WW Weekly Weigh-in

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I know how discouraging it is. My sister and I are both doing WW. I have more to lose than her, and do everything right. She cheats and eats junk all the time, then at Weigh in she loses more than me!:mad: :hug: But I gotta love her!:lmao:

Thanks for the support! It is just frustrating. And I do understand that everybody's body is different and therefore will respond differently to weight loss, but still....arrrggghhh! :scared: It drives me nuts. All I can do is keep on keepin' on, which I will continue to do.

I took everyone's advice and have broken into my piggy bank of flex points. :rotfl2: I used some on each Friday, Sat., and Sunday (I still have plenty left as well as my activity points, so I am not going crazy). While I certainly enjoyed eating a bit more, I will say that I felt really bloated and heavy this week-end. Today I feel much better and I am planning to sticking to just my daily points today...shaking things up a bit I guess.

We'll see. I am not sure if I am going to weigh-in on Weds. or Friday this week...depends on my schedule.
Well, good news and OK news from me. On one hand, I went shopping over the weekend with a bunch of ladies from our church and bought clothes a size smaller than I've been wearing--a size I haven't been in at least 7 years, and down 3 sizes from 2 years ago! :cool1:

On the other hand, today was weigh-in day, and no loss this week. No gain either, though. I didn't drink as much water over the weekend, which makes a big difference with me. I exercised more last week and dipped into my Flex points a little once in a while, so I was a little bummed this morning--but that was short-lived. I'm still on the right track!!:thumbsup2
I had weigh in tonight! I lost another Pound!:cool1: :cool1: Down 22.2 since I began in September. Also, had a check up with my doctor today and he said everything is looking better. My blood pressure has gone down!:banana: Now I have to work to get off the rest of the 80 lbs I need to lose!:headache: Congrats to everyone who lost this week and for the ones who did not to so great, it's ok! Next week will be better!:hug:
Well, good news and OK news from me. On one hand, I went shopping over the weekend with a bunch of ladies from our church and bought clothes a size smaller than I've been wearing--a size I haven't been in at least 7 years, and down 3 sizes from 2 years ago! :cool1:

On the other hand, today was weigh-in day, and no loss this week. No gain either, though. I didn't drink as much water over the weekend, which makes a big difference with me. I exercised more last week and dipped into my Flex points a little once in a while, so I was a little bummed this morning--but that was short-lived. I'm still on the right track!!:thumbsup2

Way to go on the smaller size. I haven't gotten there yet. I went shopping yesterday for Easter goodies for my kids and I didn't even look in my department. I am determined I will not buy a shirt in an XLarge again. I'm hoping by next month I'll fit into a large. I hope next week you will report a nice loss. Good luck.

I had weigh in tonight! I lost another Pound!:cool1: :cool1: Down 22.2 since I began in September. Also, had a check up with my doctor today and he said everything is looking better. My blood pressure has gone down!:banana: Now I have to work to get off the rest of the 80 lbs I need to lose!:headache: Congrats to everyone who lost this week and for the ones who did not to so great, it's ok! Next week will be better!:hug:
Great news and keep up the good work.
I'm happy to report that after gaining the past 2 weeks i showed a loss of 1.5 pounds this morning. :cool1: Still have to lose 1 pound to get back to my pre-gain but happy to see a loss.
Hi All!

Congrats to everyone! For losses, staying on track, etc.

Thank you for the warm welcome. I have my weigh in this evening and not really sure if I had a loss (I try not to get on the scale at home). I didn't journal as good this past week and went over a bit.

I will go to the meeting and start fresh this week.

Do any of you have any rituals on weigh in day? I try and wear the same type of clothes and eat a bit lighter.

Have a great day!
Hello everyone!!

Congratulations to all for being here, those that are losing, those who maintain, and those who may gain once in a while. It's tough, but we can all to it and reach our goals.

I am down .8 this week, and trying to have the patience I need to stick it with it. I have been trying so long to get out of the 180s, up and down, and still am only 185.2. I think I'm going to try and lose in 5 pound increments and hope that won't be as frustrating. My goal for next week is to get below 185, and then after that to stay below it. Baby steps, I know will get me there.

Keep up the great work everyone!! We can do this!!:cheer2:
My weigh in is tomorrow morning and I am a bit nervous. My little one has been sick for the last 3 1/2 weeks and has kept me from the gym. I don't anticipate a gain just no big loss. I have been drinking plenty of water today trying to flush myself. I will keep my fingers crossed....
I wanted to tell ya'll what happened at my meeting last night. There was a girl in her 20's who was on her second week. After she weighed in, she came over to where we were sitting and was very upset. Her quote was "I can't believe that I have not drank a Dr. Pepper for 7 days and all I lost was a F**ing 2 pounds! I am going home an drinking a six pack of f**ing DP":scared1:

I so wanted to slap her! :rolleyes1 I wish I could be mad about losing only 2 lbs. At least it wasn't .2!:headache: I wanted to tell her I haven't had a DP since September!!!:sad1: People like her just burn me up!!:mad:

Congrats to all the losers this week!!:banana:
I wanted to tell ya'll what happened at my meeting last night. There was a girl in her 20's who was on her second week. After she weighed in, she came over to where we were sitting and was very upset. Her quote was "I can't believe that I have not drank a Dr. Pepper for 7 days and all I lost was a F**ing 2 pounds! I am going home an drinking a six pack of f**ing DP":scared1:

I so wanted to slap her! :rolleyes1 I wish I could be mad about losing only 2 lbs. At least it wasn't .2!:headache: I wanted to tell her I haven't had a DP since September!!!:sad1: People like her just burn me up!!:mad:

Congrats to all the losers this week!!:banana:

It is very sad when you hear someone who responds like this, unfortunately these are the people who probably won't go very far. 2 pounds is an awesome loss, too bad she couldn't recognize this and celebrate it for what it was.

Congrats to all of the losers out there, you are doing a fine job, keep up the good work!

To anyone struggling, hang in there, some weeks are going to be harder than others, but perseverence is what pays off in the end.

Onward and downward!!
I lost another 3.8! :cool1: That's 8.8 in 2 weeks! I am really excited.

That girl with the Dr Pepper is a real "winner". She obviously is young and has alot to learn yet. I am losing big #s now since I am in the beginning stages but I know it will probably slow down and I am fine with that.

Thank you for the support. Keep up the good work all!
I wanted to tell ya'll what happened at my meeting last night. There was a girl in her 20's who was on her second week. After she weighed in, she came over to where we were sitting and was very upset. Her quote was "I can't believe that I have not drank a Dr. Pepper for 7 days and all I lost was a F**ing 2 pounds! I am going home an drinking a six pack of f**ing DP":scared1:

I so wanted to slap her! :rolleyes1 I wish I could be mad about losing only 2 lbs. At least it wasn't .2!:headache: I wanted to tell her I haven't had a DP since September!!!:sad1: People like her just burn me up!!:mad:

Congrats to all the losers this week!!:banana:

Well, I would take her 2 lb loss and she can have my 0 loss after not drinking my beloved full lead, full sugar Coca Cola for a whole week. :sad2: Wow, 2 lbs is a great loss for a week. I'll have to agree with tiggerlover, it is sad and she probably won't get far thinking along those lines.

mikamah - I hear ya' about the patience thing! I am not looking at the big picture and trying to take this lifestyle change in small increments. I'm close to the -10lb. goal:woohoo: I have set, which is not even 10% for me. I wish I could say that would be today but, I think it is going to take another week. Oh well, I will just keep chugging along. I didn't put all this extra poundage on in a month so I can't expect to take it off that quickly either.

Hope everyone has a wonderfull day!
I'm happy to report that after gaining the past 2 weeks i showed a loss of 1.5 pounds this morning. :cool1: Still have to lose 1 pound to get back to my pre-gain but happy to see a loss.

great job!:thumbsup2

Hello everyone!!

Congratulations to all for being here, those that are losing, those who maintain, and those who may gain once in a while. It's tough, but we can all to it and reach our goals.

I am down .8 this week, and trying to have the patience I need to stick it with it. I have been trying so long to get out of the 180s, up and down, and still am only 185.2. I think I'm going to try and lose in 5 pound increments and hope that won't be as frustrating. My goal for next week is to get below 185, and then after that to stay below it. Baby steps, I know will get me there.

Keep up the great work everyone!! We can do this!!:cheer2:

I think you are right....baby steps and small goals are better than setting unrealistic goals and getting dissapointed at the next weigh in. You're on the right track ~ keep up the good work!

I wanted to tell ya'll what happened at my meeting last night. There was a girl in her 20's who was on her second week. After she weighed in, she came over to where we were sitting and was very upset. Her quote was "I can't believe that I have not drank a Dr. Pepper for 7 days and all I lost was a F**ing 2 pounds! I am going home an drinking a six pack of f**ing DP":scared1:

I so wanted to slap her! :rolleyes1 I wish I could be mad about losing only 2 lbs. At least it wasn't .2!:headache: I wanted to tell her I haven't had a DP since September!!!:sad1: People like her just burn me up!!:mad:

Congrats to all the losers this week!!:banana:

she sounds like a real winner :rolleyes:

I lost another 3.8! :cool1: That's 8.8 in 2 weeks! I am really excited.

That girl with the Dr Pepper is a real "winner". She obviously is young and has alot to learn yet. I am losing big #s now since I am in the beginning stages but I know it will probably slow down and I am fine with that.

Thank you for the support. Keep up the good work all!

Awesome job! 3.8 is so good. :cool1: I love that the first few weeks the weight loss is so good... It's a great motivator to keep going isn't it? A friend of mine just started WW last week and is very hesitant about the plan. I keep telling her, "just stick with it and you will see results"

I just got back from my WI and I am down 1 lb :woohoo: . This puts me at goal so now I am supposed to start maintenance. I still want to lose a few more lbs so I am debating starting maintenance this week or stick to what I've been doing to get those last few lbs off:confused3 I was thinking about following the Wendie plan posted here a page or two back. Looks interesting.

Congrats to everyone this week....keep at it!
:mad: :sad2: and it is my own fault. I stayed the same again this week. I know, I know it is better than a gain. But, I thought for sure I would see a loss. No, I have not been working the plan faithfully every single day BUT, I am eating and doing so much better. I just have not been serious enough with it and it is time to make a change to see some results. In the past I would have just said the heck with it and gone back to my old ways. (Or out to eat fast food and drink a big ole' coke) But, the new me is sticking with this even tho' I just want to :sad:
Sorry for the Debbie Downer but, thanks for letting me get it out.
:mad: :sad2: and it is my own fault. I stayed the same again this week. I know, I know it is better than a gain. But, I thought for sure I would see a loss. No, I have not been working the plan faithfully every single day BUT, I am eating and doing so much better. I just have not been serious enough with it and it is time to make a change to see some results. In the past I would have just said the heck with it and gone back to my old ways. (Or out to eat fast food and drink a big ole' coke) But, the new me is sticking with this even tho' I just want to :sad:
Sorry for the Debbie Downer but, thanks for letting me get it out.

Hang in there honey! And don't you dare apologize for being frustrated...that is what this thread is for! We need to support each other in the hard time and celebrate in the good ones! :hug:

I am right next to you in the frustration line. I have been on a plateau for freakin' ever...and I know that I am doing everything right. It is just time for me to shake up my calories and shake up my workouts...my body has gotten to used to my routines, I guess.

Some good news for me today, though. Exactly one week ago today I bought a new pair of pants...they fit perfectly. I put them on today and they were loose! Not super loose, mind you, but there was definitely more room in there today than there was a week ago! So all of my running is definitely doing SOMETHING. I may not be showing a loss on the scale right now, but things are changing!
flrose this is going to be your week. Hang in there. :hug:

I just came back from my weekly meeting and I'm down 1.2 pounds. I think I need to step up my exercise program. I so want to like exercising but in reality I don't. Maybe one day. :rolleyes:
:mad: :sad2: and it is my own fault. I stayed the same again this week. I know, I know it is better than a gain. But, I thought for sure I would see a loss. No, I have not been working the plan faithfully every single day BUT, I am eating and doing so much better. I just have not been serious enough with it and it is time to make a change to see some results. In the past I would have just said the heck with it and gone back to my old ways. (Or out to eat fast food and drink a big ole' coke) But, the new me is sticking with this even tho' I just want to :sad:
Sorry for the Debbie Downer but, thanks for letting me get it out.

I'm right there with you--stayed the same this week, too. Hang in there--we'll get headed down again!:thumbsup2
I lost another 3.8! :cool1: That's 8.8 in 2 weeks! I am really excited.

That girl with the Dr Pepper is a real "winner". She obviously is young and has alot to learn yet. I am losing big #s now since I am in the beginning stages but I know it will probably slow down and I am fine with that.

Thank you for the support. Keep up the good work all!

Awesome job, congratulations!!! Keep up the great work.

cepmom said:
I just got back from my WI and I am down 1 lb . This puts me at goal so now I am supposed to start maintenance.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! That is fantastic!!!:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
:mad: :sad2: and it is my own fault. I stayed the same again this week. I know, I know it is better than a gain. But, I thought for sure I would see a loss. No, I have not been working the plan faithfully every single day BUT, I am eating and doing so much better. I just have not been serious enough with it and it is time to make a change to see some results. In the past I would have just said the heck with it and gone back to my old ways. (Or out to eat fast food and drink a big ole' coke) But, the new me is sticking with this even tho' I just want to :sad:
Sorry for the Debbie Downer but, thanks for letting me get it out.

:grouphug: We all have weeks like that and since you know what you need to do to see results you are a step ahead of the game. Hang in there, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
I am right next to you in the frustration line. I have been on a plateau for freakin' ever...and I know that I am doing everything right. It is just time for me to shake up my calories and shake up my workouts...my body has gotten to used to my routines, I guess.

Some good news for me today, though. Exactly one week ago today I bought a new pair of pants...they fit perfectly. I put them on today and they were loose! Not super loose, mind you, but there was definitely more room in there today than there was a week ago! So all of my running is definitely doing SOMETHING. I may not be showing a loss on the scale right now, but things are changing!

Plateau's are hard, my longest plateau is when I was getting closer to goal, I went up and down the same 2 pounds for four months. All I have to say is hang in there because perseverence pays off in the end!! Loose pants are always a great sign!!

DizneeMommy, hang in there too! We can and will be successful!!
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