Ya'll are just such princesses, there must be a Grumpy coalition lurking here, right?


<font color=teal>Soarin' is addictive!<br><font co
Apr 3, 2005
As you may have noticed, I've been in a mood lately. (Visit almost any other thread I've posted in this month to see how I'm feeling about Disney right now.) Most everyone else here is seems to be so happy. Come on, between the economy, the end of the school year, the flu threat, and just life, there have got to be others who, like me, aren't exactly feeling sparkly-princessy these days.

So, for all of us, I am starting of a thread where you can share your "if it's not one thing, it's another" issues of the day. These aren't world-crisis issues. They are the small things that want me to stop and bang my head against the wall...because it will feel so good when I stop!

I'll start with my top 5.

5. Entitled people. Ugh. Since when is the rule for 4-way-stops "the most expensive car goes first and all other cars proceed in decreasing value order"?

4. People who don't RSVP. Fine, send your little angel to the party Friday. He won't be doing the craft activity (designing a Star Wars pillow case) or getting a goodie bag. I bought those last weekend...a week after you got the invitation that asked you to RSVP by Saturday!

3. Wrong number callers who ask "can you tell me how to get in touch with _________". Why the heck would I know how they can get in touch with the owners of a now-defunct business that had my phone number 4 or 5 years ago? And, why can't they understand it when I tell them it is a private number, in no way connected with any business or business owner? The worst thing is, they always call back right away just to see if they'd dialed right the first time.

2. Science Fairs for second graders. Never again! I'm not sure the 7 year old learned anything, but I can tell you all about the variables that affect the rate of evaportion in your drier. That is, I can tell you about it if I can stay awake through the conversation. I've had about 10 hours sleep in the past 2 nights, due to being up typing, cutting, pasting, etc.

1. People who mistake polite conversation as a chance to put everyone else down and reassure their little clique that they are special and precious. Really, I was just killing time when I asked if anyone had tried the new Pepsi. I wasn't expecting a rant about how soda is destoying the fabric of American Society. (Note to self: never attempt to make small talk at meetings. Go, take notes, leave.)
I'm joining in because..well..

1- I won't be taking a Disney trip in a LONG time
2- We still can't find a job
3- I'm afraid we'll NEVER find a job
4- The stupid swine flu may make it even HARDER to find a job
5- I still won't be taking a Disney trip for a long time.
Sorry ladies...I don't have anything grumpy to say....but that might change when I pay bills tomorrow night! lol :)
5. Entitled people. Ugh. Since when is the rule for 4-way-stops "the most expensive car goes first and all other cars proceed in decreasing value order"?

OMG! I almost died when I saw this! I just had an "incident" yesterday at DD's school with a *ahem* "lady" (I am being nice here), who felt that she was waaaayyy to good to have to wait in line like the rest of us trying to get out of the school. She decided that she was going to wedge her SUV between me and the car in front of me and then got nasty with me and told ME to back up when she couldn't get through! :mad::furious:

I don't like confrontation at all, so it pretty much ruined the rest of my day yesterday.

Oh boy, now I am all fired up again.....:laughing:
4. People who don't RSVP. Fine, send your little angel to the party Friday. He won't be doing the craft activity (designing a Star Wars pillow case) or getting a goodie bag. I bought those last weekend...a week after you got the invitation that asked you to RSVP by Saturday!

Or what about the ones that bring their siblings with them and then expect a goody bag? I had one party where this happened. The girl who WAS invited, came up to me and said her sister would like a goody bag too, all while grandpa watched. She just looked at me when I told her I didn't have enough......
From reading the few posts, I think we all could use a group hug!:grouphug:
I am by far, no way, shape (pear by the way:rotfl2:) or other wise a princess! LOL I am just a "the glass is half full type of person". Don't get me wrong, things do get under my skin, ( like when hubby goes to the store with a very short grocery list, and comes back with bags full of stuff and tells me, "man, your list was way off!" every time! Then he wonders where the money goes.... :lmao:)
Anyhoo, I know things can always be worse, so I am happy that things aren't! Plus...I have a great supply of Jelly Belly Jelly beans (right at the computers) and Dove chocolate eggs (top shelf of freezer behind the veggies). :rotfl2:
Anyhoo, I know things can always be worse, so I am happy that things aren't!

You are so right! I am trying to be better about just letting things go...it's so not worth it to stress about some things.

Oh...I do have another funny story though (it's been a bad week for me I think!)...I went to Rubios last weekend and ordered a Wrapsalada and a drink, along with a few other things. I get back to my table and notice the big "specials" board, well...one of the specials was a Wrapsalada and a drink for $6.99. So I went back up to the gal behind the counter and asked her why she didn't charge me the special price? She looked at me and sort of shrugged and said, "you didn't ask for it, I didn't know you wanted it"!!

Ok, yes, please charge me the HIGHER price. Geez! :headache:

I should have asked her if when she goes grocery shopping if she specifically asks for the sale price or if they just give it to her.....
From reading the few posts, I think we all could use a group hug!:grouphug:
I am by far, no way, shape (pear by the way:rotfl2:) or other wise a princess! LOL I am just a "the glass is half full type of person". Don't get me wrong, things do get under my skin, ( like when hubby goes to the store with a very short grocery list, and comes back with bags full of stuff and tells me, "man, your list was way off!" every time! Then he wonders where the money goes.... :lmao:)
Anyhoo, I know things can always be worse, so I am happy that things aren't! Plus...I have a great supply of Jelly Belly Jelly beans (right at the computers) and Dove chocolate eggs (top shelf of freezer behind the veggies). :rotfl2:

Pass the Jelly Bellys, please! They always make the day better!!! :goodvibes
chocolate makes my world go 'round!!!!:lovestruc It makes everything better like when mommy kisses your boo-boo.
At the four ways stop- I always saw it differently: The person with the oldest, cheapest car goes first because he cares the least about bumping it into the other cheap car. :rotfl:

Ok, here is my little grump. I probably won't have a job next school year. I was told I wouldn't be needed because enrollment is down. I pray it will pick up over the summer, but I don't know. :confused3 I love my job teaching Pre-K but each day wears me out because this class is full of strong personalities and VERY active boys. But when I come here I focus on our upcoming DLR trip. That brings me through all of life's little grumps. :goodvibes
Ok, here is my little grump. I probably won't have a job next school year. I was told I wouldn't be needed because enrollment is down. I pray it will pick up over the summer, but I don't know. :confused3 I love my job teaching Pre-K but each day wears me out because this class is full of strong personalities and VERY active boys. But when I come here I focus on our upcoming DLR trip. That brings me through all of life's little grumps. :goodvibes

Oh no, really? That's too bad. :sad1: Hope they can get some more kids for you!

As long as I'm posting, I guess I might as well put in my little gripe too. I get so frustrated with DS's speech therapist. I'm talking about the free one he sees through the school district (he sees another one at CHOC that is wonderful). He's been seeing her every week since september and she still can't keep it straight which letter sounds he can do and which he can't do. For example, he's been doing H sounds since before we even met her yet she still thinks he can't do them because I think she's confusing him with another boy. Then when she hears him do an H sound she says something like "wow, that H sound is really coming along." but then she'll forget again the next week. I used to try to correct her but that never turned out very well so I've just given up. Thankfully she won't be there next year. :yay:
chocolate makes my world go 'round!!!!:lovestruc It makes everything better like when mommy kisses your boo-boo.

Isn't that why they made Hershey Kisses? So Momma could give you a real kiss and then a chocolate one? Or was that just so DD could say "I want a brown puppy so I can name it Hershey and then tell it give me Hershey's Kisses"? LOL
Okay, my gripe is that everyone here is talking about cupcakes and chocolate and I don't have either!! I am going to dream of goodies tonight and chew on my pillow, I just know it!!! :worried:
I usualy have tons to complain bout, but not today maybe tommow , today Im in to good a mood.

I have barely been posting since I have been in a bit of a mood.

1) I so want to feed some one a bran muffin, because I think they need the movement to get whatever is stuck up their bum loose. I hate that they ALWAYS have to talk about how tough their life is, and ALL their issues, after a while I just don't care.

2) I am sick of being sick!! And no I don't have swine flu, it's a cold I promise, I swear its just a cold!

3) coughing while 6 months pregnant STINKS!!! It hurts, and is a bit scary. :(

4) I wanna go to Disneyland but the two above complaints make it very hard to even think about future trips. Which stinks cause it might make me in a better mood.

Ok I will stop being quite so grumpy now, but the best you might get is a grumpy princess ;)

I hope everyone gets some pixie dust soon!!!
I am so grumpy right now because I got banned from my favourite site because I feel that jokes and cartoons denigrating Hispanics or any other group is wrong. Lost a large chunk of my life.

i am grumpy because Chase Visa is a pain in the neck.

I am grumpy with people who believe social skills are most important in life.

I am grumpy because I want to help people and cannot.

I am grumpy because I am guilty about not having done laundry and taken out the trash.

I am grumpy because i am a social pariah and misfit who only fits with the other misfits.

I so need a Mickey bar and ice cream to make me happy for one day this week. I am tired of being cheery and happy all the time. I want to be a princess so I could become Queen and banish all the evil people of the world to the Gobi Desert and keep all their chocolate and ice cream for myself. I need some more chocolate, please.
I am so grumpy right now because I got banned from my favourite site because I feel that jokes and cartoons denigrating Hispanics or any other group is wrong. Lost a large chunk of my life.

i am grumpy because Chase Visa is a pain in the neck.

I am grumpy with people who believe social skills are most important in life.

I am grumpy because I want to help people and cannot.

I am grumpy because I am guilty about not having done laundry and taken out the trash.

I am grumpy because i am a social pariah and misfit who only fits with the other misfits.

I so need a Mickey bar and ice cream to make me happy for one day this week. I am tired of being cheery and happy all the time. I want to be a princess so I could become Queen and banish all the evil people of the world to the Gobi Desert and keep all their chocolate and ice cream for myself. I need some more chocolate, please.


I'm sorry things are so tough for you right now!

I posted some time ago about how my aunt and AT&T sucked me into a credit issue...and got bashed for it. I've learned that what the credit card company did was illegal. Sadly, a lot of what credit card companies do falls into the "illegal" and "immoral" columns of life. Here's hoping the new legislation that's going through now brings everyone some relief from that!

As to the alone thing, I'm with ya! I've made life choices (all of which I think are positive) that have left me outside of the realm of regular social events. In the past I've always found some folks that I had enough in common with that I had a social network, but since I moved a couple of years ago, I haven't found anyone with whom I have much of anything in common. I hope you can find something you like to do that is fun enough that it kind of plugs that hole for you!

Finally, you are a person of faith, yes? (I know the topic is banned from the board...to make it clear, I'm talking about mechurchlady, not religion!) Remember, you can always pray. You don't need money or resources to be able to do that...and you can help people just as much that way as by any other!

Can you tell I'm in a bit better mood today? Tonight I have 9 eight year olds coming for a sleepover. Sunday is my son's real birthday. Next Sunday he makes his First Communion. I'm in a better mood because there's light at the end of the tunnel...4 weeks of nonstop craziness is soon to come to an end!

Speaking of which, I'd better head home as I do have a load of laundry to put away and birthday decor to put out before our guest start arriving around 5!!!
I hope what I say next is taken in it's proper context of hopefully one person having a bad day (or two) getting a laugh. It's certainly advice that I don't fully comprehend or excel at taking, but it makes me laugh and maybe that helps.

"If you have a bad day, enjoy it."

You may now return to regularly scheduled frustrations. ;)
I actually spent days wiping down the walls with bleach two weeks ago (before the whole swine flu thing) because we've all been sick since January. I mean January, it's May!!!

I'm trying to be happy that we don't have swine flu or a terminal illness, but after cleaning up throw up and diarrhea and green snot for months it just gets old.

I'm sorry things are so tough for you right now!

I posted some time ago about how my aunt and AT&T sucked me into a credit issue...and got bashed for it. I've learned that what the credit card company did was illegal. Sadly, a lot of what credit card companies do falls into the "illegal" and "immoral" columns of life. Here's hoping the new legislation that's going through now brings everyone some relief from that!

As to the alone thing, I'm with ya! I've made life choices (all of which I think are positive) that have left me outside of the realm of regular social events. In the past I've always found some folks that I had enough in common with that I had a social network, but since I moved a couple of years ago, I haven't found anyone with whom I have much of anything in common. I hope you can find something you like to do that is fun enough that it kind of plugs that hole for you!

Finally, you are a person of faith, yes? (I know the topic is banned from the board...to make it clear, I'm talking about mechurchlady, not religion!) Remember, you can always pray. You don't need money or resources to be able to do that...and you can help people just as much that way as by any other!

Can you tell I'm in a bit better mood today? Tonight I have 9 eight year olds coming for a sleepover. Sunday is my son's real birthday. Next Sunday he makes his First Communion. I'm in a better mood because there's light at the end of the tunnel...4 weeks of nonstop craziness is soon to come to an end!

Speaking of which, I'd better head home as I do have a load of laundry to put away and birthday decor to put out before our guest start arriving around 5!!!
I am very faithful but gave up on church when they could not accept me being a neurovariant and they were all over some people while some like me were the outcast. I have a lot of arguments with God over things that I cannot comprehend a Father allowing.

I was venting because I was made to feel like trash and an outcast. I was venting because I did not choose to be a neurovariant or to lack in social graces.

I was venting because some people on disboards whine about me talking about my illnesses. Here are the facts.

I tell people about neurovariants a lot because then they know why I am the way I am. They can shun me, help me or just set back and enjoy the show though I feel shunning is not a very polite thing for people to do.

I talk about celiac and food allergies so that people get drilled in their head that we who have special diets can die or get very sick because some impolite person dripped gravy on the mashed potatos at a potluck dinner. I talk openly about my allergies to that people can also talk about their problems and needs and ask questions and learn from each other.

If my limitations apply to a post then I mention it. I have some vision problems so if we are talking about space mountain then I mention that last light because it cause me to see a giant spot. In that case my vision is related to the ride. I am fat so I will mention that when talking about astro orbiter.

Some ladies rather have man who gives sex than a Calvin. I am so mightily blessed by God to have a Calvin in my life even if at times I want to slap him silly. No sex or kisses but instead a warm teddy bear friend who cheers me up on dark days, who babysits mom when I need him, who cleans for me, worries about me, fixes things, and makes me laugh and see things in his eyes. The eyes and heart of a person who probably is a neurovariant and who is awed by monorail rides, machinery, music, food and even the DLH swimming pool. He makes me slow down a lot and relax and absorb the world.

Last night mom was spazzing out on me and having her meltdowns and fits and trying to control everything in her way. My stress was maxed and my broken back tooth hurt from grinding and stress. Me and Calvin went to Hooks Pointe at the hotel and he had a very nice dinner and salad while I had some dessert. Despite the detours in the hotel, closed restaurants, and the drizzling rain I ended up calming down and just setting on the west side of the front of the hotel looking out the windows and eating fudge with Calvin all relaxed and calm and safe from all alarm.:hug: :hug: :hug:

I have many problems in life and many cares and bad days but I also am so mightily blessed by God. I do not need pity but just sometimes need to vent when the NT make it hard for us NV or when life wears you down. There is a difference between pity and friendship.

I do thank you for your kind words and do not worry as I do have God and a band of angels on earth who are the people like Sue and Mary Jo and Cava and Amy who watch over me. I get by with a little help from my friends.:grouphug:



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