Would this be too weird?


Tinkerbell's Mom
Jul 25, 2001
Reading the thread about people inviting themselves along on vacation made me think about this for some reason. My DH and I have recently been discussing our reservations for next May, and how thrilled our only DD would be to take a friend along. She will be 11 by then, and has a very nice friend that we would enjoy having along, I think. So we were discussing the appropriateness of inviting the friend, and by the way could her parents pay for airfare and Disney tickets, and some spending money? Then I had the thought that I wouldn't want my 11 year old daughter going off to WDW without me, and we have enough points for a 2 BR on that trip. The friend's parents and one younger brother seem very nice, though we don't know them well. We were laughing that we should invite them over for dinner and say, "by the way, would you like to go to WDW with us?" They might think us a little strange. I guess only those of you with an only child might understand, and maybe have done something similar. Anyone?
As the parent of an only child (DD who is 3 1/2) I've often thought of that same scenario in the future!! What a wonderful and generous thought!! I'm sure if you approach the subject w/ the phrase "I know this will seem strange BUT..." I know as parents of an only child we would NEVER want her to go "home" w/out us...until she's 18 that is ;) I'm sure you will have a wonderful trip and what generosity you are teaching your daughter!! enjoy!!
If I were in your shoes, I would extend the invite to the family. HOWEVER, I would recommend two studios (less points) or a 1BR for you and a studio for them. That way the kids see each other throughout the day and night and both families can retreat if the other is not as nice as they seem. ;) Not to imply they wouldn't be, but it would make for a good buffer. Perhaps, you could give them the choice of the family or just their child.
It is a very generous idea, I do like what Mickbee suggested. That way you will be able to have some alone time with you and your family while enjoying the company of others.

Good luck.
Just one snag that may occur. How old is the younger brother. I know as a family of four 2 and 2 on the rides is perfect. Since the reason for bringing them would be for your daughter to have someone there.....with 3 kids someone is left out, could be a problem.
We usually bring a friend with us when we travel as our daughter is the youngest child and her brothers are in college. Depending on the situation, we have asked the friends family to pay for airfare, park passes, and spending money, but on occasion have used frequent flyer tickets or paid for their airfare. It is a very nice gesture to invite the whole family and I believe it would be their responsibility to deal with the younger brother and entertain him. However it doesn't always work that way with some families! You can certainly present the offer to them- that you would like to invite their daughter as a companion to your daughter and that they are welcome to come as well and let them make the decision whether to come along or not. Or if you are unsure how you will get along with them, I wouldn't hesitate to just invite the daughter. They may be happy for her to have the opportunity to go and it will be less costly to pay for 1 vs. 4 people.
hi: we've always invited a friend or two of the kids to come along since 1993. the youngest age we've taken is 12 yo. it will really depend on the child and parents if this is possible. the 12yo we took with us many years ago was fairly mature for his age, was always at our house anyway, and his folks were fine. on other trips we've had immature 14 and 15 yos who made things a little more complicated. if the other family and your family get along fine and will want to spend a lot of time together, then get them a studio or a 2br/lockoff would be good as well. you may also want to reconsider taking just your dd's friend depending on her maturity level.
We have often taken 'extra' kids along. If you end up taking just the child, make sure you get a copy of their medical insurance cards, and some documentation that gives you permission to make medical decisions in case of an emergency. Also, get a list of any meds, both over the counter and script, that should and should not be given to the child. Also any foods that could cause a problem. We have done this for every trip, and, thankfully have never needed it. Better safe than sorry.
My oldest is 12 and youngest is 5 and I know 100% I would not let them go with a friend - However, we are talking across the country here - we're in California so that's quite a distance in case of emergency. We take friends to Disneyland all the time - even overnight stays are fine (youngest friend was 7) - we would certainly welcome that kind of invitation for our kids to people we knew well. As far as going on vacation with a family you don't know well, I agree with Mickbee - separate rooms definitely. With 3 kids, I find that each of them mingle with new friends they meet on vacation. I don't think you have to worry too much about loneliness. WDW = lots of kids
Good luck with whatever you decide. Have a great trip!!!
Our next trip in July, we're taking our DD best friend with us. Her mother, who is a single parent, was thrilled that we were asking. She's been once before, but that was years ago. We've discussed things with her mother like having a copy of their medical insurance card, a letter authorizing us to take her and do emergency medical procedures. Since "we asked" I feel that it's up to us to pay for her airfare, tickets, meals and room, we're only having one room so thats no big deal. To my wife and I, we see that as expected from us since "we" invited her. The only things we told her to bring was her own spending money, a camera/film, and be ready to ave a great time. Both girls are already planning what to take clothing wise, what rides to go on first, and other "girl things". I love it!!!! All of us beleive that this trip will be "one of those great memories" they will cherish forever.
Last summer DD, 15, and DS, 17, each brought a friend. In each case, the friends paid for their air fare, passes, and meals out (well, most of them). We provided the room, breakfast, snacks, cold drinks, etc. We all had a great time, and I don't think the other families thought we were unreasonable in assuming that their kids would pay certain expenses. Having a 'free' place to sleep at WDW saved them both some major bucks.
We've taken a friend for DS for each of our last 2 summer vacations. They were 17 and 18 each year. We paid for the room of course, also food and airfare (we had frequent flyer miles available so we weren't out of pocket). We asked that the other boy pay for his own ticket into the park and some pocket money. Since he was a teen and had plenty of advance notice there was time for him to save up money.

I also gave them some (limited) amount of money for the week for cold drinks, ice cream etc. It wasn't a lot and they both carried water bottles, saved the money and bought t shirts!
My 8 year old son is an only child and we will soon be faced with those same questions. Up until now we have always brought my sister's entire family with us so my son had 4 cousins along. I would not allow my son to travel with another family yet, so would hesitate to invite a friend along. Since we are very friendly with several of his classmates families, I would just ask them to come along, assuming I could afford the points. Of course as he gets older the scenario changes. Actually, we had these thoughts in our minds when we purchased DVC and he was only a baby...we knew he'd be an only child and whats more perfect then DVC to give us all those type of options!
Lots of great thoughts and suggestions here. Those of you that have several kids, would you allow one to go to WDW with a friend? Seems like it would cause some jealousy, if the other sibs have never had the chance to go, or even if they have! That was part of the train of thought when I considered inviting the whole family. Diana
If my child was old enough for me to feel comfortable being that far away with a friend, I would have no problem at all sending her without fear of jealousy from the other two. I would feel so happy for my child to be given that opportunity, I wouldn't want to deprive her of it. Besides, that's part of growing up. It's impossible to have equality in every aspect of a child's life. I grew up in a family of 8 kids and let me tell you there was no equality when it came to invitations. However, we came to understand jealousy could not play a part in it because it had nothing to do with our siblings. However, I would encourage the child to purchase a souvenir for their sibling(s) while on their vacation - to share in their "good fortune" which I believe is an important lesson also. When one of my daughters returns from a party, they always share in the "loot bags", it's a tradition now. I know they would be happy shopping for a special present for their sister to share in their happiness - and their sister would be thrilled to receive a special present.
My youngest.....Isn't she a doll?
....... we have a son your daughter could be best friends with for about a week or so. What time should we be over for dinner ? When are we leaving :-)
KNWViking, LOL. I was talking about this with one of the Mom's at soccer practice this week, and I have noticed that one of the girls that overheard the conversation is now being much friendlier with my daughter! Since we are now having trouble even finding a friend to spend the night and go to the Balloon Fiesta with us the next morning, this is starting to seem problematic. The girls would love to do it, we just can't seem to get anyone away from their overscheduled life. And phone calls don't seem to get returned these days. This isn't just a couple of families, it seems pretty universal. I think Tink needs to find a good friend that is also an only!
Our DS has gone with friends and had a great time. Unfortunately a few years before that, his sister was kiled in an automobile wreck, the month my husband was going to take them both to Disney (we weren't married yet, just dating). DH had a hard time with going to Disney at first, but has been several times since and we have all had a great time.

We are glad we allowed DS to go with friends and we have gone along with them too. We have also taken my step-nephew too. I would take someone new each chance I got, it is so wonderful to see Disney through someone else's eyes. It is like being there for the first time!

Your DD will have a great time by bringing along someone her own age to pal around with.



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