YAY! Project Runway is BACK, ya'll.

Ra'Mon freakin dyed it in the TOILET! The TOILET. Words cannot express. Ewwwww. I hope he makes her wear it out. And I hoped she gets "fug"ged. It would serve her right.

So was that really blue dye, or was it just the TideeBowl blue? :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:

Does it matter? LOL

It probably smells better with Tidee Bowl dye. Neoprene smells gross after a few wears in the ocean as it is.

Tim Gunn is so catty. Sometimes I hate him, like when he said a model a few seasons back had a "torso shaped like a marshmallow" (she was very skinny, not squishy at all), but right now I love him, that was AWESOME. I want to see Nina wearing that flappy monstrosity.

Nina's starting to grate on my nerves. She WISHES she was Anna Wintour, and she never will be-Anna can tell innovention from garbage. Love Michael Kors, wish he was around more.
THAT was the big controversy?!?!?!?!?!

Johnny lied to the judges about why he scrapped his first dress?


They could have manufactured more drama out of watching the designers eat cereal for breakfast!

Can't disagree that Johnny should go home for that awful dress. And let's fact it. If he was sitting there doing the crossword puzzle, his heart wasn't in putting together a decent garment.

Irina's dress was okay, but I really thought Christopher's dress was the best one out there. It really moved beautifully.

I also don't get the criticism of Giordana's dress. What a cute, wearable look it was. They hasseled her because it looked like real clothes? :confused3 Isn't that the freaking point?

I'm over not having Michael Kors and Nina Garcia absent, by the way. Not that the panel this week wasn't MUCH better than last week, but watching Micahael and Nina is a great part of the entertainment value for me. And these other folks aren't doing it for me.
Yeah, it wasn't much of a scandal... although what we did get was scandalous! And even though Melissa Ethridge was right, ugh... can you please leave now?

I felt bad for Giordana. Her dress was probably the one constructed best... heck, it was probably waterproof! lol

I'll never understand these reality show contestants (especially on a show like PR that's been on for a while). Why would Johnny think he could get away with lying?
Maybe they meant the Biggest Lie in Project Runway (on Lifetime) history.

I liked Logan's a lot, and thought it totally looked like woven bamboo in parts. I also liked Althea's and Gordana's. Irina's was okay, but still looked really stiff.

Johnny's was crap. He knew it, Tim knew it, the judges knew it. Hell, the first words out of Heidi's mouth were, "Johnny, so what's going on here?" Not, "Tell us about your look." or "What were you going for?"

And I really miss Michael Kors. This challenge reminded me a lot of the recycled materials challenge in S3. Laura made a faboo dress, Michael's outfit was amazing, and Jeffrey's had great movement. If I remember correctly, Jeffrey used newspaper and dyed it to soften it to more of a fabric feel. I was surprised at the stiffness of a lot of the garments. Back in S3, Alison got sent home for making her model into a "paper brioche" (TM Michael Kors). Some of the ones last night were super stiff. I felt bad for Gordana, when they started picking on the fact that it didn't look like paper. But props to her for saying "I thought that was the point?"
In Season three, Jeffrey made a muslin skirt, then applied the newspaper to it and painted it with tempra (sp?) paint. I think that it moved so well because the paint softened the newspaper and adhered it to the muslin.

The "you may use muslin as an infrastructure" rule has been in place for certain challenges since Season 2 (remember Chloe's floral shop dress? Muslin structure covered with glued-on leaves; or Michael Knight's "coffee filter" dress which had a muslin base under it as well) This is just the first time they've actually mentioned it on the air.
I really enjoyed the last episode! In college one of my majors was industrial design, and we spent a ton of time cutting apart and putting paper back together to create 2d and 3d objects.

I was SO energized by watching how they completely switched from thinking about what fabric does to what paper can do, and how creative the results were. I also like Christopher's dress and the winning jacket.

I actually didn't think Althea's dress was all that; it had a good pattern but I don't think it fit her well or moved well. Johnny's got some serious personality flaws that will probably prevent him from ever being really successful.

It's the season of the girls, this year, I think-I've never seen so many talented young female designers on that show before.

I actually liked Carol's big torch colored column of a dress the best, I thought that made a BIG statement!
In Season three, Jeffrey made a muslin skirt, then applied the newspaper to it and painted it with tempra (sp?) paint. I think that it moved so well because the paint softened the newspaper and adhered it to the muslin.

The "you may use muslin as an infrastructure" rule has been in place for certain challenges since Season 2 (remember Chloe's floral shop dress? Muslin structure covered with glued-on leaves; or Michael Knight's "coffee filter" dress which had a muslin base under it as well) This is just the first time they've actually mentioned it on the air.

Yeah, I know about the muslin rule. I'm surprised more people didn't take advantage of it last night.
Yeah, I know about the muslin rule. I'm surprised more people didn't take advantage of it last night.

I think it's because paper has so much inherent strength and structure that trying to create an outfit with paper AND muslin's kind of like a Turduckin-you could, but why?

I think in a few places where it was necessary for the paper to be thin and maybe tear, it could have been reinforced with muslin, but they were building those dresses so well by folding the paper and increasing the tensile strength they really didn't need much-maybe the coat in the back that she taped along a seam (why didn't she do that from the inside, argh!)
Forget paper, balloon dresses are the wave of the future!!







Is it wrong that I really want to take a sharp object and start popping those balloons? :rotfl2:
I got a HUGE kick out of this!

As you all know, I've been saying for weeks that Nicolas looks like Melissa Etheridge.

Well, afterelton's recapper pointed out another strong resemblence as well.


:furious:So, while watching last night's episode, I was reminded of Tim Gunn's interview where he talked about a horrible judging decision and that the winning look was the worst one there and the guest judge basically was the reason it won. He said he wanted to buy the look and make the guest judge wear it. I totally think this was the challenge, b/c that was awful. And coming from a state in which beach-wear is acceptable 12/12 months of the year, the flowy cocktail dress that Ra'Mon made was emphatically NOT beachwear. Shirin/Carol Hannah? Beachwear. Althea/Louise? Beachwear.

The winning dress looked like someone took lime green craft foam and spilled Tide all over it. Yuck.:sad1: Whenever I've gotten stains on my clothes, I've thrown them out. I guess I should start wearing them out in public and just announcing them as "avante garde." "Oh, this? That's not a wine stain. It's dyed to look that way. It's an avante garde piece. It's the latest thing, didn't you know?"

Thank-you voice of reason :worship:

I get it on the Slice channel so I guess I'm behind. Neoprene may be difficult to sew, but its super easy to crumple it up and tack it. I had to stop by and make sure I wasn't alone with my disdain for that neoprene garbage.
So . . .

According to Variety, Bravo is giving Christian Siriano his own reality series.

It'll follow him as he opens a store and markets his clothing line.

This one could go either way. It could be totally fierce, or it could be a hot tranny mess.

Not sure which I think it will be . . .
So . . .

According to Variety, Bravo is giving Christian Siriano his own reality series.

It'll follow him as he opens a store and markets his clothing line.

This one could go either way. It could be totally fierce, or it could be a hot tranny mess.

Not sure which I think it will be . . .

That would be pretty amazing, I think. Not only was Christian very talented, he made for good snarky tv!

Last night's Top Chef repeat (which no one on the planet knew about) has left me jonesing for some reality tv. I'm enjoying Russell be evil on Survivor now and then its Runway time!
Hello- I am new but I love your PR thread!!! can I join in?

Huzzah to Michael Kohr's return- now I want Nina back too!

I just did not get emmerson and the crying guy (still don't know the names, sorry) being in the bottom two. What about that suit with the miniskirt that gave us all a britney spears c***h flash? That one was poorly made IMO.

Emmerson is getting better and better in my book- at first I thought he was a bit bad but after the western outfit last week, and the shirtdress (which I liked!) he may be a contender.

Emo-girl was the right choice to go, she is pretty dull and churns out the same stuff- and that bridesmaids dress with the navy vomit stain was terrible.

That girl with the winning striped dress- why was she so nasty to her foreign lady partner? that was unnecessary IMO.

OK that is all for now- can't wait to hear your take!
Interesting twist on the old bridal challenge tonight.

I'm really starting to despise Nicolas.

So glad Giordana won.

I'm not as impressed with Irina as the judges are. Or as impressed with her as she is.

I was glad that Kojii got to stick around. She and Katie are my favorite models this season.

That's all I've got this week. At least until I ready Tom and Lorenzo's blog and the make me think about things I didn't notice. :rotfl:
Wow, I am SO shocked that they sent that cute little woman home (still bad at the names) and are keeping that guy who just is terrible every week! What are they thinking??? His wedding challenge dress was a joke- I could have made it. I liked the little coat he made this time, but the reveal was terrible. Yes, the cute woman had a bad week, but overall she is very good. I am disappointed in this decision.

Giordana's was a HOT MESS- what were those strange dots right at the nip area?!?! I think she would have gone home if not for immunity. The judges would have torn that dress apart.

Nicolas is growing on me now that he keeps pointing out was a beyach Irinia is. I was so happy when the blonde girl won, just because Irina was ragging on her so much!

It was great to have Nina back, and I got all excited when I saw that next week we will have Nina and Michael Kohrs back. Huzzah! Finally!!!

That's all for me, for now...
Ugh. How can a Bob Mackie challenge result in such BORING clothes?

How did "show stopping, over the top, etc" turn into "Make something ugly in black and white"?

To be completely honest, there wasn't one decent show costume a la Bob Mackie in the bunch.

As much as I love Christopher, I can't disagree with what the judges said. It really did look like a cheap rehash of the Lady Marmalade video.

Nicolas continues to annoy me, and while his showing this week was stronger than the others, he seriously needs to stop making little white dresses.

The best possible "reveal" concept would have been Crhistopher's outer look with Nicolas' dress rendered in red, orange, and yellow as the second garment. It'd look like she caught fire when she took off the coat. That would have been a fitting look for this challenge.

I think Shirin melted down. No doubt about it, though. In a week of bad dresses, hers was the worst.

As for the models, I have to say that Kojii is by far my favorite. I hope she comes out of the competition really well. She rocks.
Well, it's over.

I have to say. I lost interest in this season as it wore on. Of the three finalists, I liked Carol Hannah the best. But the last few episodes were "meh" at best.

I don't like Irina, and don't care for her design asthetic. Pluse those helmets were STUPID!

I like Althea's even less, even though I think she's smart to work in separates. Let's face it, that's how American's buy clothes. One piece at a time, and then mix and match them day to day.

I hope Season Seven isn't as lackluster as Season Six. Otherwise, we may consider dropping it. :sad2:


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