Wk Of Sept 22 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Dave & Judy - who's side are you on? ;) Chad knows that if he keeps me happy, he's happy. Smart guy! :thumbsup2
Chad did move down on the side of the stage near the end & saw me touch the sweaty lead singer though. :rolleyes1

And I'll have to tell him about getting me bakery items and delivering them. Great idea, Dave! :rotfl:
Dave & Judy - who's side are you on? ;) Chad knows that if he keeps me happy, he's happy. Smart guy! :thumbsup2
Chad did move down on the side of the stage near the end & saw me touch the sweaty lead singer though. :rolleyes1

And I'll have to tell him about getting me bakery items and delivering them. Great idea, Dave! :rotfl:

Darling, I'm getting up at 2:00am right after I do a Half marathon just so I can volunteer with you. :hug: Now you KNOW I'm on your side. It was for your own good that I don't want you to become a spoiled brat. :lmao:
Hmmm... so my understanding of Dave's post is that he's available to send everyone a text message on Monday after the marathon with a detailed menu from the Boardwalk Bakery?! Sweet, cause I'm not getting out of bed for anything less than the perfect pastry! :rotfl: Dave- if you don't know how to send a TM, ask Kristi's Chad, cause that was a totally cool move on his part at the concert...;)

Jen in GA
Now, now, don't any of you WISHers go thinking you aren't showing up at the Boardwalk Bakery for the Monday morning WISH meet. It's usually just us WIShers and the thieving seagulls (just like the real Atlantic seashore boardwalks!) and the clean-up CMs (who just might throw away your entire breakfast while you are posing in a WISH group picture). We really do expect all WISHers to get together to commiserate. . . er, I mean CELEBRATE Monday morning! :grouphug:

Okay, I did my 25 minute core class last night and 20 minutes on the elliptical, but cut my workout short because I heard a rumor that my DD19 had stopped home (from college) to visit our FURBABY!!!!! I ran home to raid the shelves and freezer to send her back to campus with food. Yep, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!! :lmao:

Plan is to be up at 5 am tomorrow to do 2 hours on the TM (8+ miles) and then a 1 hour muscle pump class before the busy-ness of a normal Keener clan weekend.

Have a good one, everyone!! Happy race to all those who are racing and Judy -- no ER for you, young lady!

Oh, I forgot to mention -- I have worked my way up to being able to do the first 30 of my 100 nightly push-ups on the floor! Then the other 70 pushups and all crunches are on the balance ball.
I got my SLR in over lunch today - 4 miles in 42:46 (10:42/mi). It was supposed to be 6, but I accidently ran more over the week than I intended to (serves me right for not checking my schedule) so I cut my run back today. Tomorrow my LLR is 12 mi. Today was a rather *ahem* gastrointestinally uncomfortable run so I sure hope that won't be the case tomorrow...

Check out the splits: 11:01/10:56/10:51/9:58

I can't tell that my speed has definitely improved over the last few weeks, so hurray!
Cam - I am tired just reading your post, hon! 2 hours TM then 1 hour pump class? You are the woman!

Jen - I sure am lucky. Not many hubbies would be as understanding of my little Goo obsession. In fact my girlfriends that also haev this affliction, many times have to lie to their husbands to go to a show. And I mean one show, not the bazillion I get to go to. I really am a lucky girl. Chad wasn't even mad I touched the hottie lead singer either! ;)

Judy - I am going to see a neighbor of yours in concert tomorrow night! :dance3:

I must fess up. I bailed on my 6 miler. My right knee has been bothering me a little. I think it is due to wogging on the indoor track. Since I go about every other day, I circle the track in the same direction (they alternate it every day). I go around clockwise, and it is the "inside" knee that is bothering me. To be honest, I probably should have gone. It doesn't hurt that much. I am just really prone to falling victim to any excuse I can make up. :rolleyes:

I promise I will do those 6 miles tomorrow though. SWEAR!!!
Drive by!

Today I had the worst LR in the history of my running life!:sad1:
It actually is not a surprise b/c of the week I have had....yesterday I basicly worked from 7am to around 9:30 pm!:eek: My day was crazy and I really did not get to eat anything until around 7pm! I should have known that this would lead to problems the next day.

It all started out OK. My tummy was hurting so I only ate 1/2 a pnut butter sandwich so I knew I was going to get hungy...but I had $5 and a dream so I could get a marathon bar if I needed it.

I was planning on 8mpm b/c this was only a 10 mile run and a tempo run....
1st mile was OK, but only could do an 8:30. This was me pushing real hard...My head was hurting so I took some meds. Well this did not help my head...but it got my tummy hurting worse.... so I thought I was going to throw up.:eek: :eek:

Got to mile 3.6 at 30:35 min and met up with Bree....I told her I was HURTING so I was going to join her and run the rest of the way. We started and I would run a little and have to stop so I would not throw up! At this point...no matter what way I went, there was at least 5 miles to go. My head was (and still is) KILLING me! so with 4 miles to go, I started walking.

I walked (and almost cried) the last 4 miles. Bree was sweet and walked with me most of the way back. I went home and slept 2 hours but still have a head ache....I do not work on Fridays.

I think it is stress! I have several new clients (children and teens) and they are having bad troubles. As a therapist, I try not to take my client's issues home with me, but this week, I started with a few that I cannot leave at the office.
Please send me :wizard: :wizard: b/c it is really hurting my heart what some of these children have to go through...it is so aweful.:sad1:
Christa...:hug: I can only imagine the stories you must hear every day. :wizard: :wizard: for leaving your work at the office.

Vic...:hug: so sorry to hear about Shadow.
Just popping in real quick....been at The World :goodvibes and didn't do any running. Does a powerwalk from MGM to Epcot count?

Vic....sorry about your pup. I lost my kitty this spring. They will be at the Bridge for us. :hug:

TXAng...hope you got to go shopping.

I promise to get good run workouts in tomorrow and Monday, and a bit of a bike on Sunday. :thumbsup2
Christa...:hug: I can only imagine the stories you must hear every day.

Christa, I agree with Mel, I don't know how you do it! I was in the gym yesterday and saw that story about the man making a sex tape with a 4-5 year old girl and I almost has sick to my stomach. My heart ached for this little girl and her family. I am so glad they found her yesterday. I was so caught up in this, I can't imagine having to work with those in troubled situations everyday. Bless you girl!

Vic, so sorry about Shadow.

Kristi, PD for you knee problem, let it rest now. I am having knee problems too and it is threatening my ability to run MCM.

Leana, great splits for your run.

Cam, I read earlier that you are Pumping now! That is my absolutely favorite class in the whole world. Keep it up, I was in the best shape when I was in pump class, unfortunately no on offers it here in my new hometown.

Go Stephanie, go Stephanie, thinking about you in your marathon this morning!!!:banana: :banana:

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've been able to check in...LTO with some vacation weekends, visiting friends, and work and car troubles. Luckily I've been able to keep up with training amidst all the hectic stuff, though :) Today the weather was absolutely BEAUTIFUL, and I got out for one of my most pleasant runs in a long time...9.5 miles at a nice and easy pace (I was supposed to go 8, but sort of underestimated my route...whoops :)). The first mile and a half were kind of tough, but after that I fell into a groove and just felt really strong for the rest of the run. Hooray!

Oh, also! This week was sort of a personal triumph for me, as I hit the 100lb marker in how much I've lost since starting my weight-loss/fitness journey this year. :cool1:

Anyway, I hope everyone's been having great training so far, and are looking forward to fall temps settling in more and more, like I am!
I just want to say a quick "KUDOS" to several WISHers I've been noticing.

Kristi, Cam, Judy, and Mel-- Your pace gains (or I guess I should say losses) have been outstanding. I know there are others who have made great strides to quicken their paces and I apologize for not mentioning you. I'm a bear of very little brain and can only remember a few things at a time.;)

Keep up the great work, girlfriends!!!!!!

I did 7.25 on the track today with an average pace of 14:30. Just last week I was struggling to walk 2 miles at a 20:00 pace. I'm bouncing back from surgery/recovery much quicker than I expected. I see my doc on Tuesday and I'm going to ask a very important question:

Do you think it would be within a reasonable risk to walk the WDW marathon in Jan '08?????
Just in case he says, "ok", I've booked Coranado Springs for WDW weekend.:banana:

I'll keep y'all posted:thumbsup2

Christa-- I'm so sorry for your horrible LR. I'm sure it was sleep deprivation and work stress that got the best of you.

Kristi, PD for you knee problem, let it rest now. I am having knee problems too and it is threatening my ability to run MCM.


Oh Colleen, nooooo! Mega :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: and prayers for your knee and MCM. Kristi-- you, too:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Moon - 1000 lbs. is simply amazing! :banana:

Christa - I've said it before, and I'll say it again - Thank God for people that do the work you do! I've always wanted to be a counselor of some sort, but I know I would never have the ability to separate myself from the clients. Hang in there - those kids need you! :hug:
Hello, hello. Greetings from NE Ohio--what a beautiful day it was for a marathon. DH and I had a "pretty good" day--at least the first 18 miles, then it started going downhill (not the course, but the way we felt--the course continued up hill for another 2 miles or so) But we finished in 4:11 and some change (official results later) Now it's time to nap, since I've already had my cold soak! Will post a proper race report later!

ETA: Official time/chip time 4:10:31
Christa: I don't know what you do but from the sounds of it, you deserve so much :wizard: :wizard: and :hug: for all you do. You will bounce back from this and be stronger for it. Know we are thinking of you!

Sunny: good to see you! And AWESOME job on the 7.25 miles! :cool1: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to be able to walk the marathon in January!

Stephanie: well done on the marathon! Sorry to hear about the last few miles but your time is great! I'd LOVE to run like that in the marathon.

Moonie: great job on the run and weight loss!! :woohoo: Keep up the great work!!

ironz: yes, a power walk from MGM to Epcot does, indeed, count! ;) Wish I was there with you!

Kristi1357: sorry to hear about the knee! Make sure you take care of it!

Today is a rest day but tomorrow is 12 miles. I think I've figured out the route I want to take which will take me by the same spot several times. I can leave my water and drink some every 4 miles or so. Wish me luck! I haven't run 12 miles since the 1/2 marthon in 2006!

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!!
WTG Stephanie! That is a wonderful marathon time. Be proud and take that nap!

Vic I am so sorry about shadow. It is so hard to loose a beloved friend.

Martha - :wizard: on that 12 miler!

Sunny - GIRL! THat is an AWESOME time on the run. You are bouncing back. I thought of you yesterday durin my LR. The only reason I did not quit was the thought of how strong you are.

Christa, I agree with Mel, I don't know how you do it! I was in the gym yesterday and saw that story about the man making a sex tape with a 4-5 year old girl and I almost has sick to my stomach. My heart ached for this little girl and her family. I am so glad they found her yesterday. I was so caught up in this, I can't imagine having to work with those in troubled situations everyday. Bless you girl!
Thank you guys for all the :wizard: :wizard: ! THis is the kind of stories I hear...and it does make me sick to my stomach...norrmally running is my therapy, but I guess this week just got the best of me. But I am feeling better and will try 18 next week.
Hey guys.

I did my LR today and it is a record for me:banana: -- slow but steady. :rolleyes1 I did 6 miles at a 3.7 mph pace -- that's just barely behind the sweepers -- but it was a very comfortable pace that I maintained well throughout and so I was happy and encouraged.:woohoo:

Next week I'm off to Las Vegas with DH for a dental convention do dah. Las Vegas is really not our style, :eek: I plan on taking a lot of yarn to knit Christmas presents while I watch the food network and DH listens to tooth talks. Also, I hope to get in some runs and do a LR of 8 miles next Saturday.

Happy Training.


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