Wk of Sep 10--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. Some of us are training for the 2006 Disneyland Half and for the 2007 WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news/training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

2007 WISH Team

akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
Andrea718 Andrea NY
andromedaslove Dana FL
bekagain Bekah
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
Cheryl N. WI Cheryl WI
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cingoutload GA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4mk Michael GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
debm IL
Dennyha Denny OH
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnygoof Christiana SC
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
escape Susie AR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
gradtchr Beth TX
hmgolden Helen NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laura NY
Honeibee Judy NY
Houstonmouse Tracey
icunurse_celeste Celeste IL
Jen117 Jen WI
Jodi Jodi CT
jodistar Jodi CT
k_hase Kim NY
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
Kaycee Kaycee KY
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
KeriZ Keri AB
Kim10110 Kim
Kimickey Kim MD
Kimwim8 Kim NJ
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
LittleMissMickey Ashley MN
lizdotcom99 Liz IN
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne
martysmom Jenny FL
maryliz maryliz ON
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minnie Suzy
momoftwogirls K
monte Monica CO
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
MrsTrx Tracey FL
msblrobs Sara NY
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom OH
Papa Deuce PA
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Pungodingy NH
Rachael Q Rachael BC
RedSonya Sonya UT
rKyDeX Chester FL
RunningLilo Dena FL
ryley26 Rich OH
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
sjams Janet TX
skfulkers Steve OH
solotraveler Kevin MI
Stenogoddess Lauren GA
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
TnTsParty FL
TXBelle Heather TX
Viking Eric GE
Wbgirl Melissa MN
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
wfloyd Bill FL
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
wiskband Renee NY
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
Same 5 miles this week, but much better pace. 13:44 this week (14:14 last week). I think I was much more mentally into this run than last week as well. Still wish I had a better pace but gives me more room for improvement for next year.

DD13 talked me into sewing her Halloween costume. Two problems with this: she wants to be a medieval/Renaissance maiden with one of those long flowing dresses with long flowing sleeves, etc...and...since we're going to MNSSHP next weekend, she'd love to be able to wear it then :scared1:
So, since I won't be around much this week :rolleyes: , best of luck to the DL WISH team! :cheer2:

Bekah...congrats on your tri! :cheer2: What a great time!

Cam... :wizard: for blisters...I'm sure the DL magic will whisk them away.

AmyBeth...welcome back!

Dave...I think you've left me in your dust...your pace is fabulous! :moped: You asked about DD13 awhile back. She did the Minnie with me and will be doing RFTT and WDW half this year with me. She JUST made the age cutoff for the half...turns 14 on Dec 28.

Susie...thanks for offering to do the tracking! I can't wait to see how everyone does!

This seems to be the week for vacations. Hope everyone that's off to someplace fabulous has a great trip!

Good training everyone!
How long do your sneakers usually last? I bought a new pair in late April/early May, and now they're starting to hurt my feet, which has never happened before, so I'm wondering if they're wearing out?
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb: Completed week 3 of the MfM plan. So far I haven't missed a day yet. I figure I'm bound to miss a day here or there for some reason so I'm trying to be really good about the training now. Sunny there was at least one day last week where you helped my get out of bed at 5am. I didn't want to, but I thought how you would kill to be able to get out there and run so I hauled my butt out of bed.

Jen- I never replied regarding your Mom. I WISH you and your family all the best as you struggle with your Mom's health. :grouphug:

Oh Cam! I hope those blisters aren't too much of a problem for you. I stopped into Fleet Feet on Friday to ask them about my blisters. They gave me another piece of advice. I had been bandaging up the blister on the bottom of my foot constantly, so it never had a chance to dry out. They said leave it exposed to the air as much as possible to let it dry out (and toughen up maybe), and then use the bandaging technique (same as described here) before going for a run. I must admit my blister seems to be healing up a little better if I leave it uncovered when I'm not running. I used ointment, band-aids, and sports tape for my LR yesterday and had no trouble with it at all.

Hi Amy :wave2: - It's great to have you posting again. Great job on completing week 3 of marathon training. Your KBX x-training sounds tough. I must admit I'm sticking to the 30 min x-training because I need to give my legs a little bit of a break. Good luck with your 5K. Let us know how it goes. I'm with you looking forward to the step-back week this week. My legs are feeling tired right now, and I think they need some rest and repair time. I might try to squeeze in an ice bath today, but I'm not looking forward to sitting in the cold tub. Good job on your LR. Hey, our times are pretty similar. Maybe we will end up in the same corral together at the start. Although, since I haven't given Disney any proof of time yet, I know I'm going to be in the back.

Hey Matt - I bet that Dance Dance Revolution 2 is great x-training. I've seen kids dripping with sweat after jumping around on that thing. Have fun.

Bekah - Dead Carp!!! PPPPP UUUUUUUU! Thanks for posting the report on your Tri. It sounds like it was a great experience for you. Great Job! I can't imagine doing a tri right now. I'm really proud of you. Pretty cool your WISH shirt was noticed. Maybe we'll see a new team member on the board from that?

Terri - Congratulations on completing your sign language class. That's great for you to take that on.

Mel/Chimera - Good job on your 5 miler. I think your pace sounds fantastic. You're out there doing it. Good for you! :thumbsup2 Good luck sewing the Halloween costume. My princesses, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, got the Lucy and Susan Narnia dresses from Disneyshopping.com, but we have yet to receive them. That's great your DD13 gets to run these races with you. I hope my princesses do that when they're that age. Oh, and for your information, I would never leave you in the dust. ;) I'm right here with everyone on the team.

Jodi - Did you have another race this weekend?

Travel safely to everyone taking vacations and traveling to Anaheim. Oooh, send us some digital postcards or something to the thread. Good luck to everyone running the DL half. The rest of us will be there with you in spirit.
Bekah- CONGRATS!!!!! You did awesome. That must be a really cool feeling. I will be doing that next year. :thumbsup2 And I agree, dead fish GROSSSSSSS :crazy:

Terri-We are meeting at 4:00 at Napolini in DTD on Saturday. Be there or be square :rolleyes1 Cant wait to see you soon! I hadnt thought about it being chilly the morning of the race. Now I have to think about throw away clothes again :crazy:

Cam- No, say it aint so. No blisters a week away :sad2: I had a function yesterday that I wore some of my nicer sandals to that I have had for many years & always been very comfortable. Well they started rubbing a spot on my big toe and I wasn't even doing a bunch of walking, so I took them off & was barefoot the rest of the time. My feet are too important right now :teeth: Luckily it was with a bunch of girlfriends, not business people or anything. See you soon sweetie!

Mel-you are doing awesome on the running :cool1: Good luck slaving away on your sewing machine all week.

Monte-that seems pretty quick for them to be worn out already but it is possible. I would take them up to the running store & let them look at them. Sometimes they can look at how they are wearing & see whats going on.

4 days till I leave!!!!!!!! :dance3: I'm sure this week will fly by with so much to do. Have a great day everyone!
Bekah - - Congratulations!!!! Awesome report and great finish notwithstanding small delays. And it is so wonderful that someone appreciated the DLF > DNF>DNS on your shirt!

Minnie – Thank you! And I LOVE your avatar – what a cutie!

Matt – An hour of DDR? Are you NUTS? ;) You are supposed to be tapering! I think that is worse than RUNNING! :teeth:

Terri – I agree that you won’t need warm-up pants, but definitely something with sleeves for the wait. I have a lot to accomplish at work this week, too, but having only 4 days is just amazing to me!
BTW – we are meeting at Napoli in DTD on Saturday at 4, though I think there is also an unofficial meet on Friday at 2 at DCA Tower of Terror. I am so jealous of not being there for that, but really looking forward to Saturday! :banana:

Tiff – I am so glad you didn’t let those sandals beat your feet up! That is so funny, though, thinking about walking around a business function barefoot to save our feet! :rotfl:

Okay, so 2 of the blisters seem significantly diminished this morning (the ones in the arches of both feet) and the one on my left big toe is only “tinging” a bit. I am in bare feet at my office now and will be in comfy sandals at a birthday party later, so that should help. I think it also helps that I wore sneakers (with socks!) yesterday for the walkthrough at DS’s cross-country meet (his pace was 8:10 for 2.2 miles, BTW! :thumbsup2 ) and at the University of Delaware football game last night (UD whipped West Chester 30-7! and the marching band ROCKED the stadium! I was sooo proud of DD for working so hard to earn that spot on the colorguard and then going out there in front of 22,000+ people and doing such a great job with a HUGE smile on her face! :teeth: )

Okay, I promised myself I’d only DIS until 8:30 and then work until 11, go shopping for 2 birthday gifts and be home by noon to leave for a birthday party. No training today. :sad1: Talk to you all soon! Sorry for everyone I missed -- love you all -- mean it! :blush:

BTW – Good luck with the sewing, Mel! Is there anything you can’t do? You impress me so much, kiddo! :lovestruc
Wee we got our pictures back from the 10k, there's a good one of the two of us, but now I just have to figure out how to add it into this post, hmm... Do I need to have it uploaded someplace and a link to it first?

And AHHHHHHHHHH 1 week to DL RACE DAY! :Pinkbounc

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Hmm... or maybe I can't add pics?
thndrmatt said:
Wee we got our pictures back from the 10k, there's a good one of the two of us, but now I just have to figure out how to add it into this post, hmm... Do I need to have it uploaded someplace and a link to it first?

And AHHHHHHHHHH 1 week to DL RACE DAY! :Pinkbounc

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Hmm... or maybe I can't add pics?

Matt - I finally learned how to do this. Short version:
1. create a photobucket account (free)
2. upload pic to photobucket that you want to share
3. type up reply here on the DIS
4. when you wan to add photo, click the picture of the mountain thingie above the text in your reply (it's on the line where bold, italics, etc. are.
5. A box will open up where you tell the DIS where you picture is.

Ok, I know I'm not great at this, or giving instructions - so someone else please chime in! :blush:

I am off for a 10 miler today. It seems weird since my plan calls for 10 miles today, right before DL. It seems like the rest of you are tapering. I am doing the Hal Hidgon plan. Hmm....
I'm posting under Lynne's account. She has finished the swim and is out on the 112 mile bike. It is cold and rainy here in Madison. She has a long day ahead of her but will be an IRONMAN at the end of the day.

chimera said:
Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

Me too! Me too! Please add:

getnthinr Wendy NC

I've been swamped at work and just hoping my RnR Half training will hold me in good stead. Hope to get one more medium distance walk/slog in today before I start trying to get packed for DL.

Current Disney plans are for DL Half, then the RftC and Race for the Taste WDW weekend in October, the Goofy in January, and the Danskin Tri in May if I can manage to learn to swim by then. (Love that 10 hour drive to WDW.)
xterratri said:
I'm posting under Lynne's account. She has finished the swim and is out on the 112 mile bike. It is cold and rainy here in Madison. She has a long day ahead of her but will be an IRONMAN at the end of the day.

Kathy- thanks for posting. Go LYNNE!!!!! This is the last try for Kona right? Come on Lynne, you can do it!!!!
Before another week passes with my being MIA, I wanted to post quickly to WISH all of the DL runners the best of luck. I hope you all have the race experience you are hoping for. Travel safe.

Mel - Congrats on your significant pace improvement. :banana: Good luck getting the halloween costume sewn. Have a blast at MNSSHP!!

Bekah - Congrats on your tri finish!! :cheer2:

Jen - Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. :grouphug:

Dave - Congrats on making it successfully through three weeks of training. Glad to hear your DW is buying into the running thing.

Tiff - Best of luck to you and your mom at DL. :woohoo:

Cam - You must be so proud of those babies of yours. :love: I am in awe whenever I hear of all of their accomplishments. Best of luck to you and Howard at DL. I hope those blisters heal up quickly.

Kathy - Thanks for posting an update on Lynne's Ironman. I can't wait for the full report. Lynn, you ROCK!! :cool1:

Wendy - I am sure you're more than prepared for DL!! Have a blast. Swimming is the only thing that keeps me from going tri also :confused3

Sunny - Glad to hear you're back at work and are hanging in there. I do worry when you talk about Goofy training but I completely understand.

12 miles for me yesterday. I love fall running in the northeast! However, I am out of sorts with training and can't seem to find my motivation. I just booked a cruise leaving on 1/7/07 out of Fort Lauderdale, giving myself some automatic motivation to run WDW quickly.

Best of luck to all with training/racing this week.
Alrighty here goes nothing, thndrmatt and mrstropicana unmasked!




The finishing shot on my side (left) was just of my right arm unfortunately, but the time is right so we're using that as our motivational best time yet (her first ever 10k!) pic for the two of us. :)

Edit: there we go, thanks for the help with getting the pics up!
Matt - Awesome pics! I especially like the first one of you two together.

Ok, just got back from doing 10 miles. And I lived! :rotfl: I did warm up for 5 mins. on our TM, then stretched. I even did those pointing-the-toes-&-writing-the-alphabet thingies. I did feel much better for those dreaded first 2-3 miles. So, without further ado, here's my breakdown today:
13:12 (messed up this mile - hit stop accidently, so I added 2 mins.)

The furthest I have ever gone was the 9.3 for the Minnie back in May. I did an 8 mile walk/run last week. So, I am happy that I finished 10, and beat the pesky sweepers by enough time to have pictures with the characters in DL. I have my priorities, ya know! :teeth:

Christa - how was your show?
xterratri said:
She has finished the swim and is out on the 112 mile bike. It is cold and rainy here in Madison. She has a long day ahead of her but will be an IRONMAN at the end of the day.

:woohoo: Go Lynne! :woohoo: Go Lynne! :woohoo:
WOW Matt! Great pics. You both did great and look wonderful! A big congrats! :banana:

GO LYNNE! GO LYNNE! :cheer2:

Kristi - Great run! :banana: And GREAT times! My shows went well! I had 2 different ones this weekend. One Friday and Saturday night and a different one Sunday morning (this was a new one for our churches childrens program.)

WOW Msblrobs! Your 12 miles sounds wonderful! I love fall running too, but right now in NC, it still feels like summer. OHHHH...a cruise. What time does it leave??

Wendy - your race schedule sounds exciting! Dumb question time.....when in October is RFTT???? I will be in WDW the end of October! We are going to MNSSHP ON Oct 31st....Scarrrrrrry!

BTW EVERYONE WHO ORDERED A SHIRT! Get those payments in ASAP! :thumbsup2

Cam take care of those sweet little feet! :)

BEKAH YOUR TRI REPORT WAS WONDERFUL! :banana: You did wonderful...those transitions are KILLER! How far was the tri????

How long do your sneakers usually last? I bought a new pair in late April/early May, and now they're starting to hurt my feet, which has never happened before, so I'm wondering if they're wearing out?
Monte I say it is time to replace....well I replace them every 3 months. That normally adds up to aroung 300 miles which is the mileage that shoes need to be replaced.

Mel - Glad the run went better this week.
Hi guys :)

Drive by post here!!!

Mel.... :wave: Thanks for welcoming me back! Now that summer is over I should be back to posting weekly. Glad to be in full swing training now!!!

Dave....yes..our times are very close :). I know what you mean about the legs. Mine are SCREAMING at me today lol. I plan to take tomorrow as my rest day since the race was today! And the hour long XT is going to be an issue as the LRs increase I think...I may have to scale back a bit. This week kicked my a butt a bit lol.

Matt...thanks for sharing pics!

OK....so the Fallen Heroes Memorial 5K was today. I ran a personal best time :goodvibes , which makes me very happy since I was sore and beat from a full week of training! BUT...it was a nice relatively flat and fast course and the weather was picture perfect here in Northern New Jersey! My garmin showed the course to be 3.21 miles though :confused3 , anyone have that issue with races? Anyway...according to the Garmin I ran 3.21 miles in 27.15. I'm proud of that time as it avg to be an 8.46 mpm pace. Boy am I beat today! But it was really cool to see the firemen out in their uniforms cheering us on along with the motorcycle police officers flashing their lights all along the route. I wish I could have stayed for the 9/11 Memorial Service but unfortunately I had family events to attend to this afternoon. Next year I plan to stay and take part in all the activities. It was a really well organized event and such a nice fast course for a change lol!

So now I march on to week 4 training...and thankfully it's an easy week (phew!) really really need that!!! :teeth:
I took a LONG nap b/c I am worn out! Was going to ride, but was too sleepy after my 4 hours of sleep last night. I have acted/danced for a total of 7 hours since Friday...does that count for xtraining????? :confused3 :teeth: :confused3

Lots of :wizard: :wizard: to all the DL 1/2ers! :goodvibes
gatorphipps said:
I have acted/danced for a total of 7 hours since Friday...does that count for xtraining????? :confused3 :teeth: :confused3

Does that count? Um, YEAH!!!!

I am always amazed at how much you do, Christa. :worship: Please let us in on your secret! :listen: Work, kids, working out all the time, plays & shows.... :faint:
keenercam said:
Minnie – Thank you! And I LOVE your avatar – what a cutie!

Isn't it awesome! One of the Disers here on another thread that I post on made it for me. She had no idea but my favorite color is pink. It really couldn't have been any better :lovestruc

:wizard: for Lynne!!!!!!!!! Hoping she is an Ironman!!!!!!!!!!

BTW - Did u all see the new Nike & Ipod setup? I was out shopping today for shoes for my DS (picky teenager didn't find anything) and noticed it. Looks kind of cool for those that wear Nike's and don't use a Garmin.


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