Wk of Nov 27--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Lisa - Thank you so much for the info! I've never heard of this type of injury before but my PT said it is very common. She is trying to find someone local that can treat me as she is several hours away from me. Hopefully I will hear something soon. I'm off to check out the sacro-wedgy. :flower:

Thanks to everyone for your kind words. Once this thing is fixed (and thanks to Lisa I see a light at the end of the tunnel) I plan on working once more towards finishing an endurance event. The ::MinnieMo run in May is what I'm going to work towards.

Good luck to everyone. I'll be lurking around spreading :wizard: whenever I can :banana:

Hi everyone,

Injuries and nightmares seem to be the order of the day here! :earseek:

Good luck to those battling to overcome the nagging injuries.

I went to the PT today and guess what he told me? I pulled/strained my quad. Duh!!! I knew that 7 weeks ago! What can I do to make it better?

Well, the PT guy was nice (but not a "hottie" like someone else's on here). I had ultrasound and electric stim, did some exercises and stretches, then iced it down. He told me to do the stretches every day; I could cut out the ice baths (thank God!!!). Just switch to ice and heat 4 times a day (15 min. each).

He also told me I could keep with my routine of x-training and walking. Told me to use a mini-trampoline for running. Start out slow and build up to where I can run w/o pain. Then start to mix in some runs during my outdoor walks.

At this point, it is all about my pain tolerance. I'm going to go back once a week from now until I leave for Disney in January just for the electric stim. he said that should help increase the healing. (although I could go up to 3x a week, I just can't fit that in the schedule).

At least it wasn't bad news!

Minnie said:
Lisa - Thank you so much for the info! I've never heard of this type of injury before but my PT said it is very common. She is trying to find someone local that can treat me as she is several hours away from me. Hopefully I will hear something soon. I'm off to check out the sacro-wedgy. :flower:

Thanks to everyone for your kind words. Once this thing is fixed (and thanks to Lisa I see a light at the end of the tunnel) I plan on working once more towards finishing an endurance event. The ::MinnieMo run in May is what I'm going to work towards.

Good luck to everyone. I'll be lurking around spreading :wizard: whenever I can :banana:


I didn't realize it was so common--the cause is a very weak core structure--at least for me traced back 5.5 years ago to my first pregnancy when I let my ab muscles go lax (I mean--cognizantly told myself--ooh--I"m pregnant...relax those tummy muscles so I don't squash the baby--yeah, I'm a genious. :rotfl2: ).

So you might be saying hello to a new Pilates regime when you are better. ;)

ETA: if you get the sacro wedgy--be very careful in using it--you have to be on it just right--the first day I was on it wrong (can you say--ouch!)...I took it into the PT so I could learn how to use it properly--and then it made a big difference.
Christa, thanks for checking. It seemed like a big difference. Last year I ran Disney a little less than four hours, so I think I left it since I thought I would be going Goofy. I do have a 1:40 half, maybe that's it. :confused3 Wont be happening in Jan. :rolleyes1 I've since bailed on the marathon portion, thanks to my slow (old) recovering body. :dog2: I was just trying to figure out where I might be placed.

sara said:
Christa, thanks for checking. It seemed like a big difference. Last year I ran Disney a little less than four hours, so I think I left it since I thought I would be going Goofy. I do have a 1:40 half, maybe that's it. :confused3 Wont be happening in Jan. :rolleyes1 I've since bailed on the marathon portion, thanks to my slow (old) recovering body. :dog2: I was just trying to figure out where I might be placed.

LESS THAN 4 HOURS! :earseek: You are the WOMAN! And your 1/2 time is great too! So you are not doing the Goofy now? What corral were you in last year?
Oh....Let me post about my training. Yesterday did an easy 3.6 miles in 30 min. Trying to keep everything easy this week. May run today. I was going to swim, but the YMCA pool is being "refurbished for my enjoyment". :rotfl: Thanks for all the :wizard: :wizard: on the marathon. I am trying to remember to take it SLOW like a training run. I may run 10 with DH Thursday. That will slow me down.
Thanks for all of the advice. I am going to make sure I always have an incline set on the TM (I do this on a periodic basis but not consistently) and I am going to buy and try a few gels/sports drinks. Maybe I will see an improvement with my performance and certainly I will be better prepared for the race :)

In case any of you missed it, I posted a thread about a great deal going on 11/28 - 12/1 at Footlocker.com. They are offering a "friends and family" discount of 30% (good on regular and sale prices) and they have many great items on sale already including short sleeve shirts and singlets (I know someone was asking about where to find them this time of year). Here is a link to the thread with the specifics if you are interested.


I tried to do a better link but the boards were not cooperating - sorry!

Well, I need to go get myself and the kids ready for my yoga class (since it is my xt day). Hope everyone has a joyous day!
Holy cow! Leave for the holidays and a couple days w/o access to the boards and there's no way I can catch up! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

I'm pretty proud of myself for staying on track with my work outs, even if my eating was less than spectacular. Back to entering my food into my Palm, though, so that should help.

Hope you're having a great week everyone!!!
Remember my dream yesterday????? Well.... apparently I slept like a baby last night, because I really did sleep in and I missed my speedwork!!!! I was late getting the boy to preschool (he was so worried he would miss calendar time!) Phil is off today (after rounds) so we will probably do something outside. Maybe I can get him to do my speedwork with me or we'll go mt. biking or kayaking. It is cold and I think the wind is picking up, so we probably won't boat, but it might be fun!
Carrie - You enter what you eat every day? Has this been beneficial? I thought about doing that, since some days I can barely make 50 mins. & other days I feel like I could run forever. Do you know if I would contribute that to what I ate the day before or a few days before, does anyone know? Don't laugh, but I usually have a slice of eggplant pizza from a local pizza joint on Fri nights & then have 1/2 a slice of plain (don't ask). Anyway, my LRs on Sat are great. Is that because of the pizza, or the pasta I usually eat on THurs. nights. HELP, anyone that knows anything about nutrition, I need help. I've also noticed that if I meat the night before a run, the run's no good.

Any clues??

Oh the dream sequences are just too funny :rotfl2: I think if we put Cam's bear in the frothy cafe and stick Melissa in her port-a-jon right in the middle will have a smash hit :rotfl:

I discovered something new that might be helpful to others. Don't lose a lot of weight and expect to maintain your endurance. Not being happy with my WL this past few months I decided to get serious and follow Weight Watchers to a "T" last week. I did exactly what they call for, ate my daily points, my 35 weekly "flex points" and all of my activity points and lost 6 pounds!!!!!! (Yes this is over Thanksgiving). I came to the conclusion that either WW isn't designed for endurance athletes or I have a super high metabolism. The real catch is they only allow you to add 50% of the calories you burn during exercise (activity points). That's all well and good if you burn an extra 200-300 calories at a time, not 1,000-2,000! I'm guessing this sudden weight loss was part of why my 12 miler was tough last weekend. Yesterday's 6 mile TM wasn't really tough but I was sweating profusely (like twice as much as my normal profuse sweating) and my HR was really high (165-172) everytime I checked. It took 8 minutes of walking to bring my HR back down below 110. That is totally unacceptable.

So a warning: Don't panic during taper and decide to diet right before the race! Guess those donuts are good for me after all. ;)

Jodi said:
Carrie - You enter what you eat every day? Has this been beneficial? I thought about doing that, since some days I can barely make 50 mins. & other days I feel like I could run forever. Do you know if I would contribute that to what I ate the day before or a few days before, does anyone know? Don't laugh, but I usually have a slice of eggplant pizza from a local pizza joint on Fri nights & then have 1/2 a slice of plain (don't ask). Anyway, my LRs on Sat are great. Is that because of the pizza, or the pasta I usually eat on THurs. nights. HELP, anyone that knows anything about nutrition, I need help. I've also noticed that if I meat the night before a run, the run's no good.

Any clues??


Jodi, I'm no expert but I do know that your best runs will be when your muscles/liver are as full of glycogen as possible. That means the night before a morning run should provide adequate carbs and protein. But just what is adequate? That's really a trial and error determination. I have surprisingly found that overeating the night before can lead to a good run (as long as the tummy/bathroom troubles don't arise from it). I don't recommend overeating, but undereating seems to be worse. All the running advice seems to be geared towards eating lots of carbs but I'm a firm believer in adequate protein, too.

Do you keep a food log? You might want to do that. Write down everything you eat, when you eat it and what your eneregy level feels like before, after, and a couple of hours after.

Good luck!
Sunny - Thanks, I'm keeping a log starting today. Perhaps the pizza carbs, plus the protein from the cheese is what does it for me. Also, when I eat meat, I hardly ever have bread or anything with it, so maybe that's what's missing. Thanks for the advice

Lisa loves Pooh said:
What is a fancy dress run?

I'm picturing stillettos and an evening gown.

Sounds painful. :scared1:

I think that's a non-American way of saying running in costume. Of course, depending on the costume, you could be running in stillettos! :rotfl:

I saw the doc this morning. The x-rays don't show any fractures :cool1:, so he thinks I have aggravated the ligaments that attach my metatarsil (sp?) to the rest of my foot. Luckily the doc had done a marathon before, and understood my need to continue training. He suggested the elliptical for the next 2-3 weeks. So tomorrow I'll try 16 miles on the elliptical. Sounds positively daunting!

I was pleased when the nurse comented on my low heart rate (49 bpm). She said I must be an athlete! :banana:

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to all of you fighting injuries!

Leigh Ann
You lost 6 lbs over Thanksgiving?!! :scared1: Don't worry, I found them. Seriously though, good job! That is an accomplishment. And I think your body will probably take a week or so to adjust to the new fuel levels.

I'm breaking out my Weight Watchers books tonight!
Sunny - confession time again!!! I can totally relate to the high metabolism and calorie intake influncing endurance. I am a stick (i know, waaah, waaah). Anyway, I have no reserves and I really have to suck down the calories during the endurance events. I eat so many gels during an adventure race it is unbelievable. The running long distances really kills me b/c i'm buring so many calories that at some point I get to where I can't keep up and if I work out too much I start feeling depressed and basically beat down. I'm kindof' dreading this week for that very reason. I just did my speedwork with phil (what a sweetie)3miles. Tomorrow afternoon (that is bible study/mocha day) I have a 10 mile with EC and then thurs is the 20 mile LR. I am going to have to eat and veg this weekend. I think you are right about the protien and I have a feeling I am not getting enough! I am not a big meat eater, but maybe i'll go out this weekend and have a big steak and sweet potato to celebrate the completion of a hard week!
Woo hoo lacool! That is great news!

jodi - I *try* to log what I eat in a program I have iin my Palm daily. This is my best weight loss solution.

Sunny - I try to eat 100-300 calories less than I burn, if I can do so without being hungry. Low blood sugar and hungry is bad. Only adding 50% of what I burn off excersing would kill me.

FYI - I did have a race dream/nightmare. Got to the corrals and realized I had not chip. Dh didn't either. SOmehow got ships, but realized I had to pee/ CM said too close to the race start, no way could I go pee. Luckily I woke up after that. Not quite as imaginative as the rest of you, but I'm really worried about forgetting something now.
lacool said:
I was pleased when the nurse comented on my low heart rate (49 bpm). She said I must be an athlete! :banana:

Leigh Ann

Leigh Ann-- I had that exact same experience! I was in just dozing off in surgery and someone commented on my HR and said "she must be an athlete" and someone else responded, "she's a runner". I have to say that is probably the single most exciting compliment/comment I have received during this journey! Kudos to you!!!! :cheer2:

MelR & Jodi-- I hardly ever eat meat. But I do eat a lot of egg beaters, tofu, boca burgers, legumes, and whey either in the form of protein bars, powder or fat-free ricotta cheese, and non-fat yogurt. With the exception of donut delirium, I always have some protein when I eat. I even use gels and 'ade that have 5 g of protein in them (Accelerade).

Just back from the gym. Had a little trouble sticking to the "no more 500 lb leg presses" rule. :p But Dumb-dumb kept saying over and over to listent to my body, and pain is the body's way... blah, blah, blah... Well the body was saying "bring it on" So I did!

plutosmyfav said:
Oh the dream sequences are just too funny :rotfl2: I think if we put Cam's bear in the frothy cafe and stick Melissa in her port-a-jon right in the middle will have a smash hit :rotfl:

I discovered something new that might be helpful to others. Don't lose a lot of weight and expect to maintain your endurance. Not being happy with my WL this past few months I decided to get serious and follow Weight Watchers to a "T" last week. I did exactly what they call for, ate my daily points, my 35 weekly "flex points" and all of my activity points and lost 6 pounds!!!!!! (Yes this is over Thanksgiving). I came to the conclusion that either WW isn't designed for endurance athletes or I have a super high metabolism. The real catch is they only allow you to add 50% of the calories you burn during exercise (activity points). That's all well and good if you burn an extra 200-300 calories at a time, not 1,000-2,000! I'm guessing this sudden weight loss was part of why my 12 miler was tough last weekend. Yesterday's 6 mile TM wasn't really tough but I was sweating profusely (like twice as much as my normal profuse sweating) and my HR was really high (165-172) everytime I checked. It took 8 minutes of walking to bring my HR back down below 110. That is totally unacceptable.

So a warning: Don't panic during taper and decide to diet right before the race! Guess those donuts are good for me after all. ;)


Yes--dieting during training is bad news. You have to fuel your body. I did weight watchers at the beginning of training way back when. I just did too much and was constantly starving. I don't think it is a program for very active people. I hated going to meetings and here people saying they could eat the minimum and walk 2 miles a day and not starve at all. :confused3 I'd like to see them run 6 miles and then check back in with me. pirate:
Hey all - I'm loving the odd translation experience's we've had over the last year, and yes, fancy dress is running in costume. The first year I went in full 80's garb (with leg warmers etc), last year I went as Tigger (complete with orange trainers, hat with ears - and tail) but this year I think I may have to miss out as I don't think I can fit in outfit and 10 miler.

And Sunny, I tried Weight WAtchers for six weeks last year while training for a half, hated every second, felt dreadful the whole time, lost the grand sum of 2lbs - and, when I asked how to increase points in the days before the race to avoid blowing the little progress I'd made but also stop myself fainting half way round I was told 'WW wasn't for people like me' so 'the person like me' took her money elsewhere!!!!! I do think it's aimed at average exercisers, not endurance runners -and from what I know of nutrition, eating that few points without making up the difference you're expending while running could actually slow your metabolism (though with the cut arms you've got you've probably got enough muscle mass to counteract things). Just my HO though.

Anyway, gotta go - personal trainer in California needing me to call him. The world is sometimes a very small place! Helen


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