Won't Be on Vmk for a week or two.


<font color=navy>Being <font color=red>Different <
Feb 7, 2006
I won't be on vmk for a week or two. The Reason this happened is every time I go on vmk two minutes after I get on I get ShockWave Error or I dc So untill my parents get me a new computer in a week or two I won't be on vmk I will still be on dis and if I am on vmk I will be lucky.
What a week to miss vmk. There is all this new stuff coming out since I got in a fight with my brother over his computer I can't use his now. I tried today I entered a room it took 2 minutes to get in then I dc same earlier 3 minutes after I got shockwave error arr
completely remove shockwave and flash - go to the adobe site (www.adobe.com) and do a search for "remove shockwave" in their help section - they will give you a tool to remove it and remove flash and then reinstall both and you should be ok then
No I have done that before and it still has not fixed it.
then maybe it isnt a shockwave issue after all - since your parents are buying you a new pc, experiment on this one - try going to the microsoft site and download Internet Explorer 7 - or go ro mozilla.com and download firefox and use that.

PS: If you run VMK Pal, did you uninstall that before removing shockwave?
Make sure you do that. And dont put it back on until you can fix the issue
Better yet...don't run vmkpal at all, see as how it is against the vmk values. :)

Definitely try to re-install shockwave. Make sure it's completely deleted first, or it won't help. I tried IE 7.0, but it kept crashing my computer, so you may want to avoid downloading that. Also, what was the last thing you downloaded to your hd? Take that out, if your problems started shortly after, that may be the problem. Are you running Windows XP? Try a restore point. Might get rid of whatever is causing your problems.
Good luck!
Thing is it says ShockWave Error and sometimes Memory Cast Player Error-A Number was here and I don't like vmk-pal at all. The restore point won't work since when I got my computer for christmas I still had a shockwave and memorycast error. And With firefox it still happens


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