Yesterday's DIS Unplugged show

They are all good people but it just seems like they are "done" and have been for a long time.

I agree with both parts of this statement. Hopefully, they can recapture some of their enthusiasm for the parks one day down the road. It's clear their enthusiasm is for cruising these days, and while there is nothing wrong with that on its own (and definitely doesn't make them "entitled" in any way), the Tuesday show has suffered just a bit because of it.
Agree the show was hard to hear. When I hear someone successful say "I'm not entitled, I've worked HARD for what I have!!" it rubs the wrong way.

I work in child welfare, have adopted and fostered as well. Some of these kids will work hard their whole life (harder than most), but will never obtain independent wealth. They were put at a disadvantage from the start. Many have cognitive or physical disabilities. Whether socio-economic, education, race, time/place of birth . . . there are various factors that can either put you at an advantage or disadvantage. I have children with FASD who will never be able to manage money because of their brain damage - but they are the hardest workers I know. They work harder to get a C+ in school than their siblings have to work to get an A. And they will work harder at their minimum wage jobs as adults than their siblings will work at lucrative independent careers. It sucks and isn't fair, but it's just how it is.

To say "I earned it" or "I worked hard for it!" shows a lack of empathy for those in a less fortunate situation, and a lack of appreciation for what/who set you up with the tools for success. When I get comments about my own financial success, I've learned that the answer needs to be "Thank you - you are right, I've been very lucky. I know not everyone is as fortunate." It starts with gratitude.

What you've said is very true. Life is a huge part luck. No matter how hard you work things can fall through or turn out very badly.
However this is a Disney fan sight so let's discuss why there is enormous negativity in this context.
Because it is fully deserved.
We have Disney execs who make 8 figure salaries who therefore over time might make in a career 9 figures. And you are talking about people who are lucky if they can make 18,000 in a year. Life in this country is becoming disgusting with the disparities in incomes and Disney is emblematic of that. It becomes very tiresome for those of us who have been fans for decades to see what is happening where our happy place becomes a place of gross exploitation and financial depravity. Disney is selling happiness but now does it at a terrible cost and the most ardent of Disney lovers have lost all patience. If you haven't you just are not paying attention.

Just think that on the day of the 50th Anniversary a day that should have been a great day of celebration not one single executive made a speech in front of the castle. Paycheck made it the night before in front of an audience of media people happily stuffed with free food. Not even D'Amaro appeared and he supposedly is the man people like(I have no idea why. Everything has gotten considerably worse under him. Maybe he smiles nice. But really that's what people want? Just spend some time watching TV commercials for toothpaste. At this point it seems Josh's only talent is that of a hard sell salesman smiling all the time.) The people of Dis-unplugged have spent decades covering Disney and have an enormous knowledge of the workings of the company and its customer service. If they are deeply unhappy with the company's attitude and its treatment of 'guests' (that's a laugh!) They have every right to cover it at every opportunity and Paycheck gives them so many opportunities even they don't have the time to cover them all.
Look at Mickey Views. Brayden never ceased to be amazed by the company and the joy it brought him. But there lately have been episodes of such scorching criticisms and deep cynicism(and in one so very young) it makes every episode of Dis Unplugged at its most disparaging look like a love letter.

Yes everything needs to be put in context. And on Disboards we are putting it in the context of what Walt Disney created. The people now running the company are eating it alive to create for themselves fabulous great wealth. It is a desecration of the work of one of America's great geniuses of the 20th Century.
Life in this country is becoming disgusting with the disparities in incomes and Disney is emblematic of that. It becomes very tiresome for those of us who have been fans for decades to see what is happening where our happy place becomes a place of gross exploitation and financial depravity. Disney is selling happiness but now does it at a terrible cost and the most ardent of Disney lovers have lost all patience. If you haven't you just are not paying attention.

THE DIS didn't change the economic landscape. They're just reacting to it by chasing the customer. Unfortunately, that will leave a lot of the original fan base out of the conversation. How the members of THE DIS handle the alienation by Disney of part of their original fan base is up to them, both corporately and personally.

We are all entitled to our opinions, and responsible for them.
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I think the crew with Pete, John, and Kevin has suffered from not having Corey and Julie bringing some balance. John does a great job bringing some levity the middle of fires Pete and Kevin keep pushing, but John can only do so much. Corey Martin brought some more balance and Julie is lovely and seemed to brighten the room.

Fiasco, Craig, Deni, and Ryno are not themselves around the main crew, they don't want to rock the boat Pete's driving and that's understandable. When these four and Panda and Jackie work in combos together (2.15 show, Off the Rails, etc) it's way more enjoyable to watch. I'm thankful for Pete, John, and Kevin but together they're just different not. It feels either about time for the main crew to step back more or entirely hand the public facing operation to more enjoyable personalities.
I think the crew with Pete, John, and Kevin has suffered from not having Corey and Julie bringing some balance. John does a great job bringing some levity the middle of fires Pete and Kevin keep pushing, but John can only do so much. Corey Martin brought some more balance and Julie is lovely and seemed to brighten the room.

Fiasco, Craig, Deni, and Ryno are not themselves around the main crew, they don't want to rock the boat Pete's driving and that's understandable. When these four and Panda and Jackie work in combos together (2.15 show, Off the Rails, etc) it's way more enjoyable to watch. I'm thankful for Pete, John, and Kevin but together they're just different not. It feels either about time for the main crew to step back more or entirely hand the public facing operation to more enjoyable personalities.
definitely noticed this. you can tell who feels like they can keep up with Pete vs who turns their volume down a bit when he's on. I don't mind it really, because Pete's the boss and sometimes that's how it needs to be. He needs the floor sometimes. The others definitely make the most of their turn and they also have their own show (Rails)
Pete is irreplaceable. He's a larger than life personality who when he's not on the show one feels the energy level riding on fumes. He's got 'it' whatever that may be. Yes he surrounds himself unfailingly with a great bunch of people especially the dry Craig and the she likes everything except when she doesn't Jackie.
Deni is sui generis.
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What you've said is very true. Life is a huge part luck. No matter how hard you work things can fall through or turn out very badly.
However this is a Disney fan sight so let's discuss why there is enormous negativity in this context.
Because it is fully deserved.
We have Disney execs who make 8 figure salaries who therefore over time might make in a career 9 figures. And you are talking about people who are lucky if they can make 18,000 in a year. Life in this country is becoming disgusting with the disparities in incomes and Disney is emblematic of that. It becomes very tiresome for those of us who have been fans for decades to see what is happening where our happy place becomes a place of gross exploitation and financial depravity. Disney is selling happiness but now does it at a terrible cost and the most ardent of Disney lovers have lost all patience. If you haven't you just are not paying attention.
The flipside of this argument is that Disney World is busy as ever despite the high prices. The Disney World of our childhoods was extremely exclusive and far fewer people visited.

Also, this thread comes out of a DISunplugged show asking "Why the hell aren't you cruising right now?" pushing Disney Cruises. You want to see terrible costs... go look at DCL vs its competitors.
I really did enjoy Panda hosting the show last week. He definitely brought a positive vibe to the show which I feel has been a bit lacking as of late. I am a 50 plus year old man, my kids are older, so I can relate in way to the recent sentiments of Pete, John & Kevin, less MK/parks enjoyment, more time maybe at the resorts or nicer restaurants. However, as many of stated, there is a fine line between honesty and talking down to your audience( I felt that was clearly the case during that one show in particular). If you are not "feeling the vibe" of the parks, so be it, but there should be a bit more a balance( which again is why I enjoyed Panda being on the show last week). I have listened/watched the Dis Unplugged for year, always been a pick me up, especially on rough days. Recently not so much, hoping maybe a bit of a change up in hosting will bring back the fun!

Not for me, not interested in changing the hosts! I also enjoyed Panda for a fill in host. He was fine, especially with the back up of Deni, Craig and Ryno.
I love watching the show with Pete as host. He always tells it like it is, whether it is good news or bad news about disney. He doesn't sugar coat it, and I appreciate that. I also like the viewpoints of the others on the show. They have a good balance, IMO, of opinions overall. I think it takes a lot of courage for the owner of a travel business to report the negative things at disney. We all know they are there and what they are at this point. The disunplugged fills a critical need for reporting and commenting, I think. There are other posts, shows, blogs who gloss over things or are not critical of things at all. There is a balance out there for all of us.
I, for one, appreciate the honesty that Pete shows on the Dis.
The flipside of this argument is that Disney World is busy as ever despite the high prices.
Yes Paycheck the scoundrel is winning.
I wouldn't say the WDW of our childhoods was more exclusive, the hotels were, almost everyone stayed offsite. But fewer people went. However I do remember the lines for rides being excruciatingly long. And there was no Fast Pass or Lightning Lanes to make them so.
Considering the crazy crowds the economy must be doing phenomenally and no matter how much prices go up to vertiginous heights people line up to pay them even for a silly cupcake(which taste like paper compared to those mothers used to make for school bake sales when I was a boy.)
When I was young there were price ceilings even for what people most wanted to do. The attitude was they were out of their skulls. Now it's what they charge I will pay.
Not sure if it was just me, but yesterday's show came off as super negative. Again, very little WDW talk, and felt like alot of of time/talk about DCL again it seemed. I also really didn't like everyone getting snippy/defensive and then complaining about the comments they received about last week's show. Reality is, when you have children, and fly in from other locations, the DCL vs WDW trip decision is quite different. I think that is what many folks were pointing out, it is not an apples to apples comparison. I am sorry, but everyone seemed unhappy and miserable to be on the show except for Deni maybe( John also had a few positive comments to make).

DCL is where Dreams makes their money. Of course that's where the conversation goes, especially when K & J are on the show.
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I think the crew with Pete, John, and Kevin has suffered from not having Corey and Julie bringing some balance. John does a great job bringing some levity the middle of fires Pete and Kevin keep pushing, but John can only do so much. Corey Martin brought some more balance and Julie is lovely and seemed to brighten the room.

Fiasco, Craig, Deni, and Ryno are not themselves around the main crew, they don't want to rock the boat Pete's driving and that's understandable. When these four and Panda and Jackie work in combos together (2.15 show, Off the Rails, etc) it's way more enjoyable to watch. I'm thankful for Pete, John, and Kevin but together they're just different not. It feels either about time for the main crew to step back more or entirely hand the public facing operation to more enjoyable personalities.

I was looking for the right place to talk about this. The fact that every person on these podcasts is able to be in studio or call in while Corey and Julie haven’t been able to because of remote school demands is a clear sign there is a perspective missing from the current podcasting crew.

I don’t agree about needing Pete/John/Kevin to take a step back. I want their perspectives, just as I want Craig’s as someone who has no interest in buying DVC. And I want the other perspectives as well.

But I do think the fact that this pandemic has severely limited the ability of Corey and Julie to participate underscores the lack of the perspective of parents of young to tween kids among the great hosts/guests the show has had over the past couple of years.

And I think a reason the parks are slammed right now is that there are a lot of families like theirs just emerging and taking their first vacations now.
Oh, ok. I thought once I heard Pete compare DCL prices to the Yacht Club.
I think he compared to Port Orleans and Yacht Club. Yacht club I thought was one of the more reasonable deluxe resorts. (not sure if reasonable is the right word)
I was looking for the right place to talk about this. The fact that every person on these podcasts is able to be in studio or call in while Corey and Julie haven’t been able to because of remote school demands is a clear sign there is a perspective missing from the current podcasting crew.

I don’t agree about needing Pete/John/Kevin to take a step back. I want their perspectives, just as I want Craig’s as someone who has no interest in buying DVC. And I want the other perspectives as well.

But I do think the fact that this pandemic has severely limited the ability of Corey and Julie to participate underscores the lack of the perspective of parents of young to tween kids among the great hosts/guests the show has had over the past couple of years.

And I think a reason the parks are slammed right now is that there are a lot of families like theirs just emerging and taking their first vacations now.
and really corey and julie aren't even 'young' parents anymore! sorry (ah!)...and towards the last couple of years prior to the pandemic they weren't going into the parks often with their children. the podcast needs another perspective, one of a parent with smaller children, or elementary age kids who actually have boots to the ground in the parks. that would freshen it up for sure, but perhaps that's just not this podcast and add another disney podcast to your roll call.
Not for me, not interested in changing the hosts! I also enjoyed Panda for a fill in host. He was fine, especially with the back up of Deni, Craig and Ryno.
I love watching the show with Pete as host. He always tells it like it is, whether it is good news or bad news about disney. He doesn't sugar coat it, and I appreciate that. I also like the viewpoints of the others on the show. They have a good balance, IMO, of opinions overall. I think it takes a lot of courage for the owner of a travel business to report the negative things at disney. We all know they are there and what they are at this point. The disunplugged fills a critical need for reporting and commenting, I think. There are other posts, shows, blogs who gloss over things or are not critical of things at all. There is a balance out there for all of us.
I, for one, appreciate the honesty that Pete shows on the Dis.
My point was not about Pete's rants or teams' honesty about current state of Disney corporate affairs, rather it was about the overall negative tone that was displayed on that show about feedback they received from their viewers/listeners. Feedback should be viewed as a gift, good, bad or other. If you attack your audience, you risk losing your audience, and perhaps if you think your viewers listeners are foolish then maybe you are not speaking to the right group. Hence I think the suggestions from some more balance on the panel makes perfect sense. BTW, I do love Pete and team, so I think, it seems to be just a general malaise that has struck. I am sure 2 years of Covid restrictions, and impact on the travel industry has not helped so I can empathize for sure.
Aren’t there other shows though that you can get that perspective that you’re looking for? Pete’s show is pretty much Pete’s show and the perspective of disney from his circle of friends whom he values their opinions.

I’m not eating at Red Lobster when I’m not looking for seafood dishes.
Aren’t there other shows though that you can get that perspective that you’re looking for? Pete’s show is pretty much Pete’s show and the perspective of disney from his circle of friends whom he values their opinions.

I’m not eating at Red Lobster when I’m not looking for seafood dishes.
Even when I'm looking for seafood dishes, I'm not eating at Red Lobster...:-)
Aren’t there other shows though that you can get that perspective that you’re looking for? Pete’s show is pretty much Pete’s show and the perspective of disney from his circle of friends whom he values their opinions.

I’m not eating at Red Lobster when I’m not looking for seafood dishes.
The perspective is quite variable depending on the crew that day. The last 2 episodes could have been completely different podcasts.

Regarding Red Lobster... it's more like walking into a food court and having someone else pick where you're eating. You know you're going to get one of 8 options but is it going to be Chinese or a hot dog? You won't know until you get there. :lmao:
definitely noticed this. you can tell who feels like they can keep up with Pete vs who turns their volume down a bit when he's on. I don't mind it really, because Pete's the boss and sometimes that's how it needs to be. He needs the floor sometimes. The others definitely make the most of their turn and they also have their own show (Rails)

it really is how it needs to be. I’m not naming names, but when the boss is gone it’s like what happens when your teacher is off sick- silliness ensues. To me, when Pete’s gone it’s unlistenable and only when Deni hosts will I even consider listening.


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