Young At Heart: The #BirthdayFestivus13 Adventure!!! 5 UPDATES, 1/8!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay!! I'm sooo excited to read all the things you got accomplished on this 2 week trip! Sounds like there was a lot of fun & good friends! I'm happy for you to have such wonderful memories. :)
May 13, 2013
Day 1, Part 1 In Which Everything Goes From Black and White To Color


I posted that on Twitter when I got up at 5:30 AM! IT WAS FINALLY TIME FOR THIS MONUMENTAL TRIP TO BEGIN!!!

You may remember my dear friend Hula Timon!!


Luckily, I had him around to help me with the finishing touches of packing. And by help, I mean he sat there gloating because he had completed his packing and was all set to go.

Oh Timon.

I'm just going to breeze right by most of the traveling process because who cares!??!?! I don't even remember most of it. I JUST REMEMBER EXCITEMENT.


YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY. That's me doing mirror selfies in the airplane bathroom.

I honestly was not even AS excited as I should have been cause I think I barely even believed it.




I think because New Fantasyland was such a huge part of my last trip, seeing it advertised like that just shocked me into the reality that another magical adventure was about it begin. Like not only was I lucky enough to see it before almost everyone, I was about to be right back there AGAIN. WHAT?!??!!!?

This is my YAYYYY I AM IN DISNEYYYY (ALMOST) picture!!!!!!


Just a note on the photos. This report is going to feature pictures from my phone, my camera, Disney's PhotoPass service, Jess's camera & phone, Lee-Anne's phone, and Gina's camera & phone.

WHEW. I will not be specifying the photo credit each time, so just know that the photography in this report is a team effort! THANKS TEAM!!!!

Once you see these hands... YOU KNOW IT'S ON, BABY! Like Donkey Kong.


I briefly went into the Magic of Disney store just to marvel at Disney merchandise. Oh how I love that store.



The magic was just beginning!

Lee-Anne's flight had gotten in though, so I headed out and to Baggage Claim fast to meet her there!


WOOOOOO!!!!!!! It felt good to be reunited. When we were together in April seeing Hanson I said to her, "Do you realize the last time I saw you (October) we were in Disney and the next time I see you, we'll be in Disney AGAIN?" hahaha.

We got our bags and headed to the Magical Express check in desk. There were only like two families ahead of us. Once it was our turn, the CM was so nice! One of my favorite parts about the early moments of the trip are going from regular service to Disney service and seeing the shiny happy Cast Members at DME. I think Disney sends some of their best out to the airport.

I noticed some new design features over there which were very nice! Sorry no pics, it's like impossible to carry bags and take pictures too. But if you haven't been to DME in awhile expect some lovely things.

We got in the Port Orleans line and had to wait awhile. I didn't care. I WAS ABOUT TO BE IN DISNEY! Lee-Anne and I just joked around the whole time and freaked out like frumps. Which was very appropriate since I was texting with Jess who I was about to be reunited with after not seeing her for a year and a half!!


I was talking to Jess through a lot of our ride and she was already at Port Orleans! AHHH JUST GET ME THERE I NEED TO SEE THE FRUMP.




It was so much fun to be headed to a BRAND NEW RESORT (to me, anyway). Not only had I never stayed at Port Orleans, I had never even gone over there to take a look around. I was DYING to see what it was like because for some reason within the past year I have just become obsessed with it and I literally could not wait to get there.

We got off the Magical Express and I saw Jess standing near by waiting for us. I just immediately SCREAMED and ran over to her and gave her a big hug!!!


I was so excited to be in Disney with Jess, not only because it's just nice to be in Disney with your friends but JESS IS AS OBSESSED AS ME. You don't understand. I don't come across these people usually in life. I mean most of my friends love Disney, I'm sure Lee-Anne would even call herself a huge Disney fan but the level Jess and I are on is in a whole other DIMENSION of Disney love. Being in Disney with someone who is not going to look at you like you're crazy when you start screaming about Cheddar Cheese Soup and Aladdin is REALLYREALLY FUN.

I introduced Jess and Lee-Anne and then we realized that in our excitement we totally forgot about our bags. There was a CM standing by like, "Um... aren't these your bags?" LOL. That is so not the first time I have been so excited that I forgot about my bags sitting in the DME bus. Oops.

We got our bags and walked into the lobby. While walking in we were given purple and yellow MARDI GRAS BEADS!!! What an excellent little surprise!!!

They were doing renovations at the time so I didn't really get the full effect of the lobby, but I honestly was so excited that I did not care one bit. It's just another reason to go back, anyway (not like I need one!!).

Jess had already checked us in so we just walked straight through and set off to find our room! It was really close by the lobby, pool, and food court, but even if it hadn't been, I would not have minded the walk AT ALL. French Quarter is absolutely beautiful and just so much fun. In my opinion, it is also the perfect size.


I can not even tell you how much I love both FQ and Riverside. I will get more into this as the report goes on, but oh man. They are just perfect. If you are on the fence about where to stay, just stay at Port Orleans. For real.



During the trip we walked back and forth between the two resorts quite a lot and I swear I will never get tired of just roaming around the place. I LOVE IT. DO NOT WAIT, BOOK NOW, ETC.

Our room was in Building 6 of the North Quarter. It just occurred to me that the buildings don't have names like they do at the other Mods, including Riverside. Hmm.


As soon as we walked in, I noticed the towel Mickey!! YAY!


Once you see that, it's like, YEAH. I'M AT A DISNEY RESORT.

I lovedlovedloved everything about this room. The purple makes it look so regal. This is clearly purple queen Marie Schrader's resort of choice anytime she and Hank visit Walt Disney World.


It's not a royal guest room like at Riverside (I WANT TO STAY IN ONE OF THOSE NEXT!!), but it feels royal to me!

Jess caught this photo of me walking in which I think is so funny and accurately captures my excitement:


We immediately turned on Stacey and screamed and worshipped her as we always do. Oh how I love that woman!!!!!

I was even more excited than usual because there was NEW STACEY FOOTAGE!!!

If you have been to Disney in 2013 you know what I am talking about!! "Two new castles - TWO!!!!!!!!" "Beasty beasty beasty!!!!" "*rubs stomach* Whew, sounds like there's a BEAST in there. Good thing I can dine like one at Be Our Guest Restaurant!!!"


Lee-Anne and I unpacked while Jess just chilled on the bed with Hula Timon.


Timon is usually not a fan of trip reports that do not include him, but I made him at least skim Jess's CP report and he seemed to enjoy it so he was pretty excited to meet her!

There was so much good energy in the room. We were all just SO EXCITED and talking up a storm. I could not believe I had two weeks of this ahead of me. OH GOD EVERYTHING THAT WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. AHHHHH!

I changed into my Flower & Garden Festival ensemble. I am very big on dressing up and theming my outfits because why not? So I had to wear an obnoxious flower headband paired with flower sunglasses. It's what I do.


I LOVE that picture. I'm so glad Jess snapped it because it really takes me back to that moment when the whole trip was ahead of us and the excitement was so tangible it was practically flying through the air and dancing around!

I also gave Jess her birthday present since her birthday had been a few days earlier. She was so excited!! I got her this little plaque:


I thought it fit her current situation since she followed her DCP dream and all! I also got her a plush Minnie ornament and gave her a plastic Princess Jasmine ring that was put on top of a cupcake I had gotten a few days earlier. As soon as I saw that I was like, Jess needs to have this ring. haha

Once we were pretty much settled and ready for the day, it was time to head off to.... THE BANK! Woo!

Yeah, not that exciting. But I had to take out cash because we were going to Company D so that Jess could buy our lovely discount tickets for us (THANK YOU JESS!!!!!!!!!!). We had to pay for this with cash and it was a large amount of money that I did not feel comfortable traveling with, so it was just safer to take out the money at the closest bank to Disney.

Here I am on the way out posing with some crocodiles that are in a band. Amazing.


So we hopped into Brooke (Jess's car) and tried to find the bank, which was no easy task. We went too far and had to turn around, but who cares! We found it.

The people in the bank were so nice! They loved my outfit and were just very welcoming and Disneyish even though it was obviously off property. One of the guys who worked there came over and asked where I was from and what I was doing in town, and he couldn't believe I was staying in Disney for two whole weeks but he thought it was awesome! I got the money and then took some chocolates out of the dish to bring to Jess and Lee-Anne because I am an awesome friend (I had already eaten mine, duh).

Money in hand, we drove to Company D which was luckily very close to the bank.

OOOOOOHHH I was very excited because... BACKSTAGE!!!!! I actually recognized this backstage area because my mom and I got lost one day years ago and ended up back there. I remembered seeing the back of Fantasyland and being all like OH.MY.GOD. Eventually we were stopped and a CM told us how to get ourselves outta there. Oops.

This time though, we were supposed to be there! We had Official Cast Member Business to take care of! WOOOO!!!!!!

Lee-Anne and I waited in the car while Jess went in to buy the tickets. After sitting there a moment I realized the, um, CASTLE was sitting right in front of us!!!


Ahh, your first glimpse of the castle is always so ridiculously magical. It was cool to be seeing it from an entirely new angle - the Company D parking lot! haha. So many things about this trip were so different already and I was loving it!

Jess returned soon enough with our AWESOME TICKETS!!! YAAAAS!!! Lee-Anne got Donald and I got MICKEY!!! OMG. SO EXCITING.


We were like losing it and it's so funny how Jess was just like "Yup, that's the castle, normal day." LOL. I'm so happy her dream of living there is now a reality!
MAY 13, 2013

Epcot was our destination, but instead of driving over we decided to park at the Contemporary and get on the monorail!



It was so weird to be driving around in a car (I literally haven't been in a car in Disney since 2006) and just casually parking at the Contemporary. This was the beginning of my experience being in Disney with a CM and it was different but I liked it of course!



First we got the Iron Man 3 monorail, or as I call it, The Ironorail.


The 2nd one was WAY better though cause it was MONSTER'S UNIVERSITY!!! WOO!




Right away I discovered some Big Thunder fastpasses. Looks like these people missed their return time!


My friends are cute!


I was so happy. The monorail is obviously my main thrill in life, but beyond that, the ride to Epcot is so much fun. Getting to tour the park before getting off is such a thrill to me. It's just like, "LOOK AT ALL THIS AWESOME STUFF YOU ARE ABOUT TO EXPERIENCE!!!!" I DIED looking out the window and seeing all the stunning Flower & Garden Festival decorations. Epcot just looks even more beautiful than usual during this time and being on the monorail was the perfect introduction to that!


That is basically what my brain was doing. Not really forming full sentences, just screaming.

I kind of hate the decorated monorails though, because it's impossible to get a good picture:


Oh well!

Recognize anyone in the photo below? haha.






Flower & Garden, baby! I WAS SO READY FOR THE FOOD!


Jess wanted to meet up with her friend Mark who was also in Epcot at the time, so we went to go meet up with him in front of the Phineas & Ferb topiary!

We walked through Epcot and met up with Mark who was talking to a CM near the info board. I wanted to go straight to the World Showcase because as you all know, I had been DYING to try out the food booths at the Flower & Garden Festival!

Of course though, we had to make one stop because I can't walk by Club Cool without getting some delicious free soda!

Jess informed me that she had never even tried the watermelon soda before. OMG. WHAT?!

I was surprised by that. Also, she called it "pop" which always cracks me up because it reminds me of when I went to Minnesota for Hanson and all the locals marveled at my accent, made me say words like "coffee" and "quarter", and told me I was so weird for calling Coca Cola, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, and other carbonated flavored beverages "soda". No one around here calls it "pop", it's either soda or it's called by the brand name. I may start calling it pop though, just because I want to weird people out and I think it's really cute. Plus, it's an *NSYNC song soooooooooooo

After filling up on pop (which Jess actually really liked!), IT WAS TIME FOR THE WORLD SHOWCASE!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Bye, Future World! For now anyway.


Oh man I was basically RUNNING to the World Showcase. If you don't already know about my Food & Wine Festival obsession, be prepared to get schooled because it is like my favorite thing ever and one of the reasons why the fall is obviously the #1 best time to visit Disney World. So the fact that Flower & Garden was featuring food booths this year was a HUGE deal to me. As soon as they announced the inclusion of the booths, I knew this would be the first thing I did at Disney World. So I think this was just a brilliant addition to the F&G festival and I could not wait to try everything!

On the way over, I spotted this Lion King-themed sign:


Silly me.... I never did find out exactly what that was! Seemed fun though.


This trip was actually nearing the end of the Festival, which started in March. I was so happy to finally be there after hearing about it for months!



The Oz display was really cool!


So, the first thing I ate in Disney was............ SALAD.

This was a very strange thing because I am against salad, politically.

I enjoy dough, fried foods, desserts involving or completely made up of chocolate, etc. ESPECIALLY AT DISNEY.

However, I had heard a lot about these food booths and this salad was a favorite among everyone, it seemed. Plus I loved the ingredients.


Watermelon Salad with pickled Red Onions, BW Farm Baby Arugula, Feta Cheese and Balsamic Reduction. SO GOOD.

It was the perfect first start to snacking around the world! So delicious, light, and fresh!! The only thing I didn't eat were the pickled red onions because I'm not the biggest fan of those. It was fine though because the combination of flavors here was just so delicious and I really enjoyed it!

What made me laugh was there was a Canada sticker on the napkin holder.



Mexico was our next stop!


Jess got the pork soft tacos:


I really wanted that dish too, but I was still eating the salad, so I took a rain check on that one!

Jess said they were really good but before she bit into it she pointed at the pork rinds and was like, "I'm scared of these." hahaha I was like YEAH, YIKES. Pork rinds freak me out too. I had this dish later on in the trip though and they were actually a nice crunchy element so I enjoyed them!

Onto China!



I really wanted to try the Spring Pancake and Jess wanted to as well, so we both got that.


OH MY GOD I LOVED THIS. I got it again a few days later because it was just so good. I'm not the biggest fan of peppers so I took a couple of them out but besides that, I was in love. Texture is a big thing with me when it comes to eating, and this just had the perfect mix of soft and crunchy foods.

Lee-Anne was ready for the party to begin so she got the KUNG FU PUNCH which was vodka, Triple Sec, mango, and orange juice. She said it was really delicious & pretty strong. WOO HOO she was not wasting any time!! Let the Festivus begin!!!
Your excitement for Disney is adorable. Seriously! I love how you write your reports like you're talking to us personally :thumbsup2

French Quarter... I need to stay there! I think I might just have to book this resort for our Christmas trip next year. I totally agree with you on loving the purple bedspreads. They're just so pretty!

Mmmm that spring pancake looks delicious! I'm waiting for my husband to get home from work and since we're going out to dinner tonight for my birthday, I haven't had anything to eat in awhile. I'm like salivating over here looking at those food pictures! YUMMM! <3
The pride rock fun spot was kind of like the KidCot stations, except instead of Duffy/Perry the kids (and kids at heart) got to color and decorate a mask cutout on a stick :)
Subbed in! I love the moto of your trip. I did a "birthday" trip the past two years, never on my actual birthday though. The first time I went in January and we all had birthdays from December to February so we all celebrated. It was the most fun being with other people that "got it" as much as I did. Looking forward to more! The flower and garden food looked amazing!!
Joining in on this one from the beginning!
I love how happy you all look in every single picture! Disney magic. It's real.
Port Orleans French Quarter is so charming! Probably my favorite moderate resort.
Can't wait to read about the rest of the WHOLE TWO WEEKS! :cool1:
Oh my gosh LOVING your report so far!!! Can't wait to hear more about Flower and Garden-I will be checking it out in April!

I am obsessed with POR and POFQ! We stayed there last month and will be staying there in Nov when I get to EXPERIENCE FOOD AND WINE AGAIN!! So I am totally sharing in on your first day joy! I love how excited you are!

Anyway, you all are just adorable, love your enthusiasm and humor- can't wait to read more! Do you have another trip planned soon?
Finally caught one of your reports at the beginning! We were in WDW at the beginning of May and *loved* the flower & garden food kiosks. Unfortunately I got sick later in the trip so we were only at Epcot for half a day. I know, the humanity!!
I will now live vicariously through your TR and pretend I got to gorge on more food than I did. So, thank you in advance.
Oh my gosh your first day looks totally awesome!!

Love the Hula Timon makes an appearance again, so great!!

AH! We stayed at FQ most recently and absolutely loved it, it's so amazing there, and I have to agree, a royal room at Riverside is on my list of "next resorts to stay at" the mansions over there look totally awesome!

Love that you and Jess have that bonding thing, I definitely get that too, I've got one friend at home with me that gets it, and is my favorite person to go to Disney with, but aside from that, it's hard to find people who really "get" it and what it's all about, until you find friends on here and it's just amazing!!

Ahh the food booths and flower and garden just look perfect, that salad looks amazing!! Also, I really liked the shot of Epcot you got through the monorail, it looks super cool!

Can't wait to read more!!
Here and reading! You and I both know that I'll wind up falling way behind in both my reading and commenting, but I hope you know I am SO EXCITED to follow along with your trip report, especially since I'll be making my first visit to the Flower and Garden Festival next year! And because you and Jess are adorable.
Hello! I am here, but of course!! YAY FOR THE BEGINNING OF A TRIP!! I wish I could've been there. (I wish I could also be there.) But my birthday is 5 days after yours so it would've fit. Oh well...there's always 2090 for us to celebrate triple digits together! :thumbsup2
I'm so happy that you've posed a new TR for me to read along whilst I enter the last few 'waiting weeks' before my trip! I will making notes on your recommendations again!
Yay for a new report! We just got back 2 days ago, but I at least got a mini taste of Food and Wine, as we were in Epcot on the opening day. I already know I need to plan a trip around F&W!! And my daughter was given a Mickey Moose sticker in Canada that night!

Ok.... settling in for more...
Yay! I'm so excited you are writing up this trip report! From the updates Jess posted it looked like you guys had a great trip!

I'm so jealous you got to spend 2 weeks in Disney, that's my dream! I also can't wait to hear all about the stuff you don't normally do. I'm the same way I do the same things everytime I go and pass over the same stuff, can't wait to hear all about stopping to smell the roses!
AHHHH i'm so excited to read this!! I follow both you and Jess's reports and also follow you on instagram (anniepers is my instagram)
Yay Updates :)

Loved reading about your excitement about New Fantasyland! I also pretty much freak out when I see the new fantasyland sign ;). For some reason I actually perfer the ariel sign to the beast sign, I have no idea why but that is the one that always gives me excitement! That was one of the rides I went on with my cast member friend last time I was in Disney and I always think of her when I see little mermaid stuff so maybe thats why. Idk but the point is i'm such a fan of those signs in the airport.

You, Jess and Leanne's (Especially you and Jess) excitement for disney is so incredible!!!!!! I always get super excited when I go to Disney but you guys make even me seem tame (Which by the way is a WONDERFUL thing)!!!!!!

LOVE your Hula Timon!!!! He's so adorable!!!! I saw the timon vynilmation on twitter and thought of you, did you order it?

I LOVE THE NEW STACEY PART!!!! Getting new stacey footage is like the best thing EVER!!!!!! Is it at all sad I read that whole quote in my "Stacey" voice? She seriously is like a Disney Fan superstar. She really is the best! I watch her videos on youtube when i'm not in Disney as well but I only do that occasionally. As much as I have grown to love her new must do videos I really miss the old one. I feel like that one had more fun quotes and stuff however the new one is getting more fun stacey quotes.

The backstage at Disney is so interesting isn't it? I got to go backstage at Magic Kingdom for my choir trip once, it was SO neat! I think about it everytime I walk down main street or through adventureland or in tomorowland since those are the areas I got to see the backstage area of.

Like you, i'm also a big fan of the epcot monorail. I don't take the monorail there every trip since my mom and I get a car and it eats up alot of time to go to a monorail resort to go to the transportation center and then board the epcot monorail. However I feel like it is such a magical experience. I think it is even more magical than the magic kingdom monorail experience just because of that loop around.

I love all the additions they made to the flower and garden festival!!!!! Last time I was there during that time they didn't offer food at all. I really need to go back and experience that!!!!!!
I made it, and after only a couple of updates!

Oh my gosh, POFQ. MEMORIES. That's where we stayed on our Disneymoon. LOVE IT THERE.

I had to laugh at your pop/soda explanation, because we call it neither one! It's all just Coke. :lmao: I remember meeting a kid from Minnesota when we went to see Hanson in Nashville a few years ago, and we took turns making each other say different words. We got a kick out of finding out they call water fountains that you drink from a bubbler. Oh the things you learn when you travel these great United States!

I am really excited to read about your amazing birthday adventures! It seems so long ago that I followed with the pics you posted on Instagram! It will be fun to relive it all with your TR. :goodvibes
you girls are really jumping right in! Great start.

One thing I love about Disney is that for people who are huge fans, seeing something of the backstage/behind-the-scenes action if anything only increases the magic rather than lesseing it ... as if seeing how the magic is done brings another level of appreciation for it

... I mean, I'm not about to take my 4 yo DD down to the utilidoors or anything ;)


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