Wk of Jan 29--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

princessmomma said:
Christa 2250 yards of swimming!!! That is awesome. You and Tiff have inspired me to take lessons and get into that pool! There is a triathon in Valdese, NC that I am thinking about doing. But I haven't actually swam "a lap" in years. A friend of mine is a big swimmer and she said she would take me to the pool to help me with my breathing and turns.
Where is Valdese? In relation to Charlotte? What is the date? Maybe we could do it together!
Thanks WISH Team for thinking of me! :grouphug: Yes, I am overwhelmed a bit just now. Haven't taken many steps either sad to say. DS is finally getting over the worst of the pain thing. We see doc Monday. Interesting story, I thought of you Lynne during this time. The ER missed the diagnosis...said it was a class 2 and he'd be back to work in a week follow-up with ortho. Ortho looked at x-rays and said an "expletive" turned around, apologized for it (well, not really b/c we all have history together--we've known him over 20 years now) and continued with each x-ray after saying "oh........Wow! We are also going through some major difficulties at work, unexpected and layoffs may occur. sigh. The fun never ends.

Anyway, I miss the ability to de-strees out on the path and look forward to getting back on.

I haven't been able to read much, so I want to WISH everyone good training, and if ya haven't signed up for that race, do so! You will do it! If I can, you can too!
Wow, Lily! :wizard: :wizard: pixiedust:

MelR...special new Disney race just for you Muddy Buddy

Dona...welcome :wave:

Lilo...welcome :wave:

Renee's post about MFM inspired me...anyone interested in a book exchange? Up for grabs...my copy of the Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer. I read it this time last year and just re-read it recently. Interesting to read it before ever doing a race, then shortly after the half. I'd be happy to send it on to someone who'd like to read it. If there's more than one person, we can make a list and each person send it on to someone else when they're done.

I'm planning to call group sales tomorrow to discuss a room block for us. When I talked to them last year, they offered $68/night for value, $95 for POFQ and $249 for BC. It's a minimum of 10 rooms for the block. We can choose any of the resorts or a combination.

4 miles yesterday at 14:04. Increased each running interval to 2:15 min...did feel a bit sore afterward, but fine today! 8 miles scheduled for Sat!
Lily -- I am sooo sorry about your son. Thank God you know a good orthopoedic specialist. I am really sad for him that he is in pain. I will keep him in my prayers. :goodvibes:

Colleen -- Howard says thanks!

BTW, weird that it takes you to the start of the album instead of picutre 3, which is the link I put in. :confused3:

Christa -- You made my heart sing! :lovestruc Thank you, sweetie! :hug:

Hey, guys, guess what!? I did 2 miles tonight in 27:30. The second one was at 4 mph, which means my first which was walk 3/jog 1.5 was 12:30! My fastest 2 miles ever but definitely my fastest mile. I think registering for the Spring Lake 5 (miles) today really motivated me to try to jog more. I am definitely going to add more jogging. I found I enjoyed it. I was reading The Courage to Start and I really like what it said about getting to a point where you want to run. I felt like I was itching all day to get to the TM and see what I could do. I should have eaten a power bar, because I really was tired after the 2 miles. Lesson learned.

Have a great night, all!
Yeah, Cam!!! :banana: :banana:
:wizard: :grouphug: for Lily. I hope everything works out w/ your job and that your son does well. I switched to snowboarding after blowing my knee apart the second time because I figured I was more likely to blow my wrists, thumbs, or shoulders boarding. Too bad that your son had to put it into practice.
Bad Mel, very bad Mel- posting that link for the Muddy Buddy. I've wanted to do one of those for years. It's even the same weekend as the Danskin tri which I've also wanted to do for years. Unfortunately, I'm currently living in ME which makes it a little hard to justify racing in FL 4, yes, 4 weekends in a row. St Anthony's in St Pete, Minnie, and the FL Half IM already give me three out of 4. Have I mentioned I have 6 exams plus the graded Clinical Skills Assessment where I have to see 8 patients in an afternoon during that same 4 week period?

School irritated me today. We had been told prior to X-mas break that they were trying to move the start date for our clinical rotations to 2 weeks earlier but seemed a little uncertain whether it would actually happen. Dean Buser was in at 0800 this morning to announce that, yes, clinical rotations will start officially July 31. Arggh. I had an active duty military rotation at Keller Army Hospital to do orthopedics scheduled from 10 July to 4 Aug. I had talked to the right people when the possibility of this happening was raised and I think that they would let me miss the first week of rotations but I'm going to move my time at Keller to start earlier instead. I'll actually only get 3 1/2 weeks now due to 4th of July holiday and I have to mess with when I take the Boards. The rotation site will let me have a day off to go take Step 1 of the USMLE but I'm probably going to try and schedule it for July 5th if I can. The reason I'm taking the Boards end of June/early July is that we don't get out of class until June 2. Many medical schools get 6 weeks or more of dedicated Board prep time. This school is more concerned with our clinical skills looking good when we start rotations than with our Board scores it seems. Okay, done with off topic venting.

I did look up plane ticket costs from Albany to Chicago for the Chicago Distance Classic since it will be 2 weeks into rotations rather than right before they start. I was probably going to have to fly back anyway so I'll probably fly into Midway on SWA. I really need to get a DING buddy since it doesn't work on my iBook. Right now I'm looking for MHT-Tampa late April since I did okay on my Orlando tickets and then I'll probably be looking for Albany-Chicago for both Aug and maybe Sept although I'll probably actually fly NWA out of Rochester into Madison directly.
Very very bad mel!!!! That looks like so much fun, but I don't know how i would get my bike there and i love my bike too much to do that to it!!! Phil's bike would be too big for me and mine would be too small for him (i'm still going to tell him about it though!)
Hey Guys and Girls!
Just a warning.....I know you are sick of hearing these reports, but this happened in MY running area (like I own it) near the DOWD YMCA...I know a couple of ladies from these boards run down town Charlotte.
The guy that has raped 1 girl and sexually assaulted another (both jogging) was spotted today hiding near the DOWD Y by some female joggers. The news is calling him a serial rapist. The only reason the 2nd girl was not raped is b/c she fought back.
GIRLS BE CAREFUL! I don't know if Bree and I will run down town tomorrow.
It makes me angry that this guy is messing with the female joggers and none of us are safe until he is caught. :furious:
Good Morning Everyone: :surfweb:

Did 2.5 miles yesterday at a little over 14 mpm pace. Have a rest day today, but I signed up for a yoga class at my fitness center at work. I really need to increase my flexibility, and you guys inspired me to try something different. Plus I wanted a rest day today because we have a baby sitter tonight so DW and I can go on a date night! :cool1: :banana:

debm - welcome! :wave2:

Judy - Congratulations on your horse! Looks like a beautiful animal! Great job with your run too!

Minnie - good luck with all the doctors. It sounds very frustrating to get bounced around without getting any satisfying help. Hang in there. I hope they figure something out fast.

Lily - I am so sorry to hear about your son. I wish him a speedy recovery, and I wish you and your family all the best in what sounds like a really difficult time. Thank you so much for recommending I join this thread. It has been so inspiring to me. I hope you get through these rough times quickly. All my best!

Cam - great job on the 2 miles! Sounds like an awesome workout.

Xterratri - uugh, sounds like you have a ton going on with medical school, military duty, and training. WTG with juggling everything, and good luck figuring out all the scheduling logistics.

Christa - It goes without saying how awful it is that guy is attacking female joggers in your area. How awful! Be safe, and I guess that goes for everyone too. I hope he is caught soon.

Have a good day everyone.
Colleen-you can do it! Go for it. I hadn't swam laps since I was probably 12 (and that was at least 6 years ago :teeth: ) Getting the tips on breathing has made me so much more excited about this tri.(I'm not that far from NC) So tell me the info on your tri. Although, if I plan 1 more out of town race this year DH may just stop being so supportive :lovestruc I am hoping to to the Danskin tri in WDW next year.

Lily- :wizard: for you & your son. I hope he has a speedy recovery. How old is he?

Cam-I need to get that book. None of our libraries have it, so I guess I'm going to B&N today. But I know what you mean about running, I have been planning on adding more running and can't wait to get started to see how good I can get by Minnie. When I trained for the 1/2 I was starting from nothing. I am way above nothing, so it will be exciting to see how far I can come by May. 2 more days & I can hit the road again. Although I'm only going to walk for the first week to make sure I dont re-injure those *%$!@ tendons of mine. My mom said she never thought she would here me say that I couldnt wait to get back to walking/running. And be excited about exercise in general. I told her of course- I'm an endurance athlete now ;)

Christa-be careful out there. Is this going on in broad daylight or at night? What tri are you doing? What distance is it? WTG on your swimming!

Mel-Thanks for checking on the rooms. Although, they aren't being very generous with the discounts because I got a AAA rate for Pop for $70 this year & I think I could have gotten a moderate for $98.

Going swimming today. I can't wait to practice what I learned the other night & see how far I can go today.
Thanks for the welcome and thanks for the good advice.

My treadmill test showed that the PVCs went away when I started to walk. As soon as my heart rate went up the PVCs went away. I get all the results next week but it looks like it is a chemical/electrical problem and not heart disease.

I was on my treadmill this morning and did 2.11 miles in 40 minutes. I know that it is only a 18.9 minute for a mile but I am just a beginner.

My question is Should I keep the 40 minutes and try to increase my speed over the next couple of weeks or should I increase by time over the next few weeks?

Thanks for the help.
donac - glad to hear from you. I had been thinking about you. Glad you have good preliminary news. Excellent job on your walk. :thumbsup2

I had a great r/w yesterday. Due to my daughter being sick/husband skiing, my training schedule is a little off this week. To stay on track I r/w on Wednesday and then w/r yesterday so that I would take it a little easy on knees. Both felt great. Today is strength training mixed with a lot of stretching before I go to work tonight.

Christa and Tiff,

Here is the information on the tri in NC. Valdese is a small little town which is one stop in the NC triathon circuit. The swim is a pool swim, the bike route is suppose to be quite hilly and I am not sure about the run. The website shows all the rest of the stops on the circuit.


Christa, Valdese is about 65 miles northwest of Charlotte. I85 south/west to Gastonia, NC321 north to Hickory and I40 west to Valdese.

I will try and get into the pool this weekend and try and swim across the pool. If I can swim across the pool once without stopping, then I am in! I will then take a few swimming lessons and see what happens! Oh, darnit, I will need a bike too. I just own a mountain bike. :rolleyes1

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the understanding it helps a lot :grouphug:

I am wondering at this point if I should get a 2nd opinion from a different orthopedic :confused3 . The one I saw really wouldn't listen that the worst pain is in my back/sacrum area and focused on my hip which is ouchie but not nearly as painful as the other. I've tried talking with him twice and he says rest, PT, and inflamation drugs. I've been doing this for 6 months already!!!!

I am seriously considering getting a 2nd opinion. What do you all think :confused3

Minnie - definitely get a second opinion! It seems as though your doctor is not being that responsive to you, and listening to you about where your main problem is. It can never hurt to seek advice from another doctor.
Minnie- I agree w/ Dave, definitely another opinion. You should consider going to a Physical medicine and Rehab(PMR) doc who specializes in sports medicine(good manual medicine skills) or either another sports med orthopod or primary care sports medicine specialist. If available in your area, you might also consider going to an osteopathic physician that specializes in one of these areas. Even a radiologist DO has more manual medicine/sports medicine training than all but the specialties I listed above. The sacrum is key- a frequent sentiment spouted by our OMM professors. Good luck and I hope you find a way to get yourself pain free soon.
princessmomma said:
Christa and Tiff,

Here is the information on the tri in NC. Valdese is a small little town which is one stop in the NC triathon circuit. The swim is a pool swim, the bike route is suppose to be quite hilly and I am not sure about the run. The website shows all the rest of the stops on the circuit.


Christa, Valdese is about 65 miles northwest of Charlotte. I85 south/west to Gastonia, NC321 north to Hickory and I40 west to Valdese.

I will try and get into the pool this weekend and try and swim across the pool. If I can swim across the pool once without stopping, then I am in! I will then take a few swimming lessons and see what happens! Oh, darnit, I will need a bike too. I just own a mountain bike. :rolleyes1

You can use a mountain bike! I had looked up the tri b/4 you even posted this. My drama team is doing something that day. :furious: Man I wanted to do it! Thanks for the info!
My tri is 500 yrds swim, 12 miles bike, 5k run
I would love for us NC and the surrounding area WISHers to do a race together. Any suggestions! I am always up for a run (bike &/or swim) and some fun!

Minnie Yes, get a 2nd opinion. What could it hurt.

Dave - Have fun on your date night! That is great to do! DH and I ran/trained for WDW Goofy together and we called those dates. Suffering together brought us closer! :rotfl2:

Bree and I went to the Y today and biked (indoors) 12 miles. Then we walked (yes walked) on the treadmill and chatted! :chat: :hyper2: Relaxing!

Will do my LR tomorrow. A bunch of us are meeting at a local park about 3 miles from my house and we are going to trail run for 3 hours. Around 18 +/- miles I guess. I may ride my crap bike there so everyone can get a good laugh. They all have really cool bikes! :crazy: Wah..Wah..wah!
Lynn-- your schedule blows me away! I don't know how you do it. You amaze me!!!!

Minnie-- I am so sorry you are still struggling with this. I agree, get another opinion. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: I hope you get this resolved soon. I can imagine how frustrating this is for you.

Colleen-- I'll swim if you will ;) I'm still trying to get my nerve up to swim at the Y. I don't know why this is such a big deal to me!

MelR-- I'm with EC, you don't joke around about knees!
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: Here's good wishes for you race!!!!!

I did speed work last night. First I have to tell you my amusing observation. I was in the locker room getting changed, focused intently on what I planned on doing for my run and I realized I could barely move! I was gingerly bending over, barely able to lift my legs to change my pants and here I was planning a run! (my schedule was off a day, so yesterday was Sore Butt Thursday) Anway, here's my repeats:

.5 @ 5.8 mph
.5 @ 7.5 mph
.5 @ 6.0 mph
.5 @ 7.2 mph
.5 @ 6.0 mph
.5 @ 7.2 mph
.75 @ 6.0 mph
.18 @ 8.0 mph (slightly better than monday's try)
6.0 to end

4.75 miles total.

And when I got home I had a wonderful surprize waiting for me. My mom ordered a plaque with my finishing time and picture on it!!!!! I was so happy with it, but mostly overwhelmed with joy that she was so proud of me that she did this! She's the best :love:

Today will be arm jelloizing and cross-training. I've got to rack up minutes for my GetFit challenge at work! I might watch a disk or two of Lost while jumping on the mini trampoline tonight.

Good morning. T.G.I.F. :banana:

This morning I had to drag myself out of bed - 30 minutes late, and down to the treadmill. I was soooo tired last night, and again this morning. 7 hours of sleep did nothing for me. I don't think it was that big whoo-de-do five minutes of running. I don't know what it is. Well, maybe I do. I left work at 12:30 yesterday and spent the next five hours running around getting my name changed on my Social Security card, my drivers license, my passport. Whoo hoo, fun fun! Maybe I was just shot from all that. But at any rate I did my 45 minutes @ 3.7, but no incline and no running. But, that's OK.

princessmomma - Thank you! You have more confidence in me then I do! :teeth:

Minnie - I hope you find a solution soon. I want you to get better! I agree, go get a second opinion. :grouphug:

Christa - Thank you! I'm not feeling all that amazing today though. Please please please be careful until they catch this nut! On second thought, be careful even after they catch him. There's nuts everywhere! :eek:

Melissa - Thanks! What Dougie Fresh song? Today is the trial for Mist's legal owner. I am praying and praying it goes the way it should. If the judge does not agree with the charges, she gets all her horses back. I'll just die if that happens. And yes, Melissa, people can be amazingly cruel. :sad2:

Cam - Oh thanks for sharing the pictures! Whoo hoo! That Howard IS a total fox! And you know what? YOU are adorable! :goodvibes WTG on that speed last night! You go girl! :woohoo:

OMG Lily! I didn't know! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Mel - OMG! I should sign up for the MuddyBuddy "Beast" class! :lmao: Let me know about rooms. I'll sign DH and I right up. :rolleyes1

Dave - Excellent on the yoga class. That'll get you flexible! Enjoy your date tonight! :love:

Dona - I'm sorry but you are not allowed to say "just" a beginner. :teeth: You are an athlete in training now. :woohoo:

Where's Lisa??? :wave2:

Sunny - "jelloizing"??? :confused3

OK, off I go to my first ever yoga class. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm feeling a little self-conscious about it, and think I'll end up looking like a total dork. We'll see.
No time today, but wanted to chime in briefly. (there's a switch! ;) )

:wizard: & :grouphug: to LIly!!! Hope things get better soon!

COntgrats to Mel adn Cam fro getting the running bug! ;) You 2 are doing awesome!


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