Wk of Jan 15--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

thanks for all the MFM info...............I am off to the web site to check it out!
:rotfl: :teeth: :rotfl: :teeth:

renee :wave2:
Minnie- I have one leg shorter than the other. Well, not really but the way my pelvis/base of spine is slightly twisted it appears that way & I can tell when I walk. I was given a lift when I was in my 20's & had I worn it, it may have been corrected by now. It hasn't been that big a deal for me, but it probably would help keep your back in better alignment.
me after the race:


Me, Erin and Heather after the race. The little blond head peeking up out of my mylar is the Wild Todd (she was cold)

Cool pics Mel!

We were so hot by the time the full ended that there was no need for Mylars. Darn it, I earned it, though, so I took it! lol.
Great pix, Mel! I have to post some of me and Howard and Rhonda. Just have to figure out how to size them down!
Honeibee said:
If you are doing WW....have you seen this post??



:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I think I may have hurt myself laughing. :rotfl:

I remember my mom did WW back in the day, though I think it must have been a few years after those cards. No wonder she didn't stick with it :crazy2: Mackerel anyone? :rotfl2:

btw...thanks for posting those pics. The horses in the snow would make a fabulous Christmas card :love:
That settles it. I need to quit this pesky job that keeps me to busy to keep up with the thread! I hope I can remember all the things I want to reference:

Honeibee-- Gorgeous horse and yard! I love the name, Logic-- how cool!

Howard-- So glad to hear you are doing well and good luck with the new job.

MelR-- The boys are adorable! The Boy looks like a natural (once Mom fixes his helmet).

Mel-- great pics! Keep 'em coming. I am having so much fun seeing everyone's pics.

Renee-- Great job on the 11 days. You can do it, I know you can.

Colleen-- My family has a low threshold for Disney, too (all except DS). DD tells me I'm going to have to rent children to take once he outgrows it, too!

TiffJ-- I checked and the hidden mickey is on the mickey medal, too!

I'm just back from doing 10 miles on the TM. It started out awful, it took 4.5 miles and ~50 minutes into it before the run came to me. I finally felt good and bumped it up to 6.5mph for a good while. My lungs hurt when I finished so I guess I'm still a bit sick.

As for my race schedule, well I'm all excited to make it but I haven't done so yet. Here are the one's I'm pretty sure I'll do:

Run to Remember Half (Boston) March 12-- definite, already registered
Work's 5K fun Run sometime in spring
Around the Lake in 24 hours marathon (MAYBE. This is a night-time run in July around a lake that is 3.3 miles, ends up being ~8 laps.) It sounds ridiculus but its pancake flat and about 5 miles from my home. I think I might do it to practice negative splits.

Applefest again (October)
Veteran's 11K again (November)

I'll fill in the gaps with 10Ks and maybe another half marathon

Goofy '07 if all the magic of Disney descends on me between now and then!

Onto other news. I'm a cow. I haven't lost the 6lbs I gained at Disney. I have been eating out of control. I don't handle being sick well! I've got to get this back in control. Febs LT WI is right around the corner. I promised myself no more tricks. Darn! Nothing a 20 miler without water couldn't fix :rotfl:

Almost forgot my other BIG news!!!!

I've been subtly working on Dx about the half... He went to the Y last night and did his first run in 20 years! I'm so psyched. I waited for him to get home like a kid waiting for Christmas. When he got home I asked, "so how was it? how fast did you go? how far?". He acted all disinterested and said, "oh I don't remember those things, why do you ask?". But then with some more prodding I got him to tell :)

I hope he'll want to go back. I haven't talked to him yet today. He was already feeling sore by the time he went to be last night.

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: To get Dx on his way!

Minnie said:
Help! I am so confused on what to do :confused3

i just returned from a visit with a new chrio. My PT said to go ahead and see one because of the problem with my upper back. He looked at all the xrays and took a few more to try and find the overall problem. Once it was pointed out it was easy to see that due to L4/L5 being twisted in my back my sacrialic joint is the cause of the pain. He worked on all of this and I hurt more now that ever but he said to expect this and to ice and move around so I don't stiffen. I have to go back and have this done again as it will take a bit of time to correct. He is also considering a heel lift because on leg is slightly shorter than another. Anyone ever here of this :confused3

So my question is this: Should I cancel my sports ortho apt (which I'm leaning towards doing), and keep with the new chiro or the PT :confused3

I'm hurting so much now I just don't know what to do.


Oh my gosh--substitute Minnie, and insert LLP and you have MEEEEEE!!!!

See if your PT can manually adjust your leg---I *had* one leg shorter than teh other....I forget which part my PT adjusted (did some leg pull stuff--I'll ask her if you like what it was so you can tell your PT to check it..but it won't be until next week)...and I suddenly had legs of equal length.

I like chiros within reason. MY mother hates them b/c they've done nothing but made her worse and she will never see one again. In all my adjustments--I always walk away in relief...and if something else acts up durign the adjustments (usualy my upper back once my lower back gets adjusted), then my chiro adjusts it.

I'd ditch chiro for now. I use mine now for little pick me ups--but your PT if they are good at manual therapy could conceivably do nearly as good of work. My PT explained some levels or something and what she does with manual therapy was just one level below what a chiro does.

I would not see him again--b/c if your PT is adjusting your via stretching and some manipulation....your chiro isn't trained the same way--adn while it is possible for the two therapies to compliment...I'm afraid that they've done nothing but disconnect for you.

If your PT can get your legs the same length (I think it was something with my ankle or maybe my hip--describe it as "pulling my leg" and see if PT can figure it out--I will double check with my friend when I get home as I am in St. Augustine right now).

If your PT can do that--then definitely ditch the chiropractor.
HOLY COW! I go to work for three days and stay off the boards and see what happens- 10 pages! I have spent a good chunk of today trying to catch up! This board is almost as busy as the cruise board for the DCL May repositioning cruise was just before we left.

Lynne- if you are looking for someone to help you figure out calories- take advantage of a dietician....you're in medical school right? I'm sure one of the ones at your hospital will be more than willing to help you out- they are trained how to do that stuff. I know in the ICU they take into account calories need to heal from various insults, fluids needed, etc and balance out tube feeds, diets, or assist the pharmacist with TPN- so they should be able to figure out the calories you need. A good dietician are unused assets.

Honibee- I enjoyed seeing your horses- very beautiful.

Maggie- I saw some guy running today wearing a shirt from the St. Paddy's race and thought of you....your running schedule looks fun- good for you!

I looked at the new Garmin forerunners coming out- :earseek: pretty cool. Do people have the ones with or without heart monitoring. I would be interested to see my heart rate, but I don't know if it is really worth it? Do I need it or is it the nurse in me- I'm not looking for target heart rate.

With all of the talk about injuries- I finally decided to talk to my physician about my knee that prevented me from really training for the half marathon...(which I did anyways). At first he told me that he thought it was arthritis....and my thought was, "at 32 and with no other pain?" After he examined me he said I had a loose knee joint and ligament that wasn't holding the joint in proper alignment. So, I get to have an MRI and start PT. However, I look forward to improving the condition of my knee- so I am pretty excited about all of this.

By the way- I'm excited about seeing all of you at the Chicago Distance Classic....should be fun!

Sorry for the LONG post.
Wow! I had 6 pages of catching up to do, too! :flower:

Honeibee - Thanks so much for sharing your pics! DS keeps asking to see the "horsey" everytime I come near the computer! She is beautiful!!! :goodvibes

Celeste - So glad you are getting answers about your knee!

Sunny - Yea for getting Dx to run!!! My DH started running last January after I got back from the half. He decided he wanted to do the marathon - and now he is hooked on running (and much better at it than I will ever be!) :blush:

I'm also so sorry we couldn't get to the post-race breakfast! Sunny told us about it on race morning, and we were planning on going, but DS was still very sick the next morning. I love seeing the pics, though!

Several were talking about where they were staying for the DL Half. We will be at the grand california. Can we still visit the pool party??? ;)

This week's training... My swim lesson on Thursday went well - the pool was heated, so the hardest part was getting out and running to the restrooms! :rotfl: I went back and swam for an hour this morning (DH had the day off, so no boy to worry about.) I will try to get back on Sunday afternoon while DS and DH have their naps. ;) I have such a huge respect for swimmers - it looks so easy and effortless, but I am just not that coordinated!

My first post-marathon run will be tomorrow morning. (P and PD are appreciated! ;) ) Here's my running thoughts... during my mid-week runs I will work more on speed and increasing my run intervals until I'm running 10+ minutes straight. I will do a moderate run (5 - 7 miles) each weekend with walk/run intervals, with a long run (10 - 12 miles) thrown in about every three weeks. I don't want to lose the endurance I've gained, but I really want to build my running time back up. Before marathon training, I could run my 5K's without walking. Any advice? Do you think every 3 weeks for a long run is feasible, or is that too much time in between?

Here is my (tentative) updated race calendar - I would love to do a race a month until summer.

Feb 11 - local 10K
March 11 - local 5K
April 15 - Space Center 8K (definite)
May 7 - Minnie 15K (definite)
May 14 - Danskin Tri (definite)
June/July/August - one of the tri's in Clermont, FL???
September 16 - DL 5K (definite)
January 6 or 7 - WDW half or full (not sure who is doing what yet)

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Happy training (and healing) to everyone!!! :cheer2:
Okay, question time. :teeth: I don't like sports drinks and I didn't train with it in the half. I used power bars and water and I was completely fine, I didn't have any problems with hydration or electrolyte levels. I plan on doing the full in January, so my question is: can I continue to use the power bar and water only mixture for fuel or do I need to suck it up and learn to drink Power Aid? I know I have 11 months to figure all of this out, but it may take me 11 months to teach myself to drink Power Aid!

Krista princess:
Krista - It was alot warmer on the full than the 1/2. It would probably be a good idea to do some electrolyte replacement. There are other ways to do this than the sports drink. I used sport beans by Jelly Belly. They are basically a sports drink jelly bean. I liked the way they tased (when I'm working out, when I'm not, they seem nasty - a little strong) and they gave me a break from the gels. You can also try the Cliff chews (I have some but have never used them. I've heard they are good. They are not supposed to melt. You can also just get a big bottle of electrolyte tablets (I think hammergel makes them) I have used these for summer adventure races. I never got cramps, even after 25 hours of continuous racing!! I don't really like those, however, b/c they are really big and I gag every time I try to swallow them. For the full this yr, I did the sport beans and I drank gator aid or whatever they had at the h2o stops. that was enough for me, but i could see needing something if it was any hotter. (it just started to warm up at the end) You could dilute the sports drink w/ your water. I do that for adventure races too. I use the powder and put it in my hydration pack. I mix it really weak, so it just tastes like water (with a little flavor) Was that TMI???? I have just really had to be pretty religious with my nutrition on the adventure races, b/c I have learned what not eating and drinking properly on the races does to me. I basically fizzle out and bonk - then I finish the race, but I'm slow and miserable!

Christa - all this talk reminds me... If you need to eat during your tri, tape the gel packets to the top tube of your bike so you can open and eat while you are on the go!

The boy wanted to ride his new bike today, so we went to the national military park and rode the hilly 6.5 mile loop. It was alot harder than pulling the trailer behind my road bike b/c we were on my mt. bike and his bike is heavier than the trailer. He did help me pedal though up the big hills and he never got grumpy or impatient! We had a great ride which was good, b/c i didn't know how the tandem attachment would work for our rides this summer. It looks like the boy will have more fun, and I will get a harder workout!!! we did see a deer today, but nothing else. he really liked seeing it without the obstruction of the bike trailer window.
Wow, has this board been busy! Seems like every time I log on I am here for hours reading! By the time I'm done with that I'm out of energy to post myself.

I have been getting in a lot of walking lately - and have the blisters to prove it. I think new shoes may be in ordre soon. I did get some new sausage pants in Target the other day in prep for our soon to be here hot season.

I may have to break down son and get a Garmin so I will be better able to tell how far and fast I am going. That's pretty important to me since I am so slow and have such fears about not being able tostay ahead of the sweepers. Maybe if I could see that I could really stay at a fast enough pace on my own I'd be more likely to actually make the committment to more races. In the meantime, I'll keep on walking. I do plan to try some jog intervals while it is still cool enough, but I have a really hard time switching back & forth between walk & jog pace. I'm going to have to learn to do that though.

Judy, loved your horse pics. Logic is beautiful! I used to ride when I was way younger. Always wanted to get back to it, but life always seems to get in the way.
MelR-that's a great tip about the attaching them to your bike. I'm doing a tri in May & will be definately be hot enough to need them here.

Nancy-you're doing great! Just keep putting in those steps & you'll do great. If you can, get garmin. They are a great training tool. They are on sale right now on amazon.com for $99 & I think free shipping.

Krista- I have used the Sport Jellys they are good. I have also used the Shot Bloks. I love those. It seems they give me more energy & taste good to me. I have never tried the gels. Just thinking about them makes me gag. I dont like powerade either, but I did try some during the 1/2 and it was pretty watered down so I didn't mind it. It was the red kinds, it dont think I would like the blue at all.

Here's my race schedule:

May 7- Minnie 15k
May 28- Tri in Nashville
Sept 17- DL 1/2
Jan '07- not sure which race yet

I'm sure there will be some local 5k's thrown in there too.
I was planning on doing the Chicago Distance Classic, but not sure if I can swing it now that I am doing DL.($$$ that is) I may still try to & just go slower since it has a more forgiving finish time & I will have DL a month later.
Disneefun said:
I don't think doing the 1/2 in November would be too much of a problem ,as long as you are properly trained up to that point and you make certain to recover well in between the 2 races.

Not to dissuade you from the OBX marathon, but I have a friend who did it this year and swears never again. First of all, it's touted as a flat course but apparently contains some killer hills, including a rather large bridge (I don't know for certain that these are on the 1/2 course, as my friend did the full, but it might bear a close look at the course map if this bothers you). Second, it was an out and back course designed in such a way that you're almost guaranteed a headwind on the return leg (again, not certain how much impact this wold have on the 1/2). Just some thoughts to consider...
Thanks for the info on the OBX marathon. After looking at the course, I do know which bridge your friend was talking about. It is a pretty large one. Does your friend have a map of the course from last year that I can compare to this years to see if the return portion is the same?
TiffJ said:
Sept 17- DL 1/2
Jan '07- not sure which race yet.

Tiff, you should really consider the full in 2007, your have already done the DW half, your are training for tri's and then the DL half in September. You could definitely be ready for the full in 2007. Go for it! :Pinkbounc

MelR, who sells the Jelly Belly (BTW, hate that name, hits too close to home for me!) sport gels? I thought I drank a lot in the marathon, but still cramped up after the race. Do anyone else have a sick stomach from all that sugar? I just couldn't consume one more swallow of poweraid. Blah! :crazy2:



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