Working during the parties in MK (MNSSHP, MVMCP, P&PP)


going to college to one day work for the mouse
Jun 18, 2007
So DF was wondering about the parties that get hosted in MK (MNSSHP, MVMCP, P&PP), how work is assigned for those nights?

Has anyone worked in MK and worked any parties? What was it like?

DF was wondering what the role the cast member in the photo below was (MNSSHP) if anyone knew? He was just standing in Main Street with his sign. DF was curious as to what his normal role was.

I was wondering what the normal role was for the cast members who were passing out candy at the MNSSHP?
Thanks for any answers. We were just curious on the subject :)
So DF was wondering about the parties that get hosted in MK (MNSSHP, MVMCP, P&PP), how work is assigned for those nights?

Has anyone worked in MK and worked any parties? What was it like?

DF was wondering what the role the cast member in the photo below was (MNSSHP) if anyone knew? He was just standing in Main Street with his sign. DF was curious as to what his normal role was.

I was wondering what the normal role was for the cast members who were passing out candy at the MNSSHP?
Thanks for any answers. We were just curious on the subject :)

Stupid question: What does DF mean?
The people working on the rides and such will be people who normally work at that location. They will be scheduled through the labor department, and it will be a normal shift for them.

For the folks like the guy pictured with the sign, he could be a cast member assigned to Main Street Operations (which normally includes Parade Audience Control (PAC), Turnstiles, and the WDW RR), or he could be someone that worked in another area, and picked up a PAC shift from the Extra Hours Hotline.

Some of the candy folks are EHH shifts, some are scheduled by their area. (For example, the "wonderland treat trail" on the walkway from Toontown to Tomorrowland, belongs to (and is staffed by) Fantasyland/Toontown Operations.)
For characters, working the party is a little different. How it works is people are "cast" for the parties, so it's almost always the same people doing it every time. They're free to give the shifts away in the book for others to pick up though, that's how I got to work Not-So-Scary.

And because it's like my favorite one ever, a picture from that night. :)

I worked Main Street Ops Fall '07...this was one of the roles I had. The dude in the street is doing what they call "two-way" which is when the park is emptied of day guests as party guests come into the park. Since the parties MNSSHP, PP and MVMCP are all hard ticket events, a sweep of the park is done in order to assure everyone has a wristband...down the middle of main street...he's basically keeping exiting guests to their right, and entering guests to their right. Almost anyone on property can pick up a party shift...doing two-way, or candy/treats distribution.

PS...I'm happy to see they got some better costumes for MNSSHP...I wore a horrendous tshirt and black high waited mom pants :/

...oh yeah...and i LOVED doing all of the parties. we always seemed to be overstaffed, so I could always watch the parade and fireworks, unless i was stuck at turnstiles of course. They also have the Night of Joy, but I think that moved over to HS.
For characters, working the party is a little different. How it works is people are "cast" for the parties, so it's almost always the same people doing it every time. They're free to give the shifts away in the book for others to pick up though, that's how I got to work Not-So-Scary:/


So this could have possibly been the character "you are friends with"?
So this could have possibly been the character "you are friends with"?

I wasn't friends with Minnie in your picture, but I was for one of the parties. One of the best shifts of my whole CP! My attendant was amazing and took enough pictures for me to fill a whole facebook album, haha. So for those of you that have a chance to, I would DEFINITELY recommend working these parties, they are a blast! All the guests I saw were having tons of fun even though the line was so long. Character CPs may not get scheduled these shifts but people were always putting them up in the book when I was there, it's just a matter of grabbing them quick enough. :)
I've been scheduled to work all 3. For mnsshp and mvmcp, I was scheduled there as a character attendant (mnsshp I was mostly on the Treat Trail with the Alice in Wonderland characters, but I also worked the Cosmic Rays dance party a couple of times and worked with Tigger and Piglet once. mvmcp I worked all but 2 of the parties in Frontierland with the Country Bears. The other 2 were Pirates and Toy Story characters). They were so much fun! I loved working the parties. Then I worked P&P in May/June 2008. I was at Casey's in QSFB.
I worked a P&PP and two Grad Nites. The P&PP was neat because I worked right on the parade route and got to watch that. The Grad Nites stunk (literally! Very humid that weekend and I swear none of those kids wore deodorant that night). Also, some of the kids are beyond rude. Scheduling is random, but it's pretty much a guarantee that you'll end up working one of the holiday parties since there's so many.
How does cast ticketing work for these events if you want to go as a guest to one of the parties? Is it a discounted entrance ticket?
Also, do you know if BBB has extended hours for these events or does it close at regular times like a usual day.

CMs do have to buy tickets to the special events. But there are some dates that are discounted.

I know the MK BBB has extended hours (not sure about the one at DTD).
I worked Main Street Ops Fall '07...this was one of the roles I had. The dude in the street is doing what they call "two-way" which is when the park is emptied of day guests as party guests come into the park. Since the parties MNSSHP, PP and MVMCP are all hard ticket events, a sweep of the park is done in order to assure everyone has a wristband...down the middle of main street...he's basically keeping exiting guests to their right, and entering guests to their right. Almost anyone on property can pick up a party shift...doing two-way, or candy/treats distribution.

PS...I'm happy to see they got some better costumes for MNSSHP...I wore a horrendous tshirt and black high waited mom pants :/

...oh yeah...and i LOVED doing all of the parties. we always seemed to be overstaffed, so I could always watch the parade and fireworks, unless i was stuck at turnstiles of course. They also have the Night of Joy, but I think that moved over to HS.

Hey I am doing Main entrance operations this fall so kind of excited this a potential thing I could do during parties!
As a Character Attendant would I get placed here, or would I be able to pick up a shift on the Hub, or would it be a long shot to be able to do this?! They seem really fun so I want to either work them or attend them as a park guest!!!
Have a Magical Day!!!
As a Character Attendant would I get placed here, or would I be able to pick up a shift on the Hub, or would it be a long shot to be able to do this?! They seem really fun so I want to either work them or attend them as a park guest!!!
Have a Magical Day!!!

It depends. Not all character attendants are scheduled for the parties. However, it is possible to pick up shifts from the book (if they are available).
I hope I get scheduled it would be so much fun!! either way I'm definitely going to plan on saving money for park nights like that so I can go to the parties!!! I never got to do them before but since I'm working there I can go!!! A question: do we have to pay park admission PLUS the event price, or do we just pay the event price, or a mixture of both? I'm just wondering, because we get in free except on the blackout dates, if we pay both admission and event price or what that deal is? Still, either way I'm going to take advantage of it!!!
Have a Magical Day!!!
I hope I get scheduled it would be so much fun!! either way I'm definitely going to plan on saving money for park nights like that so I can go to the parties!!! I never got to do them before but since I'm working there I can go!!! A question: do we have to pay park admission PLUS the event price, or do we just pay the event price, or a mixture of both? I'm just wondering, because we get in free except on the blackout dates, if we pay both admission and event price or what that deal is? Still, either way I'm going to take advantage of it!!!
Have a Magical Day!!!

Well, CPs don't have to pay park admission at all (you get in for free with the ID). But you do have to pay for the party ticket. There are some party nights that are discounted for CMs.


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