Wk Of Sept 22 - WISH Walking/Running Club

I am so not sure what I just came into , but I'm glad you're hacving fun! Just popping in to say taht I miss you all terribly! Every time I think I'll have catch up time, somethign happens. :-(

I have been training, though. Plus, I did a 10-mile bridge run last Saturday adn a half this saturday. RAcing myslef into shape as the former coach used to say.

I was very pleased with my half time, slthough it's still 6 seconds slower than my goal pace fro teh full in January.. Perhaps if I dropped the pounds I gained since January and once it gets cooler so I don';t skip SRs due to heat, things will be good again.

Oh, I just started a beginner/gentlye yoga class. I had my second one today and I love it! SO good to stretch many of my problem areas and relaxing too!

I hope all are doing well.

:wizard: :wizard: FOr those who are battling injuries!

:grouphug: For everyone who has not forgotten me and to those who have joined but don't know me yet!

Can't wait to see everyone at ToT!!!!!
Did 3 miles on TM today. Did first mile at about 10:10, then decided to incorporate speed tips from our really fast WISHers, but ahem, couldn't remember the tips, so I just started bumping the TM up every lap or so. ;)

Ended the third mile at 8:40ish. By that last mile, I had lots of competing thoughts- mainly "ow," "try not to knock your teeth out on the bar when you go down," and "why does all my music irritate me?!" But, I did my best to keep thinking "run fast to run faster!" It was like my little mantra of madness... but I survived!

Glad I don't have to do that again until next week!

Judy- does the race have a good t-shirt or a medal? not that I'm superficial or anything...:rolleyes1

Jen in GA
anne - the ? next to stitch lover sith is my mother, Erin and Lynne's grandmother.
Good evening everyone.

3 miles on the plank (hope you don’t mind, Mel).

Our dog issue isn’t looking too good. He spent the day at the vet while they tried to get his nose to stop bleeding. He’s home now with his left nostril packed with gauze. The initial prognosis is probably a mass of some sort. Not quite sure what we’re going to do as of yet.

Lisa – Welcome back!

Judy – WTG with the 3 miler!

Stacey – 27 degrees. Brrrrrrr. WTG with the 3 miler.

Jen – WTG with the 2+ miler.

Leana – WTG with the training.

Carrie’s back! WooHoo!! :banana: :woohoo: :banana:

GaJen – WTG with the 3 miler.
WWDave - Isn't that balding Koala hugging your arm your Mini Me?
Carrie - Wow...a 10miler last Saturday then a Half this Saturday? Superwoman, I am not worthy!:worship: Let us know how the Yoga works out for you. I've read that it is very beneficial for runners.
BigVic - KnowhatImean?!?
Jen - If you decide to sign up for the Rump Roast Run is this weekend...Good Luck!

Well, my legs are staring to fell like they are part of my body finally. I never thought our house had too many stairs until Sunday after the race. I had to walk down them backwards to prevent my quads from going into spasms of revolt. My calves are still not speaking to me, although the hour long massage I got yesterday got them to shut them up for awhile. I looked at the local race schedule and am planning an 8K the 21st of October. I'm going to have to get back out and start training for it here real soon. There is a 4K the same day that is part of the same race, so I may opt for that instead.
With Calico in front of me in the picture, his head cuts off the 2 on my 2007 shirt...but that makes me 007...pretty secret angentish I would say.:rotfl2:

Happy Training!
Anne, thank you so much.:flower3:

I'm old and slow and it takes me a while to catch on to things. But I've always wondered why the 'Team In Training' people used 'the TnTs' to refer to themselves instead of using the actual ititials. Well I was lurking over on the RW site, checking on what my running buddies were up to, and someone refered to the 'Team In Training' by the actual initials. Now I know.:)

Time to slink off and go walking.

Have an awesome day y'all.

Good morning! Not much training to report here. I did my 4 miles on Saturday and averaged 13:30 per mile, which is right where I was at before I got hurt. My leg felt good, but was pretty sore the next day. I opted to take 2 days off instead of one and went for a massage last night. I expected the massage guy to find a lot of trigger points in my outer hip area and glutes, but it turns out those areas are just a little tight. The real problem was my right psoas. When he hit that I was on the ceiling! He worked on it for quite awhile and when I got up I could actually feel that I was standing differently and my leg soreness was gone. It was amazing. This morning I feel a little beat up, but he told me to expect that. I'm going back in a couple of weeks to make sure that pesky psoas hasn't tightened up on me again.

My appointment was during Dancing with the Stars, so I just watched my tape from last night. I'm so relieved to see that Helio did well. He looked really nervous! I've been lucky enought to meet him several times and he is always so nice to his fans. I'm glad to see that he personality is really showing through on the show. By the way, his partner was at the Chicagoland race and she was getting as much attention in the pit area as Helio was. She must have signed a ton of autographs. Online voting doesn't close until noon today! (hint, hint)
Good Morning Everyone,

My LR was "just" 9 mi this week. I love how that sounds. My LRs alternate between longer runs at a slower pace and shorter runs at a faster pace. It's a great plan because I'm relieved to go run 14 because I can go at whatever pace I want, then the next week I'm relieved because the 9 miles will only take 1 1/2 hrs instead of the 2 1/2 my LR took the previous week.

Judy: I'm planning on running the Bigelow race too. My husband's cousin lives near there and was looking for someone to run with. I remember you posting a while ago about what a nice race it was so figured it was worth a 2 1/2 hr drive. I have other relatives in the area so I'll probably take my Aunt out to lunch while I'm down there. Look for me, I'll be wearing my WISH visor.

TxAng: Even if your doc gives you the OK to run, be sure to be careful. Now is the time to err on the safe side.

Renee: I highly recommend the ice bath thing. I was very reluctant at first because I really don't like cold or wet, but it is so well worth it. Bring a great magazine and a nice cup of tea and it's like a little treat.

Jen: Sorry you continue to have safety issues with running outside.

Andrew: Thanks for the great race report. Great job under such hot conditions. You'll definitely learn from this race and be much wiser the next time around.

Leana: Great job on the 10K. Nice pictures. You do the same thing with your fingers that I do. I'm sure it helps us be faster.

Darcey: Congrats on your 5K PR.

Matt: Great job on your tri. Congratulations on improving your transition times. Every bit helps. Sorry about the leg cramps.

Helen: Thanks for the link to your pictures. You look like you enjoyed it. Congrats on your time.

Anne: Thanks for posting the Wish Team IDs. It's great putting faces to the names.

Carrie: Good to see you posting. Congrats on your races.

Jen in GA: Nice job with your speed work. The great thing about it is it's just once a week and it will definitely help your pace.

Meghan: Glad the massage helped.

My apologies to all I've missed. Wishing you all the best.
Anne, thank you so much.:flower3:

I'm old and slow and it takes me a while to catch on to things. But I've always wondered why the 'Team In Training' people used 'the TnTs' to refer to themselves instead of using the actual ititials. Well I was lurking over on the RW site, checking on what my running buddies were up to, and someone refered to the 'Team In Training' by the actual initials. Now I know.:)

Time to slink off and go walking.

Have an awesome day y'all.


OMG! I never thought about that before Dave. Too funny. :lmao: BTW, where is Erica in the WISH team photo?
OMG, is today going to be one of those days? I rushed out the door this morning, not really paying attention.... I'm walking from my car to my office and I look down and my shoes don't match.... :rotfl2: Thank goodness I have my trusty running shoes to wear around the office today, and that I have no big meetings either....
Leana - Don't feel so bad...I've done the same thing....on my first day at work at a new job. A few months later, I was talking about it with a coworker, thinking no one noticed. Oh yeah they noticed. But they thought it might have been a special orthopedic shoe, that I had some foot ailment, they were too nice to point it out. :rotfl: At least you have your running shoes. Had a good day at work!
Cindy - What plan are you following that has your LR's alternate? That sounds pretty neat the way it changes you distance and pace.
Meghan - Hint taken, vote made. Good luck with your psoas, although when I pronounce that in my head, it sounds too much like sore butt (edited for content, but you know the word I'm talking about).
BigVic - I hope that your furry child doesn't have anything serious. Sending PD your way.

Happy Training!
Sounds like everyone is doing great with thier training,,,keep it up TEAM!:cool1:

Lisa, how would you compare Carnival to Disney cruise lines? Did you have a good time?

I have my first full marathon on Sunday, in Boulder Co., and I'm alittle nervous. I haven't been walking much for the last month trying to heal my PF before the marathon, so I hope I can finish. I'm looking forward to start training w/TNT next month, hopefully I'll learn some useful techniques.

Have a great weekend!
Oh, I also had an idea - so there I was at about 14km when Eminem came on with Lose Yourself which reminds me of Cam (in da house) and I was thinking - well Cam's running today so someone else will be aching too - and so I'm thinking maybe we should have a 'my motivating song' list so that should that tune appear on anyone elses ipod during their run they know they are not alone with the pain/suffering/misery/joy/rapture (insert own personal emotion here)...

- Helen

Hi Helen! Great idea! Any guesses on what mine would be;) I'm thinking

Hello, hello, good to be back, good to be back. Hello hello---- did you miss me?

Greetings Racing Team -

Do you all realize one month from today I will already be at WDW?!!?? :eek: YAY! :yay: :woohoo: :cool1: :dance3: :cheer2:

I miss MSDave. :hug:

Pat - Wow, Vern is a handsome dude! :goodvibes We hear bullfrogs in our pond but we never see them. Sometimes when we walk down we hear a big splash. Guess we are scary looking.

Hey! Hey! There's Carrie! :yay: :banana: :wave:

Jen - This race doesn't have medals but does have a groovy t-shirt. :thumbsup2 However, the best part is the raffle afterwards! It's sponsored by Bigelow Tea so they have so awesome prizes, like airline tickets and bikes. And of course lots and lots of tea gift baskets.

Vic - Oh no, poor pup. :wizard: I hope his nose is better today. BTW....."Eggs Erroneous" :upsidedow

007, I mean Andrew - Glad your legs are speaking to you again. :thumbsup2 An hour long massage always helps!

Dave - Gee, umm, thanks for pointing that out. It never occurred to me either! :eek: But now I get it.

Cindy - COOL! Oh excellent! :yay: I will be wearing a WISH shirt so you won't be able to miss me! Oh cool! Make plans to stay for the raffle!

Monte - I too am waiting to hear about Lisa's cruise. :boat: I haven't yet been on DCL but I have been on 5 Carnival cruises. I think with Carnival it really depends on two things: which ship you go on and when you go. We've loved it and hated it.

Notice how I'll just talk about anything to cover up the fact that I was a lazy slug who did not train this morning and doesn't even deserve to do any races. :rolleyes2
Here ya go, WWDave!!

Front: Valentine, Chimera, Goofyin08forErica, Lisa Loves Pooh (kneeling), skfulkers
Row 2: MrsTrx, kareneast, sp1222, outonarun, holding sign is msblobs and TXbelle, behind her is WDWFAN09 and wfloyd, crazy4pooh, Honeibee, behind her is her DH, keenercam, and alladinsgirl.
Row 3: rKyDex, momoftwogirls, DJbounce, Calcio, kareneast's DS, NYcpa's DM, stitch lover sith, goingthedistance, mrstropicana, and Keenho.
Row 4, Maherae, Optimator, NYCpa, SirBouncealot, ?, Dennyha, escape, TigerLily03, xterratri, behind her is BigVic, Jenn117, Pumpking, behind him is princessmomma, Tiffj, behind her is WWDave.

My Erica is in the front row, Goofyin08forErica. Thanks for asking. She tries hard to keep me out of trouble.

I think I missed something - what happened to MSDave?

Today I'm aiming for 4 mi over lunch, yoga in the evening. I'm going to rest Thursday, or maybe go to stretch and strengthen yoga (since I have a 10 use drop in pass to a yoga studio downtown that I have been to once...). Friday I'm aiming for 6 mi over lunch for my Short Long Run, Saturday is 12 mi for my Long Long Run. Hello Goofy training... Saturday night is up in Banff, Sunday hopefully hiking!
Andrew:The plan I put together came from a Runner’s World article in Mar 2007 called Trick yourself Fit or something like that. Basically it uses the “central governor” theory that you slow down during a long run not because your body runs out of fuel, but because your brain goes into panic mode thinking that you can’t keep this pace up for the duration of the run. It says that if your body was truly out of fuel, you couldn’t kick it in the last ½ mile of a race because there would be no fuel to do it. Instead your brain tells your legs that you only have a half mile left and you can pick up the pace. The plan is trying to train your brain into knowing that you can sustain a certain pace for longer than it previously thought. It does this with speed workouts and faster paced LR alternating with slower paced longer runs. I’m sure I’m not doing the theory justice, but it’s based on research done by Timothy Noakes. Just within the last month a book by Matt Fitzgerald “Brain Training for Runners” has come out co-authored by Noakes which goes into greater detail about this plan. I’ve only read a couple chapters so far, but it really makes a lot of sense to me. Sorry for being so long-winded.

Judy: Winning plane tix would definitely make it worth a 2 1/2 hr drive.

Monte: Good luck in your marathon. Hopefully the rest will pay off during your race.

Leana: Sorry about the shoe mix-up.


Outstanding, I'm very impressed that you've already completed a half. I wouldn't worry about the pace right now. That full is a long way away.

Can I assume from your comments that the injury issues your were working through (or not) in the spring have gone away? I hope that's the case.

Take care

My Erica is in the front row, Goofyin08forErica. Thanks for asking. She tries hard to keep me out of trouble.


Its great being able to put faces to the names of my cyber-buddies/teammates.

WWDave--For some reason I am not surprisd that Erica is about as far away from you as possible in the picture. Does she keep you out of trouble with the use of tranquilizer darts? See how Steve and Christa managed to stay together. That's apparently what a relationship built at least in part on being football fans does for a couple.

Andrew--the 007 is much cooler than the date. "Bounce. Andrew Bounce."

You know, for those trying to picture me, I think if Dave's little koala buddy was rounder, he does kind of look like a mini-me. (And no, I have not been stalking you guys for the past year.) He seems to have a similar aerodynamic hair-style (God made heads and those he didn't like he covered up, right?) and that subtle maturing of what little hair is left from a once brown to a more distinguished gray/white. By the way, does anyone know if the rumor is true that if you pull out a gray hair, ten more grow back. I was thinking if I started pulling, maybe the 10 that grow back for each pulled would fill in the top. Then again, with so little left, it may not be worth the risk.

I did get in a slow walk of a little over a mile last night. I am going to check with the doc about some anti-inflamatories for the back as the problem now seems to be more related to starting out slightly crooked and not being able to get straight. No spasms lately though, so that at least is good news. And once again, thanks every one for inspiring me by way of what each of you is able to accomplish by way of your training and events. Its helpful to know I am not doing this alone, now that I've seen pictorial evidence that at least some of you really exist.


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