Wk of Sep 24--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Good morning. :sunny:

I've been mostly a lurker this week. Kinda been in a training slump and it killed my posting mood. :badpc:

Tuesday's short walk was slow and boring. Thursday's was rained-out, and I was glad. :blush: (Well, I could have dragged my bag o' bones to the TM, but I didn't. I used the violent thunder and lightening as a feeble excuse.)

So, today I hope to perk up. My first event is only 14 days away; need to get ready.

Congrats to all of you on your recent race and training success. I'm following your posts habitually and admire your commitment. Sorry my drive-by posts don't demostrate how glad I am to have found this group. :guilty:

Have a great weekend.
Good Morning TEAM:

OK, I missed my first day of training. Yesterday I was supposed to do 40-45 min, but I didn't. It was a busy day with work and home. Plus I've been feeling tired and drained all week and that knot in my left calf won't seem to go away. I just took a rest day. I was trying to listen to my body and give it another day to recover. Maybe it's an excuse, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I got back out there today with a 30 min x-training SWOG in the pool. I got to the pool at 6:30am forgetting that they didn't open until 6:45am so I used that time to do some extra stretching and work that knot out of my calf.

Cam- I hope you and Howard are doing well. How are you feeling these days? Good luck with your training. You have soooooo much going on!

Judy- Good luck with your 5k this week.

Sunny- Good luck with Applefest. I can't wait to hear about your FINISH! I know you can do it. You continue to amaze and inspire us all.

Anne- Thanks so much for your offer of help in gathering up some Disney things for my wife. I need to reply to your PM, but I'll definitely take you up on your offer.

Minnie- Thank you too. I'll send you a PM as well.

Amy- How are you feeling these days? How are your legs holding up? Are you taking it easy?

Jodi- Just wanted to say Hi. Haven't heard much from you this week since your 5k. Hope all is well.
This week was just okay for me. Started off good Monday; Tuesday I wimped out and did 30 on the eliptical instead of running. Wednesday was a planned day off. Thursday was an unplanned day off. I have lots of excuses but I won't offer them up here. You all would see right through them! Today I reluctantly got off 3 miles. I'm considering doing another run tonight, but might just save it up for a good long one tomorrow.

Happy training, all!
Hi, everyone!
Carrie -- I can really sympathize with Scott. I have been suffering extreme sinus pressure pain since returning from California. And they think the air quality is bad out there! :rolleyes: I hope he has found an effective pain reliever. I haven't. :sad1:

Dave -- Thanks for asking about how we're doing. I have to tell you candidly that I'm not too sure. Howard is so overwhelmed with school and all his other commitments. Jenn is having a major meltdown now that the academic reality is sinking in. Andrew, thank God, seems to be fine, and hiring a high school student to hang out with him for 2 hours every afternoon while they both do homework has been a great success. I just hope she doesn't find something better or more lucrative to do. :eek:

Well, I am catching up at work, though all the backburner stuff is starting to boil. Our office is closed Monday for Yom Kippur but I'll work a full day and that should help me move some projects along. I just found out I am taking on a huge new responsibility that could have me working 16-18 hour days for much of October and may take me out of town for 2 weeks. After being freaked out worrying about Andrew during that period of time, I focused on a really huge issue for me -- no restaurant at the hotel and no fitness center. And certainly no daylight hours to get outside. I am trying not to think too much about it right now. Too many other priorities.

I only had time for 30 minutes on the treadmill last night, but here are my times:
mile 1 -- 14:01
mile 2 -- 13:36
.17 miles -- 2:23

total time 30 minutes. 2.17 miles 13:49 pace

I will be thinking of all our event participants this weekend. I know Kristi and Sunny have Applefest. Who else is doing an event? Will be thinking of all of you and sending pixiedust: and :grouphug:
keenercam said:
I know Kristi and Sunny have Applefest.

Well, Sunny has Applefest! Chad is running it also - not me though! That race does not allow walkers (whatever!). I am hoping to try to get there at or very soon after the finish to track down Sunny & finally meet her in person though.

I have been a total slug since Disneyland. I haven't done one thing you could remotely consider exercise. My MfM training starts on Sunday, so I will just start gung-ho with that.

Cam - lots of :grouphug: for your sinuses and crazy work schedule!
Morning all!!

Carrie-- Hmmm... the GR half is tempting... I'm supposed to do 15 miles that day... but close enough, right?? It's worth a thought..... Have a great weekend!!!

Judy-- Contemporary Hill.... really not that bad. In fact, it seems MUCH worse on the bus than on foot. When you run the full in '08 :teeth: I think you'll find that the biggest bugaboos are the on/off ramps throughout the 19-23 mile section.

Christa-- I KNOW!! PACKETS!!! (That said, I'm not holding my breath... last year it was definately Thanksgiving week before I got mine. I want to get it earlier... I'm just gunshy about getting my hopes up.) Oh what the heck, I'll be the first.... PACKET DANCE! :dancer:

Cecilia-- Great race!!!

Sunny-- Ack! I had a similar scare round about the time of the Minnie. Please let us know that everything is good with your registration.

Dave-- Sounds like a smart rest day to me!! :thumbsup2

Cam-- Does your son run in any of the big regional XC meets in the area?? My brother's high school time is big time in the state of Maryland and they seeem to travel all over the place.

Due to some work craziness (of course) , I was only able to get half workouts done the past couple of days. Wednesday I missed my run, but did go to Spinning class. Yesterday I bagged on my other Spinning class and did my three miles. I was so tired (and a little cranky) I decided to just take it nice and easy (3r/2w) and enjoy it--
Mile 1: 9:22
Mile 2: 9:02
Mile 3: 9:22
Total: 27:47 or 9:16/mile pace. (Not bad at all!)

The weather WILL NOT cooperate here-- cold and rainy. Tomorrow there is a 90% chance of rain :rolleyes: Saturday is 5 miles and Sunday is 11 for me... so "Rain rain, go away!!!"

I better dash (so to speak)!
Happy training all!
Kevin :earsboy:
Hi guys,

Good to hear Sunny is doing Applefest...sounds so festive!

Cam, are those sub 14 minute miles all walking?? That is so awesome, I tried walking and I am so slow... I can barely maintain a 16 minute walk.

Dave, rest is good, listen to your body.

MelR, can't believe your race last weekend. Talk about battling the elements and darkness?!?!? :faint: Did you have those little head lights?

Must go do some work today. Today is a rest day as I have my 20 miler tomorrow morning and then it is taper time! :banana: :banana: I am actually quite excited about the 20 miler!!

Hello to all the lurkers, :wave: please post, I would love to hear how your training is going?

Are we under 100 days until Disney? :confused3

Have a great weekend.

Greetings all! No training today, as I am resting up for 5K #2 tomorrow! :banana: I can't believe how excited I am about this. Tomorrow is supposed to be crisp and cool, much better than last weekend when it was so hot and steamy.

Dave - I was going thru the things I hadn't yet unpacked from our WDW vacation two weeks ago and I realized I have a brand new still in the cellophane luggage tag I can send you if you want it. I also have our ME booklet. I think the artwork on the front is pretty nifty. I can send that too if you want. Maybe you can do something creative with it. Thank you for your well wishes for tomorrow. You just KNOW you poor guys will have to hear all about it Monday!! :teeth:

Jen - You're a funny girl! :rotfl2: I'll be trying to roll myself upwards! No! We must have more confidence! We WILL get up those hills. THEY ARE NO BIG DEAL!!!

Cam - Oh Cam! You say the nicest things! :blush: I am not worthy. I have to run to a meeting soon but I will respond to your PM as soon as I get back. I like your idea very much.

Kevin - When I do the Full in '08??? :eek: My dear, you have much more confidence in me then I do. Right now I can't even imagine doing 26.2 miles! But maybe if I stick around here for the next year or so...... The fact of the matter is, this time last year, I couldn't even WALK, never mind consider competing!

Packets...packets......OMG I hope I don't wet myself when I get it! :blush: :rotfl2: I may faint at the mailbox. :faint: Oh geez.

Where is my friend Jodi? :confused3
Hey, don't forget about me.... I am doing the 5K Rump Roast Run. It's all about the meat!!!

I went to the gym last night and did some indoor laps while DD3 was in gymnastics. There are 16 laps to a mile and my brain wasn't working. I lost count and gave up. So I ran 15 minutes, walked 2 laps, ran 15 minutes, walked 2 laps, did 4 speed intervals, then walked 4 laps. It totaled about 45 minutes. I had to weave in and out of the social group walkers. The track is narrow, short and banked on the corners, so it was a pain. My knee is aching today, so I am resting for my 5K tomorrow.

SUNNY - GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!! Take it slow and easy!

JUDY - GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!! We may get rain, so I am a bit worried about my 5K. Maybe it will make me run faster! :lmao:

CAM - Oh I hope you don't lose training because of work. That would be the pits! Maybe you can write up a contract that has a 90 minute walking break!!!

Oh... and who was it that mentioned 99 Days left?? I was freaking out about the number of weeks left and now I know the days.... YIKES! I still haven't run more than a 4 miler for my long run.
Jen117 said:
Hey, don't forget about me.... I am doing the 5K Rump Roast Run. It's all about the meat!!!
Jen- I did forget! I'm sooooo sorry, now that you reminded me I remember now. How could I forget the Rump Roast Run? Mmmmm meat! Good Luck Jen! Take care of your rump while running!
Hi WISH Team!

:rotfl2: I don't know why, but you are cracking me up for some reason today! :lmao:

Ohboyohboyohboy for Dave! A belated Sweetest Day announcement! I'll be away on vaca and will be doing my best to hear the report of your telling AND your racing!

Cam and Howard, I am breathless here for you. Hope this helps to lighten the load! :teeth: pixiedust:

Congrats to our mid-week racer! Gee, that is an unusual day for a 5k.

EVERYONE in events this weekend--Good events to you! (See how "smoothly" I didn't forget about anyone? :smooth:

All the rest of us doing the LRs have fun! Make it happen. Hills, We have no freakin' hills! We can do it! Actually, I have a couple of choices for "hill work" and make sure I do a couple of them during my week. I just don't like to put them in my LR weekends. Figure it will get done.

"First Packet Dance"--love it! (even if you get the last packet!) :dancer:
Yes, WHEN you do the Marathon in 08! (Pretty cool sound, huh!)

Have not done anything since Tuesday. LR tomorrow will be great. I'm trying to see if I can talk DS into going with me. He so needs to get in the steps I'm thinking, but he's been so busy too. I've got no one to play with this weekend. My weekend group is racing so no one will be on the trail Saturday. I can't go to cheer them unless I give up putting in my steps, so I know they will understand my absence.
Kristi – considering you walk faster than many people run, I think you could give them a good go at the Applefest. :hug:

Kevin – Andrew does the regional junior high meets right now and his school won the CYO Varsity cross-country championships last year. He LIVES in his championship sweatshirt! :thumbsup2 Oh, and great pace for your so-called nice and easy run! ;) So, do you love spinning class? My 60 year old partner tried it about a year ago and said it totally kicked his butt (literally and figuratively). I wish they’d offer it at my gym - I might have the courage to try a beginner’s class.

Colleen – the sub-14:00 miles are walking and jogging. Last night I did 3 minutes walking at 4.0 mph, then 1 minute jogging at 5.2 mph (about 11:17 pace, I think), then switched to 4 minutes walking at 4.0-4.2 and 1 minute jogging at 5.2.
I am trying to condition myself mentally to jogging and then walking and then jogging again, regardless of how tired I am. My friend who is a marathoner (finished 7th in his age group at Boston) told me he dropped out of his first marathon at 17 miles because when he hit the wall and had to walk, he absolutely could NOT – mentally – get his legs to jog again. Not being able to force himself to re-start was enough to end the race for him, mentally. My objective is to plan for the wall and how I will get over it. I think if I can train my body to trust me that it will get a break of 4 minutes and then only has to jog for 1 minute before getting to “rest” again, I may be able to psyche myself into getting through 26.1. I have also found that I cannot count on my hip/hamstring issue and may not be able to maintain 15:00 miles at just walking. There are times when the jogging is actually a relief for me because it uses different muscles and at a different pace. Does that make sense? The funny thing is Howard will tell you he cannot train with me because he can’t walk fast enough to keep up with me. Isn’t that so funny? I LOVE that I can walk faster than him. Maybe someday I’ll be able to run with him, even if it is only ½ mile!
Enjoy your taper and good luck with your 20 mile LR tomorrow!

Judy – Good luck on your 5K tomorrow! I am so proud of you for doing your first when you were feeling so lousy. I cannot wait to hear how you enjoy this one now that you can actually enjoy the event. Enjoy your wog down memory lane!

Jen – I cannot wait to hear about the Rump Roast event. What a riot! You HAVE to do a full event report when you get back! And I LOVE your idea about contracting for an exercise break. One of my colleagues offered to bring her clothes rack/treadmill and set it up in my hotel room for me. She said she has heard that people who are used to exercising a lot can get grumpy and inefficient when they don’t get to decompress that way. Does she know me or what? ;)

Thanks so much, Lily. :love: Jenn is doing better so I feel better. Quite a change from when she called me in Calif. at 1:30 am her time (10:30 my time) all hysterical and overwhelmed and sobbing. Today she was elected floor senator for the student congress and sounded so much better than she has over the past week or so. Geez, I think her academic career is taking a bigger toll on me than mine ever did! Howard is going to be working on mid-terms and projects and presentations this weekend, so I am just going to keep him in my prayers and take care of some chores and errands and stuff so he can have blocks of time and quiet.

Anyway, Lily, I hope your DS can get out with you tomorrow. I wish I lived near you. I’d LOVE to put in the steps with you. You know I do it mentally anyway.. . taking the steps with you guys. Thinking about WISHers racing and training and feeling very connected and supported. YAY!!!
I can't send you any more PMs. It tells me your inbox is full! Time to clear out some of those love letters!

Honeibee said:
I can't send you any more PMs. It tells me your inbox is full! Time to clear out some of those love letters!


WHoops! Sorry. I think there's plenty of room now. I am SUCH a packrat! :blush:
keenercam said:
There are times when the jogging is actually a relief for me because it uses different muscles and at a different pace. Does that make sense? The funny thing is Howard will tell you he cannot train with me because he can’t walk fast enough to keep up with me. Isn’t that so funny? I LOVE that I can walk faster than him!!!

That's great Cam, I know you will do so well in the marathon.

I know for a fact that you can walk faster than I can! I tried and just can't get in a rhythm, my hip flexors were sore one day I went out for a 3 mile walk (I used this as a cross training day workout). We definitely use different muscle running and walking. I like walking through water stops. It is such a nice break. Keep up the great work!:Pinkbounc

I will try to take pics of the Rump Roast festivities. I don't run with a camera, so DH will be in charge. He is the worst picture taker ever. I can run by and he just stares, then takes a pic of my butt running away. Doof! I plan to get a new digi camera that is smaller so I can take it to WDW. I have to have pics of the 1/2 marathon!!! Did I tell you the male and female overall winners get a HUGE Rump Roast. I saw pics from last year and I swear the roast was the size of a turkey!!!

Have a great weekend everyone. Good luck to all runners (including myself) and I can't wait to hear reports!!!!
Mouse Skywalker said:
Jodi- Just wanted to say Hi. Haven't heard much from you this week since your 5k. Hope all is well.

Hi Dave :wave2: - Sorry, I haven't been online a lot this week....extremely busy at work and then I come home eat really quick.....relax for just a few and then out the door to run. During the week usually just on the threadmill, the weekend --- I go outside on the road (like the road much better!).

I'm trying to catch up with everyone right now ;) I was so shocked to see the results on the Bigelow web site - 9:44 min/mil overall! :woohoo: That is the best I've done! Ever in a 5k.

Only a few more weeks until the Half Marathon in Hartford. Looking forward to it!
So with Jen's Rump Roast and Sunny's apple pie, we've got quite a dinner going. Anyone doing a mashed potato race this weekend? :teeth:

BTW...y'all have to see what I just bought on ebay:


Nike running pants (NWT :teeth: ) in black and lime green with reflectors. :rotfl:
Hope I get them in time for RftT! Not sure if DD13 will still be willing to run with me though :teeth:
Jodi, FANTASTIC pace at Bigelow!!! Looking forward to your race report for the half!! :thumbsup2

Jen, GO FOR THE MEAT!! :lmao: Have fun and can't wait to read your report! :Pinkbounc

Judy, Go! :cheer2: Go!
Sunny, Be well and be safe! We are eager to hear the results of Applefest!! ::yes::

Oh, Mel!!! Too bad RftT starts after sunrise. I could have caught a glimpse of you flying down the road in those!! Too cool!! ;)

Kelley, Keep putting in those steps! :goodvibes

Well, after the way I felt after DL (GREAT!!), I decided that I would TRY and do MfM's Walk/Run schedule. :crazy: Once again, my DH is having to tell me, "It's all about training and conditioning!" We'll see. I've done W/4 R/1 twice for an hour on the TM. Tomorrow I'll see how I do IRL!! I'm quite happy with my time at DL..I finished! I just thought I would try and change things up this time around. Amazing that I could even consider running!! Anne


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