

<font color=green>"Life is as good as monkeys swin
Mar 21, 2006
I just wanted to post something happy...

In about 45 minutes I'm going to go get my braces off. I'm so excited! I've probably had my braces on for about a year and a half, but it seemed much longer. I was so sad that I couldn't eat the things I could before I first got my braces....The sad thing is though that I'm going to get a retainer. I dont know how long I'll have the retainer in, but still... :goodvibes
Congrats! I had my braces for almost four years, and I know how great it is to get them off! Your teeth will feel weird and slimey at first.

As for the retainer, I have one glued to my bottom teeth and I wear the top one at night. I asked how long I have to wear it, and was told, "As long as you want straight teeth." But retainers are nowhere near as annoying as braces.
Hehe, I am glad someone posted about this.
I also have braces. I am going to get them off June 26th, and I flet really nervous when i heard that. I am glad to get these suckers off though.
A lot of pain but worth it in the end.
So you have to wear your retainer forever?

About getting braces: It doesn't hurt at all getting your braces on. They hold your tounge back with this rubber thing and put cotton balls in your checks. Then they use the glue stuff. The glue is the one bad thing about getting them in. It tastes really gross.
Then afterwards you teeth will hurt for a while. Not really really bad though. It's hard to take a bite of something. Pull pieces off of whatever you are eating. It takes a while to eat, but it isn't like this forever.
Then a few days later, your teeth will feel fine. It's just getting adjusted to.
It hurts again when you get them tightened. Not as bad as the first time though.
Then, you might get extra stuff like rubber bands or maybe a pallet expander. The worst thing I had was a pallet expander. It's a metal thing in the roof of your mouth. It's hard to talk, and people have no idea what you are saying. You get more saliva in your mouth, and near the end you have a huge gap in your front teeth. Then they close it. It makes your mouth bigger.

Hope I helped :)
I had my braces for three years! Your teeth will feel really weird when they come off, almost slimy. I hardly ever wore my retainer and my teeth are fine. Good luck!
Congrats! I'm never getting mine off..or so it seems, I've had them on for 2 years
My orthodontist just told me that I'm getting my braces off in a couple months... :goodvibes I've had mine on for about two years and they're really starting to bug me! They hurt for about the first two days for me. As for what foods you can and cannot eat... I do not follow those rules. I am a rebel. LOL. But my orthodontist has never commented on it (because I've never told him...) but gum is fine. And pretty much everything else but I'm not supposed to say that because it's not supposed to be fine.
I just got my barces off a week ago... and I feel great!!! I just got my retainers... and they hurt bad at first... but they get better.
So how did it go???
Woot, I feel great. Sorry I didnt post right after I got my braces off, I had to go to karate after. My retainer is fine, and they dont bug me as much as I thought they would. My top retainer has a smiley face on it, and the bottom one is just green glitter. It is very hard to talk though, lol. I'm very happy...GUM!! :goodvibes

And yes, my teeth do feel weird and slimey!
I just wanted to post something happy...

In about 45 minutes I'm going to go get my braces off. I'm so excited! I've probably had my braces on for about a year and a half, but it seemed much longer. I was so sad that I couldn't eat the things I could before I first got my braces....The sad thing is though that I'm going to get a retainer. I dont know how long I'll have the retainer in, but still... :goodvibes
Happy? What is this happy you speak of? But really congrats I only had my braces for one year, but I wish I had them on right now. They put a wire in on the back of my back teeth, and it bothers me and I had over a year to get used to it. And food gets stuck in it and I can't get it out :(. Like Inta Juice.
Congrats! My dentist said that I didn't need braces. (Thankfully. :))
I don't wear braces. My teeth are perfectly fine! Natural too! As for the slimey thing is ewwwy! Its good when you have your good teeth with ya all the time!
Congrats! I'm never getting mine off..or so it seems, I've had them on for 2 years

Wow, two years! I couldn't stand that. Ducky, just think of the postive. How beautiful your teeth will look when you get them off!

My private trumpet teacher says after you get them off you will want to smile a lot...

Woot, I feel great. Sorry I didnt post right after I got my braces off, I had to go to karate after. My retainer is fine, and they dont bug me as much as I thought they would. My top retainer has a smiley face on it, and the bottom one is just green glitter. It is very hard to talk though, lol. I'm very happy...GUM!!

And yes, my teeth do feel weird and slimey!

Glad you got them off! That is SOO awesome about the smily face! Do you get to like choose what you want on your retainer?
Glad you got them off! That is SOO awesome about the smily face! Do you get to like choose what you want on your retainer?

Yep. I chose the smiley face and green glitter for my retainer. My orthodontist has models of retainers in her building, so I looked at a few of them, and 1 of them had the smiley face on it! :cutie:


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