Worried about my daughter


Aurorasparkle on VMK
Jun 23, 2006
My daughter has not been feeling well for awhile. She's been running fevers off and on. Finally had some blood work done (after going to the doctor forever and being told it's probably viral) and her white blood cell count was very very high. The doctor is concerned about cancer Leukemia. I'm sick over this. We go back in a couple days for a recheck of her numbers and then we might be refered to a specialist depending on the results. If you could please keep my daughter in your thoughts and prayers, I'd appreciate it. If anyone has been through this, I'd appreciate any advice. I'm so sick feeling right now. I'm shaking so bad. Thank You
I haven't been through this, but I have had alot of my family members have been sick with other things.

The best I could do if send you my prayers. I hope your daughter gets better soon.

Hugs :hug:

~yo yo 700~
:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Oh Sparkle, I am so sorry you are going through this stress.

I have never been through this, but I do know how hard it is waiting for answers.

I will be thinking of you and your daughter. Fingers crossed hoping for the best!

I'm so sorry honey!!! :hug:

My thoughts and prayers are with you :grouphug:


I HAVE been through this and in nice words it stinks!

My son was in the hospital for having a breathing and swallowing problem. The doctors decided to take a routine cat scan to see if the things they did were ok. I should have known when they did not want to talk in front of him that something was up. I was pulled into a separate room and told that they found a mass in his chest and could be cancer....

I don't remember much as the room started spinning and doctors words became dull and blurred. I felt like I could not breathe and wanted out so bad. I could not go back in his room. I stumbled out of the hospital across the parking lot to the edge of the woods and remember grabbing a tree as i felt like I was going to faint or be sick. I held on that tree and just cried and cried saying not my baby not him.

I knew I had to get it together and make calls and go back in to see him. By the way he is my youngest and was 13 at the time.

You feel like your feet have been cut off and everything in you is draining out. Everything is spinning nothing makes sense.

The hardest part for me was all the waiting. He had to come home wait a week schedule a biopsy. Waiting 7-10 days for the result was BRUTAL. I kept saying in today's modern medicine why so long. I wanted him fixed now! I wanted to rip that tumor out of his chest!

My worst fears came true and he was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I decided I could either fall a part or grab the bull by the horn and face it down. I was scared but I grabbed that bull.

Here a few things that I learned that was helpful.

Get off the internet. I bet you have googled and looked up everything under the sun. There is a lot of scary stuff out there if you do not have an exact diagnosis. My good friend here Laurabearz got me off the searching. She made me see that I was scaring my self and to save the research until I knew what I needed to research. Wise words from her.

When you go to see the doctor try to have a person with you that is not a parent of the child. Someone like a friend who can keep a level head and listen to what the doctor says as it will all be a blur to you. My best friend came and it helped.

Paper and pen are most needed now. Write down everything the doctor tells you. Write down what is being done as things move a long.

I don't know how old your child is but don't be afraid to talk to them. They are in tune to us more then we know and they know so much more then we can imagine.

If it is cancer remember that it is not a death sentence. Modern medicine is so amazing.

One of the hardest things for me was letting go of his care. As a parent you are the one that takes care of your child and makes the decisions but when diagnosed with cancer it all changes. The doctors are in charge and they take over the care. Not easy for me to except.

Realize that there really are not choices. The doctors like you to believe there is but in the end they lay out what has to be done and you go with the flow.

Try to keep positive people around you. Make sure you really like your doctor as it really helps.

You will be thrown so much information at 1 time in regards to many things not just treatment. You will not be able to comprehend it all at once don't try to.

I will not lie-it will not be easy but I knew I had to do it for him.

He has since been through chemotherapy. He is having radiation right now-10 more treatments. The cancer is gone! Life is settling back now. We all breathe a little easier. I leaned a great deal from him. He is an amazing strong young man. I have such respect and admiration for him for what he has gone through and how he has handled it. He is still a happy full of life not bitter kid. He and I will be forever closer from all this.

A wise "Bear" told me once to think of it this way. There is a different path in life now. It is not the path you chose but it is still a path to follow. When I would say I wanted my normal life back she would say that you make a new normal for yourself. She is so right.

I will say prayers and send pixie dust and hope your news turns out good. There are many of us who know exactly how you are feeling and :grouphug: to you and your family.

Bug and Slinkyman
Hugs to you all!! :hug: :hug: :hug: Sending many well wishes and lot of pixie dust your way!! pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:
My daughter has not been feeling well for awhile. She's been running fevers off and on. Finally had some blood work done (after going to the doctor forever and being told it's probably viral) and her white blood cell count was very very high. The doctor is concerned about cancer Leukemia. I'm sick over this. We go back in a couple days for a recheck of her numbers and then we might be refered to a specialist depending on the results. If you could please keep my daughter in your thoughts and prayers, I'd appreciate it. If anyone has been through this, I'd appreciate any advice. I'm so sick feeling right now. I'm shaking so bad. Thank You

OMG! she will definetly be in my prayers and i hope she feels better :(:hug:
I have an uncle who is mentally retarted - i don't know another way to say it - and he had leukemia and he fought and fought and he threw up all the time but he still went through with it. He survived and it has been five years since he had leukemia and i am very proud of him. Just have faith and you will see that faith conquers all illnesses.
:sick: hope she feels better :(
I am so sorry to hear this, sleepingbeautymama. My heart goes out to you and your little girl, and YES, I will keep both of you in my prayers. Please please keep us informed!

I have gone through the battles of leukemia with my baby sister, who is on the DIS boards (don't think she would mind my sharing this). She is now a beautiful healthy young woman expecting her first baby in May.

Please, if you ever want to talk or just need a shoulder to cry on, you can contact me via pm.

Hugs to you! :hug:
Sending prayers and good wishes for you and your daughter. :grouphug:
aww, sending pixies and hugs your way!:wizard: :grouphug: I don't know what it is like for cancer, but it must be hard. my grandfather is blind in one eye and almost blind in his other. my father has been through at least four near-death experiences, the most recent was weeks before we went to WDW. somehow he pulls through them. my father is then again a nurse (hah, a boy nurse) so his knowledge helps him with what to do and all. my best advice for you is to always have faith and remember that God is always, ALWAYS available to talk to you. do what you think is right, even if it may hurt. just remember, God didnt give you a guardian angel, family, and friends for nothing :)

*~*green*~* :wizard:

PS: this might cheer you up

Thank you all for trying to make me feel better. The stories of hope really help but this is so hard just sitting here waiting to go back for another test. I really want to jump in the car and do it now. It feels like torture. Today my daughter feels very good and she's happy and playing and here I am moping around. She tells me I'm all better today and yet I know that for a long time we've been going through this where one day she has a temp of 102 and then is normal and happy the next day and then she runs a low fever for a couple weeks and feels bad, then seems normal again, etc, etc, etc. She complains of back, leg and gum pain which I know are worrisome. I'm scared to have her go through more tests and scared of what may come. She's only 4, almost 5 and how do you explain something like this to a child this little?

Bug, I really want to thank you for taking the time to write your advice. The internet advice, I did what I shouldn't have and read and read and scared myself more. My husband wants to disconnect the computer and he'd probably be yelling at me to get off now if he knew I was on, but he's outside at the moment. I'm sorry you have had to go through all of this stress and my thoughts and prayers are with your family and your son.

We go back in tomorrow to recheck her blood so I hope to have some answers.
:hug: I'm so sorry. Waiting to find out exactly what is going on is so hard.

Sending hugs and pixie dust your way. I will be keeping your daughter in my prayers.

Hugs :hug: and Pixie Dust pixiedust: to you and your family. The only advice I can offer is to make sure you have a good support system. Good friends and close family can make all the difference in keeping you strong. And don't forget to take care of yourself.
hugs to you, your daughter and your family.

Best wishes and will be thinking about you and yours.

Loads of Pixie dust headed your way.:hug:
The single most important thing you can do at this exact moment while you are waiting is not jump to any early conclusions. As difficult as it is - wait for the results. You may cause yourself worry for no reason.

Hugs and pixiedust and wishes for clean result!
:grouphug:, prayers and pixiedust: to you, your daughter and your family.
Follow the advice from those people here like Bug who has much experience in this area and follow the advice from the doctors.

I know it's very nerve wracking to wait to see what is wrong. At least with most diseases these days, there is a very high rate to easily find out what it is and to get to treating it immediately.

As stated, cancer (and other diseases) are no longer and automatic death sentence these days. Many people go on to live happy and heathly lives after early detection and treatment. :goodvibes

All my best to you and your daughter. :hug:
Prayers and pixie dust. And go with Bug on this one. Not knowing and trying to find out information only leads to panick and confusion, depression and fear.

When the doctor told me he was checking for rare neurological diseases I started to search it out. And boy that just depressed and scared me. So it is better to go with today only. Today your daugher does not have something really serious. Today you make it as best as you can. I know if or when something big comes along you will have the strength to deal with it. Just like Bug says. Fear is only there for something with can not understand or control. Hope and faith gives us the courage to face whatever life throws at us.

So I pray that you will have faith, hope and peace as you wait :grouphug:


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