Wk of Jan 22--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

My goodness, a girl goes to work for two days and 10 pages show up! Watch out Maggie- when you start to pull 12 hour days, you'll me like me, trying to catch up.

Glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I'm hoping I will have the courage to work out tomorrow after my last day of work- 3- 12 hour days in a row. Any suggestions for encouragement. I would just rest but I have a lot of work and stuff for grad school next week and I am afraid I am going to get behind.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Woo Hoo - more WISHer's for the Minnie. We are going to have a blast! Come on , who else.......

Sara-its being billed as a women's event, but I'm sure that he wouldnt be the only guy there. Nowhere does it say women only. Glad you're coming!

Christa-that phone call story is so funny! I had DS preschool call me one time the second after I was in a car wreck. They said I needed to come get him because of fever/green snot. I told them it might be a little bit since I had just been in a wreck(van was totalled) and hadn't even gotten out to talk to the cop yet. Yours is more interesting :upsidedow

I couldnt even ride a bike without a good bra, much less run. That can't be good for anybody.

I had my assessment with the personal trainer today. It was just the test part, Monday I go back for my routine. She is even going to give me some to do at home with dumb bells for when I can't make it to the gym. I'm going to be sooooo fit by the time you guys see me again in May!

I looked at last years finish times for the tri I'm going in May. There were only 2 in the Athena category & the 2nd place finish was 1:29. I may be able to do that! I would love to place!!!!! That is getting me even more motivated to train/eat right. :thumbsup2

Keep it up guys, you are all doing great!
MelR-- You know I am kidding about the going to die part, you're going to ROCK :cheer2: You did say it was an out and back, I just forgot. Having read your post I'm wondering how it is that you don't think you have an IC???? Sounds like she just pops up on race day and says, "why not double it, triple it...." :lmao:

I'm totally for a Victory Celebration Kitchen Sink Meet next year :woohoo:

Dave you could get a second job as a Ding representative :rotfl: Great job!

Christa-- between two kids buffeting, gaining 65 pounds and then losing 85 lbs you can't even imagine what I've got going on (or should I say, going down) :lmao: I don't know why I'm laughing, it really is quite sad!!!! I'm sure glad we have laws that require the wearing of clothes. :blush:

I'm feeling lousy. I think I'm going to park it in front of the TV and watch the second disk of Lost.
Sorry I was missing today. I'm a controller and the end of the year is a nightmare!!!!!!! Can't wait till late March :banana: .

Thank you everyone on your responses to my downer post. I'm doing a bit better today but still having pain. It's now more like it was before I had the shot which hurts but is manageable. I was told that it can take up to 2 weeks to feel the effect from the injection :confused3

If I'm feeling any better tomorrow I'm going to try at least some light stretching. Then on Sunday I really hope to be able to try swimming. My DR won't be happy with me but I've got to be active some how and my DS will love the pool!!!!!! Yea for the Y being open on Sundays in the winter :banana:

Someone asked about shorts/pants - the best place for nice value and decent price I have found is at Target. When I was a newbie on the thread last year someone here gave me the tip! Most of my running stuff comes from Target (except for the shoes of course).

Dave If you find one from STL to MCO please let me know!!!! I've been watching them to but they've been blacked out for my time period.

I just found last year's Jan 27th entry in my journal. My "fast" TM pace was 6.2 mph and I was hoping to one day run long durations at 6.7 mph. Wow! I now can run 1hr+ at 6.7 :cool1:
Happy Anniversary to me :teeth:
msblrobs said:
The DING'S did me in and I've bought a ticket to MCO for Minnie Marathon Weekend:banana:

AHHH! That's great! But all this Minnie talk is driving me CRAZY! I would LOVE to go, no Jodi, I haven't registered yet. I would need a cheap fare out of Charlotte or Greensboro. By the way Christa, last October I was able to get $98 GSO-MCO for the marathon for our family of 4. So I am looking into GSO or CLT.

Secondly, if I went to do Minnie, I would definitely leave the family at home. Therefore, I would probably look for a roommate or 2. So if anyone is thinking about going, maybe we could get together to share hotel costs. Post here or PM me if interested.

Mel, wow, what a race, I will be thinking about you.

Sunny, 6.7 on the treadmill for an hour! That is great!

Skywalker, welcome, and keep posting those DING fares. (Although SW doesn't fly out of CLT, I am hoping someone will match.)

Minnie, I hope you are feeling better, wow, you have been through so much.

Judy, running, that is so great! Next December when you are running 6 minutes (or more), walking 2, I will remind you of this first step (or run) you took! Your endurance will just increase from here. Congratulations!

Wow, so much more I want to say to everyone, but must get DD6 to bed!

Sunny - I totally knew you were kidding!!! It did remind me that I should at least have a marginal amount of fear about that race. It will no doubt be miserable. I just started laughing seeing your post b/c it's like i have been feeling invincible since goofy (hence the long story!!!!) I'm gonna die! :faint: :crazy2: :scared: I can't believe I found a smiley to fit the occasion!! Sorry you feel bad!! EC is sick this week too.

Jodi - no i didn't do it yet. I missed the 99 1way fare from tulsa. maybe something better will come along??
Hi, everyone! SO jealous you are all training today and I am at work! UGLY!!! I'll check in periodically to get my WISH fix! :grouphug:
Carrie- Mel turfed it to me so here goes: is there a specific spot on your foot that you can point to with 1 finger or is it more of a diffuse pain? does it only hurt while weight bearing or does it hurt at rest too? is the pain only on the top of the foot or bottom too? where in relation to your toes does it hurt ie closer to toes or ankle, closer to little or big toe? Based on your answers to these questions we might be able to narrow it down a bit more for the internet diagnosis. disclaimer(for those lawyer types on here-cam and heather)- I'm not a doc yet, only an ortho wannabee.

My trip to MA(Belmont to be specific) was a success last night as I came home with a new Kurt Kinetic Road Machine bike trainer. They even matched the internet price so to be a good customer I also bought Mom a Spinervals DVD and some stuff to clean bike chains with. I listened to the "pathophysiology of heart failure" lectures I missed the day after the marathon on my iPod while driving(not through headphones, I have a FM transmitter so it plays throught the car stereo) so it wasn't even a complete waste of a study night. Mounted the bike on the new trainer this morning and discovered that there was even more messed up with the old trainer than what I realized. This one holds the bike stable and the rear wheel doesn't wobble all over the place. Talking to the people at the bike shop apparently what happened to the other one is that after a time the magnets in the magnetic resistance trainers relocate themselves(CLUNK, clunk, clunk...) and that's basically it for that trainer. It's good :confused3 to know that it wasn't fixable since I made the trip to MA but kind of dissappointing too. The new one has a lifetime warranty and I already registered it and will keep track of the proof of purchase. I did contact Cycle-ops to see if they will stand by the other one. It just looks 'cheap' next to my new one and even Maureen's new Cycle-ops/Trek one so...

We swam yesterday(2600 for me) and we are going to ride later today. Have to get some studying in first though.
Cam - sorry you have to work today!!!! Phil does too, so I do too (not really, just the mommy at home by herself thing!) How is howard? Is his new job going well.

Lynn - Glad you have a new trainer! I have a cycle-ops one. I'm sure whatever warranty it has will be sufficient, because I NEVER USE IT!! Are we noticing a trend here? Maybe that is why Phil is not so keen on me buying a treadmill!! I did have a cheapo, but it broke b/c I used it too much. I just cannot do the trainer. I think it seems so different from the bike to me b/c you can't lean or do anything, you just pedal. I haven't used any of those spinervals. That might help!!

We are supposed run 15 today, but it is storming. We have not had rain in forever so it's not that bad. What is bad is that my COFFEE MAKER BROKE this morning (with no warning signs!!!) My toaster oven croaked last week so I'm starting to get paranoin about the wiring.. Thankfully, since we do a lot of outdoor things, we have a perkolator (sp?) for camping. It is perking right now!!!! I think coffee is a major part of my running and mothering nutrition!!

Sunny - did you wake up refreshed today? You should only be sick on days you have to work!
Hi Guys: Still have the DING fares from Buffalo and Pittsburgh today until 12:30p CST.

Buffalo to Orlando for $44-$49 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only

Pittsburgh to Orlando for $34-$39 One-Way!
- Fare is valid for travel everyday, March 1 through June 9, 2006 only
OK, I wanted to get the DINGs up to give everyone that wants them a chance to use them. Then I went back and read other posts.

Cam - sorry you have to work. That is a drag. I often have to go into the lab on weekends too.

Sunny - hope you are feeling better soon. There seems to be some sort of nasty cold going around.

Hearing everyone's talk of 15 mile runs and an hour on the treadmill at 6.7 is making my 2 miles @ 15 min pace feel paltry. However, I'm telling myself I really need to build up a little of a base before a start running. I'm going to get outside and do my 2 mile walk again. When I go out today that will be 4 out of 5 days this week which is the most I've exercised in a long time.

Have a great day everyone!
Lynne -- Very funnny! :teeth: Thank you for the smile. I think you are wonderful and generous to try to help. Besides which, I used to defend med malpractice, and now do something totally corporate! ;)

Melissa-- Thanks for asking about Howard. He is doing great. As a matter of fact, he is at the gym right now. SO NOT FAIR!!!!

DS12 is taking the SAT for Johns Hopkins Scholars Search (makes no sense to me. He was nominated for being in 99 percentile -- they nominate anyone over 95 percentile-- in verbal on national standardized testing, not math, but he has to get an overall average on the SAT that would require proficiency in math he hasn't even seen yet in 7th grade!) So, not sure he stands a chance, but at least he is sitting through it and hopefully, doing his best. Of course, he'd rather NOT make the talent search in the hopes that we'd let him go away to theatre arts camp for TWO 3 week sessions!!!! :sad: I can't imagine him being away that much this summer, especially since DD17 will be on a 15 day tour of Europe playing flute in an honor orchestra! OMG, I am starting to have a panic attack. Anyway, I am sitting here saying a little prayer for him anytime I think of it. Just seems like a lot of pressure for a kid. At least they put all the 7th and 8th graders in one hallway away from the HS juniors and seniors.

DD17 is babysitting for one of my partners and DD12 will go over there later to help entertain the kids. He is GREAT with kids and will love doing that after a sedentary morning.

Howard LOVES his new job so far. The hours are long, but he doesn't seem to mind at all. He is getting in around 7:45 and staying until 6:15 or 6:30. He likes the stimulation of multi-tasking (his responsibilities are legion and diverse). The partners there seem very appreciative of how quickly he jumped in and was able to handle the responsibilities. I just LOVE :lovestruc seeing him in a suit and tie every morning! Ooolala! ;)

Sorry, none of this is about training! Sorry for being so :offtopic: Now, back to your regularly-scheduled training thread! :blush:
Mouse Skywalker said:
Hearing everyone's talk of 15 mile runs and an hour on the treadmill at 6.7 is making my 2 miles @ 15 min pace feel paltry. However, I'm telling myself I really need to build up a little of a base before a start running. I'm going to get outside and do my 2 mile walk again. When I go out today that will be 4 out of 5 days this week which is the most I've exercised in a long time.

Dave -- a 15:00 pace is not an easy accomplishment and the fact that you are already able to sustain that for 2 miles is wonderful! You are already ahead of the required pace for marathon weekend. Great job! :thumbsup2
Cam - I used to play the flute. I still do sometimes when the boy will let me (which is not very often, and it is a nice one, so i don't want his grubby paws on it!)

Dave - Your 2 miles is a huge deal!!!! I just started running about 1 and 1/2 yrs ago and when I started, i couldn't even do a mile w/o stopping, so... 2 miles is GREAT. You'll be running Disney next jan for sure! have you signed up yet? No doubt you'll find cheap airfare :rotfl: Oh yeah, if I ever did 1 hr. at 6.7 on the TM, there would have to be wheels on my shoes!
MelRhoads said:
Cam - I used to play the flute. I still do sometimes when the boy will let me (which is not very often, and it is a nice one, so i don't want his grubby paws on it!)

Melissa -- I played clarinet and soprano bugle and a bunch of other instruments through my college years. Gave it up to grow my nails for a professional look in grad school. :rolleyes: Not really! Gave it up for lack of time. Rented a clarinet for 3 months about a year ago and my kids were flabbergasted to hear me play from a Disney songbook I bought. I really miss it. Sometimes I am really tempted to pick it up again as a stress-reliever and then I remind myself that I should be using training or GASP! yoga or pilates for stress relief when I can squeeze in some time to relieve the stress. Then, I get so stressed trying to find time to de-stress and . . . well, you get the picture. It's just sad! SO, I just come here :cloud9: while I am on teleconferences or listening to something for work that doesn't require my absolute concentration.
DAve - your two miles is great! I started training for the Goofy last August. I walked the 1/2 and my time was 15:19. I really wanted to go 15 flat or better, but it didn't happen, so I'm working to improve that for next year.

I've convinced some friends to wlak the 1/2 in 2007! :goodvibes
I'll probably "just" do the 1/2 with them so that we can go play afterwards. If more than one comes down to do the race, I'll let them walk together while I try to run the event more to improve my time.

Sounds like everyone is keeping up with their training! :banana: Glad to hear that. It's harder keeping up with all these posts! :teeth:

Hey Dave!

I finished walking the half in 3:29:27 - that's a 15:58 pace. I've got a beautiful Donald medal and had an amazing experience.
Cam- Taking the SAT during 7th grade will scar DS12 for life. After all, look at how I've turned out. I went to a state program in Helena(MT) for a week after 7th grade and spent 3 weeks at the Univ of Denver after 8th grade taking calc and astronomy. The program at that time was nationwide with big regional programs that required qualifying scores at Hopkins, UD, Stanford, and 1 or 2 others. Since we lived in MT, my parents sent me to the U of Denver one. I've always laughed at the recruited athletes, usually either football or basketball players, that can't get a NCAA qualifying score on the SAT as seniors when I had no problems as an 11 and 12 year old. Too bad all the brains leaked out by the time I actually hit college though.
Glad to hear Howard's new job is going well.

MelR- I imagine winters in Arkansas are a little different that in ME and upstate NY. If I could ride year around reliably, I wouldn't use a trainer consistently either. But remember what I said about actually following a training program? Most of them actually call for trainer sessions because you can focus on certain things both technique and intensity wise that it's not safe to do out on open roads. BTW, maybe the coffee maker breaking is a sign to decrease your java consumption? It's probably preferrable to wonder about the wiring in the house though :rotfl2:
Dave, remember those shin splints of a year ago? Don't be discouraged by what other people are doing, do what is right for you. 15 minute miles is a decent pace and working out 4 of the last 5 days is great. A marathon may be 26.2(or 13.1) miles covered on race day but you do it one step at a time on the backbone of all the previous training. Life's not a sprint and neither is endurance racing. So don't get down on yourself.


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