would you add an extra night to this trip?


World's Greatest Aunt! -- or so the kids tell me.
Oct 6, 2003
one problem solved....and another arises. not really a problem but just looking for help. especially from anyone who has taken young children. my plan as it stands now is to take the kids (11 and 7) on an early flight (around 6am) on monday. i had planned to alternate the 2 parks with breaks in the day to hit the pools. i have bought us 5 day passes to the parks and figured that we could get all done in that time. i have gone with just adults before and gotten each park done in 1 day for each but with the kids realize that i need to go at a slower pace for my sanity and their tired feet.

my question is, whether i should leave my trip from monday to friday. we would arrive around 8:30 in the morning on the 1st day and i had planned to checkin for FOTL and drop off our lugguage. my first thought was that the kids would be excited and ready to go. i am now wondering how long they will last with me that first day? should i fly us there sunday night so that we can get into our room, have a nice dinner at citywalk, and then a good night sleep before the first full day? i know it adds money to the trip for the extra night (right now i have $169 at RPR) but would it be worth it to my sanity and their feet?
Hi Candace, The beauty of the express pass is you can get a lot more done in the parks because you not wasting time standing in line. My last two trips to Universal were both 5 days and I felt we totallly saw both parks. So I don't think it is necessary as far as the parks go. However if you can afford it and want to just spend an entire day at pool, then go for it.
thanks for the reply. i was wondering where everyone was today. if i do go a day early, i am not planning on going to the park. i was thinking of arriving around check in time (4:00 i think) and just unpacking and going to dinner. i thought this may allow for 5 half days in the park. i know my niece and nephew and they will certainly want to go to the pool everyday! as for the extra cost, no i can't really afford it. i could squeeze it out somewhere and do it if it will mean no dealing with tired kids on monday. or am i just worrying about nothing? thanks!
No, I probably wouldn't add the extra day. You'll have plenty of time to see everything and still have time at the pools. The kids may outlast you that first day.

You are definately worrying too much, you are going to have a great time!!! Do not book the extra day and relax about the trip.
I wouldn't book an extra night just to relax for that afternoon. Keep the same plan. Just get a good night sleep and take the early morning plane, then when you guys get there, the kids wil be ready for lots of fun. You can save that money and use it for character breakfast and souvinier. With FOTL, you guys will see everything and still have plenty of time to use the pool. Enjoy!
Just remember to take that break by the pool. We arrived on a Sat. morning, walked US while waiting for the room to be ready, then walked through IOA that night. We did the parks the next day also. THEN Disc. Cove on Mon. and Wet N Wild on Tues. By Wed, my 13 and 17 yr olds were even worn out.....the front of our legs really hurt (shin splint type pain) from being "on the go" so much. We ended up getting a cabana for the 4th day and just sitting by the pool all day and then hitting the parks again that night. We had big plans to do it all and see it all in our 7 day trip, but we learned quickly that we had to pace ourselves. Enjoy your trip but be sure to take breaks enough! Your younger kids will love the squirt gun boat at the pool....even adults were walking over to that area and playing!
thanks guys. i didn't really want to spend the extra money. i am going to keep the trip as is (monday-friday) and just relax. thanks for telling me to get over it and just have fun!
Also, remember that you can pool hop and try the other on-site pools.

You'll have a great time. What a nice aunt you are! I bet their parents will have a nice time, too.

i don't have kids so i like to take them away when i can. i just never took them without at least one of their parents there but my sister and her husband are going to be in jamaica at a friend's wedding that week and it helps them out because they have 4 children and i am taking 2 so they only have to get relatives to watch the other 2. i had taken there oldest son with me this past august to akl so i owed the other 2 a trip. their 4th child is only 7 months so i won't be taking him anywhere until he is out of diapers! HA! HA! i can't wait though. i asked them where they wanted to go and to start planning something.

i told them that they could go anywhere they wanted. wouldn't you know, just like kids, they couldn't come up with anything better than great adventure or dorney park for the day! my sister said that they are not her kids when they think like that and to dream bigger. she would have said hawaii!!! anyway, they don't know yet so it is still a surprise. they have never flown before so hopefully they will be fine. i am not going to tell them until they get out of school which is 2 weeks before our trip. if i can hold my tongue that long!
Speaking of Dorney Park, I brought my 4 kids there this summer and we had a blast. (We were having a lot of our house painted and I didn't think that our 3yo would do well staying out of the way of painters so I took the kids away for a few days.). We loved the water area at Dorney Park. I observed in the squirting area for awhile before I eventually joined in squirting unsuspecting people. I didn't want to leave. Even my teenage daughter got in on the fun (she normally would turn her nose up at such childish behavior lol). That area must have been designed by the people who did the Curious George water area at IoA, but I like the Dorney Park area better. We plan to go back this summer with my DH, even though it is a several hour drive.

An extra day or night at Universal? By all means, if you can afford it, do it. I would. There is so much to do and my 3 year old sometimes goes into meltdown mode so I know what you mean.

Have fun!


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