Wk Of Sept 22 - WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

WISH Racing Team

Abra Cat Kristi NC
akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
andromedaslove Dana FL
angietuck2 Angie FL
bekagain Bekah
bekkiz WA
BiggerTigger Jeff FL
Big Vic Vic FL
blueroses WA
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
CaroleD Carole ON
cdn gal eeyore Leana Alberta
Chernabog#1Fan FL
ChiFiveO Donna IL
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cindylou Cindy
Cingoutload Dawn GA
CrazySecretRecipe Jennifer FL
CreativeBeth Beth PA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
DaddyBeast Kevin TX
deekaypee ND
Dennyha Denny SC
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnutt Kiena OH
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
DreamBeliever IL
dthogue Tammy PA
Duanerice Duane FL
eeyore45 Sandy IL
escape Susie AR
fabumouse NJ
FirstTimertoDiz Lisa PA
FungLu Brett OR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
Goofyin08forErica Erica KY
gsu1988 Ken GA
Hey Mickey Erica NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laurie NY
Hockeymom311 Jen
Honeibee Judy NY
hoosmi Jen GA
ironz TX
jam217 PA
JCTigger Jill MA
jeanneg Jeanne NC
Jen117 Jen WI
Jennasis NC
jims2cool Jim IL
jodistar Jodi CT
kaf7878 Kelly FL
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
KathyRN137 Kathy NJ
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
Kimickey Kim MD
Kim10110 Kim
klh-or Karla OR
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lenshanem Shan
Lexxiefern Becky MA
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Little Miss Mickey Ashley
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
lourodrigis Lou NJ
lustergirl NY
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne FL
MainStMandy Amanda NY
marathonmommy Laura NJ
MarkMichaels Mark IA
maryliz maryliz ON
Meghan74 Meghan
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minigirl Eva
Minnie Suzy
mogulskr Scott NJ
monte Monica CO
Moonie NC
mousemgr Susan MI
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MrsTrx Tracey FL
MyZoeJane Ali IL
msblrobs Sara NY
nepatsfan73 Bill CT
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom Molli OH
Optimator Mike
outonarun Teri CA
padisneyfan Nancy PA
panthergirl Susan NC
patsfaninpa Jen PA
Paull117 Paul WI
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plgrn Patti and Jenn
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
plutopdx OR
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Pungodingy Angie NH
rake5 Rachael WA
RedDragon Martha MA
rKyDeX Chester FL
rosy1020 Kristin Japan
RunningLilo Dena FL
runwdw2008 Dona
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
scoolover Scott CT
scuba diver Jim FL
SilverE Steve ME
SirBouncealot Andrew IA
skfulkers Steve OH
solotraveler Kevin MI
Space Ranger John
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
tiberius Richard
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
Tinks Vicki IL
TNTsParty Tricia FL
TriMom Mary Kathryn TN
twotoohappy Liz MA
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
westcliffemom Stacey CO
wfloyd Bill FL
windwalker Dave KY
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
Worfiedoodles Maria MA
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
zoegirl Bree NC
Mel, little did Tiger Lily know when she said "just post up anything", that I would come along. (evil little laugh).

This time next month Erica and I put the top down, crank the tunes and head south. Oh the chaos and panic that lies ahead. Does anyone know if this will be the biggest meeting ever of the WISH team?

It's time for everyone to heal up now, and no more injuries before the big weekend. We want everyone healthy and ready to wonder the forests of DisneyWorld.

Erica and I got married on Friday the 13th so we are the poster children for not being scared of the boogies.

Remember if you start feeling stressed, take the advice from the asprin bottle, take 2 and keep away from children.

Have a great week WISH Team.:cloud9:

Good morning everyone! I'm posting this morning from the Gator Promised Land of Gainesville. Came up for the weekend to look at some property.

I also managed to achieve a little running nirvana yesterday. I did 7 miles in 1:26:14 for a 12:19 pace :dance3: Last week's 5 miles was a 12:44 pace, so quite a difference! I even had one mile that was sub-12!:car: Haven't seen numbers like that since last spring :banana: And the run felt good too...we've had slightly lower temps because of the tropical depression. I started out yesterday at 74 degrees but 87% humidity. Not sure who put the pixie dust in my shoes, but I'm totally thrilled by yesterday's run :woohoo:

Many thanks to all you speed demons who posted how much you've improved your pace over time. I don't think I'll ever see an 8:xx , but it's really inspirational to me to see that it's possible to shave some more time. I've been trying Dana's theory of running faster and doing tempo work during the week...it really seems to be helping!

Bill and Lynnda...it took me a good 6 months to decide I was willing to spend the money on orthotics. I did a lot of research first and came to the conclusion that they weren't really an option. With my foot biomechanics, if I'm going to continue to do long distance, I have to have the orthotics. What really convinced me was a couple of patients who told me they'd gotten them and never had problems with PF again. One lady told me her first orthotics lasted 10 years. I would say the orthotics were not an immediate solution. I'm just now getting to the point where my foot's in good shape. I think stretching has been huge and I'm wondering if the change in shoes since CDC has also helped.

Richard...congrats on your fab 5K! I'm sure that's what affected your pace for the 8 miler, but still looks like a pretty good 8 mile run too!

Christa and Dana...can't wait to see you guys doing Boston!

Andrew...hope your first marathon is going well! Can't wait to hear about it!

Cam...wow...LR then pump class! You are hardcore! Hope work lets up a bit for you!

Judy...congrats on your 3 miles! Great pace! :car:

Kristi...some kids take several years to achieve full bladder control. Try not to worry too much about Zach just yet.

SilverSteve...congrats on your 15th anniversary! I am really picky about gel flavors. I like the vanilla Gu because it's not so overpowering. I put the empties in my shorts pocket then try to remember to throw them away when I get home. It's not good when you wash the shorts with the empty gel packs :sad2:

I have some realigning of training schedules to do. I discovered that I messed up plotting it out and am off a week on the higdon plan. Fortunately, my messup dovetails nicely with the MFM LR plan. And I still have the RW plan that would actually just start this week. Not sure what to do :guilty:

Have a good training week everyone!

Yet another driveby... I post here and there on several WISH threads, so forgive me if you already know this… After last week's Philly Distance Run (half) and my Dad's funeral, I managed to get one walk in. Yesterday was my scheduled 20-miler (in preparation for the Suntrust Richmond Marathon in November). Both our cars needed repair, however, so early morning was absorbed by taking the vehicles to the shop, then there was grocery shopping to ensure I had all I needed to make my serious assault on my fat (if I don’t get my blood sugar down in the next 3 months, I’m getting the big red “diabetes” diagnosis stamped on my medical folder), and finally we returned to pick up one car.

Now it’s after 2PM and I need to start my 20. I never ever walk long walks in the evening. I am a morning person and I know the best time to knock out that long mileage is in the morning when I’m fresh and full of vinegar. I walked 8 miles on the treadmill before coming into the livingroom and announcing to my family, “This is just not happening today. I can’t walk 20 miles tonight.”

My husband said, “That’s up to you” but my teenaged girls were a lot more adamant “No, you have to do it, Mom.”

“What’s 8 from 20?” My husband looked at me incredulously before I guessed, “12. I need to go 12 more miles, right?”

My girls started double-teaming me, “You know you can go 12 miles, Mom. You did 13 miles last weekend.”

“13.1,” I corrected, “so 12 miles for me is nothing, right?”

“You can do it in your sleep, Mom. It’s a piece of cake. Get on it,” they chided.

So I did. It wasn't pretty and it wasn't fast, but the 20 miles is done and logged. I thanked my family profusely. And today, as my reward, I go see the matinee performance of Cincinnati Pops Conductor Erich Kunzel, a.k.a. “the Prince of Pops,” conducting the North Carolina Symphony orchestra in "The Magical Music of Disney."

What's the moral of the story? I'm not entirely sure. Maybe it's that sometimes if you temporarily can't believe in yourself, it's good to have someone else who believes in you. Maybe it's that sometimes you have to "just do it" even when every fiber of your being says you can't. I know this though... I earned last night some of the fun I'm going to have at Disney in January. That's what training is all about for me -- paying my dues.

Hope all the injured recovery quickly. Good luck to today's long runners.
Hey there team!!!

Just a quick drive by!! Off to a CFL football game, yes Patsbill I said football:lmao: My Toronto Argos are playing DS's Winnipeg Blue Bombers....if the boys team wins he may be looking for a ride home:rotfl2:

Just finished my 6K in preparation for next weekends 1/2 SOOOOO excited.

I hope you all have a great workout today!!!!!

Is MLS playing in Canada? You can't be referring to that musical dance number type coreography stuff they do in Canada while using an American-styled football.
Is MLS playing in Canada? You can't be referring to that musical dance number type coreography stuff they do in Canada while using an American-styled football.

Wild Bill, you better be nice to our Pretty Princess from the north. With your back problem I'm sure she could kick your butt. Remember them gals up there keep them Grizzly Adams and Jeremiah Johnson types in line. She will beat you like a pinata.:scared1:


How you feeling anyway wild man?

Hopefuly, I can take her best out of five ... as long as she doesn't run too fast or too far. By the way, are you trying to start trouble Dave?
Hopefuly, I can take her best out of five ... as long as she doesn't run too fast or too far. By the way, are you trying to start trouble Dave?

Staying out of trouble was no fun, bring on the chaos and hysteria!!pirate:

Good morning! Hoping everyone is having a wonder Sunday.

7 miles scheduled, 5.94 completed. Not pretty. Not pretty at all. My get up and go, got up and went.

Mel – WTG with the 7 miler! When I didn’t see this week’s thread I thought I missed something and almost started it. :confused3 Glad I waited. :)

Wendy – WTG with getting out there and getting your 20 miler in. :thumbsup2

Kim – Have fun at the game and good luck with the ½.

PatsBill and WWDave – Behave yourselves! :lmao:
Wendy: Congrats on getting the 20 miler in. You are so good to do it even though you didn't want to. I can so easily be swayed to ditch my workout that I really admire your dedication.....even if your daughters had to coax you out the door. 20 miles is simply amazing! I'll drink a margarita just to celebrate your success! I'm not scheduled to do mine until right around the holidays so we'll see how that goes. You also mentioned your father's funeral.....my sincerest condolences on your loss.
Now I need to ask you a favor.....a few weeks ago you posted a photo of all your medals hanging on a curtain rod and I wanted to show it to my husband. I looked through several different threads, but try as I might, I just couldn't locate the photo. If you get the chance, i'd love it if you posted it again. Right now, I only have one medal, but with the 3 events I have coming up, I may soon have a few more.
Hi, gang!

Wendy...that is awesome! Way to stick with it and get back out to finish. (so tough on the long days)

So, Vic...can't you squeeze out one more mile, using Wendy for inspiration? ;)

I rode 2 hours yesterday (33 miles). Today was my "long run" of 7 miles--a little harder than my 6 last week, but finished relatively strong. Then a swim workout. Now time to slack off the rest of the day. :thumbsup2
Wendy -- Congratulations on getting those steps in. And KUDOS to your family for being there for you, knowing what is important to you, having faith in your will and being so encouraging. You've obviously instilled in them a strong sense of who you are and how strong you are. I am sure they are very, very proud of you! :thumbsup2 And my sincere condolences to you and your family on your loss. :hug:
xtrained today...as I am in 2 shows..and dance....really fast, jumping everywhere, running the length of 2 gyms several times...glad I am in shape! I was sweating, but not out of breath like my other dancing buddies!:goodvibes

ironz - What tri are you training 4? An ironman? Riding that far the day b/4 a run really makes me S-L-O-W! So lots of :cool1: :banana: :cool1: for you!

Wendy - YOU ROCK! I am so glad you got-r-done! 20 miles! WOW!:love: :banana: :cool1:

Vic - WTG on getting out there! MAN...you did 6 miles! That is AWESOME!:cool1: :banana:

PatsBill and WWDave - You guys are trouble! There is a country song about that, but my mind is weak and I cannot remember the words.:confused3

Kim - WTG on the run this week and lots of :wizard: :wizard: for the 1/2 next week.

Mel - Glad you had a great run this week! :banana: :banana: Girl! You are flying!

Off to take a Sunday nap b/4 church tonight...it is now a rest day!:upsidedow Then I hit is again tomorrow...b/c the ankle is doing good!:yay:
ironz said:
So, Vic...can't you squeeze out one more mile, using Wendy for inspiration?

Yep, I sure need to. When my runs don't go as planned I really get disgusted with myself.

It will get better. ;) :)
Congratulations Mel on the sub-12. You've made great progress.

Even if you think sub-9 isn't in your future, I suspect you have the capability to see a 10:xx or even a 9:xx mile one day. The thing is to be quicker you have to train your body to be quicker (brilliant!). This means 2 or so times a month on a shorter training run you consciously push the pace a bit. You don't have to, and shouldn't make these short sprints as fast as you can go. You should make these spurts of faster tempo for decent distances, perhaps a 1/4, 1/2 or full mile. Carrying a pace that makes you strain a bit, but doesn't ask for all you have, will train your body to go faster, for nice distances, and to go faster for those longer distances you'll also train your body to be quicker and relaxed at the same time. Make these a bit faster than your target race pace, and over 3 to 5 miles throw in maybe 50% of the distance at this faster pace. Doing a few sessions like this will make your target race pace seem a stroll on the beach and you'll see your mile times drop.

For example, last Saturday I did a workout like this over 5K at the track. I ran an easy 1/2 mile to warm up, and then ran 1/4 mile hard, 1/4 mile easy repeats all the way to 5000 meters. The hard quarters I did around 2:02 each, and the easy quarters I did easy, I had no idea how fast or slow they were, and didn't care. This worked out to 5 hard repeats, 2000 meters in total, which brought me in for 5K in 27:40. I was pushing harder than usual, but never really put the hammer down.

Good luck and keep us posted. I'll see you either in October or January.

That picture of Wendy's medals always amazes me. I'm in awe! I think I'll do something like that. I have two to add to my curtain rod. By the end of the year, I should have 4 or 5 more. :thumbsup2 However, it will pale in comparison to Wendy's. LOL

Way to go for finishing the 20-miler, Wendy. Unfortunately, I don't have as good of a support team. If I complained about not wanting to finish, my DH, Steve, would just tell me to take a break. My in-laws would also chime in and say that all this exercise can't be any good for me. :rotfl2:

Kim - good luck at your half next weekend! Be sure to give us a report when you're done!

jeanneg - I'll join you in toasting Wendy with a margarita. That sounds really good right now. :drinking1

Christa - I sent you an email a few weeks ago but I'm not sure you got it. My email service went down shortly after and I just got it back up recently and I got a notice that some emails didn't go through and I think yours was one of those. It was about biking 50 miles after or before a 9 mile run. I decided to run 9 miles this coming Friday and bike only 25 miles. I've been having some problems with shin splints, ankles hurting, piriformis muscle, and just feeling like crap lately. I decided not to push my luck and hurt my marathon training. I REALLY admire all that you do. A century, a marathon soon....geez! You're an animal!!! And I mean that in the nicest way. :teeth:

Mel - You are flying. Great job!!!

Well, if I would have posted yesterday, it would have been a whinefest. The past two weeks have been horrible for me - shin splints, ankles hurt, piriformis muscle hurting, achilles tendonitis in my right foot, you name it...it hurt. :guilty: However, after icing my calves all week, doing stretches and taking naproxen sodium, I actually had a decent 8-mile run (walk/run) yesterday. I'm still not quite up to speed...I had an average pace of 14.33 but it was better than the 15.3 pace I had the week before for my 7-miler.

Today, was supposed to be a rest day. Instead, I rode my bike for 30 miles in preparation for a 25 mile ride I'm doing next weekend for the Big Dam Bridge tour in Little Rock. First time I've been on the bike for almost a month. My DH is doing a century ride. I wanted to do the 50-miler but I don't want to push my luck with my marathon training.

Hope everyone has a good, injury-free week! :cheer2:
Yesterday's long run started badly. As I was putting the socks on, I heard something on the roof. I went out to look and saw it was raining with lightening in the distance. Not wanting to tempt anything, I went back to sleep planning on doing the 12 miles that night. As evening came, it started raining again. I am beginning to think nature has it in for me. By 8 it let up enough for me to start. I figure that I will cut it back to 6 just to get some running and don't take anything with me. At mile 6, it stopped raining, now it is just plain humid, so I figure I can make it to 10. By then, it is only 2 more miles so I wound up doing the 12 miles with an 11:45 pace. Since I didn't take my drinks or gu, I was hurting by the end but I finished.

Along the way, I was attacked by some killer frogs. I didn't realize how high they can jump but it definately got my attention.

Mel - Hope you made it back from the Land of Hopelessness. ;) Good job on the run and your times will continue to improve. Before long you will be up with the speedy folks and passing everyone.

WWDave - I guess the calmness has finished now. I will make sure to keep my head down this week in case there are flying objects around. :lmao:

Vic - Sorry the run wasn't better. Hopefully this week will prove to be different if you can catch up with your get up and go.

Wendy - Sorry to hear about your dad. Congrats on doing the 20 miles, even if it was a little coerced. :)

Kim - Good luck on your half next week. Hope you are able to watch some real football though instead of that stuff up north. ;)

Ironz - Congrats on your workout. Hope you were able to enjoy your slacking off time.

Christa - That sounds like a difficult workout. I think I will stick to sitting in the stands watching people do that instead. :rolleyes1

Craig - Great job on the speed work. Are you getting faster so Martha can't catch you with weekend jobs or so you can catch up with Martha? ;) Glad to hear that the MIT gig is interesting. Is it going to continue next semester or is it only for the fall.

Susie - Great job on the bike ride. I hope the ride next weekend goes just as well.

PatsBill - Hope your back is feeling better and everything heals nicely.

Have a great week everyone.

Bill, :rotfl2: . Sorry, don't mean to laugh but I'm trying to picture you running through those killer frogs. Sounds like a horror movie. :happytv:

Good run through those adverse conditions. :thumbsup2


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