Yippee! We're taking borrowed children to WDW!

This may sound strange, but here goes. NotUrsula shared some stories about "borrowed children". I fully understand how this happens, however, as that child's parent, the emergency stop button incident may have been avoided. I think parents learn to anticipate their children's reactions, movements. They know what to expect from their children. (Not always, but often enough.) Perhaps it would be a good idea to spend as much time as possible with these children. Out and about. Just so you get used to their reactions. Just a thought. Either way, HAVE FUN! :D
I cant believe more of you are not recomending my kids (2 six yearolds) favorite park, EPCOT. The world showcase is great for kids. Each nation has special shows pertaining to that nation (Inca dancing, bell ringing, ompah bands,etc...) and kids are often invited to join in the show. Also each place has a kidsport which is where a person who is actualy from that country sits at a table and helps them make a craft and stamps it with something pertaining to that country. They also will sign a disney passport ($12) with a personalized message written in their host language. Also the front part of the park has many hands on attractions in each pavillion. I think most families rush through EPCOT and don't appreciate it. Here's a tip. Wake up late, park at the Boardwalk Hotel and walk into Epcot through the world showcase entrance. Then when the park closes or the kids get tired stroll the boardwalk shops and resturants and see the street performers there. Or from the world showcase entrance catch a boat ride that goes into the boardwalk/beachclub lake and goes all the way to MGM studios and back. ( Its free if you have a multi day parkhopper pass and even if you dont I've never been asked to show it). EPCOT is a take your time soak it in kind of place with lots of shopping,authentic food, and people watching that me and my kids just love ...I think everyone needs a day like that during a disney trip.........Where ever you go, what ever you do your gonna love WDW......TAZ
My 5 year old was about 3/4" too short for the 48" rides last week. :( She is tall for her age though, I think. You will have a blast doing this with kids. Everything in life is different when seen through a child's eyes.
Thanks to everyone for more great tips.

I've started looking for pins for them to trade, and added an autograph book and fat pens to the list of surprises. I'm not too keen on Rainforest Cafe, but we will defenitely do character meals (I was thinking CRT (if I can get it) and LTT before MVMCP, and maybe Ohana for breakfast or Donald's Breakfastosaurus)

We don't have a stroller, and I don't think their parents still do either. We'll take our chances and rent if we have to.

Taz, thanks for the info about Epcot. This is my DH's favorite park, so he will not let us skimp on the time there.....he could spend the whole trip in Innoventions! I didn't know about the passport thing, that sounds fun, and like it would be a neat souvenier for the kids.

We're planning to do the CP. I;m lobbying for Morroco, DH wants Canada. We did France last year. I think the kids would really like the belly dancer!

allenx6- sorry your 5 year old was a tad too short....these guys still have to Dec to grow ;)

ok, back to studying for me, its finals time. But have to get that Disney break in after so many hours, like my own little reward!
TarraLee, if you'd like, you could take our 3 next year. :)

Seriously, I think you'll have a blast. Regarding a couple of points you raised:

Stroller - I'm probably beating a dead horse, but I don't think there's any way you would need one or want one. The kids you are taking sound relatively adventuresome, what with the tubing and four-wheelers, so I imagine they are also energetic and will not have a problem keeping up.

Poly - We just got back from the Polynesian, it was our first stay there and we loved it, it is very convenient to the MK and really to EPCOT when compared to some other resorts. Kids love the monorail, and the little boat to the MK is nice too. Not sure whether you would swim in December, being more southern than us yanks, but the slide at the Poly is cool, as you probably know. The kids will definitely do that like 100 times. Also, it's a better place to rent a watermouse at than many other places, since the lake is bigger than most and the views are cool.

Pass-through - Like I said, they sound adventuresome, so it's probably unlikely, but yes, you can do the pass-through for scared kids too, they don't have to be little. My oldest is 8, but my least thrill-seeking, and we almost passed him through on the Test Track. The funny thing is, we talked him into it, and now of course, he says it's his favorite ride and talks about it like he never had any second thoughts about going on it.

Mid-day nap - I dunno, it could work, but I doubt they will actually sleep, they might be too old. I guess it depends on your schedule. Just leaving the park, going swimming at the hotel pool (another plus for the poly, being convenient to the MK and EPCOT) for a few hours, then going back might get you the break you need. I know even my youngest (just turned 4) would not likely go to sleep midday anymore, not at WDW!

Someone mentioned the campfire at Fort Wilderness - we did that this time and the kids did love it. Again, it's relatively convenient from the Poly - take the monorail to the contemporary, then the boat to FW, then walk or take a FW bus to the campfire site. You can buy smores packs for a reasonable price (as Disney prices go) at the "Chuckwagon" there. It's free otherwise and fun for kids.

When we go, we all wear matching shirts - it makes it easier to keep your eye on them. Even all wearing the same color is helpful. It looks good in the pictures too. :) It might be harder for you not being the parents to plan something like that though.

Be prepared for them to occasionally be brain dead and do something completely unpredictable, like step out of the monorail just before the doors close - that happened to us this last trip with our youngest. The story someone shared about the emergency brake is something that I can see happening especially when you aren't really able to anticipate their actions as well as their parents might be able to.

Kids get wet sometimes more easily than adults, so you might consider bringing something for them to change into or having them wear a swimsuit as shorts (for boys). All those cool play-in fountains at EPCOT and DD are irresistable for kids, so either anticipate and prevent their entry or plan and let them get wet.

Have fun!
My kids range in age from 13 to 5. We just spent a week at WDW and I was pleasantly surprised that my 5 year old kept up with everyone else with no problem at all. I was told by a co-worker that I would definitely want a stroller for my DD, but she only asked once if someone could carry her. Once we told her no, she never complained again. She kept right up with everyone else the entire time!!

My DD is very energetic and loves to do things. She tried all the "scary" rides that she was tall enough for. She was bummed she couldn't do the new "roller coaster" at AK, but she was about 3/4" too short for the 48" rides. The funny thing was, she had the daylights scared out of her on the Tower of Terror, but still wanted to try rides that we told her may be too scary for her. It was awesome having a child that would try anything once.

We tried to get a naptime in in the middle of the day once, but the kids were all too excited about going back to get any sleep.

Every child is different, so just because some need a stroller or nap, doesn't mean the two you are bringing will, and visa versa. The do have strollers at the parks you can rent if you need one. I saw a great deal of them around and they look very durable and light weight too.

Bottom line---have a blast and enjoy yourselves and the kids!
rwodonnel- thanks for the info on the Poly and the Campfire. I am really hoping they'll go for the Poly, I will be sure to emphasize the cool slide/volcano pool and the Water Mice! Dh is hinting that if Ctyd goes $39 we might be there, but I am putting my foot down hard on that one- and telling him what a pain it would be to go back for naps.

I'll probably be too excited to sleep too, so kiddos and I can do the pool (they both swim well on their own) while Dh naps (he acts like an old man at WDW, likes to go slow and take breaks- not me, I like to skip, hop, and jump from one thing to another. Its Disney World, I can sleep at home! ;) )

The campfire sounds fun, I know the kids would like it. Its on the list.

Thanks for the fountains tip. I don't usually carry anything but the camera and cash to the parks. Guess I'll need a backpack this time. O well, a small price to pay!

allenx6- glad to hear there are adventurous 5 year olds out there. yous is braver than I am, I refuse to do ToT. Dh would love it if the kids would go and I refuse. He always tells me how the little kids aren't scared and I am a baby. (his baby though, so its ok)

I told their parents about the Kellogs Kash thing, and to start saving cereal boxes for a breakfast with Mickey. Trev's mom says he is all about Rasin Bran now! (she's been trying to break him of Coccoa puffs for awhile now....we are bribing him that he has to eat rasin bran to get to eat breakfast with Mickey :) )

Also, they are coming up in July/Aug to go to 6 flags here, and we are going to do a "test" day with the kiddos......probably the only way you could get me into a 6 flags anymore. Now that I've gone Disney, I can't stand six flags- its dirty, and though they have thrill rides, there is virtually no theming, and no magic, at least for me. I'd rather save my money to see the mouse. Dh thinks I'm crazy to see a difference, but then I just throw pixie dust at him :)

Thanks again for the good tips. How long til December???:confused:


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