Wk of Nov 13--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

I'm psyched now to check all those places for the snickers marathon bars. Maybe I should map out a route and do a LW from place to place and buy one at a time to re-energize!
OK, I've told everyone I'm walking the 2007 half, so now I have to do it! :cool1:

Actually, thanks to KeenerCam, because until a couple of days ago I didn't even KNOW you could walk it! :teeth:

Well, I've had two foot surgeries in the past three years and in August I had ACL replacement surgery, so now I'm good to go! I'm off to read everyone's hints and tips and all the really great info on the Boards.

And best of all - Whooo hoo! Now I have yet another reason to go back to WDW! :bounce:
Welcome Honeibee- always great to have someone new join! I plan on being there again in 2007 as do alot of us. Also, if you dont want to wait a year, there is a women's only Minnie Marathon weekend in May it's a 15k. Alot of us are doing that one too. Good luck with your training, you have plenty of time with starting now you should be awesome by Jan 2007!

O.k. everyone stop talking about gaining during taper. IT ISNT GOING TO HAPPEN, IT CANT HAPPEN!!!!!!!! :guilty: It also doesnt help that our taper is during the holidays.

Carrie-thanks for handling everything on the shirts. I can't wait to get mine. Lime green is my new favorite color!

Cam-congrats on the loss! Just think, that much less you have to carry across the finish line :banana: Also, what do you do with the messy honey packets during your walk? Put it back in your fanny pack?

Did the bike this a.m. foot feels alot better today so hopefully should be no problem doing SR tomorrow. Thanks for all the :wizard: I love this group.

Gotta go school just called & they are getting out at 1:00 due to severe weather heading our way (yes, that is in 19 min )
TiffJ said:
Cam-congrats on the loss! Just think, that much less you have to carry across the finish line :banana: Also, what do you do with the messy honey packets during your walk? Put it back in your fanny pack?

Last weekend I put the gu pack in a snack size ziploc pack and put the unused part back in there. I will probably carry the honey packets loose and the empty ones will go in a ziplock baggie in my fannie pack.

Hope the weather issues are overstated and everyone is just being cautious! Take care and be careful driving!
TiffJ - I keep a baggie in my fanny pack for my used gu packs. I would think you'd want the same with honey.

Oh, My blood sugar drops a bi ton teh 60 minutes runs, so I figured I'd just do licorice bits, as I do not need a whole gu. Believe it or not, I prefer gu. trying to eat a semi-solid while running and breathing was not easy. Here I thought it'd be a rgeat treat. No thanks, I do it for SRs, but will stick with my gu for LRs (yes, pun kind of intended). ;)
Cam-- Weigh to go on the new clippie :cheer2: I'm glad Melissa was watching or I'd of missed out on the dance :banana: :cool1: Maybe its a good thing you haven't found those snicker's marathon bars yet ;)

lacool-- the flow is real, if it weren't there's no way I'd still be doing this!!!! I started out as a tm person and discovered it on the TM. I named it "Treadmill Nirvana". I find that it usually happens after you've been pushing for a while and then step back to a really comfortable pace/distance. I often have a period of feeling invincible during the middle of my LRs (its completely gone long before the run is over, though). You might want to try some fun runs where you don't time yourself or follow any set rules and see how it goes. Good luck!

I did 4.75 miles on the TM yesterday with upperbody weights and 7 miles on the bike path today. I go to the orthopedic guy tomorrow about my knee :wizard: It hasn't gotten any worse this week so that's a good thing. I'll ask him what he thinks about 500 lb leg presses :teeth:

Yes the taper during the holidays thing is pretty terrifying. Originally, I thought the timing of this race was perfect to get me through the holidays. I didn't figure in tapering. I bet we'll be a tad grouchy, too :rolleyes:

Welcome Honeibee! So glad that you found us! Come often, post lots!

Cam! Congratulations to you! You are doing it!

My Teddy is home. He is unpacking right now and I don't want to get near that hazardous stuff! :scared1:

I thought this was a better option. Happy training everyone. Back stuff stinks. I WISHing it gets over itself already. Off I go...
Honeibee said:
Well, I've had two foot surgeries in the past three years and in August I had ACL replacement surgery, so now I'm good to go! I'm off to read everyone's hints and tips and all the really great info on the Boards.


How are you healing up?
Someone relieve my guilt!! I skipped my speedwork today and I am not doing my short run tomorrow. The boy had an ear infection and missed preschool today, so I played workout hooky too. I have an 18 mile long run on thurs and that is all I'm doing this week. I figure it is ok since we did the 9 hour race this weekend. I was supposed to do about a 13 mile lr and I think we covered at least 12 on foot during the race. we also biked about 25 miles of hills and a few singletrack and about 6 miles of paddling with 3 being upriver! It's ok to skip until thurs isn't it???? Sunny does the IC approve of my lack of activity?
Meliss - I got tired just reading your post! :teeth:

Did 60 minutes on the spinner tonight.

I really just came on line to print boarding passes for our flight in the AM, but I couldn't resist checking in here.

Cam - awesome new clippie! :Pinkbounc :banana: :Pinkbounc I need to get back on track to get my scale moving again, too. I suspect that would help improve my pace as much as anything else I could do. BTW, after reading your post it made my trip planning look easy! All I had to do was figure a way to get all my warm clothes into the suitcase and keep it at a legal weight! :earseek: As to the furbabies, our friends who will be cat :cat: :cat: sitting came over to see where everything was and we all went out to dinner!

Lily, glad to hear Ted made it home safely!

TiffJ, thanks for the invite, but I don't think a Nashville trip is in the budget for us right now. It's anazing how much it can cost to move into a new house! Between the move from CT to FL and the second move into the house and the wedding next week I'm afraid DH and I amy actually have to get :scared1: jobs :scared1: to pay for all of this. Oh, our Disney addiction does take it's toll on the family budget, too! :earsgirl: :earsboy:

Welcome, Honeibee! :wave2:

I will try and check in if I can borrow a computer, otherwise I will see all of you when we get home. Once again, an early Happy Thanksgiving everyone since I won't be here to say it on the appropriate day.
Thanks, everyone, for the congrats! :grouphug:

Lily -- I am so glad your Teddy is home safe and sound -- now you just all have to survive the laundry! ;)

Melissa -- I would say you have a credit in your account for activity and you can look forward to waiting until tomorrow for more! You inspire me! I hope the boy is feeling better! Sending :wizard: his way! :hug:

Nancy -- We will miss you, sweetie! Have a great trip!

I found Snickers Marathon bars in 3 flavors at WaWa this morning and grabbed one of each to try. I may even share them with Howard, though he seems to need no help finding the energy to do his LRs. I swear he could run the full in January rather than the 1/2 with how much he is training. I am a bit envious of the time he can invest in the process. I confess, after talking to my DB last night about all the problems with my parents' estates, I was too depressed and de-energized to do my xt. I'll go to the gym tonight and do some TM time (to make up for not being able to do anything tomorrow -- icky spot removal and lots of stitches) and the xt I didn't do last night.

Have a great day, everyone! I think most of you are "resting", right? What a joke! I know this bunch! I'm not sure any of you know how to rest anymore! :cool1:
I'm really resting!! I'm sipping a mocha and I'm going with the boy to bible study where all i do is sit and talk! My favorite things (wish they had food there, that would make it perfect) EC will be there, I hope she doesn't make me feel guilty for missing our run yesterday. She did the adv race this wkend too. I'm taking a present to bribe her into being gentle on me. I found this h2o bottle that i love (the old ultimate direction bottle, like the one in the rei link from last week) anyway, they don't make that bottle anymore. they modified it to have some kind of thing they call a kicker vaulve, but everytime i drink from it i think of milking a cow!!!! yuck. it is fickle and it skirts me!! So.... i went on this huge internet quest to find more of the bottles i like. I found 1 place that had them for 4 bucks, but they came with a waist pack that held the bottle and has a little key pouch. I had to buy 3 to get my three bottles! I'm taking one to EC today. She has bottles, but will love the pouch. She is a machine. She does all my lr's with me. On our 17 miler, she drank less than 20oz of h2o and didn't eat anything!!!!!!!!! INSANE!!!!

Off to sip mocha and sit and talk!!
Good morning!! Is it Friday yet??? :sunny: I had to run on the dreaded TM last night because our weather was so bad. We got hit with a pretty powerful storm, rain and wind gusts up to 40 mph, there were 35 confirmed tornados in the Tri-State area (Southern OH, Northern KY, and Western IN). I HATE running on the TM, I always run so much slooooower than I do on the road, I feel like I can't keep up with the faster speeds, so I keep it slow so I don't fall off. I started running at 13:43 (I usually run around 10:00) and walking at 15:00 (usually walk at 13:00), I bumped it up to 12:40/14:40, and finally 12:14/13:00--so I did negative splits--yea!! :rolleyes: :rotfl: I ended up running 3.17 in 42:00 which totally sucks, but at least I "got my steps in". :teeth: Oh, and I think I'm the only person in the world who gets shin splits running on a TM. :rolleyes:

MelR--I think it's completely okay that you take a rest day today, you deserve it!! Have fun at your Bible study and good luck on your 18 miles tomorrow! :wizard:

Sara--Did I read it right? Do you really run 19 miles on a TM???? What do you do all that time? Watch tv? I used to read and walk, but now that I'm running; I can't focus on the words on the pages. All I have to say is, thank goodness for my mp-3 player!!

Cam--Have you tried the Snickers Marathon bars yet? They are awesome!!! Stephen and I switched to Power Bars, since that's what they'll have at the marathon, but I just bought a running fanny pack, so I may carry at least 1 Snickers bar in the half. Oh, I meant to tell you, :banana: :banana: on walking with a migraine on Saturday, I think you just might be an endurance athlete!

Nancy--Have a nice trip!! Good luck on your Turkey Trot.

Honeibee--Welcome!! :wave2:

Sunny--I have to tell you, thank you SO much for the great idea of going back and copying and pasting old posts to make a training log. I've been doing that for the past couple of days and it's been wonderful. It's nice to see the improvement; I know I'll be so glad I have this. It's funny because there have been questions and concerns I have now that some of you guys had back in the summer, and it's great to see the advice and encouragement that I can apply to my questions now. I had to laugh, back in late June or early July, Craig made a comment about running 7 miles, and I quoted him and said, "I can't wait for the day I can run 7 miles". Well, my first 7-miler is this weekend, so I guess the day is coming up pretty quickly!! :)

Good luck on training today!!

Krista princess:
Ok, I’m only going to speak of this once. And then its back to my code of silence when it comes to my knee.

I went to the orthopedic guy today and they took x-rays of my knee. There is no injury. My kneecap is deformed. He said it is a developmental problem where the cap didn’t fully fuse at the top (that’s the best I can remember).

He was a jerk. After viewing the x-rays and asking me some questions he launched into a little lecture that started out “not everyone was built to run marathons…” I didn’t hear much after that until he got to “you may still be able to run this marathon, but…”

WHAT!?!?!?!?! Still run this marathon? Woah, I don’t think we’re on the same page here.

So spending the better part of my brain power in fighting to keep my composure I asked “so, if I am really careful and ice and all that, I can run as long as I don’t have a lot of pain, right? I won’t damage it further, right?” He said “you running 40 miles a week now, 2 months out from the marathon, I don’t see how you can ramp up your necessary mileage to be ready if you’re already in pain.” So we went back and forth on this “pain” idea for a while at which he got a tad bit irritated and told me about a patient he has who had a fracture and ran through the pain and literally broke her leg in half. So I came back to “if I’m not in excruciating pain, is it safe to say I’m not damaging my knee?” He wouldn’t commit to that but he did lighten up a little when I told him my current LRs are 16-18 miles and I’ve run a 20 without excessive pain.

He obviously isn’t a runner. He threw out that “don’t run the marathon” statement like he was telling me not to wear plaid.

He said the 500 lb leg presses are definitely out but I could let the pain be my guide as to how much to do.

I tried many times to get him to say whether or not I might seriously damage my knee and he just kept referring back to the pain as an indicator of what I can and cannot do. Well, if I went by that I would have never played sports in high school or spent years roller blading, or spent this past 4 years being insanely active. So, I’m not going to worry about it. I won’t push it when its painful, but its not painful all the time or even most of the time.

I’ll tell you, the last thing I needed right now was another reason to doubt my ability to do this. I’m not telling my family or friends. You are the only ones who will know my secret.

I guess my “superstition” was based on an intuition that there really is something wrong and unfixable about my knee. I would have been better off not finding this out.

OK, I’m done acknowledging this whole stupid thing.

Grouchy (the runner formerly known as Sunny)
(just kidding ;) )
Sunny - Holy crap! That Dr. sounds like a superdouche. Listen, my advice is go way down on the weights (400lbs is still crazy) & run til your hearts content. Of course, I have no medical background to back-up my advice, but if this is something you were born with, chances are your body (obviously b/c of how active you are) has already adapted. I think it may be hurting more b/c of the increase in weight & miles all at once. Am I correct that the two of these being maxed out is new?

DO NOT doubt your ability to finish this thing & finish it well. I'm a paramedic & I can't tell you the number of times I've seen a Dr. kill a patient, let alone mis-diagnose or give bad advice. You are fine, you are superwoman, in my book.

I agree with not telling your family/friends just yet. You don't need any negative feedback/suggestions to "slow down" & all that. You know your body better than anyone, you do what feels right! That's all there is too it. Sure, more ice, more heat, more tiger balm (which i find works very well when you heat the affected area after you put it on. My knees are practically pain free now). But don't stop what you're doing or doubt yourself. You ROCK!

Thanks, Jodi, I needed that!!!

I agree with you, at 42, having ran the equivalent of the East Coast in the past 7 months, I'd say its safe to say my body has learned to compensate and can run a marathon just fine!

Billy Blanks was born with deformed hips. His high school coaches told him he could never make it in sports.

Have I ever mentioned Billy is my hero :love:

Sunny -- The guy obviously has no clue as to how to handle a serious athlete. I'd suggest you allow your body to tell you what you can do and that any future medical advice on the issue should come from a sports orthopoed (sp?). I also agree that you don't need to tell your family what he said. I am convinced that most people are eager to tell us what we can't accomplish rather than to encourage. That is why I come here for the advice and encouragement.

One last thing-- for the 9 years and 11 months I had my heart condition, periodically the doctors would suggest that I go out on disability. They worried that I'd go into cardiac arrest from the "exertion" of being up and about and from the stress of my job. Although I don't doubt the sincerity of their concern, the fact is they had no idea what I as a person was capable of managing, and they were wrong. I think, in fact, doctors often try to cover their butts by telling you the worse case scenario so that you can't say they didn't warn you. :rolleyes: I have a lot of faith in your judgment, Sunny, and I know you will do what is smart for your body. Take care of yourself! :hug:
Thanks, Cam

I have to say, I thought of you and your heart surgeries. Driving back to work with tears down my face I said out loud "if Cam can do this, I sure as h*ll can!". I wanted to tell him about you (and all of us) and about how important all of this is, but I knew it would fall on deaf ears. You're right, he was definitely covering his butt. He supposedly is a sports med. guy. :confused3



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