Wk of Sep 24--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Jodi & Judy - Congrats on your 5k!

Thanks to all of you who responded about modifying the MfM plan. I feel much better about swapping days & such if need be. Since official training for the WDW 1/2 doesn't begin until 10/1 for me, I plan to either do 2-3 miles today or hit the YMCA for some xt.
Good Morning - I would love to join in your thread. I am very new runner - starting my second week and would love to chat with others. I am following Hal Higdon's 15k training program in hopes of running the Minnie Marathon in May. Everyone here is so motivational - I am in awe of the runs you guys do. Hopefully in time I will be right up there with you. I did a 4mile run (run/walk) on Saturday - that's the furthest I ever gone! I'm hooked and can't wait to run tomorrow.

Question - I have read mention of the MFM plan - what exactly is this plan - seems like many of you follow it for training. Where can I get info on it.

Looking forward tog etting to know everyone!

Tammy - I did my very first race (the Minnie 15k) following Hal Higdon's plan. I thought that plan was fine. I also followed his training plan for a 1/2 marathon for the DL race last week. I thought it was a little weird that he had you do a 10 miler the week before the 1/2 - no real taper.

MfM is "Marathoning For Mortals" by John Bingham. The book is a great read (esp. for a fellow penguin like me!) and has training plans in the back of the book. I am going to try the MfM walk/run plan for the WDW half. This is John's website: http://www.johnbingham.com (hope it is ok to post that).

In my inexperienced opinion, I think each person needs to find the right plan for themselves. There is no better plan than another - just one that fits you better. (does that make any sense?)
Hi everybody. Sorry I have been MIA; I’ve been training and reading the posts, just haven’t responded to anything. Training is going okay for me; this marathon thing is a bit daunting. I did my 8 miles on the treadmill on Saturday, I totally bonked and finished in 1:30:34. I had pretty severe shin splints in my left leg, have no idea where they came from and my knees were killing me. Why, you ask, well because when I was running on Thursday, I fell on the run and busted both of my knees up. Of course I was a mile from home and had to walk with blood running down my leg—fun!! So now I have 2 lovely scabs on both of my knees. I think I may have hurt my right ankle too when I fell, it is all bruised and swollen, I’ve been icing it and keep it elevated, I should be good to go today. I am a mess!!! I am happy to report that this time on Saturday I will be on the plane heading for Walt Disney World. :banana:

Dave—Awesome job on your 8 miler! That’s a great pace. What in the world is up with the Steelers? They are making me so mad. You know that’s all I’ve been hearing about. I know hate is a strong word, but I really do hate Bengals fans, well at least most of them. You won’t believe the things people have said to me, they are so disrespectful and rude. It’s unbelievable. At least I can hold Chris Henry’s and O’Dell Thurman’s arrest over their heads; they are a bunch of thugs!! I can’t wait until Dec. 31 when we can get our revenge!!! :stir:

Mel—I was really rooting for the Bucs yesterday (sorry Christa). What is going on with them?? Are you still planning on doing the Race for the Taste? We’ll have to figure out a time to meet up.

Melissa—Sorry about your Adventure Race, but I’m glad that you are safe. Hope that Sarah’s knee is felling better soon!

Amy—Nice job on your 8 miler! I wish I were fast like you and Dave! I think it’s my own fault though; I get “stuck” in a comfortable pace and stay there. I’m glad that your ankle injury isn’t more serious. Get those orthodics!!

Christa—You make me tired! Do you ever stop?? Awesome job on your 18 miler. You are incredible! :worship:

Carrie—Great pictures of Alaska! It looks like you and Scott had a great time. I love your new found speed!!

Kevin—Here is some pixie dust for motivation!! :wizard: :wizard:

Jodi and Judy—Great job on your 5K girls!!

I better get to work, just wanted to check in and say hi. Good luck training everyone! Oh, by the way, check out my new siggie!!! :dogdance:
Greetings all! :sunny:

Hey, my quads are beggin' for mercy but other than that, I am feeling mighty fine today! :thumbsup2 I don't think I've been in such a good mood since....well, since....OK since we were on our way to WDW! Gosh what a great feeling this is. I may consider giving up my day job for running 5Ks! HA HA HA! :lmao:

I have a couple of thoughts about yesterday....

I have nothing to compare it to but I think the Bigelow Community Challenge was very well run. We got fabulous goody bags with all kinds of treats, nice shirts, the raffle was generous, the food was great and there was so much of it. Very nicely done. My thanks again to Jodi for turning me on to it. :flower3:

Along the course there were lots of great volunteers but I have to say I was most touched by the young, fit, 20-somethings, or even younger, that cheered on the fat old lady and told her she was doing a great job and to keep it up. That was so nice! Some of them were so sincere and sweet, wow, it blew me away. :goodvibes

I can't even tell you how it felt for me to come thru the chute after the finish line. It was, well, ok this is corny, but it was surreal for me. :cheer2: I could not believe I just did a 5K! You don't know, only a year ago, how much of a stretch that would have been for me. I can't imagine what a mess I'll be when I cross the finish line at WDW. What a high this is going to be! :yay:

One more thing, then I'll stop going on and on about my little 5K. I know you guys all do tremendous things and this pales in comparison, but bear with me, if you would. This is like the biggest thing for me! :bounce:

We were waiting at the starting line, before Jodi found me, and the local tv station was interviewing someone, right behind by DH. He and I were talking and I kept shifting and moving a little. He asked me "WHAT are you DOING???" I said "Advertising the DIS Boards!" (I had my WISH shirt on.) :rotfl2:

Amy - Thank you! I'm still coughing up small frogs but I do feel much much better! I wouldn't have done it if I still had full-blown bronchitis but I knew I was at the tail end of it, with just the stupid annoying cough left. Nice job on the 5K! Excellent decision to walk. :thumbsup2

Melissa - Oh no, sorry to hear about your adventure race. :hug: Sounds like a little too much adventure to me! Well, it can only be better next time, right?

Dana - OMG 14 miles! That's FAB-U-LOUS! :banana:

Nancy - Hi! :wave2: Glad to see you here. An untimed 5K is a great start. Hang around here, these guys will motivate ya! They got me off my duff!

Tammy - Wait! :eek: You started WW in JANUARY and lost 77 pounds ALREADY???? :worship: :worship: :worship: You are my hero! Oh, and welcome!

Krista - Ohh, I love that saying! :goodvibes
Hi all! :wave2: This is my first post here. I am signed up to run the 2007 WDW Half, which will be my first half. I've been running for a couple of years now but the longest I've raced has been 5K. I am planning on doing a 10K in November. I'm not really pushing up my distances yet; this weekend my long run was 4.7. The plan I'm following is a 12 week plan, so I'll officially start in 10/15. Today I did 3.5 on the dreadmill; thank goodness for my iPod!

I have 2 problems. First of all, I talked my non-running DH to do this with me and he has now passed me up in his training. :furious: No fair! He is very athletic and has always been involved in sports, but it's still frustrating that he can breeze by me so easily! Second, everytime I post on the DIS and see that stupid countdown I put in my siggie it freaks me out! :scared1: Only 3 months!?! How did that happen?

Good training to all this week and remember, tough runs make runners tough!
Hi everybody!

A very quick drive-by post for me. Will try to catch up later.

Krista - where are you staying at WDW. I'm staying at BWV, arriving
Sunday. I'll be at ESPN Club to watch the Eagles on MNF.
Maybe we can meet up to say hi!


Did an hour of cross training this morning. Infact will be doing an hour of cross training every morning for the next two weeks. DH went to a silent auction and won a month of boot camp, which he promptly gave to me. I have. I did three days of week 1 and 3 days of week 2 - I was DL for th 1/2 for the other 4 days. This morning we worked biceps and triceps and abs, so I expect to be sore this morning.

No races coming up for me. My next big race is the full in 2008. I have to decide what to do between now and then.

I bought a waist pack but didn't like it. So now I'm looking at the AmphiPods again and I can't decide. Anyone have any suggestions????


Either the Full-tilt Veolcity, the RunLite Trail Runner or the Full-Tilt 20-20.

I see pluses and minuses for all three. Help me decide please. :confused3
Hi WISH Team!

The last folks did a really great catchup so I will not repeat it all. I just want to say, yeah, what they said!

Everyone doing those ice baths, Brrrrr! Oh and please don't push it like every week where you are hurting for that ice.

MelR, I am REALLY glad that you guys knew when to quit. I can't believe it was a lightening start--literally! :eek:

Judy, you had me cracking up with your "advertising" post! :lmao:

For our new people, you will find some good information in the threads at the top of the Events page. That might help answer some questions and cause other questions. It is great to have you with us!

And, if you are not running with someone on race day there will be opportunities to chat up many folks. Most participants are happy to talk with and friendly. Or, by the time of the event you may find you are at a pace with another WISH Team member and can chat up along the way too.

Today is sunny here and I look forward to getting out on the trail. DH called me and asked how far I was going today. I gave the: :crazy: It's during the week, I go for TIME attitude. I'm a bad girl. Must make it up to him. Maybe I can drag him on the trail where we can walk separately together ::yes:: and I'll catch up with him at the end. :hug: (He is most patient with me.)
Honeibee said:
I bought a waist pack but didn't like it. So now I'm looking at the AmphiPods again and I can't decide. Anyone have any suggestions????


Either the Full-tilt Veolcity, the RinLite Trail Runner or the Full-Tilt 20-20.

I see pluses and minuses for all three. Help me decide please. :confused3

Ooh, I'd like opinions on these too... I need to do something different than last year.

Speaking of something different..... is anyone doing Hal Higdon's Intermediate I training plan? (Or is willing to take a peek at it at www.halhigdon.com ?) I happened on it and I'm thinking about switching from my modified MfM to this. It's a bit more agressive but with a couple of teensy modifications it would be a great Goofy plan. Opinions most definately welcome!!

Kevin :earsboy:
Kevin--Stephen is using the Hal Higdon Intermediate plan for Goofy. So far, he loves it and hasn't had any problems. He also used Hal Higdon's plan for the marathon in January and finished the marathon without any problems. Let me know if you need me to ask him anything in particular, I'll send him over here this week, but I know it's going to be crazy with going on vacation on Saturday.

Terri--We are going to be at the Contemporary Saturday night, Saratoga Springs Sun-Thurs, and the Dolphin Fri-Sat. Are you doing the Race for the Taste?
Honeibee said:
I bought a waist pack but didn't like it. So now I'm looking at the AmphiPods again and I can't decide. Anyone have any suggestions????


Either the Full-tilt Veolcity, the RinLite Trail Runner or the Full-Tilt 20-20.

I see pluses and minuses for all three. Help me decide please. :confused3
Judy, Sorry you don't like the waistpack you take. Here's my $0.02. First you need to determine what you will carry with you. I use the Ampnipod RunLite 4 AND add a single waistpack for my other stuff. The waistpack holds my sport beans, wet naps, bug spray (on my trail run days--not on event days) extra Gu and plastic bag for messy empty pack. It will also fit sun glasses if I need the case, but I usually don't take sunglasses. Camera I hook to the outside of the wasitpack.

ETA: Also I notice that one is velcro closure and one is clip. I prefer the clip closure of my waist pack for when I don't take the water belt. The water belt I use has the velcro closure. It has lasted me 2 seasons of training so far. I guess that is good.

After you decide what essentials you must have, then think about the amount of water you will be wanting/needing to lug around. For events, I carry a regular bottle of water for my arrival and maybe until that first water stop and use the water stops along the course after that. I may consider one water bottle (8-10 oz) if I think I want to carry and fill along the event course. I don't think want to carry the extra large bottle when I am running/wogging along, for me it seems too much, yet I will carry 4 smaller ones--go figure. Some like to carry the smaller bottles and use some water only and some ades.

So bottom line is you have to figure out what you want to carry and how you want your water served--more small bottles, fewer bigger bottles. It is truly great to not have to hold the water while moving along for sure. I love this "free" sport!
Greetings Everyone: I got up this morning, went into the fitness center at work, and was on the treadmill at 6am. I just didn't feel like running outside this morning in the 45 degree temps. I know, I know, in a month or so, I'll be wishing it was 45-50 out. I did 40 min on the treadmill including warm-up and cool down walks. I did a solid 3 miles at 10 mpm pace. I was supposed to do 45 min according to MfM, but I just wasn't so into it this morning. So I just listened to my body and did a solid 3 miles.
Tiger Lily 03 said:
Everyone doing those ice baths, Brrrrr! Oh and please don't push it like every week where you are hurting for that ice.
Lily- I hear you with this. I have some lingering soreness in my legs from last week's training, my left calf is tight and doesn't seem to loosen up on my runs. I'm going to take it easy this week. I want to have a good LR on Saturday (scheduled for 9), but I'm going to lighten the training up the rest of the week. I don't want to push it too much, and I want to enjoy the roller coaster.
Hey team, I'm back from my half marathon and I finished in 3:35, for a pace of 16.27ish. I don't think I'll do that marathon again because I didn't think they had enough water stations, port-a-potties and support. I mean we went for miles w/out hearing one cheer, or seeing anyone. I don't know about you guys, but I need all the extra support I can get. lol. It was ok, but nothing like WDW, or the Bolder Boulder, which is a fun 10k. Anyhow, it was nice and the scenery was just gorgeous! This was my friend's first half marathon and she did great!

I did meet a woman, who is doing the full marathon at WDW, so that was neat talking with her. I gave her our website and told her to join our WISH Team, but I don't know if she will. :confused3 I also met my TNT coach, Ashley, so that was a nice surprise seeing her there. All and all it was a good walk, beautiful weather and it was great having a "girls only" weekend.

My next marathon is not til March, where I really will participate in a snowshoe marathon, for breast cancer. That should be a killer workout :Pinkbounc

P.S. After doing the half I realize that I'm in no shape (yet), for the full @WDW, so I'm kind of glad that I'm not doing the full til 2008. I need that extra training period.
Hey all!
Real quick post!
I did 6 miles on the dreadmill today started out at 10 mpm b/c I am so tired from the weekend.....
but at mile 3 I went to 9 MPM
mile 4 8.30 mpm
mile 5 to 6 8mpm
The 10 mpm was taking me too long and I started to run out of time.

Krista - Sorry about your knees...at least you didn't post pictures of them! :rotfl2:

Judy - I have to agree with tiger lily! You must figure out what you need it for......I carried one that held drink and a little pouch for other things on my 2nd, 3rd and 4th marathon...but I think they just get so heavy at the end :confused3 . During training runs you have to carry drink with you but during the race they have so many drink stations that you could get away with one to carry your stuff. I may not carry anything this year, but I would like to have my phone so I don't know.
If I wear the top of my tri suit, I have pockets in that to carry gu and phone...Things that make you go hmmmmm!
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. The problem is I have no idea what I will need since I've never done anything longer than five miles! So I'll pool your suggestions and come up with one.

Kevin - Which one are you thinking? :confused3

Monte - I'm glad your back. I hear ya about the quietness. I need cheering! And lots of it! Wait. Is that vain? :rotfl:

In case anyone is interested.....

Christa - I did my last 2 marathons w/ a bike top that had a back pocket. I just carried gels and used the h2o stops. I realized after disney that i had not used very much from my water bottle anyway. The top was enough to carry gels, kleenex and carmex (i dont think i took it though).
solotraveler said:
Ooh, I'd like opinions on these too... I need to do something different than last year.

Speaking of something different..... is anyone doing Hal Higdon's Intermediate I training plan? (Or is willing to take a peek at it at www.halhigdon.com ?) I happened on it and I'm thinking about switching from my modified MfM to this. It's a bit more agressive but with a couple of teensy modifications it would be a great Goofy plan. Opinions most definately welcome!!

Kevin :earsboy:

I am doing a modified version of the Intermediate I plan for Goofy. My triathlon coach had me running T, Th, F, Su so I am sticking w/ those 4 days except for weeks 8, 11, and 14 where I'm moving the Friday run to Sat and increasing the distance to ~half the Sunday run distance. That is my "Goofy" modification and I am also planning on increasing the second 20 to 22. I'm doing it as a 16 week rather than 18 week plan because my last 'marathon' was 17 weeks out so I think I was okay skipping the first 2 weeks of it.

I'm not doing his planned Saturday runs as I wanted a free weekend day to hike, ride long, snowshoe, cross country ski, etc.- basically a long strength/endurance building cross training day. For instance, this weekend I hiked 8.8 miles and did one of the 46ers in the Adirondacks. By going directly from WDW marathon training into tri training last January, I've been training consistently since Sept 05. I want/need the mental break of some non- swim/bike/run cross training unless I choose to do it. I'll let you know how it works out on Jan 7th :thumbsup2

Upcoming race plan:
Army 10 Miler Oct 8
Going Goofy
Minnie 15 K May 6
FL 70.3 triathlon May
Mooseman HIM triathlon June
Ironman USA Lake Placid July
Timberman 70.3 Aug
Longhorn HIM Sept
Ironman FL Nov

Official tri training will start again in Feb- it may be a challenge as I've heard some horror stories about the hours during the surgery rotation. I started in the NICU(Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) today and am currently on my 3rd week of 6 of pediatrics. Next up will be OB/Gyn during late Oct/Nov when my run mileage is going to be the highest. Oh joy.

Keep training hard everyone.
MelRhoads said:
Christa - I did my last 2 marathons w/ a bike top that had a back pocket. I just carried gels and used the h2o stops. I realized after disney that i had not used very much from my water bottle anyway. The top was enough to carry gels, kleenex and carmex (i dont think i took it though).
That is what I was thinking about doing...this top has 2 pockets, big enough for a few gels and my phone...oh and carmex...why do my lips dry out while running? :confused3
Sorry about your race....I think you made the right choice though....


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