Wk of June 24--WISH Walking/Running Club

I am with Jen - I am another lurking slacker.
I just can't seem to get my act together lately. I could probably blame Chad's going back to work. But I used to manage before when he was working. So, I have no idea what my deal is. :confused3

Anyway, I did 3 miles on the track tonight. I just walked, no running intervals, since it's been awhile since I've done anything. I finished in 39:02 and was thrilled with the 13 min./mile walking pace!

Now, to just keep this up.... :rolleyes:

Oh, and I can do without the snake pics also! ;)
Hey all--I don't even remember if I posted today or not--and at the moment I'm too lazy to go back and check!;) DH and I actually worked out together tonight--we did speedwork at the gym--I did my normal 5 min warm-up at 6, did the 4x800 at 8.0 and then recovery somewhere between 4-6. Well, DH decided to follow my lead--but of course it was too easy for him. I knew there was a reason we only ran together on race days!;)

WWDave--Best WISHes to you! You will do great! Can't wait to hear the results!

MelR--great job with the practice tri--hope the typing didn't upset naptime too much--I covet the golden hour around here!

Jen--glad to see you back. Sorry your PF has gotten so bad. But good for you getting the inspiration back to train! Oh, and too bad about the 4th race--The 4th race here is Arkansas running tradition, it's so much fun to run, all down hill, really downhill; and they only give awards to the overall folks so it's just lots of fun.

Kristi--Great job on your walk!

Okay, really got to get dinner out of the oven. My running training may be on track, but my eating has gone off the deep end this week--gotta stop buying thta chocolate chex mix!
Evenin' everybody! I worked out with my trainer this morning. She attended a conference last weekend so had a bunch of new exercises for me. My, I don't think I'm gonna be able to lift my arms tomorrow. Lots of tricep work.

WWDave: wishing you a lot of luck and a great run! Can't wait to hear about it. :dance3:

Meghan: I hope you get some relief for the sinus infection. I once had a doctor tell me that people with big noses tend to get them more frequently. Since I am susceptible to them, I took a bit of offense at that! I do NOT have a big nose. :wizard:

MSDave: how was the family open house at the girls' camp? Did you have a good time?

Howard: happy anniversary! Now, look how far you've come. Are ya gonna run the Disney marathon this coming year? :upsidedow

Krista: get thee to a sporting goods store and buy a new pair of shoes. Now!

Judy: so what did you have to present at the Zoning Board of Appeals? Did it go in your favor?

nepatsfanBill: you are cracking me up! :rotfl2:

Shan: have fun at the beach and let us know what you did for workouts! Aren't pedicures the best? I LOVE the massage part.

Cam: I really like seeing your 100 crunches and 100 pushup tallies! You go, girl!!! :woohoo:

Leana: you GO!! Awesome times on your run. :thumbsup2 Enjoy the show.

Stephanie: sometimes it's fun to have someone with you to do speed work and a bit of training. DH and I have done it from time to time. I always think I'm too slow for him but he insists it's fine. Maybe those are just easy days for him and he's happy with that.

Sunny: thinking about you. How are you? :hug:

It's been hot and humid this week. The last outdoor run was saturday which was pretty nice. It's supposed to cool off tho, so maybe I'll be able to go outside again this weekend. I shall be bachelorette-ing it this weekend as everyone will be gone. Hmmm, what to do, what to do?

Have a great evening everyone!
stephanie - the nap was so off!! I had about 5 mins of quiet time and then he bounced in there asking for stringed cheese!! Oh well.... That just means early bed time
Stacey & Cam - I've been inspired to do the CCC too! I'm only doing the crunches part, and without the ball (the old-fashioned way on the floor!). I'm doing some pushups, but nowhere near 100/day.

Leana - Hope you had fun at Mamma Mia. We've seen it twice (the first time in London) and loved it!

WWDave - Good luck!

Meghan - Hope you're feeling better!

DH and I were supposed to run tonight, but opted to go out to dinner with a friend from out of town instead. When we got home we took the dog for a mile walk, so at least we did something. The run Saturday is either 10, 12, or 14 miles, depending on what race you're preparing for. I'm only scheduled for 10, but thought I might try 12 just for fun if I'm feeling good. Am I crazy or what?

A quick drive by since I have to finish some papers before the start of business today.

I was able to get a run in last night and it felt pretty good. If you ignore the fact it was raining through the whole run. :rolleyes: I went 3.5 miles with a 10:47 pace. I think things may finally be back to normal now.

The LR Saturday is going to have to be modified since Lynnda has to leave at 5 AM to get in line for swimming lesson signups (we only live 15 minutes away). :scared1: They don't open the gate until 8:00 so she is hoping for no rain. There is no way I can get up earlier than her and get a run in and still expect to be awake the rest of the day. One would think with the popularity of the lessons, they would find a way to have more but that makes too much sense for the county management.

Have a great Friday everyone.

Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Yesterday I did 5 miles in 43:40 min for 8:44 mpm pace. I didn't have time to stretch afterwards because we needed to get to the "family night" at the princesses, DD6 princess: and DD9 princess:, camp. It was a nice evening. There was a hamburger cookout, we could go all around the camp, and then there was an evening swim. Lots of fun.

Sunny- Just sending a shout out to say hi, and let you know we're thinking of you. Sending out good thoughts... :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

WWDave- Good luck this weekend. Have lots of fun. Is Erica competing too?

Meghan- Thanks for the info on side stiches. That was interesting.

Cam- You are inspiring so many people with your crunch challenge. It's something I need to do too, but am not quite ready to commit yet. I need my time to DIS too. Great job though, you are such an inspiration to us.

Stacey- Good job on your 5 miler, and WTG inspiring your DD to come along with you.

Shan- WTG on completing 12 weeks of training. That's an accomplishment. Your massage sounds absolutely heavenly. :cloud9:

Melissa- Nice job on the sprint tri workout. So glad to hear from you. Don't be a stranger.

Jen- I'm so sorry you've been depressed lately. Please don't stop posting, and use us for your sounding board. We're here for you. Your workouts have been great. WTG on keeping up the training. Sorry your PF has been acting up. I thought I read somewhere that rolling your foot on a frozen water bottle was good for PF. It ices the area and gives you a massage too. Sorry you've been down about your speed, but you're out there doing it and that's more than a lot of people are doing. Don't worry about competing with others, and just compete with yourself. You are doing great everyday you are out there and beating the desire to sit on the couch. Hang in there Jen - you'll get faster...

Hi Krista- :wave2:

Kristi- Where have you been this week? Haven't heard much from you. Oh, there you are. Nice job on getting your 3 miles in. How's Chad's job going. Is he happy with things?

Leana- That's great 5 mile run you had. WTG!!!

Angie- Good job getting your steps in - even in the heat.

Howard- Congrats on the 3 year running anniversary. You're an inspiration to us too!

Hello Christa :wave2: Hope your DD is doing better. Any word on the allergy tests yet?

Stephanie- Wow, that's an amazing workout for you. I'm so impressed with the speedwork you've been putting in. WTG!!! You're a lot of the inspiration for me doing the speedwork.

Hello Colleen :wave2: How's the MCM training going? When do you head up back home to Canada?

Hello Martha :wave2: I hope single life is treating you OK. The family open house at camp last night was fun. It was great getting a closer look at where the princesses princess: princess: are and learn more about what they do. DW and I were amazed that DD9 princess: received an award for "Most Enthusiastic New Camper". Her counseler told us that DD9 will get the other girls to try new things when they may not want to. We were amazed. When DD9 gets home, we don't hear very much at all about camp. She says "it was good, I had fun" and that's it. I think she's pretty wiped out at the end of it though. Hope you're able to get an outdoor run in this weekend.

Jackie- Have fun with your LR this weekend - be it 10 or 12...

Bill- Wow, you have to get in line at 5am for swimming lessons??? Those must be some pretty good swim lessons.

Have a great day all. I'm sure I'll be back later.
Thanks everyone for your kind encouragement. I will give the races full measure.

These events are judged for technique, so speed is important but so is form. If you break technique you will be disqualified. What I understand from the more experienced race vetrens, is that in the last 100 meters there are no warning flags, it's instant disqualification for a break in technique. The proper form is one foot on the ground a all times and a straight knee.

In the 1500m race, I will warm-up for about a half hour or 2 miles of walking before the start. I can't get into a good grove till then. I want to be able to start strong and just try to hold on till the finish. This kind of race can't be walked by starting slower and finishing strong.

The 5K race will be a little more of a normal race and I think I have a better chance of placing in the top 10 in that one. My plan is to keep in the lead pack as long as I can but not burn out. If I start feeling like I can't keep up with the leaders I'll at least try to hold whatever position I'm in.

Someone asked if my lady is competing. No she likes the half and full marathon distance. She is a good walker about 12:30 to 13 min per mile average but doesn't enjoy the faster short races.

Everyone else racing this weekend and everyone out training, be strong and get a little crazy with it. Don't take life to seriously, sometimes you just have to say "YARC"!!! Were I to by some miracle finish in the top ten in either of these events you will probably here me scream all the way to WDW.

Have a great wekend y'all.

Kristi- Where have you been this week? Haven't heard much from you. Oh, there you are. Nice job on getting your 3 miles in. How's Chad's job going. Is he happy with things?
I wasn't posting (just lurking) since I wasn't WISH-worthy. :sad2: ;)

Chad's job is ok. His boss stinks. I don't work for his boss, so I like him - fun to talk to. But if you work for him, it is heck. Chad still has no hours scheduled next week. He talked to his boss a couple days ago. Boss said it was a mistake. But as of 2am this morning (when Chad left work), he still has no hours next week. We know Boss will add them, but it might be nice to know when you are working, esp. in a business that is 24/7. :rolleyes: This is a man that if he finds out you don't like or prefer a certain job or something, he will purposely torture you with that task. Chad also made a formal request to have Monday night the 9th off. He is going to see Dolores whats-her-name that used to be in the Cranberries that night. It was officially approved. Well, lovely Boss did schedule him that night. Oy!

I told Chad last night to quit asking Boss about hours next week and enjoy the week off up at the lake with Zack! :thumbsup2

I am still planning on doing the Bradford 5k on Saturday the 7th.

Sunny - still thinking about you! :hug:

Carrie - you have a very special mission today. :magnify: Since my beloved Goos are playing a show right outside your workplace tonight...you must be on the goo-watch! :rotfl: Have a camera phone at the ready, woman! :rotfl2: They do like to have lunch out locally. So, if you go out for lunch, be on the lookout for hot Johnny, Robby with the crazy dreds, and Mike the ultra runner! Their tour bus is maroon...

Ok, off to do some last minute list-making for the Glow Bowling / Spongebob party tomorrow....

No running or walking to report this morning. I woke up to rain and decided to stay in bed for the extra 45 minutes this morning. Weather permitting, I'll do a LR after work tonight.

Martha: I am "Going Goofy" in January. A repeat of last year. It will be a true "Challenge" again since I will be in classes until about December 16 and have little time to train before the big Marathon weekend. That didn't stop me last year though. [..kids don't try this at home. :rotfl: ]

Thanks for all my congratulations on my 6th year running anniversary! I keep a Road Race Log in an excel file. It makes it easy to track my times, PR's and "body of work" in running. My Race Log looks something like this:

Howard's Road Race Log

Race Date Distance Time Pace

1 Carelink June 27, 2001 5K 34:42 11:10
2 6th Annual Miles for Smiles August 1, 2001 5K 31:45 10:13
3 Jingle Bells Run December 9, 2001 5K 33:53 10:54
4 24th Annual Cherry Blossom April 6, 2002 5K 28:18 9:06
5 Kid Shelleen's for MS May 19, 2002 5K 26:22 8:29
6 7th Annual Miles for Smiles July 31, 2002 5K 29:07 9:22
7 Kelly's Logan House March 8, 2003 5K 29:09 9:22
8 25th Annual Cherry Blossom April 10, 2003 5K 28:24 9:08
9 19th Run for Independence July 9, 2003 5K 29:22 9:29
10 8th Miles for Smiles August 13, 2003 5K 31:09 10:03
11 Kelly's Logan House March 6, 2004 5K 32:19 10:26
12 Kelly's Logan House March 5, 2005 5K 30:24 9:49
13 Wilm. Montessori School March 19, 2005 5K 27:43 8:55
14 Ronald McDonald House April 21, 2005 5K 30:21 9:48
15 Chichester Bus. Association June 25, 2005 5K 29:09 9:22
16 20th Annual Firecracker July 4, 2005 5K 28:19 9:08
17 3rd Kahunaville/Blood Bank July 23, 2005 5K 27:26 8:51
18 10th Operation Smile August 10, 2005 5K 27:33 8:52
19 11th Rockford Park September 3, 2005 5K 27:26 8:51
20 American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund September 28, 2005 5K 26:26 8:31
21 Wilm. Montessori School March 18, 2005 5K 24:53 8:02
22 21st Annual Firecracker July 4, 2006 5K 26:10 8:27
23 Lance Armstrong Foundation July 6, 2006 5K 26:56 8:41
24 4th Kahunaville/Blood Bank July 22, 2006 5K 26:00 8:24
25 Reindeer 5K & Romp for SODE December 2, 2006 5K 25:15 8:08
26 Kelly's Logan House (8th) March 3, 2007 5K 27:36 8:53
27 3rd Salesianum DFRC March 25, 2007 5K 29:39 9:34
28 Saint Edmond's Academy 3rd Annual May 13, 2007 5K 27:45 8:57
29 Miles for Molly June 16, 2007 5K 26:26 8:32
30 Heart of a Champion June 21, 2007 5K+ 30:08 9:07

Spring Lake 5 May 24, 2003 5 Miles 49:40 9:56
Spring Lake 5 May 25, 2004 5 Miles 50:46 10:10
Spring Lake 5 May 28, 2005 5 Miles 48:45 9:45
Spring Lake 5 May 27, 2006 5 Miles 44:18 8:52
Wilmington Distance Run October 9, 2005 9.3 Miles 1:23:05 8:56
Walt Disney World Half-Marathon January 7, 2006 13.1 Miles 2:14:56 10:17
Caesar Rodney Half-Marathon March 12, 2006 13.1 Miles 1:59:33 9:08
Christina Care Delaware Marathon May 21, 2006 26.2 Miles 4:41:03 10:44
Inaugural Disneyland Half-Marathon September 17, 2006 13.1 Miles 2:07:16 9:42
Walt Disney World Half-Marathon January 6, 2007 13.1 Miles 2:26:55 11:13
Walt Disney World Marathon January 7, 2007 26.2 Miles 6:12:27 14:13
LaSalle Bank Chicago Distance Classic Half-Marathon August 12, 2007 13.1 Miles

Have a great day! Happy training!


Morning folks....so tired.... :surfweb:

Last night Mamma Mia was awesome. If it comes to your town, I highly recommend seeing it. Who knew you could weave ABBA songs into a musical so seamlessly? Then I got home late and of course had to watch who had been eliminated off of So You Think You Can Dance... Very short night!

Today is a rest day, tomorrow I have 10 miles. Next week should be great....Monday is a holiday for us since Canada Day falls on Sunday. Thursday I get to play in the golf tournament for the Society of Petroleum Eningeers. Then Friday is a day off for us because it is Stampede Parade Day. The whole downtown core closes down for the official kick off to Stampede. This is my first one - but it sounds like a great time. There is bull riding, chuck wagon races, amusement park rides, concerts....and I don't even know what else to expect.

Have a good one everyone!
Hello, WISHers!
I feel like I should stand and say my name, "Hi, my name is Anne. I'm a WISH team member.." :wave: I will finally complete a week of training tomorrow with..are you ready? my long walk of....TWO miles. Yikes.:sad2: Please see my siggie..I HAVE done some distance in the past. I've been trying to catch up with what's going on with everyone..by lurking..Ya'll can be sooooo entertaining YARC, snakes, concert bail money, deer, gun toting runners....popcorn:: I'm so glad to see injuries are healing and new people are joining in! I'm in the Pat and Lily group (though I think Lily is really faster than she lets on...) and strictly back of the pack, but I'll support all of you speedies with everything I've got! :woohoo: Anne (back on the wagon/trail again!)

P.S. My apologies to Kristi. It just hit me earlier this morning that July 1st was Sunday!! I had to go in and correct the Kudos/Encouragement thread...
Anne are the photos showing up now?? I can get them to come up and when I edit the
are there....

Hey everyone-

I've been lurking too. Tryhing to get out of a funk. I did manage to get in 3 miles on the TM on Monday and Wednesday. I'm going to try to get in a LR of about 5 or 6 today.

I'm so glad to hear about the Nike+ challenge thing for the Half-Marathon- I've been needing a goal since the Minnie. I think DD (7) and I may walk the ToT 6.5k, but I wanted something longer. Now I have to actually figure out how to work the Nike+ contraption! (I'm signed up for Goofy, but am sort of in a holding pattern until it seems closer).

I like the idea of the CCC challenge. I may try to take that on.

Jen117 and Shan- be careful with the foot injuries! I had PF about 4 years ago. I kept pushing it because I refused to stop- my training log seriously goes from a triumphant "5 miles on the TM! Felt great!" to "almost died pushing cart at Walmart" in a couple of weeks. I did a lot of limping, a lot of stretching, and no running for a couple of months. I'm back now and haven't had any problems, but I have been trying to slowly build up. I don't run as often, but I am faster than I was pre-PF (if you think of roughly 10-11 minute miles as fast!) Try not to get too frustrated!

And who cares about being really fast anyway? The way I see it, when I came to a screeching halt in MGM and then Epcot at the Minnie, I was just getting my money's worth. I told myself it was like those Extra Magic Hours you get staying on property- those were my Extra Magic Minutes!

Leanna- speaking of Minnie, I was reassured when you said you were going Goofy too when we were in Angie's car. Now that you are talking about yoga and these crazy long runs with great times and races, I'm getting a little intimidated again! Seriously, you go, girl! :woohoo:

And WWDave- We'll all be thinking of you!

Jen in GA
Good morning all -

Three miles this morning, with my 10/5 intervals. Felt pretty good! :cool1:

Now, I'm going to attempt to type this with out using any curse words, screaming, or throwing my keyboard. :mad:

I had a physical at the end of April. Apparently somebody lost my bloodwork results, so I had to go back this morning to give more blood. I had to bring the paperwork for my bunion surgery for the doctor's office to fill out. They tell me I have to have a physical in order to do this. I argue that I just had one. They say no, you HAVE to have a current physical for this form. :furious: Like isn't April current enough, I ask? No. OK so they go to schedule it. Her first opening is July 16th. No problem, they say - just postpone the surgery. Well, I can't do that since I know my podiatrist is going on a long vacation the week after my surgery. So now we're looking at MAYBE the middle or end of August.

No, no, that doesn't work for me. I have to train for ToT.

You know what? *#@! it. I am cancelling the surgery until after the Half.

Stacey - Whoa! I didn't know we were getting Minnie Finisher's Certificates! COOL! :yay: Now I'm going to be checking the mailbox like crazy!

Jen - No, I will not call you "Debbie Downer". I always call you "Adorable Jen"! :hug: Please don't worry too much about your pace. The joy and pride is in FINISHING, not winning. Join the rest of us "back of the pack"ers and enjoy the ride.

- I'd like to look at you go, but girl, at those speeds all I see if a blur! :thumbsup2

Martha - Thanks for asking about the Appeals Board meeting. :goodvibes It took me all of three minutes to request a variance to put a small storage barn 15' from the property line, when the setback is 40'. We want to replace a dilapidated old thing that looks awful. It will be a vast improvement, but we first we have to ask the Zoning Board, the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Wetlands Commitee....GEEZ! So now they have to come out and inspect the site - on July 21st! Another month we have to wait! It took us five months to get a hearing date! Ugh!!! Oh and Nextel was on the agenda right before me. Figures, right? They want to put up a 154' cell tower at our fire house. About 100 residents turned out to argue against it. We heard their case for 2 1/2 hours.

5 miles in 43:40 min for 8:44 mpm pace.
- You are so incredibly fast! :worship:

Kristi -
you must be on the goo-watch!

- Wow, that's an impressive racing resume! :thumbsup2

Wait. Wait! Is that Anne???? :eek: :dance3:
Well, last night Dh announced we are going on a family bike ride, which was good for me since I dumped my run because my foot hurt. I get the pleasure of pulling DD4 in the trailer (40 pounds of kid constantly moving around) and DH gets DD6 on the tandem attachment. We rode for about 30 minutes, DH rides slow right now because of his knee surgery. BUT, we stopped for ice cream on the way home. I only had a small cone, yah me!!!

Judy - I do believe I saw a Fly By Anne..... Thanks for calling me adorable, I try really hard!!! :flower3:

I totally encourage everyone to do the CCC Challenge. I have been doing it for several months with Cam and aim for at least 5 times a week. Lemme tell ya.... I do believe I may have some abs in there!!! Even after 2 kids and too much weight, they are starting to define themselves!!!! If you don't have a balance ball, you can do them the traditional way.
Just a quick drop by. I didn't get any XT in yesterday because it was too dang hot after work to even think about going outside for exercise. I wanted to do at least a 1 1/2 - 2 mile walk this AM but it was raining when I got up (had rained all night because it was thundering when I went to bed the same as it was when I woke up - I am not complaining though because we need the rain so bad - maybe they can finally ease up on the water restrictions!!) But I did jog in place for 35 mins in my living room (not sure if it counts, it felt easier than doing it outside but I still was sweating by time I was done) I am hoping for no rain tomorrow AM since I have a 5k race - hopefully it will hold off until its over.

I too am thinking of taking on the CCC - I need help in the ab area.

Howard congrats on the anniversary and that is an impressive race log!!

Everyone who has a race/event or just LR training this weekend good luck and here to NO injuries!!
I'm so glad to hear about the Nike+ challenge thing for the Half-Marathon- I've been needing a goal since the Minnie. I think DD (7) and I may walk the ToT 6.5k, but I wanted something longer. Now I have to actually figure out how to work the Nike+ contraption! (I'm signed up for Goofy, but am sort of in a holding pattern until it seems closer).

Leanna- speaking of Minnie, I was reassured when you said you were going Goofy too when we were in Angie's car. Now that you are talking about yoga and these crazy long runs with great times and races, I'm getting a little intimidated again! Seriously, you go, girl! :woohoo:

Thanks Jen in GA, but seriously....I am still intimidated by Goofy. Actually I'm also intimidated about my training schedule leading up to Goofy. We'll get through it though!

And let me know anyone who is going to do the Nike+ thing. I'll be thinking of you and cheering you on as I run on October 21. I love the idea of having virtual running buddies!!!


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