You all just made me...


DIS Veteran
Apr 26, 2000
throw out my pop tarts!!

I don't know why they are in the house anyway, but I'm 8 months pregnant & I'll eat just about anything these days. :( I figure I've only got 4 weeks left so what difference does it make now? Once I go off low carb eating I have no self control.

Well, my feet were swollen like sausages the past 3 days & I woke up intending to have eggs for breakfast. Somehow that turned into 2 chocolate pop tarts, until I logged on to the DIS. Just reading some of the happy weight loss posts here made me realize I just couldn't eat them. :)

I'm having coffee & cheese right now. I'll work my way up to eggs soon, I hope!

Thank you!!! :Pinkbounc
On your pregnancy!! Yes this site definitely changes your outlook on food :) With only weeks more to go in your pregnancy- feed yourself well!! I wouldn't do low carb while pregnant- but I would make my carbs the best kind- whole wheat breads, fresh fruits/veggies and protein- throwing out the Pop-tarts is great- you don't need lots of refined sugar and preservatives- but you could make a nice whole wheat toast with a smidge of butter and currant preserves- and OILA have a close second! :)

Have a great delivery and drink plenty of water- and I would be careful doing low carb if you're going to breastfeed- your body needs healthy carbs- a well rounded diet for breastfeeding...that little baby's brain is growing a mile a minute and needs lots of good energy food! :) There are lots of good healthy recipes on here too- check them out!!

Let us know when your special bundle arrives!!!

In my personal opinion, pregnancy ALWAYS allows exceptions!! ;)

But- GOOD FOR YOU for throwing them out. It is a healthier choice and will also make you feel better about yourself in the long run because you showed self control!
Gillian, first of all congrats on your pregnancy, second I'm going to tell you what my doctor told me when I was pregnant the first time and I craved for glazed doughnuts.
I'm not going to tell you anything because you will be the one paying for it later! Boy was he right on that one!!
He knew my weight was going to pay the consequences later, and I did, so on the second pregnancy YOU BET , I ate healthier, no more the I'm eating for two people thought anymore! I may have eaten for two, but I learned to eat healthy, the proof was with the first one I gained 47 lbs, with the second one I gained 27, and the birth weight was actually 2 oz more than the first one!

Don't take this personal, I'm just telling you what my doctor told me and he was dead on right on the money!
I knew I was in trouble when I started hiding the poptarts from my 2 year old, because they were bad for him. :rolleyes: I want him to eat well & he mostly does, but I'm not treating myself with the same care.

My official plan is to go back to Curves in mid August, and start Atkins in January. But I hope I can keep things under control while nursing. It was a bad time for me with my son. I'm very sensitive to sugar & carbs (except veggies) and I binged a lot.

Thank you for your well wishes! I hope to be in here regularly in a couple of months. :)
Gillian ---
Just remember that you are eating for two! You have to eat what is healthy for both YOU and your new BABY! Afterall -- the baby is getting the nutrition from the foods you are eating.

I am so proud of you for making that big step!

Eating lower/healthier carb food --- even during pregnancy will surely help both you and the baby! Just load up on healthy low carb veggies and high fiber grains -- skipping the unhealthy processed white stuff.

When is 'our WISH' baby due? This may be the first official 'WISH' baby we have since the challenge started in January!
Good for you! Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! I am sending you wishes for a happy and healthy finish to this wonderful time of your life! :)

Having never been pregnant, I can't imagine what it must be like to make healthy food choices with all those hormones rushing around, so I REALLY applaud your decision!!!! :) Hope you stick around here until the big day and then I hope you spend some time here after (just little bits of time, we know you will be busy doing some bonding!!!) :)


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