You can sure tell its an election year....


Let's have popcorn and dippin' dots
Aug 31, 2004
As some of you know I've had a stomach problem for a while which at times results in alot of pain and at other times results on non stop loud belching. well about 4 weeks before xmas i got a letter apologising for the delay in giving me a specialist apointment and that the wait would be 15 weeks. at 6 weeks they would contact me to make an appointment.

i wasnt really suprised. my wife and mother work in the NHS so i know waiting lists amongst other things are in a terrible state. well anyway about 3 weeks later on christmas eve i get a letter asking me to contact them to make an appointment. being busy over xmas i just got round to it today and was told they will book me in for this monday!!!! :earseek:

can certainly tell its an election year this year.
Good News Rhys :) whatever the driver is I hope that it means you are feeling better soon.

Does this mean we might get a break from your evil quiz???
AlanUK said:
Good News Rhys :) whatever the driver is I hope that it means you are feeling better soon.

Does this mean we might get a break from your evil quiz???

truth be told im not holding out much hope of him curing it. my GP tried 3 times and failed. first they said i had an excess of acid in my stomach. gave me pills for it. and it didnt work.

then they thought i had an ulcer so they gave me pills for that(HELLLOOOO im 22! an ulcer? dont be silly) and they didnt work.

then they thought it was some form of irritable bowl and gave me pills for that and they didnt work. so now i get to see a specialist. gonna be interesting to see if they manage to cure it.

and as for the break in the evvvvviiilll quiz nope :) my appointment is at 3:30pm monday so i should be back in time to post the question if not it'll be a little bit late. but either way no break hehehe. unless they find something dire and admit me right away. but i doubt that as they would have spotted it by now if it was dire.

ticks me off though that we dont get this service all year round. just cos its an ellection year we get the service we finally wanted all these years.
I was reading this week that most hospitals now have a "secret" waiting list, which is the true wait time, and a false list that is used to prove that the NHS is now seeing people quicker. More smoke & mirrors
Best of luck Rhys :)

I hope they get to the bottom of the cause and can alleviate or even better cure it!


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