Wk of Oct 29--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi everyone! :wave: Just popping in briefly...

Great job on all the LR and races this weekend.

Have a great week!
Greetings TEAM:

Just a quick post, but I wanted to thank everyone with all the support while I was struggling with my confidence this week.

Saturday, I went to the gym and did 50 min on the elliptical (including a 5 min warm up and cool down).

Today I got up at 5:00am (yay, for turning the clocks back), and was on the road at 7:00am. I got my 14 miles in!!! That's the farthest I've ever run before. I'm breaking new ground. I did it in 2:26 min/10:28 mpm. The winds were unbelievable out there. At times I felt as if I was running to stand still with the headwind in my face, and at other times I felt like I was being pushed right along. The last half of the run felt tougher than my 1/2 marathon last weekend, but I got my steps in and felt pretty good.

I'll have to catch up with everyone tomorrow, but I just wanted to let you all know I'm doing OK.
:wave2: Hello to everyone!

I hope you all had great weekends. I am glad to hear recounts of many successful walks/runs. The more work we do now, the more we will enjoy our January weekend. I tell myself this everyday.

I did 16 miles on the treadmill today… a tad boring, no doubt. On the plus side, I did not have to monitor my pace, I just had to keep up, and keep going.

Steve asked about post race massage: I am getting 80-minute massages after both races (a huge treat for me… even got a third job to save the $$). For me, massage definitely helps recovery. I have info. on WDW massage locations and prices if anyone is interested.

Also, cold baths are great for recovery. And they are free!!! Anyone else benefit from them? Dana said she does. They rally seem to help.

Mel – Way to go on the 5K PR!!! Everyone’s got there own pace…I’ve been doing challenging speed workouts, and I am still “slow.”… Speed’s not my thing either. I am inspired by the list of races you’ve run!!

Mel’s DD13 – Congratulations on earning straight A’s!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could have ‘accidental’ day trips to WDW!!!!!!!!

Kristi – a.k.a. Slug Did you get it done yesterday?

TiffJ – How’d your 6 miler go today?

Jen – Wow! Second place!! Way to go!!! Glad to hear you have fewer aches than anticipated.

Nucpharm29 – Great teamwork in getting your training done yesterday! Glad it worked out.

Heather – Fine job on your 8 miler!

Melissa – Sorry to hear about your cold. Hope your trip and time off helps you heal. Enjoy SB!

Lily – Hope your Castaway Cay injury is healing.

Craig – Glad your 13 miles was a piece of cake and that you are right on target for Jan!

Steve – Way to go on our 7/15. I did 12/16 this weekend. So far so good.

Escape – Congrats on your successful long run!! Right on with the Churchill quote. Didn’t Albert Einstein say something like ‘Few people realize how close they are to success when they give up?’

Helen – Fabulous job on your hilly Half!! I sure wish you speedy recovery with your bum knee.

Goofyfuy1958 – Holy cow! You are one fast runner!! Glad your training is going well, even with high-powered winds!

Dana – So sorry to hear that your knee hurts, but It’s great to hear your confidence in your preparation for January!! That’s great!

Terri – Hope you have a great gym workout tomorrow!!

Colleen – Way to go on the marathon!!!!!!! Two marathons in one year!!!!!!!! And thanks for the great race report.

:cheer2: Best to all. Keep up the great work! :cheer2:

Well I didnt get in all of my 6 miler because I started too late & couldnt out run the sunset. I dont see well at night (nor am I very coordinated) so I wont run at night, especially by myself. I got in 4.5 at 14:21 pace. The last mile & 1/2 was faster because of trying to get in as much as I could before the sun went totally down.

The reason I was late getting out is we went to see The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D. It was great! I had never seen it before & the 3d was wonderful!

Colleen- :cheer2: Yay!! You go girl!!!!

Lily-Well if you are going to injure yourself running, Castaway Cay is the place to do it :teeth:

Teri-Wow, 16 miles on the Dreadmill. Good job! You are a better woman than I am. I definately want the massage info. At what point is best to get it, right after race, same day later or next day? I've been meaning to look into this info so if you could PM me what you know I would really appreciate it!

Heather-Yay for getting out there! :cool1:

Paul-man, what a hazardous run, glad you made it!

Dave-Great job, :Pinkbounc sounds like you & Paul had similar winds. So when are you telling DW?

Kristi-did you get out there?!?! huh, did ya?!
Teri, Tiffany & Dana - thanks for the encouragment...but I didn't do a darn thing all weekend! :blush: Well, except eat lots of chinese food, halloween candy & ice cream cake. :rolleyes:

And Teri - 16 miles on the treadmill? WOW! :worship:

Ok, going back to lurking until I am worthy of posting...
Forgive me, I know I'm missing a ton of people, but really need to get to work.

Dana - Unfrotunately, this is a time for people to start gettign injured. mileage gets high and if you push too hard, it can happen. If you listent o your body, though, you should be fine. (My injury was high mileage adn very bad shoulder ofa road I ran on, so just a bad combination)

Judy - I hope you caught my sarcasm. :goodvibes I'm thrilled you have your number! I'd also be thrilled to run in some Judith Anne's some day!!! :teeth: No Kayanos yet, but when I find time to get to the store...

Heather - So, are your shoes still safe? COngrats on teh 8-miler!!

monica - Probably already answered, but we're wating for the race boklets adn the waiver letter with our numbers that we turn in at the expo for our packets.

Cam - COngrats on the 14-miler!!!! :cheer2:

Jen - WHiney? No way! congrats on your 10K! :cheer2:

MAtt - Congrats to you and Dw!!! :cheer2:

Terri - Motivation has been hard this year. Hang in there!!!! :wizard: :wizard:

Teri - COngrats on your 16-miler!! On a tm, no less. Wow. :banana:

MelR - I was looking forward to costume pics. ;)

Dave - Way to go!!!!! :banana:

OK, after tempo this week, I was hurting. I also regret giving dh teh Garmin as I could nto tell him we were going a minute faster than intended. :( So, I decided to take it easy on our 6-miler. While I met the pace I wanted, it was harder than I though. We were under a wind advisory. So, I probably still pushed a bit. We'll see how the legs feel tonight.

Have a great week everyone!!

FOrgot to say congrats to Mel and dd!!! I hear you on those darn fast dh's! ;)
Good morning, team!! Glad to see that everyone's LR's went really well. Mine was a stonker, but I got my steps in. I figured it would not be great (which probably why it wasn't) because it was a taper back week (I hate taper back distances), I did it on the treadmill, which always makes it seem twice as long, and I watched "The Aviator" while I was running--that has to be the MOST boring movie ever!!!! I'm normally a huge Leo di Caprio fan, but that movie was not good!! I ended up turning it off after half an hour and putting "Titanic" in. But I guess I better get used to the treadmill, since all of my sr's will most likely be on it. With the time change, it gets dark at 6:00 and since I get home at 5:45, that doesn't give me much time and I hate running in the dark, I am the world's biggest wuss. :teeth:

Dave--Awesome job on your 14 miler!!! I'm glad that you are feeling much better about the marathon. Did you happen to see the Steelers game? It was absolutely awful and embarrassing. How do you NOT beat the Raiders?? I am so mad about the game still. One good thing about them having a terrible season is we don't have to worry about a playoff game during marathon weekend, like this past year.

Terri--I can completely, 100% relate to what you are going through with the Eagles. It makes me mad to see a good time make awful mistakes that are usually made on the high school level. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! :furious: :furious: :furious:

Lily--I think we must be related because I always fall when I run!! I have lots of lovely scars on my knees to prove it!! Your vacation sounds nice!

Kristi--It's to time buckle down and start training!! You have 68 days until the half marathon. Don't make us come up there and get you!! pirate: ;)

Colleen--Congrats on the Chicago marathon!!!! That's a great time. I'm going to read your race report after I post.

Dana--20 miles???? That's fabulous :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: I hope your knee feels better, keep icing it, take Advil and rest it today. :wizard:

Cam--14 miles on the treadmill? All I can say is: :worship: :worship: :worship:

Teri--16 miles on the treadmill? You get :worship: :worship: :worship: too! Wow!! The furthest I've done on a treadmill is 8 miles and that was long enough for me.

Mel--How do you accidentally go to the Magic Kingdom??? That's awesome! Awesome job on your 5K!

Jen--Great job on your 10K! I would love to place in a race, but sadly that will never happen, unless I was racing against 90 year olds and maybe not even then. :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: I agree that trick or treating would be no fun on a Sunday afternoon. Which reminds me, I have to get candy tonight or Stephen and I will have to sit in the dark tomorrow night and pretend like we're not at home.

Melissa--Have a wonderful time in CA! I'm very jealous, I have never been to CA, but I've heard it's beautiful. I just put the Nike Women's Marathon on my list of marathons to run, so I guess I'll get to CA for that.

Helen--Wonderful job on your half. I think you deserve to lie on the couch all week long if you want to. :)

Sara and Jodi--Happy anniversary!! October must be a popular month to get married, Stephen and I celebrated our 6th anniversary on the 21st and my parents celebrated their 40th yesterday.

I better get started on work, but I'm sure I'll be back. :wave: to everyone I missed!!
Hi everyone -

I'm in a lousy mood today. I got a call from the Director of the Sanctuary yesterday. The trial is not going well. I also found out if they rule in the witch's favor, I have to give Mist back the next day! Charlie has offered to buy her for me, but I don't even know if that is an option. I'm so sad today. I cried for about an hour after I got off the phone with her. Today I just feel wrung out. :sad2:

Anyway, I did 6 miles on the TM Saturday morning. It was tedious, even with "Must Love Dogs", but I thought of Dave and Cam and anyone of you guys who also might be doing a 14 miler on the TM and suddenly I had nothing to complain about. I mixed things up a lot, running faster and slower, adding incline and taking it off. I averaged a 14 min mile.

This morning I did a quick 3 miles. Nothing to write home about.

Steven - Enjoy the Kayanos. Let me know if you get emotionally attached to them. :goodvibes

Dave - I'm glad today is better for you. YAY on the 14 miler! :thumbsup2 You've got it in you, but sometimes you forget. We don't though, and we'll keep reminding you. :goodvibes Hey those are great pictures! :woohoo: I see you're sporting the WISH socks also. Did you see you can order them in poster size? I so hope you are doing that!

Cam - I too am impressed on the 14 mile TM run. :worship: I was thinking of you Saturday morning. Knowing you were doing it too made it easier for me.

Carrie - No worries. :teeth: I got your sarcasm, you silly girl. I love your sense of humor. I think you and I are going to have some good laughis in January. And hopefully it won't be over my finish time! :rolleyes:

Sorry I am not being all that sociable today. Like I said, I'm crabby today...
Judy - :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: and :wizard: for Mist. I'm so sorry. Can't wait to laugh with you in January! We can laugh about you're ever doubting yourself! :goodvibes

Anyone sad about their football team, just needs to look at the Lions. We were blessed with a by week this week. :p

Krista - Goo djob gettign those steps in! My longest on teh TM was 45 min and that killed me!
Just a quick post this morning...

I did it!! :goodvibes I got my butt out of bed this morning and got to the gym. Did an hour on the elliptical machine. My legs are tired now. Amazing how fast you can lose fitness gains that took forever to make.

Now to get ready for a repeat tomorrow (although hopefully I get there a little earlier. Gotta run to work now!

Oh Judy - Just wanted to say I'm sorry the trial isn't going well. I hope things work out so you can keep Mist. Sending :grouphug: and :wizard: :wizard: your way!

Total Drive-by Alert.....

Judy-- :grouphug: :grouphug: So sorry you are having to go through all this.

Let us not dwell on my runs this weekend.... I took Saturday off as a mental health day. I needed to get myself in a better "head-space" and get organized for this coming week. Time well spent, and I felt much better. Sunday's long run: well, I felt like I was going to die. Seriously awful. Lots of little twinges and I just felt exhausted. And the wind, oh the wind.... :guilty:

It feels like a make or break week training-wise for me. If I can get through it, I think that'll kick me in the behind enough to keep me going. It is truly a mental thing at this point. I feel like I am in better shape and am running faster times than at this point last year, but something (namely ME) is not allowing me to get out there and do the runs. If I can get all five runs in this week, then I feel like I'll be over the hump.

I was flipping through the December issue of Runner's World Saturday and came across a couple of quotes that really hit home for me that I thought I'd toss out there:

The first, from current American women's distance running diva Deana Drossin: " When you have the enthusiasm and the passion, you end of figuring out how to excel"

And the second, from an American Express ad featuring Ellen DeGeneres: " My life is: perfect, even when it's not."

I promise to try and catch up better later tonight!

Kevin :earsboy:
OK, I'm driving by. I skimmed real quick and see there are race reports to catch up on and something bad happened to Judy :grouphug: (I'll get to it).

GoofyGuy-- Lily and I got you beat on the LDTM. We both did our 22milers last year on the DM :crazy:

Uncertainty between the weather and kid duty led me to do my 16 miler in two parts on Saturday. I went out for 6 miles in the AM, not knowing what to expect. Wish I had done the whole thing, because it really didn't get bad until late AM. Finished with 10 miles at the Y in the afternoon.

Today was 60 minutes on the elliptical as hard as I could go. I just read in RW that 60 minutes hard intensity cx is equivalent to a 5 miler. So I got 5 miles in today!

Homes been drama and works all stress so I might not get around to catching up real fast. :furious:

On the mental aspects of running:

"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing.
You have to make the mind run the body.
Never let the body tell the mind what to do.
The body will always give up.
It is always tired morning, noon, and night.
But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired.
When you were younger the mind could make you dance all night, and the body was never tired...You've always got to make the mind take over and keep going."
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General and 1912 Olympian

"The body does not want you to do this. As you run, it tells you to stop but the mind must be strong. You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy...It is not age; it is not diet. It is the will to succeed."
- Jacqueline Gareau, 1980 Boston Marathon champ
Honeibee said:
Hi everyone -

I'm in a lousy mood today. I got a call from the Director of the Sanctuary yesterday. The trial is not going well. I also found out if they rule in the witch's favor, I have to give Mist back the next day! Charlie has offered to buy her for me, but I don't even know if that is an option. I'm so sad today. I cried for about an hour after I got off the phone with her. Today I just feel wrung out. :sad2:

Anyway, I did 6 miles on the TM Saturday morning. It was tedious, even with "Must Love Dogs", but I thought of Dave and Cam and anyone of you guys who also might be doing a 14 miler on the TM and suddenly I had nothing to complain about. I mixed things up a lot, running faster and slower, adding incline and taking it off. I averaged a 14 min mile.
Judy- I just wanted to say that I hope everything works out for Mist. You are such a good Mom to her, and I hope with everything you do not get separated. Hang in there!!!
(Picture, if you will, Steven Tyler singing / screeching ...)
"I'm baaack!"

I got off my lazy slug-butt and got to the Y tonight! I know what I did is nothing compared to all of you. It was only 30 mins. on the bike - but it is a heck of alot more than what I have been doing. And it is what MfM called for today. :banana: And, I went 6.44 miles. The last time I did the bike, I only went 5.5 miles in the same 30 mins. Cool!

Judy - lots of :grouphug: Please keep us posted, ok? And that Charlie of yours is a sweetheart!

Sunny - 22 miles on a TM? :scared1: :faint: :worship:
Well, I ran an easy 10 miles on Saturday. Then I spent Sunday taking my family to Disneyland (actually California Adventure) and threw down another really easy 3 miles today.

Saturday's upcoming 14 miles should be (don't go negative), should be (be positive), will be the longest run of my life.

Now if I could only figure out how everyone puts all these pictures in the signature of their posts.

SoCalSnail said:
Now if I could only figure out how everyone puts all these pictures in the signature of their posts.

I can walk you through it pretty easiliy if you'd like. Just pm me!

BTW, the challenge of hitting "longest ever" runs last year was terribly scary, but I loved the feeilng when done. Believe it or not, I rally miss that this year. You will be fine!!!


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