You brought WHAT home from Disney?!?! A Sept 2013 TR epic UPDATE 8/1/14

Just an FYI - I fly out of BWI frequently and they always ask for everyone's id at the checkin counter. I guess to make sure they are actually the person whose name is on the ticket.

Sounds like a fun way to start your trip - NOT!

I thought it was odd, but maybe not. I tried to see if they asked anyone else at the counters, but I was too distracted with my tribe to even hear what the poor counter agent said half the time!

OH MY. I have yet to go through an airport since I've had kids, and this sort of stuff terrifies me!
Your sister and I would not get along...and neither would Willow and I if she kept up the pooping thing!
I hope the trip started going smoother (though I already know of some rough patches through facebook).

Yeah, you wouldn't get along well with Willow. She will be 5 next month! I don't get along well with my sister either. I love her but she frustrates me to no end!

I'm really glad to see that it's not just our family that has issues, even in Disney.

You made me feel so much better! I don't want my TR to come off as a huge complaint, but sometimes even the magic of Disney just isn't enough magic!
UGH this upper resp infection has me down for the count! No more fevers, but the shortness of breath and this cough are awful! I have to work tomorrow and really don't want to cough up a lung for a patient!

Anyway.............................I left you wondering if we would ever make it to WDW. I was starting to wonder myself.

Seated next to me were a couple who were headed to Jamaica and they had a connecting flight to catch. Sitting across the isle from me was a woman and her granddaughter. Behind them was the little girl's (I think was maybe 8ish) mom and her boyfriend. Her mom was throwing HISSY fits that the plane wasn't leaving and since children take their cues from their parents, her daughter was also having a hissy. The poor grandmother was sitting there ready to jump off and mentioned that her next vacation was going to be one all by herself. DANG! Why didn't I think of that!:confused3

FINALLY the new flight manifest was printed, they closed the doors and we were finally able to take off.

Looking back at my notes I wrote that the flight attendants were crabby until they handed out desserts, so I imagine the delay didn't help. I *think* that one of them has been featured on that show that Southwest used to have on (maybe) Lifetime. I'm going to have to do some research!

The flight was a bit bumpy, but all 5 kids did really well! Casey fell asleep, Sammy did some homework and all 3 of the big boys played their DS's once they were allowed to turn on electronics. Willow colored and played with some of the goodies I had picked up for her bag. Casey woke up from his nap SOAKED so into the bathroom to do a complete outfit change, which meant I had no more for him, so I really hoped no one would throw up or pee near him!

The little girl next to me kept to talk, pretty much non stop while her mother slept. The seat belt sign went on and she was standing up and stayed there until the FA came over and told her she needed to sit down.

We finally landed and I told the couple next to me that I would get up so they could leave and told my family to stay seated that there were people who had to catch other flights and the right thing to do was to let them out 1st. They were grateful, but sadly not everyone on the plane had that mentality. Of course it's a huge 'hurry up and wait' game to get off a flight. The mom of the girl (who was still talking) was getting annoyed that it had been so long since she had smoked that she needed to get off. NOW. I remember thinking that I was so happy we were off that plane as I wouldn't have to hear her complain again!!!!!!!!!!!:cheer2:

We get off the plane and I call Ma to let her know that we should be there soon (she flew in from Vegas the night before as the flight that runs from Vegas comes in at 7pm, so it would have been a wasted day if she hadn't). She started to tell me how our rooms were adjoining. To most people, this would have been GREAT news, but one of the only requests we put in (other than a pack and play) was that our room be on the same floor BUT NOT adjoining. We knew we needed time away and the kids would want to open that door and it would not have been good. So she was going on and on about the room and how she would have had to switch floors but she had already unpacked....and I zoned out after that. Because Randy and I were in the middle of our 1st fight. Oh yea, I told you there was realness....we were fighting not even 5 hours into our trip. What about you ask? That I was on the phone with my mother when I would see her in just an hour or so and that I didn't need to be on the phone while we were trying to figure out where we were going!

So I got off the phone and we headed to DME:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: Poor Willow must have been confused, because we got off the elevator and she said "I don't see the castle" I explained that we needed to take a busy to the hotel and then we would see the castle! We got there and were the last family to load on the bus! SCORE! But then I look over and who should be sitting next to me...the mom who had yet to smoke and her daughter :crazy2: I thought I was done with them (although I am happy to report once we got off DME we never saw them again!). Willow took a much needed nap and I called my sister to let her know we had made it and were on the way to the hotel!

Wilderness Lodge was the 1st stop and We got off and went inside. Ma was waiting for us and said that they managed to fix the room issue (she had called our Travel Agent who called them to let them know). I went to the desk (that had no wait!) and checked us in. The CM even offered to print Casey a room key (that wouldn't work as he was under 3) but she said we could keep it for the scrapbook!

We went up to the room to drop off our stuff, Ma took Willow and Same to their room with her, and then we met at Roaring Forks for some lunch. I had the cheese steak flatbread, Shane had a flatbread pizza, Randy had the bacon cheeseburger and Cody had penne with meatballs. All were pretty good. Casey shared ours. Ma had a sandwhich and Willow got the kids pizza and Sam the nugget meal. Willow ate nothing. She only likes pizza from actual pizza places. I told my mom she did not eat her b'fast either.

We stopped back to our rooms. Ma wanted to go to DTD as not to 'waste' a day in the parks as it was already 2pm, but Randy didn't want to go shopping and the kids really wanted to go to MK. A friend who lives in Orlando offered to be our own personal Garden Grocer and got us some greek yogurt for DH (he eats 2 of them a day), a gallon of milk for CJ and a loaf of bread. So I met him at the front of the hotel and grabbed our stuff (he had to get to work).

FINALLY we took the boat over to nice! I had been lucky enough to order a D~ bag and had it with me, a woman on the boat commented on how nice it was and asked where I got it...she wasn't happy when I told her that D~ had a waiting list almost a year out!

Up Next.......Meeting the boss, seeing the castle
I'm in...this sounds like a fun TR!

Thanks! Happy to ahhave you along!


Life update

Here is a life update since it has been the reason why I haven't done a trip update. I am STILL sick. This thing will not go away. I have tried antibiotics to kill dice. I have tried sleeping and resting so much that my house was a dice. I have even tried bribing it to go dice.

My husband is ready to leave me...well not really, but he is tired of coming home to see the house a mess, nothing done and me with a mold of my butt on the couch. I am feeling slightly better, the coughing has decreased, but is still there.

But this past week I HAD to clean. Where I grew up, we do trick or treat on the Friday before Halloween from 6pm to 8pm. Yes I am aware that this is beyond odd....far from normal. What's next Christmas on the 3rd Saturday of December? :faint: My husband grew up in Philly and this STILL blows his mind. SOOOOOOOO I had to clean because my good friend was coming over to ToT with her family. So cleaning I did. Cody was a ninja, Shane a robot (I spraypainted a box silver and he was SO happy!...gotta love a cheap costume) and Casey was going to wear an outfit from our trip, but it was entirely too cold, so he wore a kangaroo costume that one of the big boys had worn (I save them all, they are the heavy ones from Old Navy that are REALLY warm).

Casey was too cute. He got the hang of the idea around 7:30, with only a half hour left, but he would cop out of the wagon, run up to the door (all while his little kangaroo tail was wagging back and forth) and would say "tricktweet." JUST PRECIOUS!

I have a lot of stuff to get ready for this weekend....a surprise I'll tell you about later!

So hopefully tomorrow or tuesday I will do an actual trip update. I have a dr appt tomorrow and depending on how long that takes.....we shall see!
So I left off with us getting on the boat to MK....WE were FINALLY here. It had been 3 years and it looked just as I had remembered. The feeling of excitement fluttered in my belly.

We walked right up to bag check, no lines, walked right up to the gates. It was SO nice not having to push the stroller thru the stroller entrance. And we were in! We headed into the park and right over to turn in our PP+ ticket for the lanyard. This took FOREVER. No really, it was one of the longest waits our entire trip. While I waited the rest of the crew hung out at Tony's blowing bubbles and drawing. A few times Randy came over to find out what the hold up was. I was starting to wonder myself. If I could give Disney feedback it would be to have a separate line for those who want to pick up PP+ lanyards. Because it literally took less than 3 minutes to get the thing once I was next in line!

Lanyard in hand we were headed to see the big cheese himself.....MICKEY!!!! There was a posted 5 min wait, so I thought it was perfect. We wait our turn, go in and hand them our lanyard....only for it to be handed back to us. The photographer had to step out and the character attendant offered to take some pictures for us.....whhhhooooppppp....whhooooppppp. We took our pictures and headed out, only to see the PP photographer head back in. DOH!

That's ok, we were headed outside to see the parade, got front row seats by chance (that part of Main St really wasn't busy!). Shane started was HOT and we were right in the middle of the sun. Once the parade was over we battled the crowd (which was pretty heavy that day, but the rest of the time was much better) and headed over to a ride we all could do. Aladdin and his Magic Carpets with a 5 minute wait. Everyone LOVED it.

Since we were now so close to POTC we headed there, and there was only a 5 minute wait. Wow, talk about luck! While DH was parking the stroller, the pirate show that was going on finished up and everyone headed into the ride and 5 minutes became much longer. We got thru the line and rode. I was worried about how Willow and Casey would do as the ride is a bit dark and has some scarey moments. They did fine, Shane, however, was crying that he was scared. My fearless 8yo, who had ridden this ride at least 10 times in the course of his life was now suddenly scared. This was a theme on this trip, and we are in the process of trying to get him some help because this is not him normally.

We headed over to Pecos Bill's to get something to cool off. We got some water, the kids got root beer slushies and we headed over to Splash Mountain to cool off, but the wait was 55 mins and my kids were fading fast. So we decided we would take the train to the front of MK and head back to the hotel for a nap/rest. My mom thought it was a stupid idea and a waste of money, so her, WIllow and Sam decided to stay. Once the train ride took us to the front of the park, it also happened to be time for the Flag ceremony so we stayed to watch me goose bumps everytime!

My crew left the park and the boat was waiting for us! We got back to WL and stopped to get our mugs, filled them, then I took the big boys to look in the gift shop and headed back to the room. I made the boys do some homework, Casey was put in his pack and play (and was out in less than 2 minutes), Randy took a nap and I did what all moms do...I unpacked!

We had ADRs for O'hana at 7. This was "my" pick. EAch of the adults picked a must do place, and this was mine. Mom was headed there from the MK and got there early and checked in. Our table was ready!!! WHAT?!?!? All I ever heard about was long check ins at O'hana. Of course we were not there yet, but they held our table while we rushed over. We have never done O'hana for dinner, but it is now on our MUST do list. The service was great. Our waiter even brought out the kids platter which was a life saver. Mom and I ordered some drinks (can't remember what!) and the food started coming....and coming...and coming. Our 'cousin' would put 4 or 5 pieces of meat on each of our plates. Next time I am bringing a tupperware as I doubt I even ate 1 whole piece, and felt so bad for being wasteful (and it was soooooooooo good). It was all so good. I want some now. I don't even like bread pudding (it's a texture thing) but even that was good. DH asked for a sugar free option and was told they had nothing. The kids all had ice cream. (looking over my notes, it said "No picts of food, too good to stop and take pictures!)

With our bellies soooooo full we headed over to a resort to see some friends who were staying there. These were friends I have met on the DIS and our friendships have become so much closer from a small FB group we have together. Rosie and I have met before on a past trip, she's from Washington. She was there on a solo trip, winding down after her daughter's wedding. Adrian and Michelle are from Canada and were there for the last bit of their vacation. And our friend Mike...Mike knows everyone! LOL! He works at WDW and meets pretty much all of us when we are in town! We had some drinks, chatted and had such a nice visit. Casey met a little girl and they took turns chasing each other was adorable....until they both started shrieking then we were 'that' family! Mom took Willow and Sam and Cody back to the hotel while we hung out a little more.

We all were tired so we decided to head back. Mike told us we could take a boat from the CR to our resort which we had no idea about. We get to the dock and I realized my backpack was at the bar. DOH. My pack had EVERYTING in it. So I told R and Cody to head back, I would see them in the room. I went back up to get my pack and then ran back to the dock. And waited....and waited and waited. It said boats ran until 11:30, and I got there at 11:11 and now it was past 11:30, I was starting to get worried. I sat and updated my TR while I waited. But then a boat came back to drop people off and the driver scolded me. Told me that the boats ran until 11:30 and I should have been there earlier. I explained I was there at 11:11 and he was the 1st boat to come. He took me back, and I went up to the room and got into bed. It had been a long day!

Up Next...Where to on day 2?
So sorry. This TR has been on my mind a lot lately. Life has once again gotten in the way...more sickness, the holidays and a few other things. I am hoping that by keeping up with this it will help me with the idea that we won't be going for a little while, the absolute FREEZING weather we have been having (school is already closed for tomorrow and it was closed Friday). The kids are SO off schedule I may rip out my hair!

OK, working on day 2 now!
Even though the day before had been a long one with little sleep (for me mainly) I was up at 7. DH went to the gym (WHO does that on vacation?!?!?) and the boys got up a lot earlier than I thought they would, but I guess much like their Mama, there is no time for sleep when you are in Disney! Mom and I texted with a meet up time of 9:15/9:30. I fed the boys some PB on bread for b'fast, I didn't eat. When Randy got back I ran some PJ's down to my mom's room (they were extra's for Willow in case she peed during our travel, which she didn't). In fact, that morning Willow was refusing to pee at ALL, so Mom would not leave the room until this little power struggle was over. I offered to take Sam with us to our room and down for b'fast.

We headed down to RF to fill mugs and get Some b'fast. He didn't want anything to eat so we filled our mugs with drinks and water thermoses with ice and water. If yesterday was any indication of how hot it would be, we all would need lots of water. We headed to the dock, only to realize that Casey's hat, which he had on his head 5 minutes before was gone. I ran back to RF and thankfully they had it behind the counter. It had been Cody's hat our last trip, but he outgrew it and Casey had a REALLY big head! Mom and Willow happened to be there (Mom won!) so we rode the boat over to FWL then to the CR then took the monorail to TTC to hop on the other monorail to get to Epcot. I'm sure there was an easier way to do this than how we did, but hindsight!

I LOVE how the monorail goes thru Epcot, give you an idea of the crowds and just a relaxing way to see the park. There was a Scottish family in the monorail car with us and the pre-teen girls were trying to teach their mom the "Cups Song" doing the clapping and so on. Of course the door to the monorail wouldn't open for us so we were delayed a bit on a VERY full monorail. OH well, we are at Disney!

We went to bag check, then got into the park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheer2::cheer2:

We stopped for some PP picts with Tinkerbell and Stitch, although the Stitch ones never showed him (just an empty space where he should have been!). We thne saw Goofy over to the right with a minimal line, so we headed over there. Randy and Shane wanted to do the FP run for Soarin, so they took everyone's cards (we didn't have magic bands) and went over to The Land to get them. Randy then texted me to let me know that we got a return time of 120 to 220...perfect, right after lunch!

No Stitch!

WE then intended to meet up with Randy and Shane, but Ma got distracted by Starbucks. She is a Starbucks FIEND. She got a coffee and I got a new chocolate Chai....ewwwwww. Once we were fueled up we really headed over to meet Randy and Shane....that is until we got distracted again, this time by Chip and Dale! It was a Character kind of morning!

WE met with them, calling for Randy and Shane to come over and meet us too. They managed to make it just in time!

With no real plans and only a 5 minute wait we decided to turn back and go to the Character Spot. Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto were on tap for today! I don't think it changes

After Pictures we were all a bit hungry so we asked a CM what would be a good lunch in Future World. He suggested Electric Umbrella or Sunshine Seasons. So we set out for Electric Umbrella..........

Do we eat there? Will it be up to Ma's standards?

(hoping to get more done tomorrow The wind is blowing and the internet is running slow....the kids already have off for tomorrow as the temps will be -25, so I have some cleaning up to do tonight since I doubt I will want to do more than lay under a blanket tomorrow
I had left off with us hungry and looking for food. We took the short walk over to Electric Umbrella. We were down with eating here...Mom, not so much. WE thought of splitting up but in the end decided to head over to Sunshine Seasons. BEST CHOICE EVER!!!!

Randy got a turkey sandwhich, Shane got the pizza pannini, Cody got the PB&J (it KILLS me that they charge that much for a PB&J!), Sam got Sweet and Sour chicken, WIllow got some chicken and Ma and I had the salmon. OH. MY. LANTA was that good!!! Randy thought the turkey was good, not great and Shane LOVED his Pannini. We had never eaten here and it was a SCORE, made me wonder why we hadn't been here before.

After filling our bellies with that yummo food it was time to use our FP. We sent all the big boys on Soarin 1st since they were the most excited. Willow, Mom Casey and I went on Living With The Land (again something I had never done). Afterwards we waited for the boys in the gift area. While we were waiting I hatched the plan for R to take all the boys over to Test Track to get FP and meet at Mouse Gear (in the a/c). Casey was in desperate need of a nap and was laying on the floor having a tantrum. He SO needed a nap! The boys finished their ride and I told R my plan. He was agreeable (he hates to shop!) and set off while us gals rode Soarin.

We waited in line and Willow was horrid. She was too impatient wait to ride, although in her defense we had been in Epcot all day and the only thing she got to ride was her stroller! WE finally got on and she LOVED it. She was quite the ride junkie!

R texted me that they had gotten FP for 4:55 to 5:55 for TT and CJ was a asleep (YAY!!!!). WE looked around in Mouse Gear for some time and ended up buying each of our big boys a hat (we get them one for each trip), R got a windbreaker, I got Croc flip flops and sunscreen. That's right I paid a small fortune for 1 bottle of sunscreen. It killed me to do it, but it was left off the packing list that I had obsessed over for months. My husband is darker skinned (Armenian) and our kids get their coloring from him, but I burn, baby burn, disco inferno. R let me know he had enough of shopping so he waited outside in the shade and when we were done we all headed over to The Seas to meet Nemo and Friends.

Would Casey stay asleep? How does one get something back once it has been thrown in a locked garbage can? Where were we eating dinner?
OK, because I can't hold it in any longer....THIS is the WHAT we brought home from Disney.....

I'm half way baking our little (OK, REALLY BIG) surprise!

We will find out if we have a little prince or princess when s/he comes in May/June!
I have thought of lots of things that you could have brought home from Disney but not a beautiful addition to your family. God bless and have a great pregnancy. :flower3:
OK, because I can't hold it in any longer....THIS is the WHAT we brought home from Disney.....

I'm half way baking our little (OK, REALLY BIG) surprise!

We will find out if we have a little prince or princess when s/he comes in May/June!
So it's been a long time...over 6 months long. I wish I could say I had a good excuse........oh wait, I do!!!!!

I had a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The baby isn't my only excuse. The pregnancy was bad. I started having trouble shortly after I made my last post on here. Heart issues, once those got situated I started with pre-eclampsia, which turned into severe pre-e and they had to do an emergency induction at 34 weeks. It was such a scary time, not knowing if the baby would be able to breath on it's own or not. The delivery was scary as the baby was face up and had the cord around it's neck, which we didn't know until baby was out. Once baby was here, we got to see baby for a few mins before they whisked it away to NICU.

So I can stop using they and 'the baby'

Introducing Josephine Ruth, born 4/24/14 after 22 hours of labor and 3 mins of pushing!!!!

She spent 10 long days in NICU and had some struggles since coming home, but is home and we couldn't be happier.

So you see, I had a really good reason for neglecting this TR. I'm hoping now that my life with 4 kids has settled down, well, as much as ones life can settle down with 4 kids, I can get back to writing this TR. It's coming up on a year and I'm not sure people will even be interested, but since we are not going this year, I need an outlet. So this will be it.

I'm hoping I can convince DH to go in 2 years. I'd love a year, but doubtful that will happen! But 2 years, pretty sure he will want to take his Princess there!!!!


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