Wk of Nov 6--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Lynne - You are right. Chalk me up as beign taken over by an alien!

Dark Running - It stinks. COuld not see the bike path through the leaves last night. WIth a still healing hip, the acorns and walnuts hiding below hurt a bit. My pace has taken a nose dive, probably not the right term for going up, but you know what I mean. Poor dh just said that he was too fast last week, so the too slow this week is balance. I hope it comes back soon, though. :( Still grateful that I'm able to run again, although the hip's a little tender today. I don't think falling on the church steps SUnday, tripping over teh shower rod yesterday right before ruinning, long story, or the on trail obstructions helped. No way can I find any daylight, as I work from dark to dark. Just going to have ot be haoppy that it is still farily good weather, although the wind could go away.
My hip still hurts so I am resting it again today. However, rest is hard because even walking aggravates it. I tried ice yesterday during work, but that didn't seem to help. I used the heating pad last night and that helped. I took an advil this morning, and the pain has subsided. I am trying to decide what exercises I can do to keep on track with training. I am going to try cycling, but I am not sure if that will work because of the pressure that can be put on the hips. I might try the elliptical, but if walking hurts, I am not sure if the elliptical will be low impact enough. I may have to try the pool at my MIL's house. Swimming or water exercises may be the best.

Next time, when I get the bright idea to start running more and running for as long as possible just to see how far I can run, somebody stop me! This is a classic "overuse" injury. I just need to face the fact that I am going to walk/run the 1/2 marathon (not run/walk) and accept the improvement that I have made since I walked the 1/2 in January and went just fast enough to beat the sweepers but not in time to get an official time (although I got my Donald medal). Then in January, I can start training to run/walk the Disneyland 1/2 and the Disney World full in 2007. Then, in January 2007, I can start training to run the marathon in 2008. :dog2: I will eventually be a big dog, it's just going to take a little time to get there. :paw:
And I went back and found my first post from January:

Howdy! I am Heather (35), mother of 4 beautiful daughters (6,4, 4, and 1). I walked the 1/2 marathon this year and was part of the 2005 WISH Walkers. My goal is to run the 1/2 marathon in 2006. My DH will be running the full marathon again. Come on all you WISHers, join us!

Running the 1/2? Next year for sure! :flower:
Heather - That's the problem I had. I took Advil so I could walk normal. I think favoring it makes it worse. Also, be sure to clear the way of obstacles. I would still ice, though. I've hear rotating het and ice is good. Ice is best at taking away the inflamation, although it does not feel as comforting as heat. You may want to try icy hot patches too.
Heather - I'm so sorry to hear that you are having a similar problem. :wizard: :wizard: to you that it heals quickly!

Okay guys I've been reading but not posting lately because I have come to the conclusion that I will likely not be at the 1/2 this year :guilty: . The sciatic is not improving as the pain is horrible when I try to train. I think it is too close at this point to try and make an attempt at it. My heart truly breaks with this post :sad:

Best of luck to everyone. I will be there with you all in spirit :love:
Reposting from a while ago -- offer still open!

keenercam said:
Interesting Question For All Of You!


Is anyone interested in renting a bedroom for Friday and Saturday nights?

Here is the deal. Our kids aren’t coming with us and we have a 2 bedroom villa at Beach Club Villas. We would be willing to rent the second bedroom out to someone those two nights, and if you are running the marathon, you wouldn't have to "move out" until after the event, so you could go back to the villa and do laundry, do a recovery meal, etc..

For those of you who don’t know, the villas have a full-size washer & dryer (great for washing post-event sweaty clothes) and a full-size kitchen. Beach Club Villas is also an easy walk to and from EPCOT (through the International Gateway during operating hours) and has an amazing pool complex -- Stormalong Bay.

If you are interested, send me a PM.

ETA: I believe the 2nd BR in all the units has 2 full or queen sized beds.

It just occurred to me that there are some new faces around here and while there is still time to cancel other reservations if one wants to, I thought I'd put this offer out there again. If you are interested either post here or PM me. And there are many people who move to "cheaper digs" Friday and Saturday nights because of higher $ or points rates, so this might be a great option for anyone who is considering doing that.
MelRhoads said:
Sunny - I had to click on the WISH clipart archive just to see what was there. Then I began to wonder.... Is anyone else running to disney? Will you make it before the marathon?

I am a total slug today. I have been eating cereal and surfing the net while the boy is napping! I need to be finishing my bible study (which i am behind on and have to do by Wed.) and taking a nap for myself!!!!! One more handful of cereal... Yum, yum

There is a "Walking to Disney" challenge, but of course I had to be different and make mine exclusively "Running to Disney" :earboy2: Its really fun, you figure out the miles from your house to your resort of choice (mine is the Polynesian, but I won't be staying there due to cost). I used mapquest to get my mileage. Then you log your miles and put away money per mile (mine is supposed to be $2/mile) so when you arrive virtually, you have the money to go for real! The WISH clipart archive is the clip art I've made for WISH. I put it in my siggie incase people might want to reuse it someday.

OK, I've hit the wall. In my four years of serious fitness training I have never encountered this before. I told you about my Stonker run yesterday. Well, I went to the gym afterwork for a lower body weight session and absolutely couldn't do it. I could barely lift the plates to load the leg press. It wasn't that I was tired or unmotivated, it was that I truly could not do it. Of course, I didn't take it well. A reasonable person would have recognized it as a sign of overtraining and "listened" to her body. Me? I threw a temper tantrum. (In my head of course, so as not to draw attention to myself). I went to the cardio room and did the elliptical at minimal exertion for 30 minutes and called it a night. I couldn't get out of bed today. But its so dramatic and so "all of the sudden" that I suspect I might have a virus.

Today will really be a rest day. No fooling around.

Sunny -- it really sounds like your body is screaming louder and louder to get you to take a little rest. Glad to hear you plan to listen to it today.

My biggest issue lately is my voracious appetite. It is insane. I don't ever remember being this insatiable in my life. My stomach growls almost all the time and sometimes I even feel light headed like I need to eat, even right after a meal. UGH! Still working on finding the right foods to deal with this.
Sunny - I've had the flu for the last four days and so has several people in the office as well as their kids. Take care as this stuff is no fun!
Nostalgia! What a trip down the lane. I may take the time to look for mine. Not sure.Thanks for the ideas though.

Karen, hope to see you join in the cheering squad for sure. Are you still going to TE dinner do you think?

Sunny, sorry about your stonkers. Hope it is just temporary.

I'm motivating with a killer back ache. It is muscular, but I am not sure if it is related to my yesterday, my LR weekend, or just another new thing to deal with. Sitting in yet another class not feeling like I am able to hang in at the moment.

Back to class
Lily - Myback was sore during my LR Saturday and a little last night. Was not saure if it was from ab w/o Wednesday, putting fanny pack in front or just a lot of running. NOthing terrible though. Hope yours gets better soon!
perfectmatch300 said:
OK it's not Disney, but I'm sure it will be a really interesting run. Anyone going to try the Las Vegas Marathon ?

Nancy, wow, you have really improved your pace, keep at it and we will see you in 2007!! :cool1:

My sister (the one who ran a marathon in Canada last month signed up for Las Vegas on December 3rd. (She is on a modified 7 week turn around training plan to get her ready for this one. She is still hoping to qualify for Boston, I hope she doesn't burn her self out.) She is going with a group of friends so it will be interesting the reports back.

Sunny, Sunny, Sunny, what you are going through is totally normal. At this stage of the training we have all ramped up our distances, feeling a little fatigue, a few aches, etc. and the marathon is still 2 months away. I thing John Bingham writes something about this phrase of training in his book and he says it is totally normal. A few days of rest won't hurt your training plan at all and you will come back invigorated! PD to you, you WILL break out of this. :cheer2:

Minnie, take care of yourself. I know this was a hard decision for you, but you are wise to listen to your body. :grouphug:

Woohoo Heather! Love your plans for future races. You go girl! :bounce:

disnutt, if you haven't purchased our Garmin yet, the best price I found was on amazon.com with free shipping. Check it out.

Off for some speed work today.

Hi Sunny - definitely take a couple of days off. I get to that stage every few months and running when you're in it really demoralises you - but trust me, after two or even three days off your first run will be an absolute breeze and you'll remember why you wanted to do the race - and it won't make any difference at all to your training programme - just make sure you do your long run this week at some point so you don't end up jumping distances too much. Helen
TigerLily-I'll plan on being there to cheer on the 1/2ers at least! I didn't plan on attending the TE dinner (we were going to have dinner with friends at WL who were going to watch our son). Wish I could meet up with all of you, but looks like it will be another time!
Is it possible for me & DH to give up our 1/2 spots to someone else?

I know that the "official" time would be recorded under our names, but it is possible for us to pick up our race packets and get the chips set up, then give them to someone else who wants to run but missed the cut-off?

I mean, we'll be at the expo to get our 5K stuff anyway and I'll probably pick up my packet just to have it, lol....if anyone can see any pros/cons to this, let me know.
Hi Everyone--

Well at the end of the week I will be half way through my training plan (of course now I am doign the hard half!). DH and I did a 10 mile run Sunday which was our longest run during our half training last year. So now I feel like its up, up, up from here. The 10 m was good but I was feeling a little quesy afterward.

We just have a few 4 milers this week and an 8 miler Friday. Yeah!
Last big workout this week!

Since i have an adventure race this weekend I'm resting most of the week. I did speed work this morning and actually did the 3.1 miles faster than my best 5k and that included the walking!!! Still not as fast as Sunny's first place score though!! After I finished, Phil and I went mt. biking in a new place. We had a huge climb. OUCH LEGS and BOOTIE!!!!! It was beautiful and the leaves were incredible. I only fell once. I think it was my best mountain bike ride ever.

I just found pics posted from the last adventure race. Not that anyone really wants to see, but here is a pic of me rappelling of a big railroad tressel (sp) into the Arkansas river in Little Rock YUCK!
Officially you can't--but technically..they don't card you at the entry. However--once the chip is in your hands--you are liable for it.
(My coaches don't even run with theirs. I have no idea what they do with them--but when they are coaching, they are not racing--so do not wear the chip so as not to be tempted for running for time).
Sunny - I totally know how you feel. You may be getting sick - but it may be time to take a rest. You have been hittining it hard for a long time now. At this point in the training, I always feel a bit tired. A few days off will help you, but to agree with Helen, do the LR.

Minnie - So sorry to hear this. You are wise to know when to stop though.

Keenercam - right there with you on the being hungry all the time. I try to drink around 8 oz of chocolate milk right after a LR. This sometimes helps me not be so hungry. :confused3 Well, not really, I am still hungry. :rotfl:

I am almost over my cold. Except for this cough I have. I ran 3 miles today and every step was an effort. I looked to make sure my TM was set right. It was. Ended up doing right under 10 MPM. This pace is not great for a short run, but I needed the extra time. Then some ab work. Going to the doctor tomorow 0900 for the toe followup. Send me :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: so I can start swimming again.

Minnie, :hug: sorry that you have found you must make this decision. I WISH that you will be able to continue with your training and be more than ready for the 2007 event. Continue onward as you are able and stay with us here to cheer us on and prepare for your event next year.

Karen, I don't think you will be permitted to transfer your spots this year. I remember it said something that you would be "guaranteed" a spot for the next year if you had to cancel. Of course you still have to pay for that spot as all the money for this event gets pooled and donated as the final $ count. You definitely get your packet, just turn in your chip, or more, don't take the chip. You get the shirt and can use it to train for the event in 2007.

I have been sitting on the heating pad for my back tonight. I WILL feel better tomorrow. I WILL!

Off I go to read up some more...


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