock Adventure race (October)
Lewis and Clark Adventure race (November)
WDW Marathon???
Good grief, look what happens when you miss a few days!! :)

Workouts are going fairly well right now. On Thursday I ran 5K on the treadmill and finished it in 27:31. It felt GREAT to finally get running again. Alas, my plans for a three-miler this morning were foiled by the 7 inches of snow we got here overnight. :cold:

Seems like everyone else is doing well as well. Keep up the good work!! I can't believe how many posts we have going on here. I don't think we lost anyone from this years race..LOL.

I've been thinking about my race schedule for 2006-- this is what I have so far:

March 18th: St Paddy's 5K here East Grand Rapids, MI
April 30th: Lansing Race for the Cure 5K
May 13th: Fifth Third River Bank Run 25K (????????-- trying to avoid agreeing to do this, but I think I will end up anyway...)
August 12th: Chicago Distance Classic- a big BIG maybe- tough time of year
mid-October- Homecoming 5K at work
January 6th and 7th, 2007: Goofy Challenge at WDW

It doesn't seem like a lot, but the timing doesn't work out for a lot of races I would be interested in: DL Half is a really bad weekend; Toronto Waterfront Marathon is a bad weekend as well. Now that I have the bug, I see a lot of different marathons that I would like to run-- just not this year. I'm thinking about starting to save up for the Mayor's Midnight Sun Marathon in June 2007 in Anchorage, AK. (Maybe)

Well, back to work--
Happy training all!
Kevin :earsboy:
Hi, everyone! Just wanted to report in on my session with the PT for nautilus orientation this morning. It was wonderful. I learned to use all the lower body equipment and had a refresher course on upper body. The interesting thing is that I am much stronger than I expected and am starting at a bit more weight on lower body than I thought. I was also able to up the weight on all the upper body stuff. Seems I've gotten stronger over the past several months! I did .75 miles in 10:06 for my warmup. :banana:

MelR -- I am so glad to hear how much your DS is enjoying the tandem bike.

Nancy -- It is so great that you have been able to get in more walking! So glad to hear that you are enjoying it.

Krista -- I just wanted to mention that I can't tolerate any of the "ade" drinks, but learned to use (and enjoyed) orange powerade mixed almost 1:1 with water. I could tell the difference in my electrolyle levels too, though I would never have known that until I started using it. I felt more lucid and not woozy, if that makes sense.

Okay, off to suit shop with Howard for the new job (he has lost so much weight this year and needs more suits for this new job), and possibly furniture (I fell in love with the classic mickey armoire in the new disney at home furniture line and am thinking it might be fun to redecorate our family room around that piece). Just have to convince Howard! :teeth:

Have a great day everyone!
solotraveler said:
It doesn't seem like a lot, but the timing doesn't work out for a lot of races I would be interested in: DL Half is a really bad weekend; Toronto Waterfront Marathon is a bad weekend as well. Now that I have the bug, I see a lot of different marathons that I would like to run-- just not this year. I'm thinking about starting to save up for the Mayor's Midnight Sun Marathon in June 2007 in Anchorage, AK. (Maybe)

Well, back to work--
Happy training all!
Kevin :earsboy:

Solo-- I know someone who ran the Midnight Sun. She actually hurt her knees really badly from the steep downhills. She couldn't run for over a year afterward. I will ask her for a synopsis and pass it along. She also said it was really hard to plan for an evening run (eating/digestion etc). I'll get the scoop! Sorry to hear about the cold...

It's gorgeous here!!!! I just ran outside in my CWX tights and a big T-shirt (those tights are really snug and unforgiving :blush:, but OH SO COMFORTABLE ) I did 5.5 miles in 53 minutes. I'm getting alittle annoyed about speed. I know I need to start doing real speed work if I want to improve. I've now done 33 miles post-race and feel back to normal.

TammyNC said:
Thanks for the info on the OBX marathon. After looking at the course, I do know which bridge your friend was talking about. It is a pretty large one. Does your friend have a map of the course from last year that I can compare to this years to see if the return portion is the same?

Dunno. I'll ask, though. :thumbsup2
icunurse_celeste said:
...I looked at the new Garmin forerunners coming out- :earseek: pretty cool. Do people have the ones with or without heart monitoring. I would be interested to see my heart rate, but I don't know if it is really worth it? Do I need it or is it the nurse in me- I'm not looking for target heart rate...
By the way- I'm excited about seeing all of you at the Chicago Distance Classic....should be fun!
I'll take a stab at the answer here since I rarely go without my HR monitor. I also have my Garmin 201 for outside. I started with my Polar HR monitor several years ago strictly for Target hr. I found it most useful for me. If you don't feel the need for target hr monitoring I'd say you're not in need of one then. Stick with the Garmin w/o hr then. Someone said about the hr monitor on the Garmin only useful outside and if you do inside work I guess that would be a drawback. I don't know, but I'd think the Garmin combo hr would work indoors, just not the distance monitoring part.

It is indeed wonderful that we have so many participating here already, new and old groupies.

My advice for what it's worth to those who have already done the half and considering the full, Go for IT! Realize though that there is a commitment in there to be certain that you must put in the steps for this one. Training to train, adding strength and some speed, is a terrific way to get on with it. Remember there is a 7-hour completion time and all the extra time built in for padding will allow for the "wall" if you get to it and need to really slow down. At least I can say it worked for me with my first marathon, well enough.
So far all I've got going race-wise is Columbus Capital City Half April 1, Chicago Distance Classic Half August 13. It breaks my heart, but I don't think I will be making it to the World in January '07.
Tiger Lily 03 said:
I'll take a stab at the answer here since I rarely go without my HR monitor. I also have my Garmin 201 for outside. I started with my Polar HR monitor several years ago strictly for Target hr. I found it most useful for me. If you don't feel the need for target hr monitoring I'd say you're not in need of one then. Stick with the Garmin w/o hr then. Someone said about the hr monitor on the Garmin only useful outside and if you do inside work I guess that would be a drawback. I don't know, but I'd think the Garmin combo hr would work indoors, just not the distance monitoring part.

It is indeed wonderful that we have so many participating here already, new and old groupies.

My advice for what it's worth to those who have already done the half and considering the full, Go for IT! Realize though that there is a commitment in there to be certain that you must put in the steps for this one. Training to train, adding strength and some speed, is a terrific way to get on with it. Remember there is a 7-hour completion time and all the extra time built in for padding will allow for the "wall" if you get to it and need to really slow down. At least I can say it worked for me with my first marathon, well enough.
So far all I've got going race-wise is Columbus Capital City Half April 1, Chicago Distance Classic Half August 13. It breaks my heart, but I don't think I will be making it to the World in January '07.

Sounds like Chicago will be fun party: !!!! I can hardly wait!

Thanks for the info regarding the heart rate monitor and Garmin- I'll have to see what happens. I am the kind of person who really likes toys- so in that nature I'm more inclinded to purchase the other one.
Guess what I got in the mail today.....

party: party: party: party: party:

My Garmin came and is chargine...might have to go for a little walk a bit later in the day!!

We got a bunch of cool new smiles!! :hippie: :thanks: :clown: Neato!

Colleen-yup, the full is pretty much bouncing around in the back of my head. I think I'm going to wait & make sure I commit the time to do it though. I will decide by May I think. I got my Jelly Bellies from jellybelly.com noone in my city sells them. They come in orange & lemon-lime. I liked both flavors.

Cam-awesome job! I am planning on adding strength training too.

I bought my goggles and swim cap today. Boy am I going to be :scared1:
wearing those.

Everyone is doing great! Keep it up!
I go to a conf and everyone posts!

Melissa - Thanks for the gel advice. That is great! LOVE the pics!

Howard glad to hear from you! Glad you are feeling better!

Lynn - Your race schedule kills me! DUDE! :faint:

Here is mine so far with some maybe and some YES!

3/11 - MAP tri
4/something - Southpark 1/2 marathon...not sure the name or the exact date
5/7 - White lake tri - if I can talk DH into taking me
Charlotte marathon in December
The other maybes are:
NY marathon if I get the lottery and DH says yes (I don't think this will happen, but I can dream :hippie: )
there are a few other tris
a bike ride from Charlotte to Myrtle Beach (takes 2 days)
WDW Goofy 07?????? This depends on NY

Just ran 10 miles friday and went swimming for 1 hour today....

Wow! Sounds like everyone is doing great! :thumbsup2

I did my first workout since marathon weekend. Finally. It wasn't anything intense, though. I'm still trying to get over my post "Goofy" cold and still can't run cause of theshin splint.

But, I did an easy walk for 30 minutes, spent 30 min. on the exercise bike and did 20 minutes of upper body weights. It felt so good to do something again.

I've decided on my next long term goal. I want to do a distance event (1/2 or full marathon or triathlon) in all fifty states. If I did average two events a year, I'll be around 68 when I finish :) . My family and friends officially think I lost my mind. I keep telling them, "Life's an Adventure". And I think I convinced 2 of them to do the WDW 1/2 in 2007.

I'm not really sure of my races for this year. Everything's a question mark right now based on $$.

Some local 5k and 10k's
Sept. - DL 1/2
Jan. 07 - WDW. Not sure which race. I don't think I'll do Goofy. If friends come down for the 1/2, I'll probably do that event with them. If they bail, then I'll go for the Mickey.

I've been looking at some different vacation possibilities for the next 2-3 years. When I see some place I think I'd like to go to, I've been looking up to see what races may be going on. A year ago if someone told me I'd be entering marathons, I'd have said they were nuts. Now I'm planning my vacations around races. Ya just never know. :teeth:

DH and I tentatively have 5 races between Feb-April. All are 5K's. My asthma is back under control finally so next week we will begin training all over again. :)
TEK224 said:
I've been looking at some different vacation possibilities for the next 2-3 years. When I see some place I think I'd like to go to, I've been looking up to see what races may be going on. A year ago if someone told me I'd be entering marathons, I'd have said they were nuts. Now I'm planning my vacations around races. Ya just never know. :teeth:


Terri- have you looked at the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco? It looks really cool and what a great city! I'm glad that you are entering more and more races- it gives me hope.

Beth, glad to hear your asthma is under control!

Terri - What an awesome goal - I know you can do it!! :thumbsup2

I ran this morning - 4 miles. The first mile was not fun, but after that it felt good! :woohoo:

Does anyone have some triathlon training/tip sites to check out? I've googled, but wondered if I missed some good ones. TIA!

Have a great weekend!!!

-- pooh:
aladdinsgirl said:
Okay, question time. :teeth: I don't like sports drinks and I didn't train with it in the half. I used power bars and water and I was completely fine, I didn't have any problems with hydration or electrolyte levels. I plan on doing the full in January, so my question is: can I continue to use the power bar and water only mixture for fuel or do I need to suck it up and learn to drink Power Aid? I know I have 11 months to figure all of this out, but it may take me 11 months to teach myself to drink Power Aid!

Krista princess:

Not sure except to advise that at minimum..per our coaches recommendation--run with one of those salt packets (like at McD's)--be sure to keep it DRY. Take it at about mile 18-20. This will help your salt stores. Obviously drink water with it.

I didn't like ADE drinks either--but I did learn to consume them. They ended up being very welcoming once you are hitting high distances.

I also didn't want to do any sugarry supplements either (and I hate eating during my run unless it is an orange--so bars won't work.). I learned to eat Gu.

Do what you can and if you simply cannot tolerate it--drink lots of water and maybe take 2 hits of salt during your run (1/3 and 2/3's through roughly).


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