Worst part of trip not closed headliners but mean people!


DIS Veteran
May 4, 2011
Yes, I was VERY frustrated and disappointed that Matterhorn and Space Mountain were closed during Magic morning yesterday (and stayed closed). Yes, I was sad I missed seeing all of the Long Lost Friends since they switched out before the whole line went through. Yes, I was frustrated when RSR broke down during our FastPass return time, an hour before our Ariel's Grotto reservation (but they still accepted our FP 3 hours later). But the absolute worst part of an otherwise great trip were mean people!

I know folks have high expectations for a Disney trip, may be tired and cranky from pushing themselves too hard, or might just be oblivious when they cut in line. But you can still be apologetic when you realize your mistake instead of lashing out in anger at the person who tells you the line is in the back over there.

We were in the "secret" Dole Whip line and I know the Tiki Room waiting area gets crowded but this man (who had a 3 or 4 year old daughter with him) called me a despicable disgusting person for telling him the line was back there. He insisted he was in the right place and I replied no, you cut and he went off on me. I looked him straight in the eye and didn't blink. He then said he was going to look for someone to complain and I said,"yes, please do. I want to hear what you tell them."

He stared blankly at me for a second and then said, "I'm not going to put up with this. " He stalks off to the CM, points to us and walks out.

The CM looked at us but did not walk over. I was very curious what he said but didn't want to lose my place in line. After he left, the 2 ladies in front of me said, "wow he is such a bad role model for his daughter."

Anyhow I was pretty shaken but glad I stood up to his bullying tactics and it was a good life lesson for my 6 year old. We discussed it for a few minutes after he left, explaining that he was angry and embarrassed to have been caught cutting and lashed out at me in anger. I also emphasized that we should always follow the rules and think about what our actions say about us.

Then we each enjoyed a delicious Dole Whip Float. Later on his same trip 2 other groups of people cut in front of us. One group left when confronted, the other group just ignored us. Other than the Dole whip line incident, we had a great trip.
I am sorry that happened to you. It amazes me how rude some people can be.

It is good to hear that you stood your ground and refused to let that guy walk all over you.

Glad you had a fun trip!
I have a theory about mean people that you meet in your day to day life. Whether at work, in a store, in traffic or even on vacation. That theory is I'd rather have a mean person present themselves as a nuisance in my life than to ever be one myself.

I feel sorry for this guy in a way - he walked away likely quite well aware of the fact that he was a big.giant.loser for doing what he did. I guess though sometimes when a person commits to the role they have to see it play out.

Holding your ground against someone like this is a great idea - but don't hold onto the anger - that is his to carry around with him! :goodvibes
I actually had a person behind me with his kids, cut under the ropes and cut in front of me. When I asked him what he was doing he said he didnt see a problem with what he did. He said the ropes are just there to keep people in line and if its not busy you can cut under them!

I was amazed at his answer but not shocked since a lot of people seem to have this attitude anymore. Plus that was probably the 10th time that day someone had cut in front of us.

I guess the best part was he must have felt threatened by me because I made sure I stayed on his heels the whole way thru the line and Im 6'5 and he was about 5'9 and he kept looking back probably waiting for me to grab him lol. Then when we went to get onto the ride they asked if anyone was doubles or signals and we got to beat them onto the ride.
On one of our first trips, I was feeding the baby outside of the Jungle Cruise and a youngish teenage girl was waiting next to me (her dad had gone to the bathroom). She accidentally dropped her Sprite and it caused it to spray a little bit. This young 20-ish lady went off on this poor girl. Called her all sorts of names, called her stupid, fat, etc and then spit on her. I had wipes in my stroller so I helped her (the teenage girl) clean herself off and hugged her and the minute her dad came and saw her so upset, I told him what had happened and he took off. I don't know what he said to the lady, but he reported back by the end she was full of apologies. People can be very mean.
I'm one to speak my mind if people cut in front of me. :D I have hopes that my opinion will make them think twice the next time they consider it.

I *may* have yelled at people to sit down during Fantasmic the last time I was at DL. :blush:
Do you mean like when it's a switch back line and no one is in it? Like outside out Space Mountain?

I usually don't cut through these lines, but I often see people do it, doesn't worry me too much. For example if I'm walking quite slowly through the switch back line and someone with very excited kids come up behind me, I'm not worried if they cut in front of me. :confused3
We were waiting for WOC in Feb of this year. My four grandkids and I arrived 45 minutes before the show, to get a nice spot next to the rail near the front. About 15 minutes before the show a guy with his extended family shows up and tries to crowd us out.

He started pushing me and yelling at me to stop pushing him. I tell him I’m not touching him, he was pushing me! Talk about rude and mean....

He yelled for someone to get security here to take care of me. So I told him, YES! Get security here. He was like this for the whole time before the show. Security never came, I wish they had. It might have made things better. During the show he’d push or shove me every few minutes.

This guy was the biggest #*$ I have ever come across in Disneyland. This guy picked the wrong grandma to mess with. I held my ground and didn't let him push us out.

I have never been bullied like this before. His behavior made the line cutters look like angels.

By the way this was the grandkids favorite story of the trip to tell their parents.

A few years ago I was in Disneyland with my kids, my husband, and his family. His father had been exercising everyday just so he could get around without using a ECV. He was thrown from a horse and had a rough recovery. He still has a cane. We were getting on the carousel everything was fine and he was only a step behind be until a family came rushing up. He wanted to get on with his grandkids. So I waited and let him come in front of me. A woman behind me kept saying quit pushing but I am not sure who she was talking to because it was behind me. It felt directed at me but I never turned around. I was afraid I would verbally attack her. I am generally shy and timid but if I start I don't back down until the anger has left and then I am very shaken. I understand that people are in a hurry but I wish others would have recognized we were a family and my father-in-law did not need to be pushed around.
This was at Universal Studios, but this is definitely Karma biting somebody in the butt. The line for the Mummy ride wasn't long and we were meandering through the queue. These boys were behind us (and we were walking slow because it was hot outside and it was cold here so we didn't want to rush it). They kept saying, "Hey fatties, move it. Come on fatties." Which made me walk slower. They decided to jump the rails to get around us. The one boy caught his foot, fell, and broke his arm so bad the bone was sticking through it. Now, I feel awful he hurt himself because I wouldn't wish that on anybody but if they had been polite and asked us to move so they could get around us we would have gladly moved. And, that obviously ended his day and probably trip in a most horrific way.
Sorry to hear about your experiences. I had a similar issue today with the single rider line for Screamin'. So frustrating. Didn't affect my wait much, but I hate to see cutters. LOL. Makes me feel like I'm in elementary school again to say that, but it's true.

There are a lot of rude people in the world. Unfortunately, rude people and even some perfectly nice people are teaching their children to also be rude. Endless cycle. I've literally had people knock my mother over (she walks with a cane) and trample my son's stroller before. That's what really annoys me, even more than the frequent line issues. The nice thing about Disneyland though is that at least the ambiance makes up for the people...most of the time.
Yesterday I was waiting for my family to finish their ride on Screaming, I was waiting out of the way near the photo window... Along came a group of teens and started pushing and shoving me.. I am 5'11 with a cane and an attitude if someone is rude to me.. I stood my ground until a young man came up and punched me in the back,, he learned the hard way never to touch me...

You would think that you would see someone standing there and move round them, not through them... :confused3
Reading all of these has reminded me of three bad experiences with the parades. The first was when I only had the first two kids and they were very young. We had staked out spots for the parade and this family came up with their father in a wheelchair and parked him right in front of my kids. My mom politely asked the lady to move the wheelchair and the lady went crazy. My mom was not so kind after that. Other families around us got involved telling the lady she was in the wrong, but she just kept screaming. The wife of the man in the wheelchair suggested I have my kids sit on his lap to see. Thankfully, a CM came by not much longer and showed the family where the handicap seating was, so thankfully we didn't have to endure this the entire parade.

The other two times were families pushing their kids in front us. Once, the kids moved our stuff and kept inching over and I finally had to tell them (nicely) to stop. The other time is a lady pushing her daughter so far forward, she was leaning on my daughter in order to fit. I also politely asked her to back up some. It's frustrating because if people are polite about it, I almost always scoot back to allow a small child to sit in my curbside seat or we squish together to allow it.
We were waiting for WOC in Feb of this year. My four grandkids and I arrived 45 minutes before the show, to get a nice spot next to the rail near the front. About 15 minutes before the show a guy with his extended family shows up and tries to crowd us out.

He started pushing me and yelling at me to stop pushing him. I tell him I’m not touching him, he was pushing me! Talk about rude and mean....

He yelled for someone to get security here to take care of me. So I told him, YES! Get security here. He was like this for the whole time before the show. Security never came, I wish they had. It might have made things better. During the show he’d push or shove me every few minutes.

This guy was the biggest #*$ I have ever come across in Disneyland. This guy picked the wrong grandma to mess with. I held my ground and didn't let him push us out.

I have never been bullied like this before. His behavior made the line cutters look like angels.

By the way this was the grandkids favorite story of the trip to tell their parents.


This is why I don't like going to the parades and shows anymore. I feel like I spend the whole time trying to guard my "space." The people that show up last minute, are always the worst.:(
Last Chritmas we were waiting on the fireworks right by a rope....we had people trying to cut in front of us over and over again...I had a family try to push in front and stopped them,,,but did have one nice family that had kids and they asked if they could stand in front of us....I told them if they had no problem with the adults standing behind us would had no problem with the kids in front of us.They were so nice afterwards and thanked us time again.

Rude people get know where with me,,,but be nice and people are sooo much more willing to help you!!!
Good for you for handling it in a classy way and not stooping to his level! I am sometimes hot headed and I don't know if I could keep my cool when directly confronted like that!
When we were there last month we were walking through the castle into Fantasyland. I have been through a very rough few months, having had back surgery in November. I was nervous and a little slower than usual on this trip. But I needed my happy place fix so we decided it was time to go to Disney. While walking through the castle I slowed down even more so that I could take it all in (like I always do) and this woman came barreling behind me pushing a baby in a stroller. I had my daughter next to me and she was nearly run over, so I said "Excuse me, please watch where you are going" and she turned around and said "I'll do whatever the **** I want, *****!!" I was not expecting that! Like I said, I am hot headed, but I had my kids with me and I didn't want to get myself thrown out of Disneyland! So I let it go. But had she been standing still and had I not been recovering from surgery, I don't know what would have happened!
We also saw a man run over a girl's foot in an EVC and laugh! He didn't look well and we saw security with him later in the day.
We also got stuck in front of a group of college aged kids on Star Tours who swore and made jokes the whole time. Even after my husband asked them to tone down the language.
It was a strange trip. Maybe Spring Break brought out the crazies?!
The only bit of advice I can give you is never go to Disneyland Paris. Like cutting over there is like a national sport.
I have seen cutting several times and it always amazes me. I guess I don't understand the bully mentality. But, even when confronted they usually play stupid and often times it takes more than one comment to have them move.
We were in the "secret" Dole Whip line and I know the Tiki Room waiting area gets crowded but this man (who had a 3 or 4 year old daughter with him) called me a despicable disgusting person for telling him the line was back there. He insisted he was in the right place and I replied no, you cut and he went off on me. I looked him straight in the eye and didn't blink. He then said he was going to look for someone to complain and I said,"yes, please do. I want to hear what you tell them."

He stared blankly at me for a second and then said, "I'm not going to put up with this. " He stalks off to the CM, points to us and walks out.

The CM looked at us but did not walk over.

Just FYI, CMs do not confront line cutters. We waited in a long line for food, only to have a man come in from the side entrance, push his way right in front of us as we moved towards the register and proceed to order. The CM helped him, then apologized to us for the wait when he was gone.

I'm not saying don't say things (politely) like, "Excuse me, the end of the line is back there," but if you're expecting Disney to swoop in and control the behavior, you'll just end up disappointed and frustrate yourself against the brick wall of entitlement that line cutters bring with them.

Also, and this is just my opinion, but I don't understand why the OP needed to take a parting shot at the man in order to extend the confrontation. He was informed that he cut in line, he clearly wasn't moving. Had I witnessed that scene as described I probably would have come away with the impression that the person who needed to have the last word with, "yes, please do, I want to hear what you tell them" was almost as rude as the line cutter for not deescalating the situation.

No one wins in a scenario when guests get into a verbal pissing match over the Dole Whip line.


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