You know what I'm afraid of?


DIS Veteran
Apr 2, 2002
hello...I've just joined the WISH challenge. I once again am ready to take a shot at this weight loss thing. I am so conflicted as to whether I should follow a plan (WW, ATkins, South Beach) or just exercise & eat sensibly.

I'm not on any plan at the moment......Just trying to exercise & eat as sensibly as I can....and once in awhile...I slip....and eat something that I shouldn't...
If it was a small slip...then I don't gain weight.

In the past....if I went on a diet & lost some weight..but then had a slip....all the sudden I would gain weight.

All of you on the Atkin's, Weight Watchers, South that what you've found too?

At the moment...I'm not losing any weight. But I am so afraid that if I go on a diet then I am going to go through all that work ....only to slip and gain it all back (and more).

Someone please convince me that it is possible to lose weight without torturing yourself every second of every day. EEEEEEEK!

THanks for any help whatsoever
Whatever eating plan you follow - it has to be a permanent change in how you eat. If you change what you eat, lose weight, adn then return to your previous eating habits... you will regain the weight. It does not matter what eating plan you are on... if you go off it... you will regain the weight.

So the trick is to find what you are comfortable doing ALL THE TIME and what works for you. For me it is a combination of low carb eating - and a moderate but consistent exercise routine. I can (and do) live this way 24/7 - 365 days a year. I do not go off my way of eating when on vacation - just choose to eat more of the appropriate foods. I do not use holiday's or birthdays, or stress days - as a reason to eat differently. Because if I do... then more "holidays" appear from the way of eating I have chosen ... and it is a down hill slide from there.

I can do this because the way I eat is very satisfying and I have enjoyed success in losing weight and improve my blood lipid profiles. The rewards for staying on plan are immense and is motivation enough.

You may be more comfortable on another eating plan... but whatever you do... you just need to find what is sustainable for you for the long haul.

Just my thoughts on the subject.
I've been the same place you are...I've lost 10 pounds only to gain 15 more many, many times. Like Dixie said, you have to approach this as a life change, not as a diet. The bottom line is that if we ever go back to our old way of eating the weight will come right back.

The key is to find a plan that works for you and that you believe you can stay on for life. For me that plan is Atkins. I've never felt so comfortable with a weight loss plan. I'm not hungry and although my loss isn't lightning fast, it's steady and I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I will make it.

For you, that plan could be Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, or any of the other valid eating plans out there. You just have to do your research and be realistic about whether or not you can stick with your plan forever.

You can do it!!!
Thanks so much!!! I'll admit that I don't know much about the different plans (I just ordered the Atkins book today). I just can't imagine never eating another piece of cake ever again. Or having to "work" for every meal to try and find something that I'm allowed to have.

In the past...I would NEVER binge or intentially get lazy about watching what I ate....I just usually let myself 'cheat' whenever it was too hard to find something 'good' to eat.

Like DixieDreamer said, though...I have to consider the rewards of the work......*sigh*

Thanks for the replies.
I always hated having to hear that I needed to change my eating habits for a lifetime. So, I never did that and here I am again, having to lose a lot of weight.

I'm 54 years old now, though, and I've made the most amazing discovery: I have to change my lifetime eating habits.

So, that's what I've done. I don't look at my birthday and see a license to go off plan, I don't plan a vacation intending to eat off plan foods, I don't go to a party giving myself permission to go off plan. I take those occasions and eat foods that are legal for my eating plan. I plan to do that for the rest of my life.

I follow Atkins and I haven't had a refined carbohydrate since 1/9/03. My plan is to live the rest of my life without tasting white flour or sugar. I know myself, if I added those things back into my diet, I would be needing to lose a lot of weight eventually. I don't want to do that again.

Fortunately, I've found the plan that is best for me. That's most of the battle you know, finding a plan that works best for <i>you</i>.

If I could eat sensibly, I wouldn't be here on WISH. I don't have the ability to do that, apparently.

I've done WW and it is an excellent program, it just doesn't work for <i>me</i>. I stayed hungry on WW, being allowed small amounts of refined carbohydrates just made me want more and more.

I've followed almost every eating plan ever devised. I finally tried Atkins and it works for <i>me</i>. That doesn't mean it is the right plan for everyone.

Experiment with different eating plans until you find the plan you can follow for life.

eeek.....anyone else long for the days when you didn't have to think about what you put in your mouth? :-)

Guess getting older & having 2 kids will do that to you. ughhhhhhhh......

Thanks everyone!! I appreciate it. I just don't like hearing it. :-)Eating just didn't used to feel like work.

Congrats to all of you! I guess it goes without saying that I am proud of all of you. I can do this too. I guess I just have to convince myself.

Off to experiment a bit...............
Hi there,

Unfortunately, I am not going to tell you good news. More than likely, you will have to alter the way you eat for LIFE to keep it off.

I lost 37 pounds last year, and within a year I gained almost all of it back. What I learned in that year, is that if I want to stay thin, I must make this a lifetime habit.

But don't fret...........It's not as bad as it seems. Along the way on my journey I have learned to live my life healthier, and I have never been happier. The feeling of self empowerment, and learning that you can LIVE like this is such a powerful thing.

I do Weight Watchers, and I can eat anything I want, but in moderation. I have learned to eat healthy and I really like it now. When you first start a diet, your body will be hungry and not nice to you. Give it time, and it will learn to like you back. I try to eat things now that fill me up and have nutrition. I still have my snacks and ice cream, but I don't have those kind as often. Now for snacks, I will have things like whole wheat bread with a tablespoon of all natural peanutbutter and a glass of milk. One of my favorite low points meal is a low point flour tortilla, fat free cheese, 1 cup refried beans and lots of homemade salsa.
Its super filling, and I love Mexican food.

Good luck in finding a program, read through some of the posts on this board.



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