You & Me & A Bottle Makes 3 (UPDATED! 4/7/14)–F&W Fest & the Rest in 5 days!


DIS Veteran
Apr 30, 2013
Welcome aboard for 5 Days (7 if you count travel) of Food, Rides , Shows and Silliness!

*This First Page Subject to ALOT of editing for a few days, I wanted to get started but have too much work to catch up on post-vacation so do not have the time to make it look as nice as I hope it will*

For those who did not read my Pre-Trip Report (feel free to hop on over there first and rejoin us later) let me introduce us:

My DBF "S" and I are a couple in our mid 30's. We have been dating for approx. 18 months (we do not live together). This is our first trip together, our first real vacation as a couple outside of one long weekend in DC.

I am Nakkira (yes this is a handle). I live with my younger (by more than a decade) sister, who is currently in college and my usual Disney travel companion. I mention her because while she could not come on this particular trip, I mention her frequently and she is like a daughter to me.
I have a type A personality, I am a typical Leo.
My hobbies are Reading, Archery, Home brewing, Living History, and Amateur Acting (community theatre), and Travel just to name a few.
If someone asked me what I am REALLY into the list would be long. My simple answer is "Experiences, living life" I like to try, see, and learn new things constantly. If I had money, I would almost never be home, I would be out exploring the World!
"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere . I want it more than I can tell"
I have been to Disney World several times in my life, I seem to average every 5 years or so. I wish that was more.
My Disney Favorites:
Characters: (Animated Disney) Tinker Bell, Merida, Belle, Ariel, and Stitch (Muppets) Gonzo, Kermit, Beaker
Park: EPCOT(specifically the World Showcase)
Attraction per Park: (MK) POTC - (EP)Captain EO -(HS) Tie Between Start Tours and Muppet Vision - (AK) Everest
Favorite Show: it WAS Beauty and The Beast, but has been replaced and surpassed this Trip (you will have to read more to find out what dethroned it)

My DBF "S" (until he gives me permission to use his real name or chooses an actual handle) has and 8 year old son who lives with him every other week. His son did not come with us on this trip, but we are tentatively planning another trip in the next couple of years that hopefully both his son, and my sister can join us on.
He is pretty mellow for the most part but also a Leo.
I am not sure if we balance each other out or drive each other crazy.
Let's just say, we are rarely bored.
He is also into archery, home brewing, reading, and living history. He REALLY loves hockey and in fact is a broadcaster for the local college team.

This is his first trip as an adult, he went once as a kid, and being the horrid girlfriend I am, I do not remember how old he said he was.
His Disney Favorites:
Character(s): His favorite is Mr. Fredrickson, he also likes Humphrey the Bear, Captain Barbossa, Stitch, Todd and Figment.
Movie: Wall-E
Favorite Show: The same one as my new one.

Primary Focus: The Ecpot Food and Wine Festival! I had caught the tail end of it once in the past and only sampled one or two items (family had other plans). I have always wanted to go back! We are both foodies and have a healthy fondness for good drink as well.
This will be a travel blog rich in Food Porn.

This was also tightly budgeted value trip. We both however saved plenty of money for the Festival so we would not have to make tough choices about what to try.
Yes, in fact, I would rather have a crappy hotel and few souvenirs than restrict my gluttony.
A girl has got to have her priorities in order.

We had 5 day tickets (no Park Hopper option)
Staying of site at the Econo Lodge Maingate
Flying Jet Blue

I think that is about it for the basics. This is my first Disney Trip report so please flatter my Leo ego and let me know if you are enjoying it. If you are not, go away! Have a beer or a few, come back try again.


For those of you that prefer dining reports, I promise, there will be plenty, especially when we get to Epcot.

Enjoy the Ride and have a Magical Day!

Shortcuts to Pages:

Travel day to Orlando! On our Way!

Day 1 MK
"Welcome to a place where dreams come true!" MK Day 1 Part 1
"With good fortune (and a great hair-do)" MK Day 1 Part 2
"Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize" MK Day 1 Part 3
"I Use Antlers in all of My Decorating" MK Day Part 4
"And at Last I see the Light" MK Day 1 Part 5

Day 2 Epcot
"Seasons in the Sun" Epcot Day 2 Part 1
"You are the Navigator" Epcot Day 2 Part 2
"Happy 1/2 Hour" Epcot Day 2 Part 3
"Course by Course, One by One, 'Til you shout, "Enough! I'm done!" Epcot Day 2 Part 4
"You like hats?, I'm MAD about hats" Epcot Day 2 Part 5
"Ahhhh! We have the stars to guide us" Epcot Day 2 Part 6
"I can show you the World" Epcot Day 2 Part 7

Day 3 Epcot
"Please take small children by the hand and look down as you step onto the moving platform." Epcot Day 3 Part 1
"Les poissons, les poissons, How I love les poissons" Epcot Day 3 Part 2
"Try the bread! Try the soup!" Epcot Day 3 Part 3
"It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool." Epcot Day 3 Part 4
"Fish are friends, not food." Epcot Day 3 Part 5
"I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!" Epcot Day 3 Part 6
"We came, We ate, We conquered!" Epcot Day 3 Part 7

Day 4 HS
"Hurray for Hollywood" Hollywood Studios Day 4 Part 1
"You are traveling through another dimension" Hollywood Studios Day 4 Part 2
"Where's the Beef?" Hollywood Studios Day 4 Part 3
"I AM THE REBEL SPY!!" Hollywood Studios Day 4 Part 4
"Dancin in the Street" Hollywood Studios Day 4 Part 5
"This is Halloween" Hollywood Studios Day 4 Part 6

Day 5 AK
"Hurry, hurry, hurry, ‘til we’re done" Animal Kingdom Day 5 Part 1
"Go with the flow-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o" Animal Kingdom Day 5 Part 2
"Every grunt, roar, and snort" Animal Kingdom Day 5 Part 3
"Did You ever hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon" Animal Kingdom Day 5 Part 4
"The Ants go marching one by one" Animal Kingdom Day 5 Part 5
"Where all the lights are bright, downtown" Downtown Disney Day 5 Part 6

Travel Home
The Incredible Journey Home


I changed the Title of my TR from ""Don't eat it yet, I still need a pic!" My 1st Disney trip & Food blog 10/13-F&W Fest" I believe that my TR title may have been too similar to a title for a DIS trip report I read a LONG time ago, and I did not want to step on any toes.
IT did fit.
I kept ALMOST forgetting to photo our food and I really wanted to get everything!

Before I launch into my travel day, I must show you the manicure I gave myself the night before:

Well, really, I had to coordinate with my luggage:
-store stock image.

I am telling you I may not be fashionable, or have much money, but deep down inside I am a bit of a Diva. I have been in love with polka dots for much longer than they have been back in style!
Minnie Mouse can back me up on this, Polka Dots Rock!

Anyway, I digress - I do that a lot.

Patience is a virtue.

Travel day

My DBF arrived on time around 9 am, I cooked us breakfast and we were on the road headed to the airport in plenty of time.

The drive was only about 2.5 hours and we had plenty of music, courtesy ov ToddyLu to listen to on the drive.:drive:

Foreshadowing: S tried to pay for the Tea/Coffee and gas at our Wawa stop but his card would not work.
Ok, we will figure that out later. I paid and we moved on.

After passing through security, which went very smoothly we sat down for a nice lunch at the Samuel Adams restaurant as by now it was 1pm and we hungry again.
I am often hungry
We both had the Oktoberfest brew and the Reuben sandwich. The Rubin was more soggy than I preferred but yummy none the less. I had taken a bite as had "S" before I remembered that I wanted a photo of our Airport meal to start this off on the right foot.
I rearranged the food and took a pic. For the record, my darling was very patient, even occasionally amused my constantly stopping us both from eating until I hade a good shot.

Over lunch I gave him the Lanyard full of pins that I had started for him for trading.

Flying on JetBlue was great! I loved the free snacks (had the cookies and the famous blue chips) and free TV. Our two hour flight passed by like nothing.

After our short wait for Mears transportation we were on our way. "S" saw an alligator snap at a crane as we passed by a pond but I only saw the crane. I sometimes miss the cool details by being fixated on the pretty/shiny.

We arrived at the Econo lodge in about a half an hour. Check in was smooth and the lady at the front desk polite. We had good timing too as there was no wait.
Our room was less than stellar (as expected) but not nearly the nightmare that many on Trip Advisor had made it out to be. There WAS a slight musty smell and things were dated and worn out. It could stand a little more attention from Housekeeping but was not by any stretch "dirty". After a check for bed bugs we unpacked and did our best to make it homier.
The bed was pretty small (only a full and we are both sizeable adults).

We walked across the street to the Dollar store and bought some provisions (snacks, citrus room spray, and even some frozen dinners in lieu of our original plans to order pizza or go out)

Ss card worked just fine here so we were pretty relieved.
We then retired to our room, prepped for the next day,microwaved our dinner, drank a little wine and relaxed for an early bedtime.

Honestly, even back home I sometimes prefer to stay in with simple food, my sweetie, and a bottle of Vino.

Next day:
Magic Kingdom.
The plan? To be up bright and early in order get breakfast, catch the hotel shuttle, and make it the Park in time for my first Rope Drop.

Do we make it?

"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow
And tomorrow's just a dream away"

I just got that stuck in your head didn't I? You can thank me later.


Where did you get your luggage? Love it. :goodvibes

I love it.
There is actually a funny story about it. About 5 years ago (before my sister moved in with me and was still living with my Mother) when we (myself and my sister) we planning our Disney trip together to celebrate her 18th birthday and graduation, we both chose the same luggage from different sources and put them on our "wish lists". My mother thought this was fantastic and bought us both the set for Christmas. We had no clue that we had picked out the same set.
Good taste runs in the family!

Good Morning.


Wake up Sweetie, time to go to the Magic Kingdom!!!!

5 more minutes….

Wake-up! NOW!

Gar! <grumble>


Thank goodness for prep the night before. My Tinker Bell shirt was laid out, the backpack packed, lanyard filled with tradable pins, even my DBF had selected his outfit already.

The hotel shuttle left at 7:20 and I was determined we would be on it and see my first rope drop!

After a quick breakfast of waffles and toast (I tried the coffee but it was AWEFULL so I started the day un-caffeinated) we boarded the shuttle (on time)

It went downhill from there. The shuttle stopped at more than a dozen other hotels. Then we found out that it ONLY dropped off at Epcot. We did not make it to Epcot till 8:30.

I was rushing us like mad trying to weave the crows and get to the MK on time.

We got off at the Ticket and transportation center just in time to see the pyrotechnics that end the rope drop go off near the Castle. I was a crushed, almost ready to cry, but then I realized, I am still here and I am so close to the Magic Kingdom, I can see the Castle. I am not really a pouter or a brooder so I determined to shake it of and keep riding the Disney high. We went ahead and decided to take the Ferry, crazy rush pretty much pointless by now.

I do like the view from the ferry.


It was a bit dreary and drizzly that morning but not enough to dampen my spirits.
I was leaning out over the water trying to get a perfect Castle shot when my boyfriend pointed out that he would feel alot better about all of this if we purchased a strap for my camera. I am notoriously clumsy. I blushed and fished the strap (I already owned) out of my camera back and clipped it on, then wrapped it around my arm before continuing to shoot.



Space Mountain!


A little friend at the landing


A lanyard full of pins to trade, a Tinker Bell tee, and totally ready for my day at MK!


"S" on the ferry. He looks like he really needs caffeine.
Side note: One of the boys in the background behind him looks like he is trying not to poop


To my experiences DIS friends. I would like to make a menu on the First post with a menu directly link people to future posts so that if they do not wish to red through all the comments they can just click on the link. I have seen this done in a good many other Blogs but am not sure how to do it myself. If you know and can help please PM me.
Second weird tech issue. I edit/crop my photos on photo bucket. I save the changes, but then when I link them to here, it still posts the original.
That is beyond frustrating.
Pretty pics. :thumbsup2

I love it.
There is actually a funny story about it. About 5 years ago (before my sister moved in with me and was still living with my Mother) when we (myself and my sister) we planning our Disney trip together to celebrate her 18th birthday and graduation, we both chose the same luggage from different sources and put them on our "wish lists". My mother thought this was fantastic and bought us both the set for Christmas. We had no clue that we had picked out the same set.
Good taste runs in the family!

Thank you for the link, love the story. :goodvibes

To my experiences DIS friends. I would like to make a menu on the First post with a menu directly link people to future posts so that if they do not wish to red through all the comments they can just click on the link. I have seen this done in a good many other Blogs but am not sure how to do it myself. If you know and can help please PM me.

Not experienced, but the icon at the top of the post that looks like a globe inserts the link. You just copy the link from the address bar of the page you want to link to.
Not experienced, but the icon at the top of the post that looks like a globe inserts the link. You just copy the link from the address bar of the page you want to link to.

The part I can't figure our is how to get the URL for an individual post. :confused:
The part I can't figure our is how to get the URL for an individual post. :confused:

Click the post number on the right hand side of the page. It will open up the post in its own separate web tab. Then you can copy the URL and insert it using the globe.

I'm interested to hear how off-site went for you. I have done an off-site trip as well, and it was fine. At the time, it was either uber-budget or wait another year to go, and I chose uber-budget. I was actually so happy just to be able to go that it would have taken far more than a few off-site hardships to deter me! I also had second thoughts about the hotel I'd chosen after I read Trip Advisor, but I ended up thinking the hotel was pretty decent.
Joining! You had me at "homebrewing" and "drinking wine with a microwaved meal" sealed the deal!

Our trips actually overlapped - we were there from the 11th to the 18th

Hope you F&WF adventures were bountiful!


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